Unit 6: The "Roaring" Twenties

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How did life for women in the 1920s change? Give at least three examples

-women began to work in offices, factories, stores, and professions. - many women became educated in college which allowed them to get jobs in professions such as teaching -less women were full time at home

Bessie Smith

A famous blues singer that also played at the cotton club

Mary Pickford

A female movie actress from the 1920s

Harlem Renaissance

A literary and artistic movement celebrating African-American culture

Zora Neale Hurston

African American novelist, short story writer, and folklore writer

Babe Ruth

American baseball legend

Lillian Gish

American female actress in the 1920s

What did Americans want and expect from the government during this era?

Americans, especially women at the time, wanted Alcohol to be made illegal. This was carried out through the Temperance movement. Also, some people wanted the government to do away with unjust laws. For example, in the case of the Scopes Trial, John Scopes was on trial for teaching evolution which was outlawed. This man was tried based on the fundamentalist view of the bible as fact.

Louis Armstrong

Armstrong made personal expression a key part of jazz. He went on to become perhaps the most important and influential musicians in the history of jazz

Charles Evans Hughes

At the Washington Naval Conference, Charles Evans Hughes urged that no more warships be built for ten years and that the five major naval powers (US, GB, Japan, France, and Italy) scrap many of their largest warships.

Model T Ford

At the time the model T Ford was created on assembly line and came in only black. The car retailed for $290

Marcus Garvey

Believed that African-Americans should build a separate society and he promoted segregation

Negro leagues

Black only baseball leagues


Bootleggers were smugglers that got alcohol from Canada, Cuba, and from the West Indies

Scopes Trial

Charles Darwin tried to teach the Origin of the Species. Scopes was found guilty. he was on trial for teaching evolution in school since it was banned in Tennessee.

Teapot Dome Scandal

Corruption - government set aside oil rich public lands at teapot dome for use by U.S. navy. land was leased to two private oil companies. albert b fall was convicted of bribery.

How did an American identity and culture emerge during the 1920s?

During the 1920s, radios, television, and cars helped to shape our culture of that era. Radios transmitted news, information on sporting events, and music wherever radio signals could reach which allowed new ideas and pop culture to flourish. Also, cars allowed workers to live farther away from their jobs which gave birth to the daily commute.

Explain why prohibition came about, what happened when it was implemented, how it led to organize crime, and eventually why it was repealed?

During the 1920s, women were often mistreated physically by their husbands and alcohol played a large role in this. women promoted the movement against the consumption of alcohol eventually leading to alcohol losing its legal status. Following prohibition, this created an underground economy for alcohol to be sold illegally which made millions for crime bosses such as Al Capone. This law was eventually repealed because of the flourishing crime wave as well as the inability to enforce the law.

Explain the foreign policy of the 1920s. Why were Americans interested in isolation? How did the government policies reflect that?

During this peace time, America was less interested in foreign affairs than bettering itself and its economy here on the homefront.

How did the United States influence in world affairs grow and or change during the 1920s?

During this time period, the nation was at peace. During the 1920s, three Republican presidents were elected: Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover, and Calvin Coolidge. These presidents focused the majority of their interests to growing the economy on the home front as oppose to relations with foreign nations.

Explain how the economy in the 1920s was built upon an unstable foundation of prosperity. What were some of the economic practices that were taking place that led to a temporarily successful but ultimately unstable economy?

During this time, many goods were bought on credit. This was also known as the installment plan. This enabled people to buy goods over an extended period without having to put down much money at the time of purchase. This led to many spending more than they could repay over time.

Charles Lindbergh

First nonstop flight across the Atlantic.

Henry ford

Founded Ford car company and created model A & Model t car.

The jazz singer

Free flowing attitude using music as expression.

Langston Hughes

He was a well-known poet in the Harlem Renaissance.

Jack Dempsey

In American professional boxer

Jean Tunney

In American professional boxer


In illegal homemade version of alcohol

America was founded on the premise of liberty and freedom for all. To what extent what's this accurate during the 1920s?

In this era, women were not given the right to vote up until the 19th amendment banned voting discrimination against any sex. Also, blacks were discriminated against and not allowed to attend white clubs such as the cotton club though it did have black performers.

Rudolph Valentino

Italian actor for silent films


Jazz was born in the 20th century in New Orleans where are musicians blended instrumental Ragtime and vocal blues into an exuberant new sound


Making the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages illegal

Double standard

Men had more sexual freedom than women


Movies with sound in 1920s

Fear of communism and anti-immigrant sentiment was rampant in the 1920s. Why was this the case? Give at least three examples of legislation or events that reflect this.

