US History: ch 4 section 3 and 4

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from 1778 to 1781, where were most of the battles the American Revolution fought?

Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Yorktown


German mercenaries who fought for British

Who was Robert Morris?

He was appointed by Congress in 1781, hey Rich Philadelphia merchant, and became superintendent of finance. His associate was Haym Salomon. He raised salaries for Continental Army Got more funding Had troops paid, sept 8, 1781

Haym Salomon

Helped raise money for Continental Army

Define Egalitarianism.

A belief in equality of all people, which fostered a new attitude: the idea that the ability, effort and virtue (not wealth or family) defined one's worth. Class distinction began to blur.

New York

After withdrawing from Boston in 1776, the British tried to isolate New England by seizing the city.

The battle at Saratoga

Gen. John Burgoyne "gentleman John" plan to lead army Down route of lakes from Canada to Albany and meet house troops as they arrived in New York. Then isolate New England. 4000 redcoats, 3000 mercenaries, and 1000 Mohawk Indians, 30 wagons with 138 hundred and 38 pieces of artillery. The Continental Congress appointed Gen. Horatio Gates to command Northern department of Continental Army American troops surrounded Burgoyne at Saratoga, surrendered army to Gen. Gates on October 17, 1777. The surrender dramatically changed Britain's war strategy, from then on British troops stayed along the coast.


General Henry Clinton and Gen. Charles Cornwallis sailed south with 8500 men Captured Charlestown, SC may 1780 Tried to take North Carolina, didn't work and retreated to South Carolina.

How did the American war for Independence contribute to the feeling of egalitarianism?

During the war class distinctions between rich and poor have begun to blur as wealthy wore homespun clothing and military leaders showed respect for all men. This change stimulated the rise of egalitarianism, a belief in the equality of all people.

What was one result of the war?

During the war class distinctions between rich and poor have begun to blur as wealthy wore homespun clothing and military leaders showed respect for all men. This change stimulated the rise of egalitarianism, a belief in the equality of all people. This applied to white males only.

Philadelphia, 1777

Gen. Hal wanted to see is American Capital, which was Philadelphia. Continental Congress fled the city and Washington's troops unsuccessfully tried to block the redcoats. British captured Philadelphia.

Nathaniel Greene

Ordered by Washington to march south to Cornwallis Divided forces (2 groups); 600 men under Gen. Morgan sent to South Carolina Cornwallis sent lieut. Col. Banastre Tarleton and troops to pursue General Morgan. When the forces met in jan 1781, Forced redcoats to surrender

When was the Treaty of Paris signed?

September, 1783. Treaty of Paris confirmed US independence and set the boundaries of the new nation. The United States consisted of land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River, and from Canada to Florida.

What happened to some African-Americans as a result of the American Revolution?

Some African slaves escaped to freedom, went to the frontier, joined native American tribes, or joined the British army to gain freedom.

Some other results of the war were?

Some North states outlawed slavery. In the self slavery was not outlawed it was made easier for owners to free slaves Native American communities were destroyed or displaced America rejected the British system of government and instead preferred Republic There was not a strong government at first.

What are four advantages and disadvantages of the Americans in the Revolutionary war?

The advantages of the Americans were: won in Trenton, new Jersey won at Princeton Troops surround Burgoyne at Saratoga, answer rendered to general gates. Familiar rarity of homeground Leadership of George Washington and other officers Inspiring calls of the independence

What are four advantages of the British in the Revolutionary war?

The advantages of the British were: Corders inside homes won new York in battle Had German mercenaries, soldiers that fought for money Troops called Hessian's, from German region of Hesse. Captured Philadelphia Strong well trained Army and Navy Strong central government with available funds Support of colonial loyalists and Native Americans.

What are four disadvantages of the Americans in the Revolutionary war?

The disadvantages of the Americans were: Most soldiers were untrained and undisciplined There was a shortage of food and ammunition They had an inferior navy There was no central government to enforce wartime policies

What are four disadvantages of the British in the Revolutionary war?

The disadvantages of the British were: Large distance separating Britain from battlefields Troops unfamiliar with the terrain Weak military leaders Sympathy of certain British politicians for the American cause.

What changes were brought on to the American Society as a result of the American Revolution?

Inspire the world as both a democratic revolution and a war for Independence. Egalitarianism Slavery, but made it easier for slave owners to free their slaves Free blacks increased from 4000 to 20,000 following the war. Native American communities were destroyed or displaced Reject the British system of government

Why was the battle of Saratoga important?

