University Mottos with Translation

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University of Michigan

Artes, scientia, veritas. ("The arts, knowledge, truth.")

University of Oklahoma

Civi et rei publicae ("for the citizen and the state")

Univ. Florida

Civium in moribus rei publiae salus. ("In the character of its citizens lies the welfare of the state.")

Catholic University of America

Deus lux Mea ("God is my light")

George Washington University

Deus nobis fiducia ("God is our trust")

University of Georgia

Et docere et rerum exquirere causas ("both to teach & to inquire into the causes of things")

Brown University

In Deo speramus. ("In God we trust.")

Translate "In Deo speramus" (Brown University)

In God we trust

Columbia University

In lumine tuo videbimus lumen. ("In thy light, we shall see light.")

Translate "Civium in moribus rei publiae salus" (University of Florida)

In the character of its citizens lies the welfare of the state

Translate "In lumine tuo videbimus lumen" (Collumbia University)

In thy light, we shall see light

Translate "disciplina praesidium civitatis" (University of Texas)

Instruction is the safeguard of the state

Translate "Dei sub numine viget" (Princeton University)

It flourishes under the will of God

Translate "crux spes unica" (Notre Dame University)

The cross is the only hope

Translate "Salus populi" (University of Missouri)

The welfare of the people

The Jesuit

ad maiorem dei gloriam ("For the greater glory of God")

Translate "Et docere et rerum exquirere causas" (University of Georgia)

both to teach & to inquire into the causes of things

Translate "Studiis et rebus honestis" (University of Vermont)

by honorable pursuits and deeds

Translate "Virtute et armis" (University of Mississippi)

by valor and arms

University of Chicago

crescat scientia, vita excolatur (Let knowledge increase, let life be perfected)

Notre Dame University

crux spes unica ("The cross is the only hope")

University of Texas

disciplina praesidium civitatis ("Instruction is the safeguard of the state")

University of California

fiat lux ("let there be light")

Brooklyn College

Nil sine magno labore. ("Nothing without great effort.")

Tulane University

Non sibi, sed suis. ("Not for herself, but for her own.")

Translate "Non sibi, sed suis" (Tulane University)

Not for herself, but for her own

Translate "Nil sine magno labore" (Brooklyn College)

Nothing without great effort

Tufts University

Pax et Lux ("Peace and Light")

Translate "Pax et Lux" (Tufts University)

Peace and Light

New York University

Perstare et praestare. ("To preserve and to surpass")

Wake Forest Univesity

Pro Humanitate ("For humanity")

Trinity College

Pro ecclesia et patria. ("For church and country.")

Baylor University

Pro ecclesia, pro Texana ("for church, for Texas")

Miami University of Ohio

Prodesse quam conspici. ("To the productive, rather than to be ornamental.")

Translate "Artes, scientia, veritas" (University of Michigan)

The arts, knowledge, truth

Translate "Vox clamantis in deserto" (Dartmouth College)

A voice of one crying in the wilderness

Translate "Ecce quam bonam" (University of the South)

Behold how good

Translate "Litteris dedicata et omnibus artibus" (University of Nebraska)

Dedicated to letters and all the arts

Princeton University

Dei sub numine viget ("It flourishes under the will of God")

Oxford University

Dominus illuminatio mea ("the lord is my light")

University of the South(Sewanee)

Ecce quam bonam ("Behold how good')

Translate "Pro ecclesia et patria" (Trinity College)

For church and country

Translate "Pro humanitate" (Wake Forest University)

For humanity

Translate "ad maiorem dei gloriam" (The Jesuit)

For the greater glory of God

Translate "Deus lux Mea" (Catholic University of America)

God is my light

Translate "Deus nobis fiducia" (George Washington University)

God is our trust

University of Pennsylvania

Leges sine moribus vanae - ("laws without morals are useless")

Translate "Terras irradient" (Amherst College)

Let them illuminate the earth

Translate "Lux sit" (University of Washington)

Let there be light

Translate "Lux et Veritas" (Indiana University Bloomington)

Light and Truth

Translate "Lux et veritas" (Yale University)

Light and truth

Translate "Lux hominum vita" (University of New Mexico)

Light of the life of men

University of Nebraska

Litteris dedicata et omnibus artibus ('Dedicated to letters and all the arts')

Translate "Respice, adspice, prospice" (City College of NY)

Look back, look to the present, look to the future

Translate "Mihi cura futuri" (Hunter College)

My anxiety is for the future

Indiana University Bloomington

Lux et Veritas ("light and truth")

Yale University

Lux et veritas. ("Light and truth.")

University of New Mexico

Lux hominum vita. ("Light of the life of men.")

University of Washington

Lux sit. ("Let there be light.")

University of Oregon

Mens agitat molem ('Mind moves the mass')

Hunter College

Mihi cura futuri. ("My anxiety is for the future.")

Translate "Mens agitat molem" (University of Oregon)

Mind moves the mass

City College of NY

Respice, adspice, prospice. ("Look back, look to the present, look to the future.")

University of Missouri

Salus populi. ("The welfare of the people.")

Fordham University

Sapientia et doctrina. ("Wisdom and knowledge.")

University of Vermont

Studiis et rebus honestis ("by honorable pursuits and deeds")

Amherst College

Terras irradient. ("Let them illuminate the earth.")

Translate "Perstare et praestare" (New York University)

To preserve and to surpass

Translate "Prodesse quam conspici" (Miama University of Ohio)

To the productive, rather than to be ornamental

Translate "Veritas" (Harvard University)


Translate "Veritas vos liberabit" (Johns Hopkins University)

Truth will free you

Johns Hopkins University

Veritas vos liberabit. ("Truth will free you.")

Harvard University

Veritas. ("Truth.")

University of Mississippi

Virtute et armis. ("By valor and arms.")

Dartmouth College

Vox clamantis in deserto. ("A voice of one crying in the wilderness.")

Translate "Sapientia et doctrina" (Fordham University)

Wisdom and Knowledge

Translate "Pro ecclesia, pro Texana" (Baylor University)

for church, for Texas

Translate "Civi et rei publicae" (University of Oklahoma)

for the citizen and the state

Translate "fiat lux" (University of California)

let there be light

Washington University

per virtutem vis ("strength through virtue")

Northwestern University

quaecum sunt vera ("whatever is true")

Translate "per virtutem vis" (Washington University)

strength through virtue

Translate "Dominus illuminatio mea" (Oxford University)

the lord is my light

Translate "quaecum sunt vera" (Northwestern University)

whatever is true

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