Unit 10: Chapter 22

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How did the Korean War mark a turning point in the Cold War?

After the war began, the U.S. embarked on a major military buildup. It expanded the Cold War to Asia, and the U.S. signed the SEATO (South East Asia Treaty Organization) Agreement.

Why were people prepared to accept McCarthy's claims?

Anti-Communist feelings ran high as the Soviet Union tested an atomic bomb and China adopted a Communist government. People were afraid that Communists had infiltrated the U.S. government as well.

What were two examples of covert operations that were successful?

In Iran when the Shah was returned to power, and in Guatemala when Guzman left office are two examples of covert operations.

Why do you think many Americans thought it would be important for the U.S. to take a stand against communism?

They believed communism was a threat to American social, political, and economic systems.

Why did the Allied leaders met to discuss postwar issues before World War II was over?

They knew once Germany was defeated, they could join forces to defeat Japan.

Why were Soviet leaders suspicious of capitalist nations?

They thought capitalism would lead to the destruction of communism.

Why do you think Britain, France, China, the Soviet Union, and the United States were chosen to be permanent members of the Security Council when it was created in 1945?

They were considered the most powerful nations at the end of WWII.

What was revealed about some of the accused parties after the release of the Venona documents in 1995?

Through code-cracking, the government was able to determine that some of the accusations of the HUAC were backed with evidence.


To keep communism where it is and prevent it from expanding.

In the early 1950s, in what ways did literature and films about eh H-bomb and Communit spies reflect the characteristics and issues of the era?

True stories of an FBI agent who infiltrated the Communist Party were published in the Saturday Evening Post. Television and film featured characters that were spies. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible - a commentary on McCarthyism.

What was the significance of Truman's loyalty review program?

Truman began the loyalty review program to screen federal employees for subversive tendencies. However, the program confirmed people's fears and made them feel even less safe.

How did the Potsdam Conference lead to greater tensions between the Americans and the Soviets?

Truman did not want Germany to have to pay the heavy reparations that the Soviets wanted, and he pressured Stalin into accepting his terms. Stalin was suspicious of the United States' intentions.

Explain the causes of the Korean War, the reasons the United States became involved, and the outcome of U.S. involvement.

Truman saw the Communist invasion of South Korea as a test of the containment policy. Attempts to keep South Korea free from communism led the United States to military intervention. Truman later called on the United Nations for support and, with the pledge of UN troops, Truman ordered General MacArthur to send American troops from Japan to Korea. The war ended in an armistice and a demilitarized zone was set up between North and South Korea. American troops are still in Korea, helping defend its border. There has never been a peace treaty to end the war.

How was Truman's mention of the new weapon in the U.S. arsenal an example of what Stalin might see as a threat?

Truman was bullying Stalin, whose nation had been devastated by World War II.

How did Truman's beliefs about appeasement of dictators cause tension between the United States and the Soviet Union?

Truman's beliefs made him less likely to compromise on many issues and added to tension with Stalin.

What separates North and South Korea?

A "demilitarized zone"

What was the U-2 spy plane incident?

A U.S. spy plane was shot down over Soviet territory. Eisenhower claimed it was a weather plane and refused to apologize. Khrushchev broke up a summit held in Paris.

Why did many Americans believe Senator McCarthy's accusations?

Events such as China's fall to communism and Soviet testing of nuclear weapons scared Americans, so they were ready to believe even unfounded accusations. These accusations created a sense of crisis, that the nation was being undermined from within, which only further intensified hostility to communis, and the USSR.

How did the Marshall Plan address the spread of communism?

It provided support to countries jeopardized by the threat of Soviet control.

Why did the launch of Sputnik worry Americans?

It represented a Soviet technological advantage over the United States, which could lead to superior weaponry.

What was the Chinese Revolution?

It was a civil war between the Communists and the Nationalists government. The Communists took control of Beijing, the capital, and established a Communist government.

Massive retaliation

It was the policy of threatening the use of nuclear weapons to prevent war from happening. Critics called this brinkmanship because it brought the U.S. to the brink of war.

When did the Korean War begin?

On June 25, 1950, North Korean Communist troops invaded South Korea.

Truman Doctrine

Supporting free people who resisted takeover by armed minorities or outside pressures.

In what way could Roosevelt and Churchill be said to have "given in" to Stalin?

They allowed Soviet control of Poland to continue based on Stalin's vague promise of free elections.

Why would the Dardanelles be important for the Soviet economy?

A passage to the Mediterranean would allow goods and products to be shipped from Soviet ports to other countries.

