Unit 8 Test

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In 1954, segregation in U.S. schools was declared illegal in a. King Jr. v. Mobile Board of Education .b. Parks v. Memphis School System. c. Bentley v. Ziegler. d. Brown v. Board of Education. e. Marbury v. Madison.


In spite of cultural prejudices against women in Asia, women have emerged as political leaders in all of the following countries EXCEPT A) China. B) India. C) Myanmar (Burma). D) Pakistan. E) Sri Lanka.


Solidarity was a. a combined trade union and nationalist movement in Poland. b. the call for reunification of Germany. c. the appeal that East German leader Erich Honecker made for the communist world to stay united. d. one of the new ideological phrases made popular by Mikhail Gorbachev. e. the philosophy that a united capitalist world was destined to destroy communism.


The president of North Korea was a. Kim Il Sung. b. Achmad Sukarno. c. Jiang Jieshi. d. Deng Xiaoping. e. Syngman Rhee.


This Cold War event was the closest that the Soviet Union and the United States came to war with one another. a. Berlin Blockade b. Korean War c. Bay of Pigs Invasion d. Cuban Missile Crisis e. the Soviet invasion of Panama


Which of the following was NOT one of the "little tigers"? a. Thailand b. Hong Kong c. Singapore d. South Korea e. Taiwan


At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the largest of the republics, the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, was headed by a. Mikhail Gorbachev. b. Boris Yeltsin. c. Nicolae Ceauşescu. d. Todor Zhivkov. e. Vladimir Putin.


In the 1970s, leading Islamic thinkers sought all of the following EXCEPT?

the adoption of successful western economic practices.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah called for the creation of ?


During the battle of Okinawa?

Roughly 110,000 Okinawan civilians died refusing to surrender

The group that was able to take control of Nicaragua in 1976, after its guerilla operations against the ruling government, was known as the?


The Italian fascists used which was as an excuse to intervene and gain valuable military experience?

Spanish Civil War

Benito Mussolini promised to bring glory to Italy through acquisition of territories; Ethiopia, Libya, Albania were acquired through conquest and annexation.


In March 1938, Hitler forced Anschluss with Austria, justifying the annexation as an attempt to reintegrate all Germans into a single homeland.


Japan, Germany, and Italy- known as the Axis powers- squared off against the Allied powers of France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, China, and the United States.


On 1 September 1939, the German military invaded Poland; the world was stunned with the German Blitzkrieg and sudden victory.


On 7 December 1941, Japanese pilots attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, with the hope of destroying American naval capacity in the Pacific, which would clear the way for conquest of southeast Asia for Japan.


Sometime during 1941, the Nazi leadership committed to the "final solution" of the Jewish question, a solution that entailed the attempted murder of ever Jew living in Europe.


The English and French were forced to withdraw from controlling the Suez Canal during the crisis in 1956 because ?

the US condemned the attack and forced them to withdraw.

By December 1914, the Soviets gained two new allies in their struggle to defeat the German invasion of their country; a sever winter and?

the United States

What did Gandhi prophesize would cause the flow of "rivers of blood"?

the partition of India and Pakistan

The Guomindang, during World War 2, was?

the resistance government of the Chinese versus Japan's invasion of China

"The year of Africa" refers to ?

the winning of independence in 1060 of thirteen former European African colonies

In "The Wretched of the Earth", Frantz Fanon ?

urged the use of violence against colonial oppressors.

In regards to international affairs, Nehru

was one of the leaders of the nonaligned movement.

Argentina, in the late 1970s and early 1980s,

was ruled by military dictators who caused the "disappearance" of thousands.

Operation Barbarossa was the?

German plan for an invasion of the Soviet Union

The Tripartite Pact brought together?

Germany, Italy, and Japan

While the Russian-German Treaty of Nonagression was on the surface a nonaggression treaty, it had secret stipulations that spelled out?

The Division of eastern Europe

The high point of appeasement was?

The Munich Conference

At the Wannsee Conference?

The Nazis put in place the "Final Solution"

Hitler's comment "You only have to kick in the door, and the whole rotten structure will come down" was a referance to which of the following powers?

The Soviet Union

The government of Muhammad Najibullah, who had been put in place in Afghanistan back in 1986, was finally overthrown in 1996 by a. the United States. b. the Soviet Union. c. the Taliban. d. Pakistan. e. Iran.


