Unit 8: Post WWII & The Cold War

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"SALT," or the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, was founded in 1969 and froze each country's arsenal of intercontinental missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

POTUS Eisenhower

Republican 1953-61 IKE takes presidency at an extremely dangerous time in the Cold War former World War II general and hero, Eisenhower helped end the Korean War and steered a moderate course during the Cold War. greatest political appeal, partly because his public image of fatherly warmth -korean war ends -stalin dies -Warsaw Pact forms -Sputnik Launched -civil rights -rosa parks Little Rock, brown v. board

National Security Act

Reformats government to combat communism; Department of Defense, CIA, FBI and National Security Council passed in 1947 shows US is getting prepared for another war


finding a balance between conservatism and liberalism

Liberal Narrative

"expanding equality" -Christian Smith -democratic welfare -empathy and morality -more modern -liberty = freedom from oppression and to pursue self-defined happiness -political equality -rejection of authority, hierarchy, tradition -need to reassess condition or systems that maintain these chains

Conservative Narrative

"preserve society" -drew western Reagan --> liberty = freedom from gov. restraint -"3 binding" foundations = Loyalty, authority and sanctity -democrats think that loyalty means racism Regan conservatism esp. = -loyalty to a culture or person vs. liberal -faith/religion -morality = fairness -authority -family, frugality, and personal responsibility

ID Interstate Highway System

-1956-93 -alters landscape -more rapid travel by car and stimulates growth in suburbs alone its many routes -EISENHOWER conducts this project -the largest public works enterprise in American history -Cold War = rapid exit routes form city sin the event of a nuclear war -pro = automobile manufacturers, oil companies, suburban builders, construction unions support

Little Rock Nine

-1957 -first black students to attend a school forced to integrate in Little Rock, Arkansas

ID Marshall Plan (1948-52)

- an economic extension of the Truman Doctrine -commitment to aid Europe in economic support to help rebuild the European economies at the end of WWII. The US wanted to help rebuild European life because a failed economy and society would be more likely to result to communism. Marshall pledged the United States to contribute billions of dollars to finance the economic recovery of Europe. Avoiding Truman's language of a world divided between free and unfree blocs, Marshall insisted, "Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos."The Marshall Plan proved to be one of the most successful foreign aid programs in history. -by 1950 W. Europe is doing great and becoming more like America -E. Europe still communist because the Marshall plan with too many strings attached so they rejected dit (you have to lower tariffs and stop regulating the economy which is a communistic thing to do so they won't stop)

ID Montgomery Bus Boycott

-12/1/1955 Rosa parks refused to surrender her seat on a city bus to a white rider, as required by local law -her arrest sparked a yearlong Montgomery bus boycott, the beginning of the mass phased of the civil rights mvt. -park was a "seamster with tired feet" who did not backdown -when park's arrest spread, hundreds of blacks gathered in a local church and vowed to refuse oto ride the buses until accorded equal treatment -facing violent and tiredness the boycotters walked -FINALLY 1956 the court rules public transportation segregation uncostitutional

ID Urban Renewal

-1940s and beyond -city gov. demolish poor neighborhoods in city centers that occupied potentially valuable real estate under programs of URBAN RENEWAL -developers contract retail centers and all white middle income housing complexes and public universities -white people displaced moved to the suburbs -POC displaced moved to run down city neighborhoods

ID Baby Boom

-1945-mid1960 -low immigration and 30 million population growth -factors of the boom = young couples starting families post war, gov. encourages growth of families through GI bill benefits, popular culture celebrates pregnancy parentfhood and family -ideal American family

ID New Conservatives

-1950s -free world needs to arm intself morally and intellectually for the battle against communism (not just with weapons and military) -toleration of differences isn't relavent (core value of modern liberalism) -return to a civilization based on values grounded in the Christian tradition -freedom = moral condition

ID Libertarian Conservatives

-1950s -oppose strong national government (conservative bitter reaction to the New Deal) -freedom = individual autonomy, limited government, unregulated capitalism -appeals to conservative entrepreneurs who don't like high taxes, labor unions and gov. regulation

ID Levittown

-1950s = number of housing doubles -built in the suburbs -alfred and William levitt = suburban developers who built the first Levittown after WWII -Levittown was soon home to 40,000 people -offered nice alternatives to veterans for cheap prices and not in cramped urban areas

ID Brown v. Board of Education

-1954 kicks off the civil rights movement -Topeka, Kansas -Oliver brown goes to court b/c his daughter in third grade was forced to walk across dangerous tracks in order to get to school instead of being allowed to go to the nearby "white" SCHOOL -Court unanimously declares that "separate facilities are inherently unequal" -Earl Warren (Cali Governor) -the court ordered desegregation at an "all deliberate speed" which is very vague and basically gives racists the opportunity to not do so

South Manifesto or the southern declaration of integration

-1956 -proposes that everyone should gift back against integration -they are arguing that integration will go against the peace between the two races, a harmony that had been cultivated for so long.......

ID National Education Defense Act

-1958 signed by IKE -proided funding to improve American schools and promote secondary education -goal is to enable the countries educational system to meet the demands posed by national security needs -compete with the SOVIETS -STEM kids get college funding -go beyond high school

POTUS John F. Kennedy

-1961-64 -wealthy upbringing -his inaugural address said nothing about segregation or race, but more encourages people to get involved and help other nations get out of poverty -hes looking to get out of the Cold War -says to southern republics = we will help you but dominate you -promotion of DEMOCRACY boo communism -civil rights is considered a distraction to him ---> Cold War = important -peace corps -cuban missile crisis and bay of pigs

ID Proposition 13

-1978 -conservatives sponsor and California voters approve -BAN ON INCREASES IN PROPERTY TAXES -taxation is important issue -good for business men and homeowners but bad for public services -peopel life low taxes

Nixons Foreign Policy

-Detente -SALT -Anti-ballistic treaty -tet offensive -vietnamization kinda shady getting Cambodia involved and such easing relations with china shows he can be moderate and not raging conservative

ID The McCarran-Walter Act of 1952 (anti immigration)

-FIrst major piece of immigration legislation since 1924 (It passed over the president's veto) -Truman had called for replacing the quotas based on national origins with a more flexible system taking into account family reunion, labor needs, and political asylum -But the McCarran-Walter Act kept the quotas in place. It also authorized the deportation of immigrants identified as communists, even if they had become citizens. But the renewed fear of aliens sparked by the anticommunist crusade went far beyond communists. In 1954, the federal government launched Operation "Wetback," which employed the military to invade Mexican-American neighborhoods and round up and deport noncitizens. Within a year, some 1 million Mexicans had been deported.

