Unit 4 - Chapter 19, Chapter 20

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Which of the following are base analogs?

2-aminopurine 5-bromouracil

In recombination, what is the process that synthesizes small stretches of DNA to replace those removed by strand degradation?

DNA gap repair synthesis

Which model for recombination involves production of single-strand breaks in each of the non-sister chromatids after which the strands invade the opposite helices?

Holliday model

Which of the following are examples of ionizing radiation?

X-rays and gamma rays

What is a cloning vector?

a molecule that carries the DNA to be cloned

Homologous recombination is a process in which

a new combination of DNA sequences is formed through breakage and rejoining of similar or identical DNA segments

In gene cloning, what is the vector?

a small DNA molecule that can replicate independently within a host cell

The covalent bond between deoxyribose and a purine base is rather unstable and can undergo a spontaneous reaction with water. The breaking of the bond releases the base, and leaves a(n) ____ site in the DNA


Replica plating is a technique in which ______.

bacterial colonies are transferred from one plate to another with a sterile piece of velvet cloth

Some errors affect individual nucleotides and do not distort the DNA double helix. These errors are removed primarily by a DNA repair system called BER, which stands for ____ ____ repair.

base excision

Base analogs induce mutations by ______.

being incorporated instead of normal bases during DNA replication

Physical mutagens include ______.

both X-rays and UV light

The region where two chromosome pieces break and re-attach to other chromosome pieces is called a chromosomal


Which of the following are examples of base pair mismatches?

cytosine on parent strand and adenine on daughter strand adenine on parent strand and cytosine on daughter strand cytosine on parent strand and thymine on daughter strand

The removal of an amino group from a base is called


Which of the following are forms of tautomers?

enol imino keto amino

Which of these are examples of alkylating agents?

ethyl methanesulfonate nitrogen mustard

True or false: During homologous recombination repair, the two broken ends of DNA are pieced back together.


Acridine dyes cause ______ mutations.


The Ames test assays whether an agent causes ______.

gene mutations

A mutant allele is best defined as an allele that ______.

has a different DNA sequence from the wild-type

The process by which chromosomes exchange similar or identical DNA segments during meiosis is called ______.

homologous recombination

Double-strand breaks are typically repaired by which of the following?

homologous recombination repair nonhomologous end joining

The two main mechanisms used to repair DNA double-strand breaks are ____ recombination repair and ____ end joining.

homologous; nonhomologous

What is the term that describes a cell that contains a DNA cloning vector?

host cell

In this figure, two panels are shown. Panel I shows protein A. A first mutation inhibits the function of protein A. In Panel II a second mutation alters protein B to carry out the function of protein A. What is this an example of?

intergenic suppression

Gamma rays and X-rays are examples of a type of radiation called ____ radiation


Alkylating agents covalently attach ____ or ____ groups to DNA bases, and this disrupt their normal base pairing properties

methyl or ethyl

Gene conversion occurs by the action of ______.

mismatch repair DNA gap repair synthesis

A mutation in a gene that causes an amino acid change in the encoded protein is called a ______ mutation.


A base substitution in DNA that ultimately leads to a change in the encoded amino acid is called a(n) ____ mutation


The term ____ refers to an inherited change in the sequence of the genetic material


The probability that a gene will be altered by a new mutation is referred to as the

mutation rate

Which of these are examples of mutagens?

nitrous acid nitrogen mustard 2-aminopurine 5-bromouracil

This figure shows the first steps of the mechanism of DNA repair called ______.

nonhomologous end joining

Some errors create bulky distortions of the double helix. These errors are removed primarily by a DNA repair system called NER, which stands for ____ ___ repair.

nucleotide excision

Changes to DNA structure caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) are termed

oxidative DNA damage

The process by which thymine dimers are directly repaired with the help of light is called


In addition to the DNA strands of the chromosomes involved in homologous recombination, the multiple steps in the pathway require the action of

protein catalysts

The multiple steps of homologous recombination, including strand breakage and rejoining, require the action of ______.

protein catalysts

Oxidative DNA damage refers to changes in DNA structure that are caused by ______.

reactive oxygen species

____ DNA technology uses in vitro molecular techniques that combine DNA fragments to produce novel arrangements.


DNA N-glycosylases participate in the base excision repair (BER) system. These enzymes ______.

remove an abnormal base

If a heteroduplex includes a region with an allelic difference, the cell will ______.

repair the mismatch to either the dominant or recessive allele

A mutation that does not change the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide is known as a(n) ____ mutation


Bases which exist in keto and enol or amino and imino forms are best described as ______.


Which of these tests is used to evaluate the mutagenicity of an agent?

the Ames test

Which of the following statements about promoter mutations is true?

up promoter mutations cause the promoter sequence to be more like the consensus sequence down promoter mutations decrease the affinity of transcription factors to the promoter

Mutations that occur in a promoter sequence can be divided into two types: ____ promoter mutations increase the transcription rate, while ____ promoter mutations decrease it.

up; down

The mutation nitrous acid changes cytosine to ____ and adenine to _____

uracil; hypoxanthine

A breakpoint refers to the region ______.

where two chromosome pieces break and rejoin with other chromosome pieces

Translesion DNA polymerases incorporate wrong nucleotides with a frequency of approximately _____, which is ______ than the error rate for replicative DNA polymerases.