In what year did the two Germanies reunite to form a united nation? A) 1990 B) 1989 C) 1991 D) 1985 E) 1956


The European country that served as the mandate power in Palestine after WWII was?

Great Britain

The height of Japanese atrocity in China was reached at the Rape of?


On 30 January 1948, Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated by?

a Hindu extremist

The U.S.-backed government of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in Iran was overthrown in 1979 by ?

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Popular unrest forced Todor Zhivkov, eastern Europe's longest surviving communist dictator, to resign in 1989 as leader of what country? A) Romania B) Czech Republic C) Bulgaria D) Poland E) Hungary


The leader of the African National Congress was?

Nelson Mandela.

In the wake of the Munich Conference, what leader proposed that the meeting had ensured "peace in our time"?

Neville Chamberlain

The U.S.-backed Somoza family ruled what country for more than forty years?


The revived interest in African traditions, cultures, poets, and writers was known as ?


In 1938, Germany sent troops into what country and forced its leaders to accept the Anschluss?


In 1960, sixty-nine black demonstrators were slaughtered in South Africa in the ?

Sharpeville Massacre

Adolf Hitler always spoke of the "November crime" which was the?

Signing of the 1918 armistice

The U.S. secret weapon in the pacific campaign was?

A code-breaking operation known as magic

The German Blitzkrieg referred to?

A lightning war

After the fall of France in 1940, the only country left to fight Germany was?


The Suez Canal crisis of 1956?

left Gamal Abdel Nasser as the leading figure in the Arab world (50s-60s)

Deng Xiaoping?

opened China to foreign, capitalist values.

In 1948, the system of apartheid was put into place by the Afrikaner National Party in?

South Africa.

What has become the "universal tongue" of the twenty-first century? a. html b. hip hop c. English d. Spanglish e. commercialism


Ngo Dinh Diem was?

the first president of South Vietnam.

The largest of the Nazi death camps was?


The Mau Mau uprising was an attempt to free Kenya from control by the?


In 1946, some six thousand people died in the Great Calcutta Killing in a confrontation between?

Hindus and Muslims.

The situation wherein national boundaries were artificial conveniences that did not correspond to economic or ethnic divisions was most common in


The Japanese finally surrendered in August 1945?

After the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

In the Battle of Britain, the Germans hoped to defeat the English?

Almost solely through air attacks led by the Luftwaffe

The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence was modeled on the ?

American Declaration of Independence.

Juan Perón, a nationalistic militarist who was nonetheless popular with the poor, ruled


The disastrous 1954 defeat that forced the French out of Vietnam was at ?


The weakness of the League of Nations was revealed in its inability to take any substantial action in response to the Italian invasion of?


German and Japanese war production matched that of the Allied powers during World War 2.


In 1933, Japan withdrew from the League of Nations after it condemned Japan for its conquest of Manchuria.


The combination of the Soviet Union declaring war on Japan in August 1945 and the devastation caused by nuclear bombs persuaded Emperor Hirohito to surrender unconditionally on 15 September 1945.


With the Soviets attacking from the east and with U.S. and British forces attacking Germany from the west, the Allies forced a conditional surrender of Germany on 8 May 1945.


After a long and bloody conflict, the Algerians gained theirindependence in 1962 from ?


The European part of World War 2 began with the?

German Invasion of Poland

The leader of North Vietnam was ?

Ho Chi Minh.

The Indian leader who attempted to control the massive population growth in India by ordering involuntary sterilization was?

Indira Ghandi.

The key to the Allied victories in Europe and Asia was?

Industrial capacity

From 1980 through 1988, Iran was involved in a bloody war with?


The desire for the reassertion of Islamic values in Muslim politics was at the heart of ?


The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere was designed by?


"Asia for Asians" was the slogan of the?


World War 2 began with?

Japanese attacks on China

Gamal Abdel Nasser had an internationalist position that was most similar to that of?

Jawaharlal Nehru.

In the Battle of Okinawa, the Japanese introduced?

Kamikaze pilots

Jomo Kenyatta was a nationalist leader in?


The mojority of the "comfort women" in World War 2 were from China and?


"Comfort women" were?