ID Great Society

1965-67 = most extensive proposal for governmental action to promote the general welfare of the people since the New Deal -inititatives provided health services to the poor and elderly with medicaid and medicare programs -improve urban development -unlike the new deal, the great society was a response to property, not depression

ID Black Power

-Malcom X -came to national attention in 1966 when SNCC leader Sotkely Carmichael used the term -black power = election of more black officials to the belive that black Americans were a colonized people who freedom could be won only through a revolutionary struggle for self-determination -inspires AA parents to establish black operated local schools that put emphasis on AA history and pride -inspires racial self assertion -black is beautiful -AA instead of Negro -wear the AFRO embrace it

ID Stonewall

1969 -gay liberation movement milestone -police rad on stonewall inn, a place for gay people to meet -the gays fought back -five days of rioting then they stepped out of the closet to insist gay matters are important -within a few years gay pride marches were being held in numerous cities -sucess in coutnercultures in SF and NY but still lots of flack

ID Barry Goldwater

-Republican = Johnsons opponent in 1965 -wanted more aggressive conduct in the cold war -criticizes New Deal welfare state (danger to freedom and business) -voted against civil rights bill -democrats were scared he would repeal social security and risk nuclear war so he lost -REEMERGENCE OF AMERICAN CONSERVATISM

ID Baker v. Carr

-The Warren Court assumed power to oversee the fairness of democratic procedures at the state and local levels 1962 -establishes principle that districts electing members of state legislatures must be equal in population -it overturned the apportionment systems in numerous states that had allowed individuals in sparsely inhabited rural areas to enjoy the same representation as residents of populous city districts. so now southern places don't get overepresented

US Goals Post WWII Goals

-US WILL NOT GO BACK INTO ISOLATIONSISM like they did after WWI -system of collective security (United Nations aiding each other) -economically resuming and increasing international trade -technology -free trade (although developing economies was protective tariffs) -want to sell goods to wrecked countries -no territorial ambitions, but they want to limit other countries

Debate over the structure of the UN

-USSR dislikes collective security and demands -USSR asked for 16 seats, but that was turned to 3 -USSR wants everyone to have access to the nuclear weapon recipe -US thinks the USSR doesn't have the recourses but 3 years later they build it

DOC "War abroad, war at home" by the SDS [1965-1974]

-college students who wanted to change society became part of the New LEFT -THEY recognize their privilege GOALs: -develop a truly participatory democracy -wants US to be up front about its flaws and live up to its actual values BARRIERS: -even if they pass laws it doesn't mean people will change -reality is that its hard to change -very idealistic utopian document, but sets ground work for the NEW LEFT -important framework for student unions


1970s - #1 = 1920s by Alice Paul and the Women's Party - this is #2 = "equality of rights under the law" could not be cut on account of sex In 1972, with little opposition, Congress approved the ERA and sent it to the states for ratification. Designed to eliminate obstacles to the full participation of women in public life, it aroused unexpected protest from those who claimed it would discredit the role of wife and homemaker. DIVIDED WOMEN SUPPORTERS = women's freedom in the public sphere ANTI = freedom for women still resided in the divinely appointed roles of wife and mother --> ERA would let men "off the hook" by denying their responsibility to provide for their wives and children Polls consistently showed that a majority of Americans (both sexes) favored the ERA .... But because of the conservative women movement, the amendment failed to achieve ratification by the required thirty-eight states. cARTER IS ANTI-ERA

ID Joseph Raymond McCarthy

-Wisconsin Senator who spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists and other left-wing "suspicious" peoples in the U.S. government. In the hyper-suspicious atmosphere of the Cold War, insinuations of disloyalty were enough to convince many Americans that their government was packed with traitors and spies. In 1950 he publicly charged that 205 communists had infiltrated the U.S. State Department. Mccarthyism has its origins in the period in the US known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from 1947 to 1956 and characterized by heightened political repression as well as a campaign spreading fear of Communist influence on American institutions.

Fair Deal process and affect

-a lot harder t get these things passed especially because it targets minorities so even the democrats were like nawww -anti-lynching law finally enacted -banned the poll tax (which barred black men b/c you had to pay to vote) -social security expansion -min wage is raised -GI Bill of Rights expanded to the Korea War veterans TRUMANS admin got shit done but not earl was much as he wanted

DOC "Conscience and the Vietnam war" by MLK [1967]

-against the sarin Vietnam b/c 1) why are black and white people fighting together there when its not equal at home 2) being forced to go to Vietnam for liberty and freedom when its not like that at home -he favors non-violence and very vocal about it -challenge for the LBJ admin because he supports civil rights but.... needs to fight the war

ID Voting Rights Act of 1965

-allowed federal officials to register voters (FED POWER) -in response to the Montgomery march -Lyndon johnson closed his speech with the demonstrators song "we shall overcome" --> shows federal gov. support for civil rights * In addition to passing the Voting Rights Act, the Twenty-fourth Amendment to the Constitution outlawed the poll tax, which had long prevented poor blacks (and some whites) from voting in the South.

