Unit 7 AP Human Geography
Income distribution
Some seemingly wealthy countries can have an even income distribution
Dependency Theory
The idea that resources flow from poor and under developed states (periphery) to the wealthy states (the core)
Impacts of restructuring and outsourcing
The increase in manufacturing jobs in LDCs has led to Deindustrialization and a decline in these jobs in MDCs
Rostow The age of mass consumption
The industrial based on the needs of the economy and the primary sector is of greatly diminished wait in the economy and society. Consumer society of high-value goods like automobiles
Commodity dependence
economic dependence on exports of raw materials
Tertiary economic sectors
Activities revolve around the idea of providing a service
Quinary Economic Sector
Activities that are characterized by decision makers, such as executives for those who serve in government roles
Multiplier affects
Additional economic opportunities that can be generated. For example, a corporation is adding to establishing a new location will create other economic benefits like coffee shops and lunch places.
Impacts of economic restructuring on the LDC
Higher employment, increasing urbanization, increasing middle-class, and poor labor laws which can result in worker abuse
Rostow Traditional society
Almost entirely a primary sector economy. Most people will be engaged in agriculture
Special economic zones
An area of a country where the business and trade laws are different from other regions of the country
Growth poles
An area where economic growth starts and spreads to surrounding areas
Post-fordist methods of production
Wallerstein's World systems theory
Based on the believe that in the world economic system, countries are inter-dependent
Just in time delivery
Companies receive raw materials are goods only as they need them
Economies of scale
Cost advantages reaped by companies when production becomes efficient. Companies can achieve economies of scale by increasing production and lowering costs.
Rostow The preconditions for takeoff
Demand for raw materials will encouraged change
Human Development Index. A decent standard of living, measured by gross national income per capita
Formal and informal structures of the economy
Foremost taxed, regulated by the government
Gross national income per capita
GNP divided by a countries population so that you have an estimated income per person
Semi periphery
Industrializing, mostly capitalist countries that are positioned between the periphery and core countries. Manufacture of the export of a variety of goods
Rostow The drive to maturity
Industries expand a new ones quickly pop up. Manufacturing shifts from Capitol goods towards cars and appliances
Gross national product
Measures the value of goods and services produced by country citizens both domestically and abroad
Moving jobs in manufacturing and production, as well as jobs and services, outside and area or country in which a company is located
Changes as result of the world economy
Outsourcing and economic restructuring have led to a decline in jobs in core regions is an increase in jobs in newly industrialized countries
Primary Economic Sector
Primary activities are those that are extractive, e.g., taking something from the earth
Quaternary Economic Sector
Quaternary Activities involve processing information; especially in the areas of finance, insurance, and real estate
Secondary Economic Sector
Secondary Activities process the item or manufacture something from it (industry)
Rostow The takeoff
Technological innovations, industrialization begins, urbanization increases. Secondary sector expands and primary sector decreases.
The clustering of similar industries in the same area
The developed, industrialized part of the world like the US and Canada.
Rostow stages of economic growth
The theory that all countries were capable of modernizing, developing, and rising out of poverty. He based his assumptions by looking at western countries I had industrialized such as Britain
The underdeveloped, typically raw materials exporting part of the world like sub-Saharan Africa
Theories of development
These are different theories that help explain the different special variations in development
International division of labor
This is an outcome of globalization in the interconnectedness of the world economy. It is a shift of manufacturing industries from developed countries to developing countries
Gross domestic product
Total value of goods produced in services provided in a country during one year
Eco tourism
Tourism-based and natural environments and frequently helps to protect the environment in question while also providing jobs for the local population
Impact of economic restructuring on MDC
Unemployment, population losses in manufacturing cities, urban taco, and companies may become more efficient and profitable due to lower cost being passed on to consumers
Economic restructuring
Urban areas shift from manufacturing industry in factories to a service sector economic base
Free trade zones
Usually in the area around an airport or support where goods can be landed, stored, handled, manufactured, reexported
Export processing zones
Zones typically in developing countries that focus on manufacturing for export