Unit Assignment Chpt 11-12

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Identify characteristics that are responsible for establishing the resting membrane potential. Select all that apply.

*K+ concentration is higher in the intracellular fluid and Na+ concentration is higher in the extracellular fluid. * The plasma membrane is impermeable to large, intracellular anions.

Which items are continuous with each other at the foramen magnum?

Brain and spinal cord

In an adult, the spinal cord extends down the vertebral column to the level of which vertebrae?


The cells that are responsible for wrapping around axons, creating myelin sheaths in the PNS, are ______.

Schwann cells

Identify the characteristics that play a role in the electrical signals created by nervous tissue.

Semipermeable membranes help create a separation of ions. Specific channels alter membrane permeability to ions. Electrical charges are separated across the cell membrane.

The sodium-potassium pump moves the ions in which direction?

Sodium out of the cell and potassium into the cell

Which of the following statements correctly describe spinal reflexes.

Spinal reflexes can be influenced by descending tracts. Spinal reflexes can interact with ascending tracts.

Name the subdivisions of the autonomic motor division of the peripheral nervous system.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic

A dermatome is the area of skin supplied with sensory innervation by _____.

a pair of spinal nerves

The bundle of spinal nerves extending inferiorly from the conus medullaris is called the _____.

cauda equina

Identify the process that allows for contraction of extensor muscles while flexor muscles of an opposite limb contract.

crossed extensor reflex

Synapses may be formed with other neurons' axons at small extensions off a dendrite surface called ______.

dendritic spines

An area of the skin supplied with sensory innervation is called a(n) _____.


The phrenic nerve innervates the ______.


The term "potential difference" refers to the ______.

difference in electrical charge across the plasma membrane

Identify the three layers of meninges.

dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater

In the nervous system, the term ______ refers to signal conduction from the CNS to effectors.


The somatic and autonomic nervous systems are subdivisions of the ______.

efferent division

The independent division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the digestive tract is the ______ nervous system.


The ______ is the independent subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that controls the digestive tract.

enteric nervous system

Neuroglial cells that aid in the production of cerebrospinal fluid are the ______ cells.


Neuroglial cells that produce cerebrospinal fluid are ______.

ependymal cells

The resting membrane potential is a(n) ______ that is established when the tendency for K+ to diffuse out of the cells is equal to the tendency for K+ to be attracted to the negatively charged proteins within the cell.


True or false: Spinal reflexes operate as isolated entities.


True or false: Summation of all incoming signals occurs at the axon terminus of a neuron.


True or false: The myelin sheath consists of connective tissue wrapped around the cell body and axon of a neuron.


In a nerve, a bundle of axons bound together by connective tissue is called a nerve _________ .


The median nerve innervates most of the thenar muscles, the skin of the lateral (radial) side of the palm of the hand and most of the ______.

flexor muscles of the forearm

A hole which allows the brain and spinal cord to be continuous with one another is the _____________

foramen magnum

In an adult, the spinal cord begins at the ______ and ends at vertebrae ______.

foramen magnum, L1-L2

Identify all of the bases for neuron classification

function and structure

A group of related nerve cell bodies are outside of the central nervous system. The group is called a _____.


Groups of related nerve cell bodies located outside of the central nervous system are called _________.

ganglia or ganglion

Identify the structures controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

glands, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle

The cells that are general support cells for neurone in the brain and spinal cord are ______ cells.


Cells of the nervous system that support and protect the neurons are called ______.

glial cells

Select all of the cell types that are components of the nervous system.

glial cells, neurons

The general class of cells in the nervous system that protect nerve cells and help in their functioning are called _________ cells.

glial, glia, neuroglial or neuroglia

List nerves that arise from the lumbosacral plexus.

gluteal and pudendal

The ______ matter of the cerebrum, making up the cortex and deeper nuclei, is made up primarily of neuron cell bodies.

grey or gray

The beginning of an axon is a cone-shaped area of the neuron cell body called the axon _____.


Which of the following is NOT one of the phases of an action potential?


A synapse is a ______.

junction between two cells

Name the plexus that gives rise to the gluteal and pudendal nerves.


The obturator, femoral, tibial and common fibular nerves arise from the _____ plexus.


Identify the nerve that innervates the pronator and most of the flexor muscles of the forearm, most of the thenar muscles and the skin of the lateral side of the palm of the hand.

median nerve

The neuroglial cells that are phagocytic are ______.


