unit 9 practice quiz

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Which of the following is NOT a reason for the rapid rise in U.S. health care costs?

declining average age for the us population

One of the earliest studies to link class position and mental health was carried out during the 1930s by

faris and dunham

18. Talcott Parsons described the "sick role."


About what share of the U.S. population has no medical coverage?


In 2010, the total cost for health care for the U.S. population was about

2.6 trillion

The average annual income of a physician who has a specialty in an area such as spinal surgery is about


The United States accounts for about what share of global AIDS cases?

3 percent

Research has found that what share of college students in the United States report having been so depressed that they could not do their work?

30 percent

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that what share of the elderly have some disability?


One study that focused on men who complained to doctors about chest pain found that doctors were

40 percent less likely to order advances tests for african americans than for white patients with the same symptoms

In 2010, about what share of the U.S. population were covered by private health insurance?


The United States is facing a nursing shortage that is projected to increase. Which of the following is a major reason for the shortage?

Because women's work choices are expanding, fewer women are drawn to this traditionally female occupation

Read the following statements about AIDS. Which statement is correct?

Non-Hispanic African Americans are nine times more likely than non-Hispanic whites to die from AIDS

Canada has what type of health care system?

The government operates like a large insurance company, paying physicians and hospitals from tax revenues.

in japan,

a combination of government programs and private health insurance pays most medical costs.

In 1952, the first edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) defined homosexuality as

a personality disorder

Health is defined by the World Health Organization as

a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being

In terms of health care, liberals

accept the idea of most doctors and hospitals operating for profit, but emphasize that government programs should be expanded so that everyone receives care.

Which of the following concepts refers to a disease that strikes suddenly?

acute disease

Where is the world is the AIDS epidemic most serious?


Gender affects the health of men and women in which of the following ways?

american culture's definition of masculinity places men at higher risk for accidents, violence, and suicide

In the United States, African Americans are three times as likely to be poor as white people,

and die an average fo five years earlier than whites

Susan compares herself to women she sees on television and concludes she is overweight. She diets compulsively and eats very little, resulting in an unhealthy body weight. Susan appears to have

anorexia nervosa

Gina wakes up with a fever and calls in sick to her workplace. Then, she calls her physician and makes an appointment. After seeing the physician, who prescribes some medication and bed rest, Gina immediately goes home and follows her doctor's instructions. In sociological terms, Gina has

assumed the sick role

Our culture's tendency to define women in terms of physical attractiveness

can lead to eating disorders, which in turn cause other serious health problems

Why has China escaped the AIDS epidemic that has ravaged other Asian nations to the South?

china's traditional sexual norms

An illness that has a long-term development is called

chronic disease

From which political perspective would someone argue that people should take responsibility for their own health and medical care?


The fear of lawsuits may prompt doctors to order additional tests and procedures just to protect themselves-a strategy called

defensive medicine

Which of the following is NOT one of the medical cost-controlling techniques discussed in the text?

denying care to people without insurance

Which concept refers to a medical care system in which patients or their insurers pay directly for the services of physicians and hospitals

direct fee

Jeffrey is a paraplegic and uses a wheelchair. Jeffrey has a


The text states that a physical or mental condition that limits a person's everyday activities is a


Treatment of the mentally ill underwent reform during the 1800s due in large part to the efforts of

dorothea dix

10. There are few lawsuits involving medical care in the United States.


12. Prenatal care refers to medical treatment of very young infants.


16. Research shows that, the higher your income, the greater your risk of mental illness.


17. Deinstitutionalization means moving people from local communities into large institutions.


20. If you were a conservative, you would probably support a large role for government in health care.


4. Cases of AIDS are highly concentrated in the world's high-income nations.


8. Among high-income nations, Japan has relatively high life expectancy.


9. In the United States, the fact that more doctors now specialize has brought down the costs of health care


In terms of health care, conservatives

favor allowing physicians and health-care agencies to compete freely in a market system

Which theoretical approach links patterns of health to inequality based on gender?


What concept refers to private insurance organizations that provide medical care to subscribers for a fixed fee?

health maintenance organizations (HMOs)

The leading cause of death among African American men aged fifteen to thirty-four is


Social epidemiology is the study of

how health and disease are distributed throughout a society's population

Because medical advances now save the lives of people who, decades ago, would have died, the share of our population with a disability is


According to the text, the U.S. nursing shortage is resulting in

increasing salaries for nurses

anorexia nervosa

is a form of compulsive dieting leading people to eat too little to maintain a healthy body weight


is part of the social security system

Which of the following situations illustrates a effective program of prenatal care?

jane sees her obstetrician regularly during her pregnancy

If you argue that health care is a right that everyone should have, you are speaking from which position on the political spectrum?

left of center

The number of years, on average, people in a society can expect to live is referred to as

life expectancy at birth

From about the 1600s to the 1800s, European nations dealt with the mentally ill by

locking them away with criminals and the poor

Where the United States stands on health a century from now

looks bleak, compared to the health of most of the rest of the world.