10 -2; higher

A mutagen is a(n) ______.

agent that causes mutations

Base analogs include 2-____ and 5-____.

aminopurine; bromouracil

Certain compounds have a structure similar to normal DNA bases and so can be incorporated into daughter strands during DNA replication. These compounds are called base


Which of these represents the correct order of steps during a typical DNA repair system?

detection -> removal -> replication

Photoreactivation is a repair mechanism that can ______ a thymine dimer in the ______ of light.

directly split; presence

Alkylating agents cause mutations by ______.

disrupting the normal pairing between nucleotides within the DNA

Ionizing radiation produces chemically reactive molecules known as ____ ____. These are mutagenic because they alter the structure of DNA.

free radicals

A situation in which one allele is changed to the allele found on the homologous chromosome is called ______.

gene conversion

An unexpected observation of the outcome of meiosis in the fungus Neurospora, in which the ratio of orange to white products was 6:2 instead of 4:4, demonstrated which process?

gene conversion

The mutation rate is commonly expressed as the number of new mutations in a given ______.

gene per cell generation

Cells that give rise to the gametes such as eggs and sperm are called

germ line

DNA gap repair synthesis

restores the stretches of DNA removed by strand degradation at the initiation of recomination

Which of the following terms is associated with ionizing energy?

short wavelength high energy gamma rays

DNA N-glycosylases are enzymes involved in ______.

base excision repair

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is the main system used in the repair of ______.

bulky, helix distorting lesions

True or false: Chromosomal DNA is a common source of cloned DNA.


Acridine dyes induce mutations by ______.

inserting themselves between adjacent bases and thus distorting DNA structure

A change of one base for another is described as a base ____ mutation


This figure best illustrates what type of mutation?

base substitution

Nitrous acid is a mutagen that acts via the process of ______.


What is recombinant DNA technology?

the production of new arrangements of DNA

The term germ line is used to describe the ______.

cells that produce sperm and eggs

What is the purpose of gene cloning?

to produce many copies of a DNA molecule of interest

You would ____ a gene to make many copies of that gene


An allele that has a DNA sequence different from that of the wild-type is called a(n) ____ allele


A heritable change in the genetic material is called a(n) ______.


Ionizing radiation is characterized by ______.

short wavelength and high energy

Mutations can be caused in two main ways: (1) ____ mutations are the result of natural biological or chemical processes; and (2) ____ mutations are produced by environmental agents.

spontaneous; induced

How does ionizing radiation cause mutations?

it forms free radicals that can introduce breaks into the DNA molecule

This figure shows an example of a(n) ____ ____ mutation Illustration shows single panel. When there is no mutation then transport can occur. After first mutation, the functioning of proteins gets disrupted and a suppressor mutation affects the same protein restores function. In this example, the second mutation restores the function and hence, gtransport occurs. this is an example of intragenic suppressor.

intragenic suppressor

A silent mutation is a mutation that results in no ______.

change to the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide

A particular gene to be cloned is often isolated from ______.

chromosomal DNA

Trinucleotide repeat expansions are repeated sequences of three nucleotide bases which ______.

increase generation after generation

The first proposal for a set of steps at the molecular level that lead to homologous recombination is called the ____ model.


The phenomenon in which a repeated sequence of three nucleotide bases increases in number generation after generation is called

trinucleotide repeat expanion

The red arrow in this figure points to a(n) Illustration shows two strands of DNA one with 5'-3' end and other with 3'-5' end. Nitrogenous bases are complementary to each other. The arrow shows apurinic site in which a purine is removed by the process of depurination.

apurinic site

This figure highlights the process of ______. Illustration shows a carbon ringed structure attached to methyl group, oxygen and amino group. Nitrogen is attached to sugar. this is 5-methylcytosine which is deaminated by removal of amino group on addition of water. the amino group is replaced by oxygen and forms uracil. This process is known as deamination.


True or false: Most DNA repair systems involve three major steps: detection of the error, removal of the abnormality, and its replacement with normal DNA.


During the normal course of DNA replication, the addition of a nucleotide that does not obey the AT/GC rule of base pairing creates a ______.

base pair mismatch

The removal of a purine from DNA is called


Mutations that remove an adenine or guanine from the DNA are known as ______.


An agent that can change DNA structure and cause mutations is known as a(n)


A small circular DNA molecule that is often used as a vector in gene cloning is called a(n)


Alkylating agents include nitrogen ____ and ethyl _____

mustard; methanesulfonate

This figure shows a technique known as First, individual bacteria cells were plated onto growth media. The cells were allowed to divide during an overnight incubation, during which time random mutations may occur. During the overnight incubation, bacterial colonies formed. This plate is called the master plate. Some colonies on the master plate do not have mutations. Other colonies contain some cells which have a random mutation that gives resistance to T1. A velvet cloth wrapped around a clyinder was pressed onto the master plate, and gently lifted to obtain a replica of each bacterial colony. The replica was presssed onto 2 secondary plates that contain T1 phage. The plates were incubated overnight to allow growth of mutant cells. Nonmutant cells were lysed and killed on the T1 plates.

replica plating

Base excision repair (BER) is the main system used in the repair of ______.

abnormal bases

Translesion DNA polymerases are ______ accurate and ______ sensitive to geometric distortions in DNA than replicative DNA polymerases.

less; less

Errors in DNA replication are examples of ______ mutations, while mutations caused by ultraviolet light are ______ mutations.

spontaneous; induced

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