The neuroglial cells that phagocytize dead tissue and foreign substances within the CNS are the __________


A simple pathway in which a sensory synapases directly with a motor neuron is called a ____ reflex.


Identify the two functional sub-divisions of the peripheral nervous system.

motor division and sensory division

Identify the structures found in the neuronal pathway of a monosynaptic reflex. Select all that apply.

motor neuron and sensory neuron

The anterior horns of the spinal cord contain cell bodies of somatic ______ neurons that innervate skeletal muscles.

motor or efferent

The sensory receptor of a stretch reflex is the ______ _______.

muscle spindle

The _______ sheath is composed of multiple layers of neuroglial cell membranes wrapped around the axon of a neuron.


The layer called the _______ ___________ insulates axons, both in the CNS and PNS.

myelin sheath

The category of cells of the nervous system that support and protect neurons are called _______ cells.

neuroglia, glia, or glial

Synaptic vesicles within synaptic knobs contain chemicals called _____


Synaptic vesicles within synaptic knobs contain chemicals called _______.


What substance fills synaptic vesicles?


Rough endoplasmic reticulum in neurons is also known as ______.

nissl bodies

On myelinated axons, small gaps exist between adjacent Schwann cells; these gaps are known ______ as of _____ .

nodes ; ranvier

Glial cells that form myelin sheaths within the CNS are the ______


Glial cells that form myelin sheaths within the CNS are the ________.


The glial cells that form myelin sheaths in the brain and spinal cord are ______.


A bipolar neuron has how many dendrites?


A neuron with _____ process(es) extending from the cell body is called a pseudo-unipolar neuron.


Match the sensory receptor with the correct refle

pain receptor - withdrawal reflex muscle spindles - stretch reflex golgi tendon organ - golgi tendon reflex

The ______ branch of the autonomic nervous system regulates resting functions


The ________ branch of the autonomic nervous system predominates when the body is quiet and calm.


Schwann cells and satellite cells are examples of neuroglial cells in the ______ nervous system.


The sensory and motor divisions are functional branches of the ______ nervous system.


The sensory and motor divisions are the two functional sub-divisions of the ______ nervous system.


The diaphragm is innervated specifically by _________ the nerve(s).


A patient is having difficulty breathing. Name a nerve could be responsible for this difficulty.

phrenic nerve

An intermingling of nerves is called a(n) _____.


A complex pathway consisting of two or more interneurons between motor neurons is called a _________ reflex.


During an action potential, repolarization is due to ____ ions leaving the cell.

potassium or K or K+

At a synapse, the neuron that releases a neurotransmitter referred to as ______.


The first neuron at a synapse (the end of an axon that releases neurotransmitter) would be the ______ neuron.


The purpose of the absolute refractory period is to _____.

prevent action potentials from being generated in reverse direction

A sensory neuron with a single process extending from the cell body is a(n) ______ neuron.


Identify the process that allows for relaxation of extensor muscles while opposing flexor muscles contract.

reciprocal innervation

The role of the Na+-K+ pump in membrane potential regulation is that it ______.

reestablishes correct ion distribution, compensating for ion leakage

Identify the function of withdrawal reflexes.

removes a body part from a painful stimulus

Nissl bodies are _____.

rough endoplasmic reticulum

The specific cells that are responsible for producing myelin in the PNS are the ______ cells.


The two functional divisions of the peripheral nervous system are ______.

sensory and motor

The small, membrane-bound organelles that are found in the presynaptic terminals and which contain neurotransmitters are called _____.

synaptic vesicles

The somatic nervous system is the sub-division of the efferent division that transmits electrical impulses from _____.

the CNS towards skeletal muscle

What is the function of the denticulate ligaments?

to limit lateral movement of the spinal cord

Within a neuron, summation of all incoming signals occurs at the ______.

trigger zone

True or false: The potential difference is caused by a difference in concentration of charged particles on either side of the cell membrane.


True or false: The radial and musculocutaneous nerves are major nerves of the brachial plexus.


Nervous tissue of the CNS that is composed primarily of myelinated axons is often referred to as ______ matter.


The portions of the CNS that are composed primarily of myelinated axon bundles are often referred to as _____ matter.


What type of reflex functions to remove a body part from a painful stimulus?

withdrawal reflex

Place the events of a basic reflex arc in the order in which action potentials will pass through.