Marshall Plan

A plan for American aid towards European nations to rebuild their economies after WWII.

What did Eisenhower think was the key to victory in the Cold War?

A strong military and economy

Limited war

A war fought to achieve a narrow purpose like containing communism.

How did the Cold War affect popular culture in the 1950s?

Americans watched films, plays, and television, read books, and listened to music about Communist infiltrations and nuclear war.

Why did bomb shelters become popular in the 1950s?

Americans were frightened that the Soviets had developed the atomic bomb and that China had fallen to Communism.

Why were Americans fearful during the Cold War?

Americans were worried about going to war with the Soviets or being victims of a nuclear attack.

A commission on_____________ was created and ________________ became its first chair.

B. Human Rights, Eleanor Roosevelt


Being willing to push a conflict to the brink of war. It was used to end the crisis in Taiwan and the Suez Crisis.

How did Soviet development of atomic weapons affect the containment strategy?

Containment became more urgent because the spread of ideology could be accompanied by the spread of atomic weapons. The concept of peaceful containment, such as in the Marshall Plan, became less influential.

What was one way that the Red Scare of the 1950s and the Red Scare of the 1920s were similar?

Both scares focused on suspected Communists, sometimes with little or no evidence. A similarity was that a growing fear of Communists resulted in rumors and unfounded accusations.

Why did China become involved in the Korean War?

China saw the advancing U.N. troops as a threat. When warnings were ignored, Chinese troops invaded Korea and pushed U.N. and American troops back across the 38th parallel.

Why would political events in China in the late 1940s be a concern to the United States thousands of miles away?

China was about to become a Communist nation. This concerned the United States because of China's enormous size and its influence in Asia. The containment strategy would be challenged in that region.

Why did General MacArthur want to use atomic bombs against China?

Chinese troops were fighting UN forces in Korea, and MacArthur thought the United States should use all its power to win the war.

Tension between the United States and the Soviet Union led to the __________________ . The Soviets believed in a __________________ economic system. U.S. leaders believed that a __________________ system was the key to peace.

Cold War, communist, capitalist

What were the major conflicts between the Soviet Union and the United States during the early years of the Cold War?

Conflicts included the crisis over Soviet control of Iran, the struggle over Soviet aggression in Turkey and Greece, and the crisis surrounding the Berlin blockade and airlift.

The Soviets refused to uphold the __________________ . The countries of Eastern Europe would set up __________________ governments and came to be known as __________________ . Churchill later described it as an __________________ falling across Eastern Europe.

Declaration of Liberated Europe, communist, satellite nations, iron curtain

How are developing nations primarily different from industrial nations?

Developing nations' economies rely mostly on agriculture.

What were the effects of the major conferences of World War II?

Dumbarton Oaks established the United Nations. Yalta Conference resulted in a compromise on Poland and a decision about how to split up Germany. Potsdam Conference determined German reparations.

Describe the manner in which Germany was divided by Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and France.

Germany was divided into four zones, each occupied and controlled by one of the countries. The city of Berlin was also divided into four zones even though the city itself was within the Soviet zone.

Why did Eisenhower direct the CIA to use covert operations?

He wanted to limit the spread of communism and Soviet influence in various regions without always relying on brinkmanship. Covert operations weakened communism abroad and the Soviet Union without actually having to fight a war.

Why did many Americans vote for Eisenhower?

He was a general and national hero whom many Americans trusted.

How did Eisenhower's military policies contrast with those of Truman?

He was more willing to threaten attacks or even go to the brink of war than Truman, who had often favored neutrality.

Where did Soviet aggression occur after WWII?

Iran, Greece, and Turkey

How did the Long Telegram shape American policy in dealing with the Soviets?

It became the basis of the containment policy—the belief that if the U.S. could keep the Soviets contained, the Soviet system would eventually fall apart.

One possible strength of Eisenhower's foriegn policy

It could help prevent war by intimidating opposing countries until they back down.

One possible weakness of Eisenhower's foreign policy

It heightened the possibility of war between the United States and another world power.

What was the effect of the "duck-and-cover" campaign?

It made Americans feel safer during the Cold War.

Why was brinkmanship unpopular by some Americans?

It made people concerned about the possibility of nuclear war. Though it may have been necessary because it showed the strength of the U.S. and deterred other powers from attacking us.

How did the Soviet demand for joint control of the Dardanelles influence the creation of the Truman Doctrine?

It was a sign of Soviet aggression, which is what the Truman Doctrine intended to prevent.