Nativists feelings against communists and immigrants were fuelef by the fact that some of the people involved in postwar labor disputes were imigrant anarchsits and socialists, who many americans believed were communists. The quota system limited the number of immigrants allowed from each country. J. Edgar Hoover and Palmer carried out raids and deportations of suspected communists, and socialists without trial. Sacco and Vanzetti were charged without sufficient evidence at the time.


Palmer, Hoover and their agents hunted down suspected communists, socialists, and anarchists- people who opposed any form of government

Duke Ellington

Played at the cotton club. A jazz artist in pianist

Assess the role popular culture play in facilitating the social and economic change of the 1920s

Pop culture was broadcasted on radios which was able to communicate ideas about music, sports, and news to anyone who had access to a radio and a signal.

Margaret Sanger

She was a leader of the movement to legalize birth control during the early 1900s.

18th amendment

The 18th amendment made it illegal to manufacture, sale and and transport alcohol

quota system

The Emergency Quote Act of 1921 set up a quota system which established the max number of people who could enter the United States from a foreign country.

Volstead act

The Volstead act enforced prohibition. The act made it much harsher than one mini had intended

What sort of affects did the automobile have on American society? What changed?

The automobile allowed workers to commute to their jobs supporting the idea of a daily commute. The automobile liberated the isolated rural family. Rural families were now able to get to cities quicker to shop and be entertained


The birth of broadcasting companies. Music, sitcoms, adventures, sports, and politics were all broadcasted via the radio

Amelia Earheart

The first female aviator to fly alone across the Atlantic ocean

Al Capone

The leader of a bootlegging empire of organized crime


The new ideal for a young woman in in the 1920s. Emancipated young women who embraced the fashions in attitudes of the day


The protection of promotion of the interest in consumers


The protestant movement grounded in a literal or non symbolic interpretation of the bible. fundamentalists found all details of the Bible to be fact and the bible to be a source of all important knowledge.

Temperance movement

The social movement against consuming alcohol mostly led by women

1921 Federal Highway act

This act defined the program to develop in the men's national highway system

Installment plan

This plan enable people to buy goods over an extended period, without having to put down much money at the time of purchase. Banks provided the money at low interest rates.

Speak easy

To obtain liquor illegally, drinkers when underground two hidden saloon and night clubs known as speakeasies

Albert B. Fall

U.S. Navy Secretary of the Interior was bribed by oil companies ($400,000) to secretly lease the land for oil mining on the Teapot Dome land.

President Warren G Harding's presidency was plagued by corruption and scandals. How did this happen?

Warren G. Harding appointed many of his friends to political positions based upon association, not merit. Many of these workers had little to no government experience. Warren G. Harding's presidency was plagued by corruption when members of his administration that he appointed used their political power to increase their financial standings. This process is known as graft

Cotton club

We cotton club was one of the number of fashionable entertain clubs in Harlem. Although many venues like the cotton club were segregated white audience is packed the clubs to hear the new music styles of black performers such as duke Ellington and Bessie Smith

19th amendment

Women's suffrage. No one could be denied a voting based on sex.


a policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs

Dawes Act

authorized the President of the United States to survey American Indian tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians.

Calvin Coolidge

fit the pro business spirit of the 1920s. Coolidge and his republican successor Herbert Hoover aimed to keep government interference in business to a minimum and allow private enterprise to flourish

palmer raids

palmer, hoover, and agents hunting down commies, socialists, and anarchists. civil rights were violated, homes invaded, and people were jailed without legal counsel. hundreds of foreign born radicals were deported without trial

Ohio Gang

part of President Harding's cabinet. The Ohio gang was a group of President Harding's corrupt friends that used their power to become wealthy through graft.

Warren G. Harding

poor judgement. his administration began to unravel as his corrupt friends used their offices for graft.


prejudice against foreign born people sweeps nation

Urban sprawl

the automobile allowed workers to live miles from their jobs resulting in urban sprawl as cities spread in all directions.

Clarence Darrow

the defending attorney of John T. Scopes

Describe the Harlem Renaissance. How did it come about , Who were some of the key figures, and what did these people right, sing and drive out? What was the Harlem Renaissance is impact on American society?

the harlem renaissance was a period of literary and artistic growth intertwined with african american culture. Some of the key figures were 1. Marcus Garvey - promoted segregation and wanted a state in africa for blacks . 2. Langston Hughes - movement's best known poet 3. Louis Armstrong - well known jazz musician and pianist. The Harlem Renassiance allowed new ideas to artistically flourish in american society.

sacco and vanzetti

they were arrested and charged with robbery and murder of a factory paymaster in Massachusetts. Though they were charged without sufficient evidence at the time, the jury found them guilty and sentenced them to death. they were foreign born Italians.

Fordney-McCumber Tariff

this raised taxes on U.S. imports to 60 percent. the tax protected U.S. businesses from foreign competition but made it impossible for Britain and France to sell enough goods to repay debt to U.S.

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