When it comes to the health of the overall population, in comparison with most other high-income nations, the united states rank


Most mental disorders have

many causes, both biological and social.

Societies with mostly capitalist economies distribute health care through

market system

Because people may look at someone and see only a disability rather than a person's abilities, a disability can operate as a

master status

Which of the following is an acute disease?


Which government health care program serves poor people who are pregnant, blind, or permanently disabled, elderly, or who live in families with dependent children?


In terms of mental health and gender,

men are more likely to develop disorders involving aggression and substance abuse.

Which concept refers to a condition involving thinking, mood, or behavior that causes distress and reduces a person's ability to function in everyday life?

mental disorder

About what share of the adult population in the United States they have suffered from a mental illness at some point in their lives?


More people in the United States are ending up with a chronic and disabling condition, ranging from arthritis (inflammation of the joints) to Alzheimer's disease (loss of brain function) mainly because

people are living longer

Which category of people in the United States has a surprisingly good mental health profile, given their below average income?

people of hispanic descent

In what category of disorders does the mind appear to affect the body?


Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz charges that people apply the label of "insanity" to behavior that they find disturbing. According to Szasz, much behavior defined as "crazy" is

really one "different"

Which well-known person played a major part in the rise of psychotherapy, influences practitioners who have built on his theories and treatment strategies ever since?

sigmund freud

In societies with which type of economy does the government control most economic activity, including providing medical services and operating hospitals and clinics?

socialist economics

What is the term for a medical care system in which the government owns and operates most medical facilities and employs most physicians?

socialized medicine

The text discusses the case of Elizabeth Hale, a woman who has failing kidneys. Medicare and Medicaid pay most of her medical bills. She cannot get a kidney transplant because she cannot afford

some of the cost for necessary antirejection drugs

Since the Soviet Union's 1991 collapse, the health-care system in the new Russian Federation is

still mostly under government control

Which of the following is NOT categorized as a chronic disease?


The notion of the "sick role," a pattern of behavior expected of people defined as ill, is reflected in which of these theoretical approaches?

structural functional

By focusing on how individuals construct reality in their everyday lives, which theoretical approach helps us to understand the varied meanings people attach to health and illness?

symbolic interaction

For more than a century, Sweden has

taken the socialist approach that health care is a basic right for all citizens

In 1990, which act of Congress outlawed discrimination against people with disabilities in employment and public accommodations, including hotels, theaters, restaurants, and stores?

the americans with disabilities act

Which of the following was the important medical advance in terms of treating mental disorders that led to the deinstitutionalization of mental patients across the country?

the development of psychoactive drugs

The most stigmatized people in our society may well be

the mentally ill

Which of the following categories of people has an especially low life expectancy?

the oglala sioux indians of south dakota

From which political viewpoint would someone argue for economic change as a condition of equal health care for all?

the radical left

87. Deinstitutionalization refers to

the release of people from mental hospitals into local communities.

Which of the following concepts refers to a pattern of behavior expected of people defined as ill?

the sick role

In which of the world's high-income countries do the most people have direct responsibility for most of their medical expenses?

the united states

The only high-income nation to rely primarily on a direct-fee system is

the united states

In Great Britain,

there is a dual system with both government and private medical services

1. A good overall measure of a society's health is the infant mortality rate.


11. Medicare serves people aged sixty-five and older.


13. Bulimia refers to an eating disorder involving binge eating and purging through vomiting or using laxatives


14. In the United States, there is currently a shortage of nurses.


15. Thomas Szasz claims that mental illness is a myth.


19. In a capitalist economy, medical practice is based on the profit motive.


2. Chronic disease comes on quickly.


21. If you were a liberal, you would probably express strong support for some government-based program to provide universal health care.


3. Poor nutrition is a major factor in people's health in low-income nations.


5. African Americans are five times more likely to die of AIDS compared to whites.


6. Gender inequality is one factor that makes the global problem of HIV and AIDS worse.


7. Canada has a system of socialized medicine, where the government owns all medical facilities and employs all doctors and nurses.


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