ID Iran Contra Affair

-biggest scandal during his presidency -1984 = congress bans military aid to the contras who are fighting authorities in Nicaragua (contras are actually really shady banned with trading guns even though they are anti-communist) -1985 = secret authorization of the sale of arms to Iran in order to release hostages held by Islamic groups in the Middle East -using that money they send it to help the contras going against congressional ban

ID SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference

-black ministers and civil rights activists - The white South's refusal to accept the Brown decision reinforced the conviction that black citizens could not gain their constitutional rights without Washington's intervention. This was not immediately forthcoming. When the Supreme Court finally issued its implementation ruling in 1955, the justices -led my MLK jr.

ID SDS (Students for a Democratic Society)

-branch of the socialist league for democracy -1962 - met in Michigan and adopted a document that summarized the beliefs of this generation of student protesters = port huron statement -freedom for the NEW LEFT meant "participatory democracy" -students judging existing social arrangements began n 1962 and ended in 1969 because they started getting too radical and disintegrated

Domestic developments

-cut welfare programs due to less taxation (medicare, etc...) -foodstamp recipients are cut -anti-busing, affirmative action, environment programs (acid rainprevention programs were rejected) -pro-enviorment programs were all cut when he came into office -head of EPA under Reagan was a moron -immigrants villanized as illegal esp. latinos

ID Contract with America

-devised by conservative speaker of the house -clinton admin is becoming less popular b/c lack of significant accomplishments REPUBLICANS DOMINATE CONGRESS The contract with America promised to reduce the extent of government, cut back on taxes and economic and environmental regulations, maintain/mend the welfare system and end affirmative action. Republicans moved swiftly to implement its provisions. The House approved deep cuts in social, educational, and environmental programs, including the popular Medicare system. With the president and Congress unable to reach agreement on a budget, the government in December 1995 shut down all nonessential operations, including Washington, D.C., museums and national parks. Most Americans blamed Congress for the impasse, however, and Congress soon retreated.

Roots of the Cold War:

-dissolution of multipolar system (points of power on an international scale, no one country dominates) -emergence of a bipolar world (US vs. USSR)

Post WWII Domestic life

-economic developments eventually occur, but right before and after the war it had decreased because you don't need to produce military and war products anymore -TENSIOSN (Japanese who were interned, relationships between labour and employment ... before there was the no strike pledge) -labour unions pushing for higher wages

ID Iran Hostage Crisis

-end of 1977 carter travels to Iran to help celebrate the Shahs rule, which makes Iranians angry at US -in 1979 an exiled Muslim group overthrows the Shah and --> islamic republic now -carter allows the Shah to seek medical treatment in the US -66 US embassy people taken hostage and do not get freed till carter leaves office shah is seen as the puppet of the West Reagan has a deal which is why when he is elected they are let go

welfare program reform act 1996

-expansion of childcare os moms can work more -giving people the bare necessities b/c he wants to appeal to conservatives -cut foodstamps -cuts lots of new deal shit and Hilary paid for that in her election

ID SNCC Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

-formed to give younger blacks more of a voice in the civil rights movement and soon became one of the movements more radical branches -ella baker is concerned that the SCLC, led my MLK, is out of touch with younger black kids who was the movement to make faster process -SIT INS and college students

Economics under Clinton

-globilizstion and free trade -NAFTA = goal of the era is to expand trade and no tariffs effects: -big monopolies are not regulated and small businesses have a harder time -contributes to corporations and government giving money to these now investment and commercial banks so they don't fail and cause people to lose their homes

Truman and Communism (loyalty program 1947)

-he hates communism -1st loyal board = implemented under his admin. (3,000 people from his admin. resign not because they are communist but its crazy you have to pledge loyalty as a non-communist) -McCarren

DOC "Why we are in Vietnam" by Pres. Lyndon B Johnson [1965]

-justifying why US is in the war -"freedom" -obligation that the US promotes freedom and strengthens world order -part of a larger world struggle against communism -hes saying the US isn't trying to be a world military power but just merely defending the world

ID Civil Rights Act of 1964

-kennedy wanted to pass this in the event of the Birmingham kids getting hosed down, but it was hard to pass because there were lots of southern democrats in congress -lyndon b Johnson got it passed in honor of Kennedy when he was killed and said this action "delivered the south to the Republican Party" (white Southerners don't like this so go join the republicans who don't like it either) -prohibits racial discriminations in employment, institutions (hospitals and schools), privately owned public accommodations (hotels, restaurants, etc...) -bans discrimination on the grounds of sex (effort to make the bill relatable to liberal and females)

Gulf of Tonkin Incident 1964

-leads to US involvement in the war -American battleship is very close to North Vietnam but technically in international waters -USS Madox is exploded by N.V -result is the Gulf Resolution which authorizes LBJ to what he needs to do to protect the US -NEVER ACTUALLY DECLARED WAR -operation rolling thunder -then sends in troops byut only 20,000 b/c they think US will intimidate and NV wont be able to hold off

ID Rachel Carson

-marine biologist who wrote Silent Spring in 1962 -shows effects of DDT, a pesticide used by homeowners and farmers against mosquitos. DDT killed birds animals and causes sickness among humans SIERRA CLUB --? environmental movement to preserve forests saw its membership triple -nearly every state banned DDT

Social Developments

-moral majority and religious fundamentalism - uses television to transcend the government -ethnic American cleansing -ethnic american cleansing -AIDs --> he did not speak about aids b/c moral majority didn't want him speaking about contraceptives -decay in urban America, racial tensions

DOC "Black Power" by Stokely Carmichael (SNCC Chairman) [1966]

-need to take control of your own fate and civil rights -self reliance, don't rely on White community -move away from non-violence -empowering blacks is against capitalism -mix between Booker T and W. E. Dubois -non violence isn't working -shifts to talk about how White people can be allies -SNCC does a little shift because change isn't happening so more violence now

ID Peace Crops

-one of Kennedys first acts -sends young Americans abroad to aid in the economic and educational progress of developing countries and to improve the image of the US there -shows the US is great and surprises communism but also imposes American ideals/culture on other people

Kennedys presidency

-people thought he would ditch the constitution for the pope -means a lot of Catholics cuz he is one -got more and more progressive overtime -super young couple = brings in the high society into the White House -culturally significant like the royals -"camelot" administration refers to how it came crashing down