It dramatically changed Britain's strategy. The British from then on stayed on the coast. Also the French officially signed with the US.

Who were the US negotiators during the Paris peace talks?

John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay of New York

Ethan Allen

Leader of Green Mountain boys

General John Burgoyne

Lost battle at Saratoga

name two foreigners who help the American clause the American war for Independence and state how those foreigners helped.

Marquis de Lafayette - he led command in Virginia. Friedrich von Steuben - he taught colonial soldiers

from 1775 to 1778, where were most of the battles of the American revolution fought?

Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey

who commanded the American army in the south?

Nathaniel Greene

The defeat in New York

Two brothers, Gen. William and Admiral Richard Howe joined forces to defeat New York. They sailed into New York Harbor, summer 1776, with 32,000 soldiers and thousands of German mercenaries called Hasean's Washington brought 23,000 men to New York who were untrained and poorly equipped. Battle ended late August. British pushed American army across Delaware river into Pennsylvania. Many of Washington's men deserted, killed or captured. Washington needed a victory to keep men from going home, enlistment almost over.

Molly pitcher

Was recognized for heroic war efforts

Why was the battle of Trenton important?

Washington native a victory and to keep his then going home.

What role did women play in the American war for Independence?

Women mended clothes for soldiers, made ammunition, went on the battlefield where they washed, mended and cooked for troops. They also did some combat, and managed businesses.

who was Friedrich von Steuben?

a Prussian captain and talented drillmaster. He volunteered his services to General Washington and went to work "to make regular soldiers out of country bumpkins". He taught colonial soldiers to stand at attention, execute field maneuvers, fire and reload quickly, and wield bayonet. feb 1778

Who was Marquis de Lafayette?

a military leader. A brave and idealistic 20-year-old French aristocrat who offered his assistance. He led a command in Virginia in the last years of the war. feb 1778

Gen. Horatio Gates

led colonists to victory at Saratoga

Financing the war

Congress ran out of hard currency, Silver and gold, and borrowed money by selling bonds to American investors and foreign governments, especially France. The US printed paper money called continentals. Congress printed more money causing inflation, or rising prices They had to smuggle arms from Europe Government officials engaged in profiteering, we're selling scarce goods for a profit

What happened to the nations economy during the American Revolution?

Congress ran out of hard currency, which cost inflation.

oct 17, 1781

Cornwallis surrenders both American and French team up for the defeat at Yorktown.


This is what corrupt government officials engaged in when they sold scarce goods for very high prices during the Revolutionary war

what is inflation?

This is what resulted when Congress printed more and more money.

the battle of saratoga

This victory for the colonists dramatically changed Britain's war strategy

end of 1778

British expedition easily took Savannah Georgia and in the spring, 1779 Royal governor commanded Georgia


British troops occupied the city in the winter of 1777-1778 while Washington and his troops camped in the woods.

Who commended the British Army in the south?

Charles Cornwallis

The battle of Trenton

Christmas night, 1776 Washington led 2400 men in small rowboats across ice choked Delaware River. marched to Trenton New Jersey. Killed 30 and took 918 captives and six cannons. Americans won again eight days later at Princeton.


Colonial money

What did the Americans agree to at the Paris Treaty?

The Americans agreed the British creditors could collect debts owed to them by Americans and promised to allow loyalists to sue in state courts for recovery of their losses. However they later failed to honor this agreement.

The summer of 1778 when the British moved south

The British began shifting troops to the south They hoped to rally loyalist support, reclaim former colonies in the region, and fight their way back north.

What was the result of the Paris treaty with the British?

The British made no attempt to protect land interest of native American allies. The treaty did not specify when British troops would evacuate American forts.


The French secretly sent weapons to patriots since early 1776. French recognized American independence and an signed an alliance, Feb 1778 French agreed to not make peace with Britain unless Britain recognized American independence.

What were the main provisions the Treaty of Paris, 1783?

The treaty promised future trouble British made no attempt to protect the land interests of their native American allies, treaties did not specify there're American forks. British creditors could collect debts owed to them by Americans and allowed loyalists to sue in state courts.

Peace talks begin in Paris, 1782. who was there?

There were representatives from four nations: the US, Britain, (didn't want full independent US) France, (supported US independence, feared major power) Spain (interested in land between Appalachian mans and Mississippi River)

What did the British hoped to gain when they shifted the operations of the war in 1778 to the south?

They hoped to rally loyalist support, reclaim their former colonies in the region, and then slowly fight their way back north.

Valley Forge

This is the site of the Continental Army's camp during the winter of 1777-1778.

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