Why was Germany, including Berlin, divided into four pieces after World War II?

It was divided so it could be split by Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and France because they were the Allied powers that defeated Germany during the war.

Eisenhower Doctrine

It was the use of military force when necessary to help Middle Eastern nations resist communist aggression.

A New York couple, __________________ , was convicted of spying for the Soviet Union. Cryptographers working on __________________ cracked the Soviet spy code.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Project Verona

What triggered the beginning of the Berlin Airlift?

The Soviets cut all road and rail traffic to West Berlin, hoping to force the United States to either reconsider its decision or abandon West Berlin.

In what ways did the focus on containment in Europe and Asia echo the two-front war the United States fought in World War II?

Just as the United States had to fight Germany in Europe and Japan in the Pacific to win WWII, it had to contain the Soviet Union in Europe and China in Asia to "win" the Cold War.

What decisions were made at Yalta, and what role did they play in the emergence of the Cold War?

Key decisions were:recognizing the Polish government set up by the Soviets but agreeing it would also include members of the pre-war Polish government; holding free elections as soon as possible; forming a set of principles for liberating Europe, deciding how to divide Germany. The decisions played an important role in causing the Cold War because agreement made at Yalta were not kept.

President Truman developed a __________________ to screen all federal employees. J. Edgar Hoover urged the __________________ committee to hold hearings focused on the __________________ industry. Anyone who was suspect was __________________ by producers.

Loyalty Review Program, House Un-American Activities, film, blacklisted

In 1950 Congress passed the __________________ which made it illegal to agree to perform any act which would contribute to the establishment of a __________________ .

McCarron Act, totalitarian government


NASA was created for space exploration, funding in the schools was created for science, math, and foreign languages, and satellites were used in space.

How did tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union lead to the Cold War?

Near the end of World War II, at the Yalta Conference, the Soviet Union insisted that Poland have a communist government. Even though the Soviets had agreed to the Declaration of Liberated Europe, they did not abide by it. They established communist governments in the countries of Eastern Europe. At the Potsdam Conference, Truman convinced Stalin to accept an agreement that allowed two sections of Germany to industrialize, which created more tension because Stalin had no choice but to agree if he wanted Germany to pay war reparations.

How was American aid to Western Europe a key to containing communism? What was the legislation that proposed such aid?

Offering supplies, machinery, and food allowed European countries to build up their own economies, becoming less reliant or susceptible to outside forces, such as communism. The legislation that brought this aid was the European Recovery Program, also known as the Marshall Plan.

How did the atmosphere of fear contribute to Americans' initial support of McCarthy?

People were worried that there were Communists in the government and other important places, and McCarthy's accusation played to those fears.

When the Soviet Union liberated __________________ in 1944, they encouraged the establishment of a __________________ government. The pre-war government had fled to __________________ . Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to __________________ if members of the pre-war government were included and that __________________ be held as soon as possible.

Poland, communist, Britain, recognize the communist government, free elections

In July 1945, Truman and Stalin met at the __________________ . Truman believed __________________ was crucial for Germany, while the Soviet Union believed it needed __________________ from Germany.

Potsdam Conference, industry, reparations

What are the pros and cons of the United States being part of the Security Council?

Pro: They have a decision-making position on world matters Con: It is a big responsibility and interferes with the nation's ability to remain neutral on issues.

Pros and Cons of American covert operations

Pro: They risk the lives of fewer Americans. Con: They might backfire, escalate into larger conflicts, or anger other countries and governments.

Effect of the Berlin Airlift

Stalin lifted the blockade in 1949.

The anti-Communist period known as the __________________ began in __________________ when a Soviet clerk defected with documents describing Soviet __________________ of the United States and Canada.

Red Scare, 1945, infiltration

How were Roosevelt's ideas about economics different from Soviet ideas?

Roosevelt thought that capitalism, which included the free enterprise system, private property rights, and limited government intervention in the economy, would lead to prosperity. Soviet leaders believed communism was a superior economic system that would eventually replace capitalism.

What is one problem that could stem from dividing Berlin?

Since Berlin was located in Soviet controlled Germany, the Soviet Union could control or block access to the parts of Berlin controlled by the United States, Great Britain, and France.

Why was it important for the leaders to discuss what would happen after World War II ended?

The Allied leaders each had different goals for the postwar period. It was best to put those ideas forward as soon as possible to avoid misunderstanding when a final peace treaty was signed.

What was the geographic relationship between Soviet satellite nations and the Iron Curtain?