Korean and Chinese women forced into prostitution by the Japanese

The leader of the first sub-Saharan African nation to gain independence, and the most important nationalist leader in Africa, was ?

Kwame Nkrumah.

The Normandy invasion?

Led to the end of German resistance in western Europe

In 1965, which U.S. president ordered a bombing campaign against North Vietnam and sent American ground troops to bolster the South Vietnam army?

Lyndon Johnson.

The disastrous Great Leap Forward was backed by?

Mao Zedong

What country has the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) ruled for much of the twentieth century?


The U.S. victory in the Pacific that turned the tide against the Japanese was?


the Japanese goal in the bombing of Pearl Harbor was to?

Weaken the United States' Naval capacity

The Bandung Conference ______________.

______________. pushed forward the Nonalignment Movement.

Americanization refers to the a. homogenizing of global culture. b. spread of liberal democracy throughout the globe. c. spread of U.S.-financed high technology. d. central role that U.S. financial institutions play in the world market. e. spread of Latin American influences to the U.S. market.


China's population policy a. limits couples to one child. b. encourages families to have as many children as possible. c. has created a complicated but logical formula tying number of children to economic well-being. d. suggests that couples have no more than four children. e. was copied from a successful Indian policy.


Dowry deaths are a major problem facing women in a. India. b. China. c. Saudi Arabia. d. the former Soviet Union. e. Mexico.


The "velvet revolution" brought change to a. Czechoslovakia. b. Poland. c. Romania. d. Bulgaria. e. East Germany.


The East German leader who rejected Gorbachev's reforms and clung to the traditional Soviet pattern was a. Erich Honecker. b. Nicolae Ceauşescu. c. Todor Zhivkov. d. Boris Yeltsin. e. Josip Broz.


The earliest nongovernmental organization was a. the Red Cross. b. the International Monetary Fund. c. Greenpeace. d. the United Nations. e. the European Union.


The first female president of Sri Lanka was a. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga. b. Indira Gandhi. c. Aung San Suu Kyi. d. Benazir Bhuto. e. Arundhati Roy.


The goals of feminism in industrialized nations after WWII include all the following EXCEPT A) women's suffrage. B) equal pay for equal work. C) access to birth control and abortion. D) legal equality. E) None of these is correct, as all are modern goals of feminism.


In the Balfour Declaration of 1917?

the British government committed itself to supporting a Jewish homeland in Palestine

All of the following have contributed to the dramatic growth of the Chinese economy since the late 1970s EXCEPT A) more efficient long-term economic forecasting by the Communist Party leadership .B) the opening of China to foreign investment and foreign technology. C) the opening of Chinese domestic markets to foreign imports. D) vast reserves of cheap labor. E) All these answers are correct.


As a result of China's one-child policy, A) the population of China has stabilized. B) a significant number of girl babies are missing. C) women have achieved full gender equity in China. D) lingering Confucian values have finally been rooted out. E) All these answers are correct.


Betty Friedan, in her book The Feminine Mystique, wrote about a. the spectacular advances that American women had made in the years after World War II. b. how unhappy many American women were. c. the greater education and employment freedoms that Russian women had over U.S. women. d. the subtle transformation of the rights of women in the Islamic world. e. the controversial topic of female sexuality.


Global recognition and acceptance of the concept of human rights grew after a. World War I. b. World War II. c. the cold war. d. the Vietnam War. e. the Korean War.


Global warming refers to A) natural variations in the global climate over time. B) the rise in global temperatures caused by atmospheric pollution such as the emissions of cars and factories. C) the risk of a nuclear war when the planet is politically "hot." D) the increase in temperature caused by volcanic activity on the oceans' floors. E) None of these answers is correct.


In the 1970s, OPEC demonstrated that A) the only way to defeat Israel was for all Arab states to work together. B) an alliance in control of a valuable resource could exert control over the global economy. C) western powers could no longer dominate the Suez Canal. D) overproduction of petroleum products can cause a slump in global prices. E) All these answers are correct.


The Asian economic crisis began in 1997 in what country? a. China b. Thailand c. Hong Kong d. Japan e. South Korea


The Russian leader who brought massive reform to the Soviet Union beginning in 1985 was a. Boris Yeltsin. b. Mikhail Gorbachev. c. Leonid Brezhnev. d. Nikita Khrushchev. e. Vladimir Putin.


