Unit 4 12-14 ---- worksheet 12

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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of psychological disorders? A. A faulty perception or interpretation of reality B. Personal distress C. Socially acceptable behavior D. Self-defeating behavior


_________ is a personality trait characterized largely by persistent anxiety. A. Insanity B. psychomotor retardation C. neuroticism D. dissociative amnesia


According to the dopamine theory of schizophrenia, all of the following are true EXCEPT: A. there is an overproduction of dopamine. B. there is an overutilization of dopamine. C. the fact that increased amounts of dopamine are present at the synapses. D. the fact that a genetic predisposition for schizophrenia is present.


Cory was driving when an accident killed his best friend who was sitting in the car with him. However, Cory escaped uninjured. When he woke up the next morning, he couldn't remember where he was or what had happened the previous night. He is most likely exhibiting: A. dissociative amnesia. B. psychomotor retardation C. schizophrenia D. neuroticism


Psychological disorders are: A. predictable responses to specific events. B. sometimes characterized by anxiety. C. considered socially appropriate behavior. D. considered normal and do not cause personal distress.


Ecstatic elation and deep depression are both aspects of _____. A. bipolar disorder B. delusional disorder C. somatoform disorder D. personality disorder


People with _____ are preoccupied with exaggerated or imagined physical defects; continuous hair pulling, and compulsive skin-picking. A. body dysmorphic disorder B. acute stress disorder C. dissociative identity disorder D. somatoform disorder


People with _________ complain of physical problems such as paralysis, pain, or a persistent belief that they have a serious disease. A. somatoform disorder B. dissociative amnesia C. psychomotor retardation D. acute stress disorder


People with _________ have mood swings from ecstatic elation to deep depression. A. bipolar disorder B. somatoform disorder C. psychomotor retardation D. dissociative amnesia


People with generalized anxiety disorder: A. suffer from persistent anxiety that cannot be attributed to a phobic object, situation, or activity. B. show indifference to their symptoms. C. are particularly afraid of suffocation. D. suffer from disturbances in thinking, language, perception, motor behavior, and social interaction.


Sarah's thinking is considered to be peculiar. She mixes up words from different languages and strings them along in rambling sentences. She plays out her fantasy of living in a world of cotton candy all day. However, she does not suffer from hallucinations or delusions. Sarah is displaying symptoms of _____. A. schizotypal personality disorder B. antisocial personality disorder C. schizoid personality disorder D. paranoid personality disorder


While in a bus, a man overhears a discussion about a person who is about to be terminated from his job. The man believes that the people on the bus are talking about him and that he has been targeted. Which of the following delusions does the man demonstrate? A. Delusions of reference B. Delusions of grandeur C. Disorganized delusions D. Dangerous delusions


_____ is the erroneous belief that one is being victimized or made to suffer. A. Ideas of persecution B. Dissociative amnesia C. Psychomotor retardation D. Learned helplessness


_________ is characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic event. A. Acute stress disorder B. Dissociative identity disorder C. Somatoform disorder D. Bipolar disorder


A man witnessed an explosion in which a coworker died, and soon after, he lost his vision. Despite many neurological tests, doctors could find no organic basis for the man's loss of eyesight. A psychological explanation for this incident is: A. illness anxiety disorder. B. conversion disorder C. brain disorder D. generalized anxiety disorder


A person with _________ is suddenly unable to recall important personal information. A. bipolar disorder B. dissociative amnesia C. psychomotor retardation D. delusional disorder


A similarity between acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder is that both: A. occur six months or more after the traumatic event and tend to persist. B. are characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic event. C. occur within a month of the event and last from two days to four weeks. D. are characterized by loss of memory that is caused by a traumatic event.


Kyle is possessed by the thought that he is an evil person who will murder somebody, even though he is not capable of the heinous act. He tries to put these disturbing thoughts out of his mind by washing his hands several times a day. Kyle demonstrates: A. illness anxiety disorder. B. obsessive-complusive disorder C. dissociative identity disorder D. posttraumatic stress disorder


People with _________ do not show the grossly disorganized thinking of paranoid schizophrenia. A. catatonic schizophrenia B. paranoid personality disorder C. dissociative amnesia D. dissociative identity disorder


People with _________ feel an overpowering need to accumulate certain kinds of possessions and have difficulty discarding them. A. dissociative disorder B. hoarding disorder C. somatoform disorder D. schizotypal disorder


People with depersonalization-derealization disorder: A. complain of physical problems such as paralysis, pain, or a persistent belief that they have a serious disease. B. experience episodes of feeling detached from themselves or feeling that the world around them is unreal. C. have mood swings from ecstatic elation to deep depression. D. hold persistent, clearly delusional beliefs, often involving paranoid themes.


Somatoform disorders are characterized by: A. a disturbance in expression of emotions. B. a complaint of physical problems such as paralysis, pain, or a persistent belief that one has a serious disease when it does not exist. C. the separation of mental processes such as thoughts, emotions, identity, memory, or consciousness. D. disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood, as well as withdrawal and absorption in daydreams and fantasy.