USSR issues

-pressures boarder states to become communist -communst gov is formed with no elections

ID Reaganomics

-reduction of taxes and promotion of a unrestricted free-market -initially is was a BAD recession in 1981 , but then its really fckin great the years that follow -more profitable companies with the use of technology and shifting production overseas -inflation declines by a lot (thanks to oil is better) -unemployment rates drop -gross domestic product rises by 25% -great and all byt causes rise in economic inequality -by the mid-1990s the richest 1 percent of Americans owned 40 % of the nations wealth lots of deficits (debt)

repeal of glass-seagull 1999

-repealed to dress the financial industry --> more monopolies now -economic context = lots of presidents before him are into deregulating economics, so Clinton follows the trend. //// to appeal to liberals he was promoting the graduated income tax wich was a triangulation

DOC "Reports of the National Advisory committee on Civil disorders" [1968]

-report in response to racial tensions --> investigating why the riots were happening 1. segregation in housing 2. white police arresting black people 3. brutality against non-violent protesters

defense of marriage act 1996

-same sex marriages would be second rate even in states that permit it -ends in 2013 -typically if you marry in one state you are married in every other, but not with LGBTq -clinton didn't really want to sign it but it would have passed over his veto anyways GOOD... the FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT did not pass

ID Gorbachev

-soveit premier who came into power in 1985 and was focused on reinvigorating the USSR economy and cant do this without lowering military budget ---> NEGOTIOATE with US so they don't have to keep it up they agree to eliminate intermediate and short rated nuclear missiles in Europe 1988 Gorbachev pulls out Soviet troops in Afghanistan political opens and economic reform among the two countries

DOC "The Great Society" 1964 by Lyndon B Johnson

-speaking to college students -cities, countryside, classroom = the three prongs -educational reform and environmentalism -goal in speaking to college students is because he's trying to enlist their support for the great society GOALS: -educational reform -environmentalism -improvement in cities -adresses the great poverty that exists

Soviet Union Post WWII Goals

-sphere of influence in Eastern Europe (they already have troops there, and have cultural similarities) and that way they can have a bunch of countries in between them and Germanys "buffer zone" -territory = poland shifts slightly to the left -global power League of Nations didn't really work for the USSR so they are suspicious of United Nations ANTI FREE TRADE

ID Globilization

-technology and Microsoft The company's worldwide reach symbolized globalization, the process by which people, investment, goods, information, and culture increasingly flowed across national boundaries. Globalization has been called "the concept of the 1990s." Although hardly a new phenomenon, the scale and scope of late-twentieth-century globalization was unprecedented Thanks to satellites and the Internet, information and popular culture flowed instantaneously to every corner of the world. Manufacturers and financial institutions scoured the world for profitable investment opportunities.

ID Stagflation

-the continuous high inflation combined with high employment rates and a stagnant demand in a country economy 1973 -brief war btw Israel and egypt/syria ---> b/c US supports Israel they made their oil more expensive and suspended the export of oil to the US Gas in US is so expensive "oil shock" #2 happens shah of Iran is overthrown

ID Containment Policy by George Kennan (or X)

-the long telegram "USSR will only keep expanding unless stopped) -Containment was a strategic foreign policy pursued by the United States in the late 1940s and the early 1950s in order to check the expansionist policy of the Soviet Union. Early in 1946, in his famous Long Telegram from Moscow, American diplomat George Kennan advised the Truman administration that the Soviets could not be dealt with as a normal government. Communist ideology drove them to try to expand their power throughout the world, he claimed, and only the United States had the ability to stop them. His telegram laid the foundation for what became known as the policy of "containment," according to which the United States committed itself to preventing any further expansion of Soviet power.

Truman and the end of WWII

-truman was not going to let the soviets take any credit for the win over Japan -he never acknowledged or appreciated the soviet unions loss of people during the war and he believed that the US won the war

Alliance for Progress

1961 had many strings attached like the Marshall plan --> social and economic reform designed to launch a decade of democracy in Latin America regulation of land: no nationalizing land (helps combat growing socialist movements)

ID Feminine mystique

1963 by Betty Friedan -women finding personal fulfillment outside of traditional roles -ignites the second feminist movement in the 60s -friedan writes a lot about discriminatory wage gaps in the world force and racism -calls out the middle class and the emptiness of consumer culture -devasting = marriage and motherhood is the primary goal for women -NOW (national org. for women) formed with her as president which demands equality in jobs education and politics and attacks the "false image of women" spread my mass media

ID Cesar Chavez

1965 -chavez is the son of a migrant farm worker who led nonviolent protests and boycotts to pressure growers to agree to labor contracts with the United Farm Workers Union --> civil rights and economic betterment -mobilizes latino communities and drew national attention to the low wages and opressive working conditions of migrant laborers -in 1970 major growers agreed to sign labor contracts -movement for legal rights was long but in the 60s, there was a shift to more positive outlook -similar to black pride with latino pride -unlike black power and SDS, it is linked to labor struggles

School of the Americas

1946 branch of the CIA that train governments in Latin America to help suppress rebels with a new style of torture

ID Massive Retaliation

1954 UPDATED version of the doctrine of containment declaring that any Soviet attack on an American ally would be countered by a nuclear assault on the Soviet Union itself Height of Cold War danger --> both US and USSR are developing nuclear weapons very quickly Mass.Ret. risked that any small conflict = all out nuclear war = destroys both countries The danger of an all out nuclear war makes both sides more cautious but inflicts fear among Americans governemtn encourages Americans to build bomb shelters in backyards and have school drills

Civil Rights Movement


Emmett Till

1955 A fourteen year old black boy who was lynched by a Mississippi mob for speaking to a white woman in a store jury rule sin favor of the white poeple

ID Moral Majority

1970s -reposnse to combination of domestic and international disruptions in the 60s and 70s - widespread sense of anxiety among Americans and offered conservatives new political opportunities -founded through the economic troubles of the time, which heightened the appeal of lower taxes and reduced government regulation (REP. lower taxes) devoted to waging a "war against sin" and electing "pro-life, pro-family, pro-America" candidates to office. Christian conservatives seemed most agitated by the ongoing sexual revolution, which they saw as undermining the traditional family and promoting immorality. As a result of the 1960s, they believed American freedom was out of control.

