Unit 12 body system 4:The Male Reproductive System

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What are Testis and what are their functions?

Male have 2 testicles which are known as the testis. The testicles produce sperm cells which are the male sex cell. Cells with in the testicles produce testosterone- the male sex hormone. The testis hang outside the body cavity in a sac called the scrotum this is to keep the sperm cells cool so they do not overheat and die. The main functions are: 1. produce sperm cells and testosterone on a daily basis. 2. 2 of these in the scrotum that outside the body cavity to keep the sperm cool.

What are the Physical, intellectual, emotional and social affects of fertility treatments for men?

*Physical affects* -Medication (ST) -Fertility treatment (LT) -Possible life style changers (LT) *Intellectual affects* - May need time off work during treatment, when the baby is born or quit work to look after child. (LT) -More understanding of infertility (LT) *Emotional affects* -Happiness of having a child (LT) -Embarrassment (ST) -Frustration and possible upset of infertility (ST) *social affects* -May have less time to socialise due to new baby (LT) (look at infertility lilt)

What are some of the causes of infertility in both men and women?

-"For 25% of couples, a cause cannot be identified." *-Being overweight or obese reduces both male and female fertility. In women, being overweight can affect ovulation.* -Being underweight can also have an impact on fertility, particularly for women, who will not ovulate if they are severely underweight. *-Sexually transmitted infections can damage the fallopian tubes in women, and cause swelling and tenderness of the scrotum in men.* -As well as affecting general and long-term health, smoking can also adversely affect fertility. *more info on infertility leaflet*

what are the infertility tests for men?

-During a physical examination, the GP may check: -Testicles - to look for any lumps or deformities -Penis - to look at its shape and structure, and for any obvious abnormalities -A semen analysis - semen will be tested to determine whether the man has a low sperm count, low sperm mobility or abnormal sperm -A chlamydia test - a sample of the individual's urine will be tested to determine whether you have chlamydia. *more info on infertility leaflet*

What are some of the causes of infertility in men?

-Male infertility is caused by abnormal semen (the fluid containing sperm) -Decreased number of sperm -low sperm count, or no sperm. •_Decreased sperm mobility - harder for sperm to swim - Abnormal sperm - harder for them to move and fertilise an egg -An infection of the testicles -Injury to testicles -Drinking too much alcohol can damage the quality of your sperm. - Abnormally low level of testosterone *(see infertility leaflet)*

What are sperm ?

-Male sex calls. -Sperm are highly specialised cells that contain and carry the genetic material of the male. A Sperm cell has three main parts, the tai, the body and the tail. In the head of the Sperm is the nucleus which contains the genetic information of the male. The tail of the Sperm plays an important role as it beats and drives the Sperm forward toward the Ova. *(For more info look at Spur vs Ova sheet)*

What is fertilisation and when does it occur ?

If the sperm dose met and penetrate a mature Ova after ovulation, it will fertilise it. When the Spam penetrates the Ova, changers occur protein coating around it to prevent other Sperm entering. At the moment of fertilisation the bay genetics are complete. *( For more info see fertilisation and Implantation sheet )* -Fertilisation occurs when the nucleus of the sperm joins whit the nuclease of the ovum. Only one sperm cell out of 10 million will fertilise an ovum. each time a man ejaculates he releases approximately 10 million sperm. On the other hand a female only releases one ovum per 28 day cycle. *For more info look at Sperm Vs Ova sheet and book 20th of April*

what is the Epididymis and what is it functions?

Once produced, the testicles send the sperm cells to the epididymis where they are stored. The epididymis is a small structure that sits above each testicle in the scrotum. Sperm cells that are not ejaculated die with in the epididymis and are absorbed back in to the walls. The main functions are: 1.Small glands that sit above the testicles in the scrotum. 2.Store sperm cells until released or reabsorbed into the cell wall.

What are the main functions of the Male Reproductive System?

Produces and stores sperm cells until the body is ready to release them into the female to be used in the fertilisation process.

What for surgical procedures are there to treat Infertility?

Surgical extraction of sperm may be an option for men with: -an obstruction that prevents the release of sperm, such as an injury or infection -a congenital absence of the vas deferens (men born without the tube that drains the sperm from the testicle) (for more look at leaflet)

What is the Seminal vesicles and what are its functions?

The glandular structure that sits at the top of the vas deferens and the start of the urethra. This gland produces seminal fluid - the fluid added to sperm cells as part of the ejaculation process. The main functions are: 1.Secretes seminal fluid that is added to sperm cells. 2.The gland at the top of the vas deferens.

What is the Penis and what are its functions?

The penis consists of the urethra, down which urine and semen pass (but never at the same time), and columns of special erectile tissue. Erectile tissue has large spaces which fill with blood when sexually aroused so that the penis becomes stiff and erect and able to pass into the vagina to deposit sperm. In the unexcited state, this is impossible. The main functions are: 1.The male sex organ, inserted into the female during sex. 2.Contains the urethra.

What is the prostate gland and what are its functions?

The prostate gland secretions provide sugar and protein for the sperm and the seminal vesicles provide sugar such as fructose, which activate the sperm. The main functions are: 1.The gland that secretes hormones and sugars. 2.Sits above the vas deferens and below the bladder.

What is the Vas Deferens and what its functions?

This is a long tube that connects the epididymis to urethra. Sperm cells must travel up here in order to exit the male body through the penis. The main functions are: 1.Produce seminal fluid containing male hormones. 2.Release seminal fluid to be added to the sperm cells.

What is the Urethra and what are its functions?

This is the long tube that urine and sperm pass through in order to exit the body (but never at the same time). Inside the body the tube is connected to both the vas deferens and the urinary bladder. The main functions are: 1.The tube that passes urine and sperm out of the body. 2.Connected to the bladder and the vas deferens.

what is the Urinary Bladder and what are its functions?

This organ stores urine until it is ready to be exited from the body. It is part of this male reproductive system as males pass both urine and sperm cells through the urethra (but never at the same time). The main functions are: 1.The organ that stores urine until elimination. 2.Connected to the urethra.

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