Somatoform disorders involve: A. the conversion of anxiety into a physical form. B. complaints of physical problems. C. repressed memories. D. the transformation of anger into a physical illness.


_________ are excessive, irrational fears of specific objects or situations, such as spiders, snakes, or heights. A. Delusions B. Specific phobias C. Hallucinations D. Psychomotor retardations


A young man is having trouble getting along with his roommate. Sometimes, his roommate does not speak for days. On other days, he speaks rapidly and nonstop, and is often abrasive and aggressive. The roommate is showing symptoms suggesting: A. delusional disorder. B. somatoform disorder C. bipolar disorder D. anxiety disorder


Delmar believes that he has been sent to Earth to save mankind. He believes that women are evil and that any male who speaks to, or associates with, a female is doomed to a life as a slave. He often tells people of his grand plan to save males from the influence of females. Nothing one says or does can convince him that his ideas are untrue. Which of the following does Delmar demonstrate? A. Hallucinations B. Stupor C. Delusions D. Catatonia


Jane has episodes where she can't remember what she did or where she was. She has found clothing in her closet that she does not wear and doesn't know how it got there. When she goes to see the doctor, she introduces herself as Suzy. Jane seems to be exhibiting: A. depersonalization disorder. B. schizotypal C. dissociative identity disorder D. illness anxiety disorder


Mary has schizophrenia and exhibits symptoms of hallucinations, delusions, lack of emotional expression, and social withdrawal. Mary has: A. positive symptoms. B. negative symptoms C. both positive and negative symptoms D. neutral symptoms


Miguel, an unusually uncontrollable child, runs around the house endlessly, has little sleep, and often has temper tantrums. His mother exclaims to the family doctor, "I swear that kid is possessed!" In this scenario, which perspective on psychological disorders is she most likely to hold? A. The biopsychosocial model B. The diathesis-stress model C. The demonological model D. The medical model


Schizophrenia is characterized by: A. an inability to be alone. B. feelings of frustration because the victims feel that they are so different from other people C. disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, and mood D. rigid and over controlled thinking


The _____ of conversion disorders holds that it is a form of self-hypnosis. A. learning perspective B. demonologic perspective C. biopsychosocial perspective D. chemical perspective


. Fran describes herself as complicated. Since she hates being alone, she is always looking for companionship and often gets involved in stormy relationships. Mostly, she gets into disagreements with people over her divided loyalties—she just cannot make up her mind to stand by one person. She has been hopping from job to job because she is not sure about what she likes to do. Her attitude is typical of a person with _____. A. schizotypal personality disorder B. antisocial personality disorder C. schizoid personality disorder D. borderline personality disorder


A woman has difficulty concentrating on her job because she keeps worrying about things like leaving the door unlocked or the tap turned on. She feels that her house will get robbed or damaged any day because of her carelessness. According to this scenario, she is most likely suffering from _____. A. illness anxiety disorder B. dissociative identity disorder C. posttraumatic stress disorder D. obsessive-compulsive disorder


Amnesia is frequently associated with _____. A. somatoform disorders B. anxiety disorders C. mood disorders D. dissociative disorders


Conversion disorder is characterized by: A. peculiarities of thought, perception, or behavior, such as excessive fantasy and suspiciousness, feelings of being unreal, or the odd use of words. B. indifference to relationships and flat emotional response. C. disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood, as well as withdrawal and absorption in daydreams or fantasy. D. a major change in, or loss of, physical functioning, although there are no medical findings to explain the loss of functioning.


People with panic attacks tend to: A. complain of physical problems such as paralysis, pain, or a persistent belief that they have a serious disease. B. experience episodes of feeling detached from themselves or feeling that the world around them is unreal. C. feel an overpowering need to accumulate certain kinds of possessions and have difficulty discarding them. D. misinterpret bodily cues and to view them as threats.


Sanchez, an 8-year-old boy, suffers from unpredictable panic attacks and constantly talks to a make-believe group of friends. His mother confesses to the family doctor, "I probably drank too much alcohol during pregnancy and caused brain damage." Which perspective on psychological disorders does she hold? A. The biopsychosocial model B. The diathesis-stress model C. The demonological model D. The medical model


The difference between major depressive disorder and run-of-the-mill depression is that: A. people with run-of-the-mill depression suffer from psychomotor retardation. B. the depression is less severe in people with major depressive disorder. C. the depression lasts longer in people with run-of-the-mill depression. D. the feeling of lack of energy, low self-esteem, loss of interest in activities is more intense in people with major depressive disorder.


_______ is a condition in which the senses, thought, and movement are dulled. A. Insanity B. Neuroticism C. Hallucination D. Stupor


_______ is characterized by excessive worrying, fear of losing control, nervousness, and inability to relax. A. Psychomotor retardation B. Dissociative amnesia C. Dissociative disorder D. Anxiety disorder


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