The Iron Curtain separated Soviet satellite nations from nations of the West.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was an agreement among the member nations to defend any member who was attacked. It was the first time in history that the U.S. committed itself to maintaining peace in Europe. purpose is to keep peace in Europe.

How did a Communist government in China affect U.S. relations with Japan?

The U.S. looked upon Japan as the key to defending Asia from communism. It adopted policies to strengthen Japan's industry economy.

What happened between the United States and the Soviets before the death of President Roosevelt?

The Yalta Conference took place between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin.

How did the conferences at Dumbarton Oaks and Yalta attempt to shape the postwar world?

The conference at Dumbarton Oaks resulted in the formation of the UN. At the Yalta Conference, Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to recognize the Polish government as set up by the Soviets. Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin also agreed on how to divide Germany into four zones.

Why did the Potsdam Conference further increase tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union?

The conference increased the tension between the Soviet Union and the United States because the Soviets felt that Truman was not willing to make concessions.

What agreements at the Yalta Conference contributed to the rise of the Cold War?

The creation of a Communist government in Poland and the division of Germany.

How did the Berlin Airlift contributed to the idea of forming the NATO alliance?

The incident showed that protection and help from allies was needed to contain the spread of communism.

How did the policy of massive retaliation prevent the United States from becoming involved in war? What role did covert operations play?

The policy of military threat as a deterrent kept the United States out of armed confrontations in the Middle East in the Suez Crisis when U.S. forces were put on alert because the Soviets threatened France and England. It helped in Taiwan when Eisenhower threatened to defend the island from Chinese attack. In the Korean War, the veiled threat of the use of nuclear weapons brought about the signing of an armistice. Covert operations helped in Guatemala when economic aid failed. They helped in Iran when the Iranian prime minister was poised to make an oil deal with the Soviets. It failed when the U-2 incident broke up the Paris summit at the end of the Eisenhower Administration.

Why did many Americans fear that eventually communism would conquer the world?

The rapid spread of communism in Europe and Asia convinced many that communism would eventually dominate the globe.

3 months after Roosevelt's death

Truman, Churchill, and Stalin meet at Potsdam to discuss the future of Germany.

How did the Korean War change the course of the Cold War?

U.S. containment efforts became more military and the nation began building up its military forces. The nation took on a greater role militarily in Asia.

In 1944 delegates from 39 nations met in the city of __________________ to discuss a new organization called the __________________ . This organization would have a __________________ of member nations and also a __________________ of eleven members.

Washington, D.C., United Nations, General Assembly, Security Council

How did the fear of communism shape life in the United States in the 1950s?

When China became communist and the Soviet Union exploded an atomic bomb and later a hydrogen bomb, Americans began to see communism as a major threat. The fear began with the Red Scare, after a Soviet defection, and spies who were convicted of giving the Soviets classified information. It rose to a fever pitch with McCarthyism, through which ordinary Americans became afraid of being accused of being a communist or communist sympathizer. The Red Scare became a theme of films, television, plays, and novels.

How did the name "Iron Curtain" get its name?

Winston Churchill described the invisible division between communist and non-communist countries as an "iron curtain" that descended over Europe after the war. The name iron curtain suggests an impenetrable barrier.

How did the HUAC find out a lot of its information?

Wire-tapping - a way to secretly listen to a telephone conversation.

The leaders issued the Declaration of Liberated Europe that asserted all nations have the right to __________________ .

choose the government under which they will live

McCarthyism, fears of __________________ , and nuclear war led to plays, television shows, dance tunes, and popular fiction containing Cold War __________________ .

communist infiltration, themes

The Allies divided Germany into __________________ zones. Each one would be controlled by one Allied nation. They also insisted Germany pay __________________ for the war.

four, reparations

When the Soviets successfully tested the __________________ , many Americans were fearful of a(n) __________________ . Schools held __________________ while families built __________________ for protection.

hydrogen bomb, surprise attack, bomb drills, fallout shelters

In which countries did the United States fund guerilla fighters?

in the Republic of Congo and Cuba

McCarthy became chairman of the Senate subcommittee on __________________ . His tactics became known as __________________ . His downfall occurred in the year __________________ when he targeted __________________ , the army's lawyer.

investigations, McCarthyism, 1954, Joseph Welch, The Senate voted to censure him, in which McCarthy lost all influence in the Senate.

Many state and local governments required employees to take __________________ . The __________________ of 1947 required union leaders to testify that they were not Communists.

loyalty oaths, Taft-Hartley Act

Which region of the world did the Eisenhower Doctrine focus on?

the Middle East

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