1. Sensory receptor detects stimulus 2. sensory neuron conducts action potential to the CNS 3. Synapse with an interneuron 4. synapse with a motor neuron 5. motor neuron conducts action potential to an effector organ

Indicate the correct order of meninges from superficial at the top to deep at the bottom.

1. dura mater 2. arachnoid mater 3. pia mater

Place the events of a withdrawal reflex in chronological order.

1. pain receptors detect a painful stimulus 2. sensory neurons conduct action potentials to the spinal cord 3. sensory neuron synapses with an excitatory interneuron 4. excitatory interneuron synapses with an alpha motor neuron 5. muscle contracts 6. a body part is withdrawn from the painful stimulus

Describe the cauda equina.

A bundle of spinal nerves extending inferiorly from the conus medullaris

What is a plexus?

An intermingling of nerves

Identify the five major nerves of the brachial plexus.

Axillary nerve Radial nerve Ulnar nerve Median nerve Musculocutaneous nerve

What are the spinal nerves that give rise to the brachial plexus?


Match each division of the nervous system with the correct description

Central Nervous System- Consists of the brain and spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System- Consists of sensory receptors, nerves, ganglia and plexuses. Autonomic Nervous System- Consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions Somatic Nervous System- Division of the efferent division that is mostly under voluntary control Afferent Division- Also referred to as the sensory division of the PNS Efferent Division- Also referred to as the motor division of the PNS Enteric Nervous System- Independent sub-division that controls the digestive tract

Correctly match each division of the nervous system with its description.

Central Nervous System- Processes information, initiates responses and integrates mental processes Peripheral Nervous System- Detects stimuli and transmits information to and receives information from the CNS Autonomic Nervous System- Transmits information to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands.Somatic Nervous System- Transmits information to skeletal muscle Afferent Division- Transmits information from receptors to the CNS Efferent Division- Transmits information from the CNS to muscles and glands Enteric Nervous System- Independent sub-division that controls the digestive tract

Name the structure that extends laterally from the spinal cord and attaches to the dura mater to limit the lateral movement of the spinal cord.

Denticulate ligament

Identify the function of Golgi tendon organs.

Detect intense stretching of tendons

What are Golgi tendon organs?

Encapsulated nerve endings in tendons

Identify the function of the myelin sheath.

Insulating the axon

List the events that occur in withdrawal reflex. Select all that apply.

Muscle contraction Sensory neurons conduct action potentials to the spinal cord. Withdrawal of a body part from the painful stimulus Pain receptors detect a painful stimulus.

What is the name of the gaps found between segments of myelin along an axon?

Nodes of Ranvier

Identify the major nerves of the lumbosacral plexus

Obturator nerve Common fibular nerve Tibial nerve Femoral nerve

Name the reflex that is a complex pathway consisting of two or more interneurons between a sensory and motor neuron

Polysynaptic reflex

Identify the function of crossed extensor reflex.

Promotes extension of a limb,when an opposite limb is flexed

Identify the function of reciprocal innervation.

Promotes relaxation of extensor muscles while opposing flexor muscles contract

What is the conus medullaris?

Region of the spinal cord where it tapers to a point

Identify the phases of an action potential.

Repolarization Afterpotential Depolarization

Choose the neuroglial cell types found in the peripheral nervous system.

Satellite cells Schwann cells

As a result of nervous tissue possessing electrical properties along the membrane, which characteristics are present?

The ability to have a refractory period in which the cell is insensitive to stimulation The ability to generate graded potentials The ability to create a relatively stable resting membrane voltage The ability to generate action potentials

Explain why the propagation of action potentials occurs in one direction.

The absolute refractory period prevents the generation of an action potential in the reverse direction.

What factors are in equilibrium that contribute to the resting membrane potential?

The tendency for K+ to diffuse out and its attraction to the negative interior of the cell.

In an action potential, what happens to potassium ions during repolarization?

They leave the cell.

List the components of a reflex arc.

an interneuron, an effector organ, and sensory receptor

Somatic motor neurons are found in the ______ of the spinal cord.

anterior horns

Glial cells that form processes which extend to blood vessels are ______.


The star-shaped neuroglia with cytoplasmic processes extending outward from the cell body are _____


The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are best described as being part of the ______ division of the motor division of the peripheral NS.