The author of The Feminine Mystique was a. Simone de Beauvoir. b. Betty Friedan .c. Imre Nagy .d. Indira Gandhi. e. Gertrude Stein.


What country did the Soviet Union expel from the Soviet bloc in 1948 because of its insistence on following an independent course in foreign affairs? a. East Germany b. Yugoslavia c. Hungary d. Czechoslovakia e. Romania


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of modern global corporations? A) They seek out the cheapest labor and raw materials. B) They have helped provide more money for social services and welfare programs. C) They prefer locations with few, if any, environmental laws. D) They favor unrestricted free trade. E) They scatter operations all over the world.


In 1947, the United Nations proposed that Palestine should?

be divided into Jewish and Arabic halves

Because of the rise of communication technology, observers have labeled today's era the a. age of anxiety. b. age of entertainment. c. age of access. d. age of intrusion. e. age of privacy.


Between 2005 and 2050, population is expected to continue growing in all of the following world regions EXCEPT A) Africa. B) Asia. C) Europe. D) North America. E) Latin America.


Ideologically, the two competing sides in the cold war were a. socialism and communism. b. communism and fascism. c. capitalism and communism. d. republican and democrat .e. fascism and capitalism.


Imre Nagy a. launched the Prague Spring in 1968. b. wrote The Second Sex. c. announced Hungary's withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact in 1956. d. pursued a foreign policy independent of Soviet Control in Yugoslavia. e. wrote One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.


In the wake of the Berlin Blockade and Airlift, the U.S., British, and French zones of occupation in western Germany a. were combined into one large American zone of occupation. b. were evacuated by the countries occupying them in order to prevent a wider conflict. c. were combined to form the Federal Republic of Germany. d. were occupied by the Soviet Union after a treaty was signed between the Soviets and the West. e. None of these.


It is estimated that by 2050 the population of the earth will reach a. 4.2 billion. b. 5.7 billion. c. 9 billion. d. 15.4 billion. e. 18.9 billion.


Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of perestroika referred to a. openness. b. "the great leap forward." c. decentralizing the economy. d. de-communism. e. reeducation.


One unsuspected consequence of China's one-child family rule is a. a precipitous drop in the Chinese population. b. the need to "import" women of a marriageable age. c. the mystery of a half million "missing" girls every year. d. repeated anti-governmental uprisings in the countryside. e. the loophole that allows the Chinese to adopt as many children as they want.


The 1997 agreement at Kyoto was aimed at controlling which of the following threats to the world's environment? a. overpopulation b. the extinction of large numbers of plants and animals c. global warming from the emission of greenhouse gasses d. the threat of nuclear war in central Asia e. the destruction of the rainforests of Africa


The French president Charles de Gaulle a. broke with tradition and supported the Soviet Union in the Algerian crisis. b. was a staunch ally of the Soviet Union. c. wanted to disengage from NATO. d. remained the most loyal ally of the United States throughout the 1960s. e. formed a strong alliance with East Germany.


The Soviet Union discovered its "Vietnam" in a. Vietnam. b. East Germany. c. Afghanistan. d. Hungary. e. Czechoslovakia.


The United States' "war on terror" began in the wake of which of the followinin the wake of which of the following events? a. the Islamic revolution in Iran b. the first Gulf War c. the attacks on the U.S. World Trade Center and Pentagon d. the 2003 invasion of Iraq to oust Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein e. an attack on a U.S. warship in Yemeng events?


The most famous and most strongly integrated regional bloc is a. OPEC. b. ASEAN. c. the European Union. d. NAFTA. e. the Warsaw Pact.


The perceived grievances of al-Qaeda against the United States and its allies include all of the following EXCEPT A) U.S. support of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. B) the presence of American troops in the holy land of Saudi Arabia. C) U.S. failure to support the mujahideen in their war against the Soviet Union. D) U.S. sanctions against Iraq. E) None of these is correct, as all are perceived grievances of al-Qaeda against the U.S. and its allies.


The purpose of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was to A) funnel U.S. economic aid to NATO allies. B) attract emerging economies into trade alliances with the United States. C) eliminate barriers to free trade. D) regulate currency rates. E) set fair labor standards for the industrialized nations.