ID Swann v. Mecklenburg

1971 BUSING CASE Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education = justices unanimously approved a lower court's plan that required the extensive transportation of students to achieve school integration --> PROGRESSIVE PROMOTING BUSING But.... because judges all over the country are approving busing, white parents are determined to keep their kids out of bad neighborhoods (enrolling in private schools or to the suburbs) One of the most spiteful fights took place in Boston in the mid-1970s. Residents of the tightly knit Irish-American community of South Boston demonstrated loudly and sometimes violently against a busing plan decreed by a local judge. (The rulings were under Warren Burger, b/c Earl Warren retired in 1969)

Fall of Saigon

1975 vietnam is reunited under communist leadership 3 million Vietnamese casualties and 58,000 US

ID Bakke v. UC Regents

1978 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CASE -court overturned an admissions program of UC Davis which set aside 16 out of 100 places at a medical school for minorities it was a Nixon appointee who cast the deciding vote saying that affimifative action is fine but not affirmative action quotas (white people see it as reverse racism)

ID Berlin Blockade

At the end of World War II, each of the four victorious powers assumed control of a section of occupied Germany, and of Berlin, located deep in the Soviet zone. In June 1948, the United States, Britain, and France introduced a separate currency in their zones, a prelude to the creation of a new West German government that would be aligned with them in the Cold War. In response, the Soviets cut off road and rail traffic from the American, British, and French zones of occupied Germany to Berlin. An eleven-month airlift followed, with Western planes supplying fuel and food to their zones of the city. When Stalin lifted the blockade in May 1949, the Truman administration had won a major victory. Soon, two new nations emerged, East and West Germany, each allied with a side in the Cold War. since Berlin is in the USSR part of Germany so they can cut off the US Berlins sides food supply

Executive Order 8802

Also known as the Fair Labor Standards Act, this banned discrimination in the war industries. during WWII

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty

Banned the development of systems designed to intercept incoming missiles, so that neither side would be tempted to attack the other without fearing devastating retaliation. BTW USSR and US

Berlin Wall

Barrier set up in 1961 to separate East and West Berlin

Guatemala 1954

CIA sent to overthrow a gov't that was hurting US business interests // Banana Republic = entire economy is based on exportation one crop // abusive policies on local labor, and President Arbenz is a democrat elected nd he wants to take back national land = US sees this as socialistic and communistic ---> Allan Dulles is the CIA and board of the United Fruit Co. and he's trying to check out everything to make sure it doesn't go against US interests goes against Good Neighbor Policy

ID NAFTA (Not Atlantic Free Trade Agreement)

Clinton had a passion for free trade and despite opposition from unions and environmentalists, he obtained congressional approval in 1991 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This treaty was negotiated by Bush and created a free-trade zone (countries agree to lower or eliminate tariffs, so effectively you are creating a larger economic zone than the country you're in) consisting of Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

Roots of the Cold War: Ideological

Communism Vs. Capitalism communism: -communalism and communal property -anti elitism -anti religion -command economy (we need this company to make this amount of cars for us) -they see capitalist society as very exploitive and not equal and unfair Capitalism: -free trade -religion -laize affair -personal liberties

Ho Chi Min

Communistic man who wants to unite the Vietnamese people without outside powers colonizing

POTUS Harry Truman

Democratic 1945-53 -failed business man affected by the redscare -dropped atomic bomb on Japan -Korean War (1950-53) -marhsall plan/truman doctrine -NATO formed -GI Bill of Rights -Desegregation of the military -fAIR DEAL -LOYALTY PROGRAM -HUAC

ID Ethnic Cleansing

Ethnic cleansing—a terrible new term meaning the forcible expulsion from an area of a particular ethnic group—entered the international vocabulary in the 1990s. Like Carter, Clinton found it difficult to balance concern for human rights with strategic and economic interests and to formulate clear guidelines for humanitarian interventions overseas. For example, the United States did nothing in 1994 when tribal massacres racked Rwanda, in central Africa. More than 800,000 people were slaughtered in the Rwandan genocide, and 2 million refugees fled the country. The most complex foreign policy crisis of the Clinton years arose from the disintegration of Yugoslavia, a multi-ethnic state in southeastern Europe that had been carved from the old Austro-Hungarian empire after World War I. As in the rest of eastern Europe, the communist government that had ruled Yugoslavia since the 1940s collapsed in 1989. Within a few years, the country's six provinces dissolved into five new states. During the ensuing Balkan crisis, ethnic conflict plagued several of these new nations.

ID Operation Dixie 1946

Failed effort by the CIO after WWII to unionize southern workers, especially in textile factories. As inflation soared following the removal of price controls, the resulting drop in workers' real income sparked the largest strike wave in American history

Johnson's Foreign Policy

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution --> authorizes LBJ to take any necessary measures to defend US in Vietnam Rolling Thunfer (1965) --> 3 years of continuous bombings on Vietnam

don't ask don't tell 1994

He modified the military's strict ban on gay soldiers, instituting a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy by which officers would not seek out gays for dismissal from the armed forces. he wanted to change things but hit a brick wall with the public

America explodes first ____________ in 1952 and the following year the __________ matched this achievement

Hydrogen bomb (contributes to nuclear war scare and massive retaliation) ; soviets

ID Military Industrial Complex

IKE is against this --> he wards that it is dangerous to democracy the coexistence of "an immense military establishment" with a "permanent arms industry" The close association of the federal government, the military, and defense industries Heavy defense spending gets US into the Vietnam war

J. Foster Dulles

IKEs Secretary of State --> creates the policies

ID North Atlantic Treaty Organization

In 1949, the United States, Canada, and ten western European nations established NATO pledging mutual defense against any future Soviet attack. Soon, West Germany became a crucial part of NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty was the first long-term military alliance between the United States and Europe since the Treaty of Amity and Commerce with France during the American Revolution.