The division of the nervous system that controls involuntary actions and transmits impulses from the CNS towards cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands is the ______.

autonomic nervous system

The division of the nervous system that transmits electrical impulses toward cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands is the ______ nervous system, whereas the division of the nervous system that transmits electrical impulses toward skeletal muscle is the ______ nervous system.

autonomic, somatic

Efferent neurons carry information ______

away from the CNS

Match the parts of a neuron with the appropriate description.

axon - Process of a neuron that transmits action potentials away from the cell body dendrite - Process of a neuron that transmits action potentials towards the cell body collaterals - branches of an axon presynaptic terminal - Enlarged end of axon containing vesicles filled with neurotransmitters Enlarged end of axon containing vesicles filled with neurotransmitters axon hillock - site where the axon originates

A neuron with one axon and one dendrite is a ________ neuron.


The ________. _____ is a mound on one side of the neuron cell body. It is the point of origin for the axon.

blank 1: axon, trigger or initial blank 2: hillock, zone, or segment

The general types of cells that make up the nervous system are _______ and _______ cells.

blank 1: neurons or neuron blank 2: neuroglia, glial, nonneural or glai

The spinal nerves C5-T1 give rise to the ________ plexus.


Identify the plexuses that give rise to the phrenic nerve.

brachial and cervical

Damage to the phrenic nerve would affect one's ability to ______.


What is a nerve fascicle?

bundle of axons bound together by connective tissue

Correctly pair the parts of a neuron with the correct description.

cell body - Enlarged portion of a neuron that contains the nucleus and other organelles axon - Process of a neuron that transmits action potentials away from the cell body dendrite - Process of a neuron that receives stimuli and and generates local potentials nissl body - Rough endoplasmic reticulum of a neuron responsible for protein synthesis collaterals - branches of an axon

The division of the nervous system that is responsible for processing, integrating, storing and responding to information is the _________ nervous system.


The division of the nervous system that is the key decision maker of the body is the ______ nervous system.


The two major subdivisions of the nervous system are the _____ and the ____ nervous systems.

central and peripheral

The ______ are the two major subdivisions of the nervous system.

central and peripheral nervous systems

The phrenic nerves are derived from both the _____ and the _____ plexuses.


Inferior to the lumbosacral enlargement the spinal cord tapers to a point. This region is called the ______.

conus medullaris

Pair the neuronal pathways and circuits to the correct definition.

convergent pathway - A pathway where several neurons synapse with a smaller number of neurons divergent pathway - A pathway where a small number of neurons synapse with a larger number of neurons oscillating circuit - Neurons arranged in a circular fashion that are repeatedly stimulated to produce action potentials

Match the neuronal pathways and circuits with the correct function.

convergent pathway - Pathways that allow different parts of the nervous system to affect the activity of a neuron. divergent pathway - Pathways that allow one part of the nervous system to affect more than one part of the nervous system. reverberating circuit - Important in functions that are periodically active such as the sleep/wake cycle and respiration.

The gray matter of the cerebrum is composed of neuron cell bodies and makes up both the ______.

cortex and deep cerebral nuclei

During an EPSP, an influx of ______ occurs.


Excitatory postsynaptic potentials are due to the entry of the electrolyte _______ through gated ion channels in the postsynaptic membrane.

sodium, Na or Na+

The division of the peripheral nervous system that includes efferent fibers to skeletal muscles is the _____ division.


The division of the nervous system that transmits electrical impulses toward skeletal muscle is the nervous system, whereas the division of the nervous system that transmits electrical impulses toward cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands is the nervous system. Listen to the complete question

somatic & autonomic

What are the divisions of the motor division of the peripheral nervous system?

somatic and autonomic

Small extensions off a dendrite surface are called dendritic _____


Name the reflex where muscles contract in response to stretching within the muscle.


Muscle spindles are the sensory receptors of a ______ reflex, Golgi tendon organs are the sensory receptors of a _____ ______ reflex and pain receptors are the sensory receptors of a ______ reflex.

stretch, Golgi tendon, withdrawal

Neurons are classified by which of the following?

structure and function

The space between the arachnoid mater and pia mater is the _____ space.


The space related to the meninges that contains cerebrospinal fluid is the _____.

subarachnoid space

The space between the dura mater and arachnoid mater is the _______ space.


The space related to the meninges that contains a small amount of serous fluid is the _____.

subdural space

A junction between a neuron and another cell is called a(n) ____


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