Urban Hierarchy, Metropolitan Statistical Area, Micropolitan Statistical Area; Megalopolis; Function of Cities, Special Function Cities
Urban Areas are? 2 things.
- nucleated (1+ clear core areas) - non-agricultural jobs
What is a hinterland?
- surrounding area of smaller levels that rely on the central settlement for economic services - people here may work in central area!
According to Wirth, Large Size means:
-A resident can only know so many people. -Most interactions are in passing or through contracts.
Micropolitan Statistical Area characteristics?
-Central County with a population of 10,000 - 50,000 -Outlying counties with significant social and economic integration
Metropolitan Statistical Area characteristics?
-Central County with at least one urbanized area with a population of at least 50,000. -Outlying areas with a large number of commuting residents.
What is a Metropolitan Area characteristics?
-Contains a number of Physical Cities -Operates as Integrated Whole
What is a town? (contains what?)
-Contains more specialized serviced such as hospitals, or post offices. -Contains a Hinterland - Clustering of businesses
What is a Physical City characteristics?
-Continuous Development -Contains a Central City and many nearby towns and cities.
According to Wirth, Social Heterogeneity means:
-People in cities have diverse backgrounds. -This diversity allows greater freedom in cities. -It also contributes to isolationism.
What is a hamlet?
-Small cluster of farmer's houses with a few basic services.
According to Wirth, High Density means:
-Specialized jobs allows many people to live in the same place. -A lot of people with limited space can mean competition. -Higher prices and rents also differentiates between rich and poor.
What is The Study of Internal Cities? Overview, then details on patterns.
-The internal structure of cities. -Patterns of: -Land Use -Racial and Ethnic Segregation -Architectural Styles -Intracity Transportation -Cycles of Construction and Development
What is a Central City characteristics?
-The major city of an area. -Contains the Central Business District (CBD)
What is a city?
-Well Defined CBDs -Suburbs with their own economic activity - Greater functional specialization and centrality than town
What is The Study of City Systems? Overview, then details of an external view of how.
-Where cities are located and why. -An external view of how: -Cities influenced the landscape. -How they connect to one another. -How they are distributed.
What is Louis Wirth's definition of a city? When?
A permanent settlement that has three characteristics: Large Size, High Density, and Social Heterogeneity 1930s
What is an urbanized area?
Areas where cities and towns are located so close together that political boundaries become imaginary lines
Name 2 special function cities in U.S.? General Business: Computing/data proccessing: High-tech industry support: Military activity support: Managment consluting: Recreation: Medical:
General Business: Chicago, San Francisco, NYC, LA Computing/data proccessing: Boston, San Jose High-tech industry support: Austin, Orlando, Raliegh Military activity support: Knowville, Norfolk Managment consluting: D.C. Recreation: Atlantic City, Las Vegas Medical: Minnesota
What is urban geography?
Urban Geography focuses on how cities function, their internal systems and structures, and the external influences on them.
Two Sub-Fields of Urban Geography?
- The Study of City Systems - The Study of Internal Cities
Functions of Cities? What are they, and examples? These are all?
- Transportation Center: A place where major routes converge. -Special Function Cities: Mining, Recreation, Manufacturing - Multi-Functional Cities: Do a number of activities based on the needs of the population All are central places!
What is a village?
- Several dozen services that are more specialized (stores sell certain goods, vs. general stores)
Order of Urban Hierarchy? Greatest to least?
- Megalopolis - City -Town -Village - Hamlet
What is a megalopolis? Example, and which cities does it contain?
- Multiple cities that have grown together. - Bosnywash: Boston, NYC, Philly, Balt, DC