ID Freedom Rides

In 1961, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) launched the Freedom Rides = Integrated groups of white and African American civil rights activists participated in bus trips through the American South to protest segregated bus terminals and to test compliance with with court orders banning segregation on interstate buses and trains and in terminal facilities. Freedom Riders tried to use "whites-only" restrooms and lunch counters at bus stations in the Deep South: Alabama, South Carolina and other Southern states. The groups were confronted by arresting police officers—as well as horrific violence from white protestors—along their routes, but also drew international attention to their cause. Near Anniston, Alabama, a firebomb was thrown into the vehicle and the passengers beaten as they escaped. In Birmingham, Klansmen attacked riders with bats and chains while police refused to intervene. But the Interstate Commerce Commission ordered buses and terminals desegregated

Montgomery March

In January 1965, King launched a voting rights campaign in Selma, Alabama, a city where only 355 of 15,000 black residents had been allowed to register to vote. In March, defying a ban by Governor Wallace, King attempted to lead a march from Selma to the state capital, Montgomery. When the marchers reached the bridge leading out of the city, state police assaulted them with cattle prods, whips, and tear gas. Once again, violence against nonviolent demonstrators flashed across television screens throughout the world.

ID Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

In one of the most sensational trials in American history, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are convicted of espionage (spying) for their role in passing atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets during and after World War II. The husband and wife were later sentenced to death and were executed via the electric chair 1953.

ID Beats

In the 50s in New York City and San Francisco, as well as college towns = small group of poets and writers who are counterculture Beat poet Allen Ginsberg was a protester against materialism and conformism. Ginsberg became nationally known when San Francisco police in 1956 confiscated his book and arrested bookstore owners for selling an obscene work. Rejecting the work ethic, the "desperate materialism" of the suburban middle class, and the militarization of American life by the Cold War, the Beats celebrated impulsive action, immediate pleasure (often enhanced by drugs), and sex- ual experimentation. Beat's insisted, personal and political repression, not freedom, were the hallmarks of American society.


John Carrey the Sec. of State speaks out against the war

Flexible Response Doctrine

KENNEDYS want for a new international policy (more military presence in Europe) responded to Eisenhower's massive retaliation Flexible response calls for mutually assured destruction at strategic, tactical, and conventional levels, giving the United States the capability to respond to aggression across the spectrum of war, not limited only to nuclear arms.

Diem Regime ends when Diem the leader dies

Kennedy and vietnam

New Frontier

Kennedys Domestic policy promoting anti-poverty, space race, nuclear test ban treat (1963), funds for research and medical treatment


National Security Council Paper NSC-68 was a Top-Secret report completed by the U.S. Department of State's Policy Planning Staff on April 7, 1950. The 58-page memorandum is among the most influential documents composed by the U.S. Government during the Cold War, and was not declassified until 1975. Its authors argued that one of the most pressing threats confronting the United States was the "hostile design" of the Soviet Union. The authors concluded that the Soviet threat would soon be greatly augmented by the addition of more weapons, including nuclear weapons, to the Soviet arsenal. They argued that the best course of action was to respond in kind with a massive build-up of the U.S. military and its weaponry.

ID Detente

Nixon became the first Cold War American president to visit the Soviet Union, where he engaged in intense negotiations with his Soviet counterpart, Leonid Brezhnev. Nixon and Brezhnev proclaimed a new era of "peaceful coexistence," in which détente, meaning cooperation, would replace the hostility of the Cold War.

Martin Luther King

Nonviolent Civil Disobedience, March on Washington, I Have a Dream Speech

Tet Offensive

North Vietnam stages attacks on the South and begins withdrawal of US troops

Korean War 1950-53

North vs. South Korea; ended in a stalemate at the 38th parallel -china falls to communism in 1950 -US doesn't want to recognize communist china -get involved with South Korea because China is so close to the North -goes against containment policy -the USSR holds lots of seats on the UN so they won't let US get involved with Korea, but then USSR boycotts UN b.c US isn't recognizing china and during that time the US gets involved with Koreas to push back the 38 parallel

LA Riots

Riots caused by the assault of Rodney King by police officers. 1992 Maxine Waters writes that its inappropriate Regan thinks lowering taxes is helping everything when its actually letting people neglect civil rights

Vietnam War 1955-1975

The US supported the South Vietnamese in this conflict against the Vietcong. -leading up to the war the US was paying for a majority of French costs to be in Vietnam (they want to suppress communism but not get entirely involved)

"Silent Majority"

Term Nixon used to refer to the American people who supported his policies on Vietnam and of middle Americans who were against the sexual revolution and stuff ETHNIC AMERICANS -Poland, Lithuania, central Eastern Europe -targeted by immigration quotas -working class blue collar union laborers -scapegoats --> called racist -targeted by elitist liberals -pitted against black neighborhoods -catholic orthodox -trade jobs = plumber, carpenter, electrician -PATRIOTIC down with the stupid hippies -can never advance in the workplace -they want their kids to go to war and be American (anti-people who are annit-vietnam) -FEEL LEFT BEHIND and IGNORED, they are neither Left and rich and educated so they don't feel heard NATIONAL CONTEXT -ris ein covservatism in response to the sexual revolutions and war and stuff -NIXON is antiabortion, anti-busing -civil rights acts only benefit AA directly

POTUS Lyndon B Johnson

Term: 1963-1969 Democratic Party -Great Society (almost great because os much money went to Vietnams war) -Vietnam War -very pro civil rights because he grew up in a impoverished Texas and saw discrimination -continued JFKs war against poverty

POTUS Richard Nixon

Term: 1969-1974 Republican Appeals to rural Catholics, suburban whites, and is against busing During Nixon's first term, he improved relations with the Soviet Union and China and wound down the Vietnam War. Following Nixon's reelection, news of the Watergate scandal forced Nixon to resign before Congress could impeach him. He is the only U.S. President in history to resign his office.

