Unit 4 AP world exam

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The quantum jump mentioned in the passage most directly contributed to which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750 CE?

An increase in the population of the world through more plentiful supplies of food

Which phrase in this passage effects the most important motivation for the English monarchs to sponsor expeditions to the Indian Ocean?

"Advancement of trade of merchandize"

The risk mentioned in the first paragraph are best understood in the context of which of the following historical developments?

Competition with European states for the profits of global trade

The Songhay empire was unlike the empires of Ghana and Mali because the songhay

Created a stronger central government to rule the empire

Which of the following best characterizes the authors attitude in the passage?

Cynicism about the loyalty of a ruler's subjects

WHat impact did the products of mines described in the passage, along with metals extracted from other mines, gave in Spain and the rest of the world?

It resulted in inflation and a worldwide devaluation of silver

The treaty above provides evidence for which of the following historical developments?

Monarchs were involved in and interested in voyages for discovery

Which of the following describes the primary motivation of the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire?

A desire to acquire gold and spices

Machiavelli's treatise is best understood in the context of which of the following?

A time of intense political conflict among warring Italian city states and other factions

Which person expressed ideas most clearly in conflict with the action taken by queen Elizabeth in this passage?

Adam smith

The interactions described in the passages above are best understood in the context of

African kingdoms participating in the slave trade

Both passages are best seen in the context of which of the following broad developments?

Emerging systems of coerced labor

What would need to be added to the map to describe the main elements of the "triangle trade" that accompaniEd the Atlantic slave trade?

European manufactured goods going to Africa and American cash crops to Europe

Which of the following historical developments provides the best context for the treaty above?

European maritime exploration

The description of the route Portuguese sailors took in the first paragraph most directly supports which of the following historical developments?

European participation in East Asian trade patterns

Today Iran and turkey are often political rivals. This passage suggests that this rivalry is based on historical conflicts over

How to practice Islam correctly

Which of the following was an Aztec practice that took place at temples, such as that depicted in source 1, and highly disturbed the Spanish conquistadors?

Human sacrifice

The system for using Indian labor described in the passage was most similar to the system of labor used

In ancient Egypt to build pyramids

The economic activities referenced in the charter most directly contributed to which of the following in the period 1450-1750 CE?

Increased funding for the visual and performing arts

Who were the primary groups traversing the Sahara desert to reach west Africa along the trade routes shown on the map?

Islamic traders

The description of Tenochtitlan's temples in source 2 indicates that which if the following was true of the Aztec society in the sixteenth century?

It was highly complex and contained large numbers of skilled artisans

The political philosophy espoused in the text above is different from the medieval period in which of the following ways?

It was pragmatic rather than an ethical or religious ideology

Alfonso's major complaint to portugal's ruler was that his kingdom was

Losing young men to raiders from kingdoms that had received firearms from the portuguese

Based on the last sentence of this passage, which European ruler or thinker was sunni Ali most like?

Louis XIV

The privileges and exemptions mentioned in the second paragraph of the passage are best seen as an example of which of the following?

Mercantilist practices

Bartolome de las casas probably would have reacted to this interpretation of the Aztec murals by pointing out that it

Omitted the atrocities committed by Europeans against Indians

According to the second passage, which of the following contributed most to the burden faced by native siberians attempting to fulfill their tribute obligations?

Over hunting and depletion of furbearing animals

Which group's experience would provide the strongest evidence for a counter argument to the archbishop's view of peter the great?


In both passages, an African leader is attempting to

Regulate the slave trade so his kingdom could profit from it

According to passage above, the songhay promotion of Islam best represents which of the following patterns in world history?

Rulers continued to use religions ideas to legitimize their rule

What brought an end to the "normal state of hostility" between the Safavids and ottomans mentioned in the passage?

Safavid fervor for its brand of Islam slowly declined until the two empires stopped fighting

Which group would benefit most directly from the action described in this passage?

Shareholders in the company, because the company received a monopoly on English trade in Africa and Asia

The system of labor described in the first passage came into being in which of the following ways?

Spanish authorities adapted local forms of labor mobilization for their own purposes

Cortes' numerous reference to "idols" in source 2 illustrates which of the following conflicts between the Spanish conquistadors and the peoples of the New World?

Spanish monotheism versus Aztec polytheism

The excerpt implies that Espinosa felt

Sympathy for those working in the mine

Based on the excerpt, which statement best reflects the relationship between the Aztec and the spanish in 1530?

The Aztec maintained some of their culture in the face of Spanish influences

Which of the following inferences best explains the reason of the king of Portugal insisted on Portuguese control of territory east if the demarcation line?

The Indians knew of a route to India via the cape of good hope in the south of Africa

The description in the second paragraph of the procedures that Portuguese and other foreigners followed when trading in china supports which of the following inferences about trade policy in the later Ming Dynasty?

The Ming dynasty sought to regulate trade strictly to limit contact with foreigners and ease collection taxes

Which of the following inferences best explains the Reason the king and queen of Castile and Aragon insisted on Spanish control of the west of the demarcation line?

The Spanish believed the Portuguese did not know about their discovery of the new world

What is the best description of the context in which the mural described in the passage was painted?

The Spanish in Mexico had recently conquered the aztecs

Crosby's argument in the passage is most likely a response to which of the following developments of the period 1450-1750 CE?

The colonization of the north and South America by Western Europeans

Which of the following technologies most directly caused the treaty above to be signed?

The compass

Which of the following would best support the authors assertion regarding the "quantum jump" that would help Western Europe achieve global hegemony between 1450-1750 CE?

The conquest of the Aztec empire

What development allowed Russia to send sailing vessels to the "remotest oceans"?

The construction of St. Petersburg

Which reform by peter caused some leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church to view him differently than did archbishop Prokopovich?

The decree requiring men to shave their beards

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following contributed LEAST to Western European global hegemony between 1450-1750 CE?

The development and application of steam powered technologies

What was one significant effect of the Indian Ocean trade shown on the east side of the map?

The development of the Swahili language

Organizations of the type created by the charter most directly contributed to which of the developments in the period 1450-1750 CE?

The emergence of new economic and political elites

Which of the following developments from the period 1450-1750 directly undid the trade patterns mentioned in the first paragraph?

The establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate

What is the main reason that there were no significant trade routes in the central portion of the map?

The harshness of the terrain made travel practically impossible

Which of the following factors, not mentioned in the second passage, would have been most likely to create added difficulties for native siberians attempting to fulfill their tribute obligations?

The impact of epidemic diseases brought by the Russian settlers

Which statement about the Atlantic slave trade accurately adds important information to what the map shows?

The journey across the Atlantic was a grueling one for the captives, and many died before reaching the Americas

In addition to the sources of silver mentioned in the first paragraph, the greatest volume of additional silver came to China from which of the following regions?

The new world

This map supports the conclusion about the atlantic slave trade that the greatest number of salves were sent

To Brazil and the Caribbean to work on sugar plantation

Which would be the most useful source of evidence to support McNeill's contention that "the Safavi empire remained a profoundly disturbing force in the Muslim world"?

Writings by ottoman religious leaders of that time about the Safavids?

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