U.S. president Dwight Eisenhower a. felt that communism would die out on its own. b. signed a long-term trading agreement with the Russians. c. was a believer in the domino theory. d. articulated the containment theory in his famous Eisenhower Doctrine. e. stood up to the Soviets in the Cuban missile crisis.


Upon its creation in 1949, the People's Republic of China a. was a democratic country committed to the destruction of communism. b. was a steadfast ally of the Soviet Union and remained so throughout the Cold War. c. was a totalitarian, communist nation under the leadership of Mao Zedong. d. was a communist nation with an open society that could question communist rule. e. signaled a return to the structure of imperial rule of ancient China.


Which of the following statements is NOT true of modern global consumption? A) Consumption becomes a means of self-expression as well as a source of personal identity. B) Modern consumption is shaped by wants and desires rather than by needs or necessities. C) Global consumption is entirely one way: the tastes of the United States are imposed on the rest of the world. D) Where products scarcely vary from one another, consumers are encouraged to make purchases based on brand names. E) Global consumerism threatens local and indigenous cultures.


At the time he was forced out of office in 1989, longest surviving communist leader was a. Romania's Nicolae Ceauşescu. b. East Germany's Erich Honecker. c. Hungary's Imre Nagy. d. Bulgaria's Todor Zhivkov. e. the Soviet Union's Mikhail Gorbachev.


By 2001, female literacy in India stood at a. 10 percent. b. 20 percent. c. 40 percent. d. 54 percent e. 75 percent..


In 2005, the population of the earth stood at a. 2 billion. b. 3.5 billion. c. 4.3 billion. d. 6.5 billion. e. 8 billion.


In the Islamic world, roughly what percentage of women is in the workforce? a. 50 b. 35 c. 20 d. 10 e. 2


Mikhail Gorbachev a. intended from the very beginning to tear down the Soviet system. b. was influenced by the economic reforms of Deng Xiaoping. c. was mainly inspired by Leonid Brezhnev. d. never intended to abolish the existing Soviet political and economic system. e. had been a capitalist reformer since his college education in London.


OPEC is a. the remnant of the old communist bloc nations. b. an association of southeast Asian nations. c. a military wing of the United Nations. d. an oil-producing cartel. e. designed to stop the spread of communism


One objective that the EU and ASEAN share in common is a commitment to A) human rights and environmental regulations. B) democratic governments. C) removing political barriers between member states. D) removing barriers to trade between member states. E) All these answers are correct.


The Korean War resulted in a. an overwhelming victory for U.S.-backed South Korea. b. an overwhelming victory for Soviet-backed North Korea. c. the second use of nuclear weapons. d. an encouragement of the globalization of containment .e. such a terrible loss of life that the Soviets and Americans were forced to reconcile their differences.


The Myanmar leader who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 is a. Indira Gandhi. b. Benazir Bhuto. c. Arundhati Roy. d. Aung San Suu Kyi. e. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga.


The Strategic Arms Limitations Talks were signed in 1972 between a. China and the Soviet Union. b. the United States and the western Europeans. c. North and South Korea. d. the Soviet Union and the United States. e. India and Pakistan.


The new age of global interconnectedness a. has the potential to ensure complete equality among nations. b. eliminates the distinction between "connected" and "unconnected." c. provides the last, best chance for universal literacy. d. carries the threat of mass media acting as a vehicle for cultural imperialism. e. ensures the continued victory of capitalism over communism.


The only countries that transformed their legal systems to ensure basic equality for women were a. Islamic countries. b. western European countries. c. Latin American countries. d. communist countries. e. North American countries.


When Mikhail Gorbachev discussed the opening of Soviet society to public criticism and admission of past mistakes, he used the term a. uskorenie. b. perestroika. c. ceauşescu. d. glasnost. e. zhivkov.


Which of the following is NOT a good example of the Americanization of global culture? A) Pizza Hut B) Coca-Cola C) McDonald's D) Rolex watches E) Pepsi


Which of the following statements is NOT true of modern terrorism? A) Modern terrorists routinely employ violence against civilian targets. B) Modern terrorists use sophisticated modern weapons and technologies. C) Modern terrorists are not confined to any one state and operate effectively across borders. D) Modern terrorists have been largely successful in achieving their political objectives. E) None of these is correct, as all are true statements regarding modern terrorism.