POTUS Gerald R. Ford

Term: 1974-1977 Republican Ford became Vice President after Nixon's Vice President resigned in disgrace, and then President after Nixon resigned. His pardon of Nixon was unpopular, probably costing him reelection. Ford is the only President never elected President or Vice President. Pardons Nixon in 1974 and causes him to lose his reelection

POTUS Jimmy Carter

Term: 1977-81 Democratic Carter had success promoting Middle East peace. But soaring oil prices, high inflation, and the Iran hostage crisis made him look weak and ineffectual.

POTUS Ronald Reagan

Term: 1981-1989 Republican Inaugural Address: -targets and vilifies the tax -the gov. is the problem -special interest groups are directly addressed -appreciating blue collar workers -patriotic and uplifting Applauds = the working class states power very positive doesn't say anything negative about anyone credited with making Soviets pull out of the Cold War because forcing them to keep up with US military expenses

POTUS George Bush Sr.

Term: 1989-1992 Republican During Bush's term, the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War ended. He also led the United States in the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq. But economic troubles at home cost him his reelection bid.

POTUS Bill Clinton

Term: 1993-2001 Democrat combining social liberalism (supporting abortion rights, gay rights, and affirmative action for minorities) with elements of conservatism (pledging to reduce government bureaucracy and promising to end welfare) very charismatic and more in touch with ordinary American lives In his first few years in office, Clinton appointed several blacks and women to his cabinet. His first budget raised taxes on the wealthy (diff. From Reagan) and significantly expanded the EITC (Earned Income Tax credit)--a cash payment for low-income workers begun during Ford's admin. The EITC was a very successful anti-poverty policy.

ID Gulf War

The 1991 Persian Gulf War was a conflict between Iraq and a coalition force of 34 nations mandated by the United Nations and led by the United States.The lead up to the war began with the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 which was met with immediate economic sanctions by the United Nations against Iraq. Came from fear that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein might next attack Saudi Arabia, a longtime ally that supplied more oil to the United States than any other country, Bush rushed troops to defend Kuwait and warned Iraq to withdraw from the country or face war. In February 1991, the United States launched Operation Desert Storm, which quickly drove the Iraqi army from Kuwait.

ID War on Poverty

The War on Poverty occurred during the 1960s and was the centerpiece of Johnson's Great Society initiative. poverty = imbalance in economic institutions and an absence of skills and a lack of proper attitudes and work habits did not address the economic changes that were reducing the number of well paid manufacturing jobs and making poor ghettos Success: -food stamps (direct aid to the poor) -equipping poor with good spirits and skills -head start program (child education) -job training -legal services -scholarships for poor college students -VISTA (domestic version of the peace corps)

ID Fair Deal

The Fair Deal was a program announced by President Truman on September 1945 which focused on improving the social safety net and raising the standard of living of ordinary Americans. Truman wanted to revive the stalled momentum of the New Deal in post WWII society. He pushed Congress to increase the minimum wage, enact a program of national health insurance, and expand public housing, Social Security, and aid to education. In 1946 when Congress was dominated by Republicans, major tax cuts on the wealthy took place and the Fair Deal was pushed aside. -need to cont. progress -responsibility of the gov. to give back to those denied equality -FARMERS given subsidies and PARITY (prices should be equal to when it started and when the farm industry was booming), and give them rural electrification -health care progress -gov. support of housing -raise min. wage from 25 cents to 75 cents -education and fed. support -ATTEMPT TO REPEAL TAFT HARTLEY BUT IT DOESNT HAPPEND -higher tax on corporations, estates and gifts "death tax" -wants to tax the ultra wealthy to provide for the poor = close loop holes in antitrust

ID Sit In

The Greensboro sit-in occured on February 1st, 1960 when four students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, a black college in Greensboro, North Carolina, entered the local Woolworth's department store. After making a few purchases, they sat down at the lunch counter, an area reserved for whites. They were told they could not be served, so they remained in their seats until the store closed. They returned the next morning and after resisting for five months, Woolworth's in July agreed to serve black customers at its lunch counters. The sit-in kicked off the 60s: a decade of political activism and social change. By the end of 1960, some 70,000 demonstrators had taken part in sit-ins. Angry whites often assaulted them, but the protesters did not strike back, believing in nonviolent protests.

Helsinki Records

The Helsinki Accords were primarily an effort to reduce tension between the Soviet and Western blocs by securing their common acceptance of the post-World War II status quo in Europe. 1975

ID New Left (AKA The 60s)

The New Left challenged not only mainstream America but also what it dismissively called the Old Left. Unlike the Communist Party, it did not take the Soviet Union as a model or see the working class as the main agent of social change. Instead of economic equality (New Deal Liberals) the New Left spoke of loneliness, isolation, and alienation, of powerlessness in the face of business institutions and a hunger for authenticity that wealth could not provide. By 1968, thanks to the coming of age of the baby-boom generation and the growing number of jobs that required post-high school skills, more than 7 million students attended college, more than the number of farmers or steelworkers. The New Left's greatest inspiration was the black freedom movement. More than any other event, the sit-ins catalyzed white student activism. ***created the upheaval known as the Sixties—the convergence of society's most excluded members demanding full access to all its benefits, with the children of the middle class rejecting the social mainstream. -SDS and democracy

ID Warsaw Pact

The Soviet Union formalized their own eastern European alliance, the Warsaw Pact, in 1955, to counter the NATO alliance of the western alliance. The Warsaw Pact, formally the Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation, and Mutual Assistance, was a collective defence treaty among the Soviet Union and seven Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

ID Dixiecrats

The States' Rights Democratic Party, or Dixiecrats, was a short-lived segregationist political party originating in 1948 as a breakaway of the Democratic Party. Dixiecrats were determined to protect states' rights to legislate racial segregation from what its members regarded as an oppressive federal government. Supporters assumed control of the state Democratic parties in part or in full in several Southern states. The Party opposed racial integration and wanted to retain Jim Crow laws and white supremacy in the face of possible federal intervention.

