unit 2 quizizz

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Which phase is shown here?


What is the result of mitosis?

2 genetically identical cells

order of replication

3, 4, 1, 2

Which phase of the cell cycle is #1?


_____ is the uncontrolled growth of cells, often resulting in a tumor or mass of abnormal cells


During cytokinesis

Cell membrane pinches to make 2 new identical daughter cells

All of the following are true of the cell cycle shown in the diagram except ___.

Cytokinesis and new daughter cells are found at E

Guanine bonds with ______________.


During metaphase

DNA lines up in the middle of the cell and DNA attaches to spindle fibers

When, during the cell cycle, does this occur?

During S

When is DNA replicated during the cell cycle?

During the S phase

During anaphase

Each DNA gets pull to the opposite sides of the cell

Which is the longest stage of the cell cycle?


In which stage of the cell cycle is protein and organelle synthesis?


During which checkpoint does the cell check to make sure the DNA is copied correctly.

G2 Checkpoint

The following are the phases of the cell cycle 1. M Phase 2. S phase 3. G1 phase 4. G2 Phase Where does the synthesis of DNA take place?

II only

During what stage does the G1, S and G2 phases happen?


The cell spends most of it's life in ________________.


What is the longest stage of the cell cycle called?


Which phase of the cell cycle is #3?


Which phase of mitosis is shown?


Which phase of the cell cycle is #5?


Which phase of mitosis is shown?


Which phase of the cell cycle is #2?


What is the correct order of the phases of mitosis?

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Identify this process.


In what phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication take place?


Which sequence of DNA bases would pair with this partial strand ATG TGA CAG


Replicate the following strand of DNA: AATCATGGA


The chromosomes are in metaphase


Which phase of the cell cycle is #4?


Which of the following are true of the cell cycle?

The cell spends most of its time growing

What best describes the genetic material shown in photograph B.

The chromosomes are in anaphase

What best describes the genetic material shown in photograph E.

The chromosomes are in metaphase

Adenine bonds with ______________.


What best describes the genetic material shown in photograph A.

What best describes the genetic material shown in photograph A.

What is this image showing?


Radiation is often used for cancer therapy because it can trigger __________________.


During prophase

centrioles and spindle fibers appear

Which 2 molecules form the sides (backbone) of the DNA ladder?

deoxyribose sugar and phosphate

Which of the following best describes a DNA molecule?

double helix

DNA replication results in two DNA molecules,

each one with one new strand and one original strand

The enzyme that unzips the DNA to prepare for replication


Nitrogenous bases are joined by which type of bond?

hydrogen bonds

Why is DNA important?

it serves as the blueprint for traits of all living things

what is shown?


Which of the following units are repeatedly joined together to form a strand of DNA?


What are the three components of a nucleotide?

sugar, phosphate, nitrogen base

what is this a picture of?


In a molecule of double-stranded DNA, the amount of Adenine present is always equal to the amount of


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