US History Chap. 3 - The Revolutionary War

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Could a diplomatic solution have been found that stopped short of war? If so, who bears the most fault for failing to find that solution?

, a diplomatic solution would have fixed the problem. The British bears the most fault for not finding this solution because they easily could've made a compromise to fix the problem and rightfully represent the colonists.

What were the sides in the French and Indian War?

French and the Indians against the British and colonists

Describe the drafting and adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence drew upon Paine's ideas to denounce the king as a tyrant who made american independence necessary. It was written by Thomas Jefferson. Congress adopted the Enlightenment ideas that all men are born with natural rights that cannot be taken away.

Describe the battle of Trenton and how George Washington won.

After a lost battle, the patriots led by George W were forced to retreat across New Jersey. Washington did not allow his army to be captured though and counterattacked on December 26. The army crossed the Delaware River in the middle of the night and surprised a garrison of more than 1000 German mercenaries. This modest victory raised the spirits of the troops and patriot cause at a critical moment.

How were American Indians, Women, and African Slaves affected by the revolutionary war?

American Indians were ignored in the treaty of Paris, which left them vulnerable to the expanding American settlements. The revolution caused disaster for these people and many of them were forced to give up large tracts of land as the price for "peace". Next, women gained very few political and legal rights after the war, but gained respect based on the new conception of women as "republican mothers". The revolution did, though, inspire women to seek a larger voice in public affairs. Lastly, after the revolution many Americans accepted slavery as natural. The revolution led to emancipation in the north and slaves numbered only 5% of the population. In the south, slavery stayed and accounted for 1⁄3 of the population.

What were the issues surrounding the decision to declare independence from Britain?

By uniting to form a republic, Americans could establish a model that would inspire common people everywhere to reject kings and aristocrats. In a simple but forceful language, Paine proposed radical courses of action. No colony in the America's had yet won independence from a European empire, so the fight would not be easy.

Describe the treaty of Paris and the events surrounding the end of the war.

During the summer of 1781, Washington trapped Cornwallis' army at Yorktown on land and at sea with help of the French. This resulted in the British surrendering all together and a large patriot victory. Benjamin Franklin negotiated the treaty of Paris which granted far more territory to the patriots than they had won in the war. The treaty recognized American independence and granted generous boundaries to the US. The British gave up theirs control over the colonies. By making a separate peace with the British, the Americans strained their alliance with the French. France and Spain both went on to negotiate their own separate treaties with Britain.

What were some factors that contributed to the American victory in the revolutionary war?

From the start, the British underestimated patriot resistance and did not take them as a serious enemy. Next, Lord Howe pursued a misguided strategy and did not realize they were fighting a revolutionary war. In the south, the British expected loyalist support, but wasted this support by continuing their misguided strategy. In the west, the patriots had support from their Indian allies. Soon, the French also decided to ally with the patriot cause which brought in more men and weapons. As the war went on, unity formed within the colonies and they became stronger together.

Write a paragraph analyzing how colonists used their lack of representation in Parliament as an argument against taxation.

In British Parliament there was no representative for the colonies. During the meetings the British would decide to put large taxes on the colonies and no one argued because there was no representation. This resulted in angered colonists.

How did George Washington and Ethan Allen help force the British to leave Boston in March of 1776?

In January 1776 colonel Henry Knox arrived with cannons to reinforce the patriots outside Boston. His men had hauled the cannon hundreds of miles upstate New York where Ethan Allen's militia men had captured Fort Ticonderoga. With patriot cannons shelling Boston and the British ships in the harbor, the British abandoned the city in March.

What impact did the battle of Saratoga have on the revolutionary war.

Led by General John Burgoyne, another British army marched from Canada to invade New York's Hudson Valley. Falling into a patriot trap at Saratoga, Burgoyne surrendered leading to the greatest patriot victory. This victory took on greater importance because it encouraged France to recognize American independence and enter the war. The French then provided many resources to the colonists.

At what point did the American Revolution become inevitable, and why?

The aggression and violence during the Boston Tea Party is what made the revolution inevitable.

Describe the French and Indian War.

The causes of the French and India war was a want for land and the fertile Ohio River Valley. During the war, the British and French fought for Indian allies, but in the end the French won that battle. Throughout, the French would win some, but the British has a large mother country with more resources and weapons. This resulted in a British victory, but also gave them a large amount of debt to deal with.

What was Franklin's political message in the cartoon ("Join or Die") and how did he use imagery to convey this message?

The different parts of the snake symbolize the disunity within the colonies. It's goal is to try and get the colonists to unite together to be stronger and fight against the British together.

What was the cause and affect of the coercive acts?

The main event that sent the intolerable acts into action was the Boston Tea Party. The sole purpose was to punish the colonists for their rebellion and defiance. The laws included the Quebec act and extended Canada's southern border. The colonists reacted with physical violence.

What were the events that led to the outbreak of open warfare between the British and American colonists in 1775?

The two events that caused the open warfare was concord and Lexington. This was all caused by the British looking for Sam Adams and John Hancock. The British also wanted to take all the colonists weapons and this angered them.

Was the revolutionary war justified?

Yes, the American Revolution was justified due to many factors. The British had lots of debt from the French and Indian war and did not have a way to pay it off. Because of this they chose to tax the colonists in large amounts to receive more money, but this angered the colonists. Also, the quartering act angered colonists; they did not want to have to share their homes with British soldiers. Next came indirect taxes and more actions that made the colonists realize they should have their own republic. All of this plus years of salutary neglect was the basis and justification for the war lead by the colonists.

What were three key turning points in the relationship between Britain and its colonies that led to war?

taxes (sugar act, tea act, etc.) , the quartering act, Boston massacre, salutary neglect, and more

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