ID Watergate

The Watergate scandal happened when United States President Richard Nixon, a Republican, was tied to a crime in which former FBI and CIA agents broke into the offices of the Democratic Party and George McGovern (the Presidential candidate). Nixon's helpers listened to phone lines and secret papers were stolen. 1972

Cold War

The direct and indirect conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1991

ID Truman Doctrine 1947

The doctrine made it clear that the US was not going to return to isolationism as it had done after the First World War. Rather, it was committed to containing communism, not only in Europe but throughout the world. The decision to create this plan came early in 1947 when Britain informed the United States that because its economy had been destroyed by the war, it had no choice but to end military and financial aid to two crucial governments: Greece (a monarchy threatened by a communist-led rebellion) and Turkey (Soviets were demanding joint control of the straits linking the Black Sea and the Mediterranean).

ID Malcom X

The orator Malcolm X had insisted that blacks must control the political and economic resources of their communities and rely on their own efforts rather than working with whites. Malcolm Little dropped his "slave surname" in favor of "X," symbolizing blacks' separation from their African ancestry. He became a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, or Black Muslims, and a sharp critic of the ideas of integration and nonviolence. On a 1964 trip to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Islam's spiritual home, Malcolm X witnessed harmony among Muslims of all races. He now began to speak of the possibility of interracial cooperation for radical change in the United States. But when members of the Nation of Islam assassinated him in February 1965 after he had formed his own Organization of Afro- American Unity, Malcolm X left neither a consistent ideology nor a coherent movement. However, his call for blacks to rely on their own resources struck a chord among the urban poor and younger civil rights activists.

Election of 1948

Truman pulled off a surprise victory over Dewey everyone was upset - Democrats split into three but Truman still wins

Good neighbor policy

U.S. policy toward Latin America, begun in the 1930s, that promised less intervention.

death tax

a tax levied on certain property owned or transferred by the decedent at death

proxy war

a war instigated by a major power that does not itself become involved

ID Taft Hartley Act 1947

against the President's veto, the Taft-Hartley Act, which sought to reverse progress made by organized labour, was passed. The measure authorized the president to suspend strikes by ordering an eighty-day "cooling-off period," and it banned sympathy strikes and secondary boycotts (labor actions directed not at an employer but at those who did business with him). It outlawed the closed shop, which required a worker to be a union member when taking up a job, and authorized states to pass "right-to-work" laws, prohibiting other forms of compulsory union membership. It also forced union officials to swear that they were not communists.

United Nations

an organization of independent states formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security founded out of the San Francisco Conference

Paris Agreement

armistice cease fire 1973

Forward two steps Back

forward = civil rights act and voting rights act back = these aren't really implemented // red lining allows for discrimination in housing // violence comes from authorities even after brown v/ board, schools are still segregated because of school districts you live in --> busing Affirmative action programs white people are satisfied with themselves so they ignore civil rights issues after the passage of the civil rights act

ID American Indian Movement

founded in 1968 -demands greater tribal self-governemnt -resotration of economic sources guaranteed in treaties -years following, many Indian tribes would win greater control over education and economic development on reservations -activist would land claim suits -NA pride!

Agent Orange

gets rid of all life and bushes and trees so u can see all the enemies

ID Cuban Missile Crisis

he most dangerous crisis of the Kennedy administration was the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962. American spy planes had discovered that the Soviet Union was installing missiles in Cuba capable of reaching the United States with nuclear weapons. Rejecting advice from military leaders that he authorize an attack on Cuba, which would almost certainly have triggered a Soviet response in Berlin and perhaps a nuclear war, Kennedy imposed a blockade, or "quarantine," of the island and demanded the missiles' removal. After tense behind- the-scenes negotiations, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev agreed to withdraw the missiles; Kennedy pledged that the United States would not invade Cuba and secretly agreed to remove American Jupiter missiles from Turkey, from which they could reach the Soviet Union. The crisis scared Kennedy in the ways that the administrations talked about a nuclear war so casually. He promoted cooperation with the Soviets in 1963 and became less interested in the Cold War.

ID Bay of Pigs

history -US and Cuba come together because of Spanish American war so they friends but them... -1959 Fidel Castro takes over Cuba from a disliked guy Ballista -1961 =US cant control castro so they embargo Cuba's sugar -Cuba sells toe the Soviets then -IKE had tried to embargo but ultimately decided to allow the anti-castor rebels who fled to attack him -Kennedy takes over and assumes the plan -rebels go into Cuba but then Kennedy pulls support because he donest want it turining into a whole thing -bad PR for Kennedy because he failed to support exiled cubans and get ride of castro

supply side economics

making it easier and cheaper for companies to produce and sell a lot

"Mutually Assured Destruction" and 'more bang for the buck"

nuclear war; IKE wants to focus more on the big nukes versus small military contraband

Iron Curtain Speech by Churchill

responding to USSR trying to obtained global power, he maid his iron curtain speech in march 1946 declaring that the USSR's intentions were to control Eastern Europe and expand power throughout the world

ID Warren Court

supreme court under chief justice Earl Warrens 16 year tenure devoted to protecting the rights of citizens and expanding them -reining in th anti-communist crusade -protect the interest of individuals and don't make them disclose their political beleifs to state officials Miranda v. Arizona (1966): This held that an individual in police custody must be informed of the rights to remain silent and to confer with a lawyer before answering questions and must be told that any statements might be used in court. The decision made "Miranda warnings" standard police practice


the US policy of withdrawing its troops and transferring the responsibility and direction of the war effort to the government of South Vietnam.

ID Sputnik

the first earth satellite launched in 1957 = triggers US to create the NDEA

Trickle-down theory

untaxed rich people with be more philanthropic and give to the poor but in realty the money doesn't circulate nd jut stays in the family of rich people

federal marriage amendment

would define marriage in the United States as a union of one man and one woman.

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