Which of the following was NOT a factor in the Japanese postwar "economic miracle"? A) Massive aid from the United States enabled Japan to rebuild quickly after the war. B) Japanese products were not barred from the U.S. market. C) Restrictions imposed on Japanese defense spending enabled them to channel much of their GNP into economic development. D) Abundant reserves of oil and gas fueled postwar industrialization. E) Cheap labor costs and a compliant workforce made Japanese industry very competitive.


Which of these organizations has developed into a forum for settling international trade disputes? a. North American Treaty Organization b. Warsaw Pact c. United Nations d. World Trade Organization e. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries


Who finally dismantled the Soviet Communist party and pushed the country toward free market reforms? a. Mikhail Gorbachev b. Erich Honecker c. Vladimir Putin d. Boris Yeltsin e. Nikita Khrushchev


Both Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru felt that communalism was ?

dangerous because it emphasized religious over national identity.

Nicolae Ceauşescu was a. the Bulgarian dictator who was the longest surviving communist leader. b. the leader of Solidarity. c. the leader of the "velvet revolution" in Czechoslovakia. d. the Soviet general who seized control after Gorbachev's reform movement. e. the brutal Romanian dictator who was overthrown and killed in 1989.


One significant result of the electronic information age is that A) English has become the primary language of global communications. B) social and political isolation has been vastly reduced. C) politically repressive regimes such as that of China are trying to control the Internet. D) the gulf between the technological haves and have-nots has widened. E) All these answers are correct.


The Bay of Pigs invasion a. diminished U.S. prestige in Latin America. b. was a failure. c. strengthened Castro's position in Cuba. d. strengthened Castro's commitment to communism. e. All of these.


The Equal Rights Amendment in the United States a. ensured equal pay for women. b. ensured government support for reproductive rights. c. dramatically increased the pay of women. d. was such a success that it was copied around the world. e. was never ratified.


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) started with 23 noncommunist nations in 1947, and by 1994 was up to how many nations? a. 30 b. 42 c. 55 d. 71 e. 123


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) started with how many nations? a. 30 communist nations b. 10 communist nations; 15 noncommunist nations c. 55 noncommunist nations d. 35 noncommunist nations; 11 communist nations e. 23 noncommunist nations


The German Democratic Republic a. was formed out of the British, French, and American zones of occupation .b. was sealed off from its eastern half by the construction of the Berlin Wall. c. prospered under American leadership. d. was really under direct Chinese control. e. was formed out of the Soviet zone of occupation.


The Paris Peace Accords of 1973 a. recognized the division of Korea along the 38th parallel. b. called for a limitation on Soviet and American production of nuclear weapons. c. settled the long-standing Indian-Pakistani confrontation over the status of the province of Kashmir. d. brought an end to the Nigerian civil war. e. ended the U.S. phase of the Vietnam War.


The area(s) of the world where child labor is most prominent is/are a. Africa. b. south Asia. c. southeast Asia. d. the Middle East. e. south and southeast Asia.


The foreign policy of Charles de Gaulle focused on a. full cooperation with NATO during the Cold War. b. the creation of an independent nuclear strike force. c. establishing close ties with the Soviet Union. d. disengagement from NATO. e. the creation of an independent nuclear strike force and disengagement from NATO.


The spread of U.S. mass culture a. is welcomed around the world. b. provides a standard of quality that did not exist before. c. is viewed as the first positive step in the creation of a truly global American empire. d. is feared at all times. e. is often seen as a threat to local or indigenous cultures.


The term wangguan refers to a. the native American belief that the earth will reclaim its gifts from an ungrateful human population. b. dowry death. c. Mikhail Gorbachev's plea for "openness." d. the Indonesian antiglobalization. e. the "net wall" that China has attempted to construct to keep out the Internet.


The world's population increases by ________ every year. a. 200,000 b. 600,000 c. 4,500,000 d. 12,000,000 e. 75,000,000


Which of the following is NOT one of Asia's "little tigers"? A) Hong Kong B) Singapore C) South Korea D) Taiwan E) Vietnam


Which of the following would NOT be a good example of an NGO? A) Amnesty International B) Greenpeace C) Human Rights Watch D) the Red Cross E) the United Nations


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