UPD - Mine Safety and Health

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A device used for detonating an explosive like ordinary, electric, non-electric blasting caps, exploders percussion caps, primer, and electric detonators.

Lost-Time Accident, Non-Fatal

A type of accident that does not result in death or permanent total or permanent partial disability but which results in disability from work for a day or more.

Lost-Time Accident, Fatal

A type of accident that results in the death of the injured person.

Non-Lost Time Accident

A type of accident that will not prevent the injured person from reporting to his duly designated work on the working day following the day of injury and thereafter.

Primed Cartridge or Primer

An explosive cartridge to which a detonator has been attached


An unplanned event that does not result in personal injury and in property damage but is worthy of recording.


An unplanned event that results in personal injury or property damage.


An unplanned event where no property was damaged and no personal injury was sustained, but where given a slight shift in time or position damage and/or injury easily could have occurred.


Any building or structure other than explosive manufacturing building used for the storage of explosives and blasting accessories.

Permanent Storage Magazine

Building or structure where a large quantity of explosives is kept.

Issuing Magazine

Building or structure where a small or moderate quantity of explosives is kept.


If the remaining part of any blasted hole which has been fired contains explosive, it shall be called and treated as ______.

57 degrees Celsius

In the Mine Safety and Health Standards, a "Hot Material" is defined as a material having a temperature of?

Imminent Danger

In the Mine Safety and Health Standards, this is defined as a condition or practice that could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical injury or damage to the property prior to the adoption of appropriate measures to counter the risk.

Not Less Than 250 Employees

Range of number of employees for a surface Class A mine

Not Less Than 75 Employees and Not More Than 250 Employees

Range of number of employees for a surface Class B mine

Not Less Than 25 Employees and Not More Than 50 Employees

Range of number of employees for an underground Class C mine

Not More Than 25 Employees

Range of number of employees for an underground Class D mine

Central Safety and Health Committee

The committee where a forum for consultation and cooperation between the employer or manager of the mine, employees and members initiate, develop, and implement measures designed to ensure the safety and health of employees at the mine

DAO 2000-98

The currently used Mine Safety and Health Standards.

Accident Severity Rate

The days lost per million man-hours worked.

Material Safety Data Sheet

The document that describes the identity of a substance which includes among others company product information, composition, information on ingredients, hazard identification and control, and clean-up procedures in cases of an accidental spill

Accident Frequency Rate

The total fatal and non-fatal lost time accidents per million man-hours worked.

Mines Administrative Order No. MRD-51

This was the used Mine Safety and Health Standards prior to the year 2000.


When the remaining part of a blast hole does not contain explosives, it shall be called and treated as a _____.

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