U.S. History Chapter 1

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Major goals of Columbus

Land, gold, and religion

Columbian Exchange: Impact on Europeans

New plants and animals; partially led to massive migration to the New World

Expansion and Exploration: Protestant Reformation

The division between Protestants and Catholics led to multiple people exploring across the Atlantic Ocean to find religious freedom. Because Protestants could not get the religious freedom they desired, they sought out other places hoping to find what they were looking for in a church. They wanted something that was not as controlling as the Catholic Church.

In what ways was religion important to African life around 1492?

-Authority was based off religion -Religious rituals were important in the daily life of fishers, hunters, and farmers. -They believed nature was filled with spirits -Living and non-living objects were believed to have spiritual forces -Their ancestors spirits spoke to them through their dreams

What do you think were three of the most important long-term consequences of Columbus's encounters in the Americas?

-Lands that previously were unclaimed or belonged to others were taken over -Issues of race and stereotypes about certain groups/races of people in America are still discussed and argued about today -Items that had never been used before in certain countries are now used because of the Columbian exchange.

Spanish method of colonization

-Plantation system was successful -Free labor -European weapons could be used to dominate the natives

What were two significant consequences of the early contacts between the West Africans and Portuguese traders in the 1400s?

-began the Atlantic slave trade -stronger relationship between West Africa and Europe with trade routes

How did the development of agriculture affect ancient societies in the americas?

Agriculture benefitted the ancient societies. When agriculture developed, the people didn't have to move from place to place and they had a surplus of food. People had time to develop their skills and build a larger, more stable society.

Expansion and Exploration: Advancements in cartography and sailing technology

Cartography and sailing technology helped Europeans put to action their exploration of the world. Without this technology, it wouldn't have been very possible for them to pick up ideas and learn from other countries because they wouldn't have the transportation and information to do so. With ships and directions, they could explore almost anywhere, and this of course, led to exploration and expansion.

List 5 items that African slaves were often exchanged for.

Cloth Ivory Beads Mirrors Knives

What factors helped the trade system flourish in West Africa?

Gold, positioning of the major cities provided a good location between trade routes and also allowed trade over seas.

What impact did the Columbian Exchange have on people's lives throughout the world?

It created new homes for people and encouraged them to explore the world, people gained wealth, new trade routes were opened which led to an exposure to other cultures, and certain people were put into slavery. Also new foods and animals were introduced.

What factors led to the flourishing of the Songhai, Benin, and Kongo people in Africa in the 1400s?

Location which allowed them to trade and even sometimes protected them against enemies (Benin).

Why was the recruitment of Native Americans as slaves unsuccessful in the New World?

Many of the Native American slaves died from diseases

Land use

Native Americans didn't trade land. They regarded the land as the source of life, not as a commodity to be sold. Europeans thought that they could by, sell, and trade land as they pleased.

Why is Rhode Island sometimes known as the "Deep North" ?

Rhode Island is sometimes known as the Deep North because just like to south, they played a big role in slavery, although most people think of slavery as only being an issue in the south.

Colombian Exchange: Impact on Africans

Slavery (10-12 million slaves); some Africans were becoming rich from the slave trade, and some of their fittest members were now gone, causing the society to struggle.

Columbian Exchange: Impact on the Native Americans

Spread of diseases, subjugation (control) through force.

Explain how the African form of slavery was different from the slavery that would develop in the Americas.

The Africans form of slavery was not based on race, slavery ended after a certain period of time, and slaves had more rights. Slavery in the Americas continued from generation to generation (a mans son would become a slave because he was the next generation) and was based on race.

What were three consequences of the Christian Crusades?

The Crusades created an interest in trade. When the crusaders returned to their homes, they desired products from Asia because they were exposed to its culture and goods along with other countries. The second consequence was the fall of the popes. Those of lower rank such as monarchs were able to fulfill this position and they were the ones who encouraged overseas exploration. Lastly, people began questioning the power of the church authority. This led to people falling away from previous beliefs in the popes power, and caused them to start a Reformation: division between Catholicism and Protestantism. This led to people seeking out other countries in order to find religious freedom.

Expansion and Exploration: Crusades

The Crusades influenced European exploration and expansion by creating an interest in trade. When the crusaders returned to their homes, they desired products from Asia because they were exposed to its culture and goods along with other countries. This created a door to other countries and broadened Europe's array of imported products and trade routes. The second reason for exploration and expansion was the fall of European nobles. Those of lower rank such as monarchs were able to fulfill this position and they were the ones who encouraged overseas exploration. Lastly, people began questioning the power of the church authority. This led to people falling away from previous beliefs in the popes power, and caused them to start a Reformation: division between Catholicism and Protestantism. This led to people seeking out other countries in order to find religious freedom.

Expansion and Exploration: Monarchs need to maintain large armies

The Monarchs needed money for maintaining standing armies and large bureaucracies. In order to keep these two things, they encouraged oversea exploration in the search for wealth elsewhere. If the Monarchs did not need money to maintain its armies, exploration may not have been encouraged as it was and they would not have received knowledge of other countries or experienced cultural differences.

Expansion and Exploration: The Renaissance

The Renaissance was one of the biggest reasons for exploration and expansion. Previously, most art and life in general was focused on the church and religious aspects. When the Renaissance began, however, people began thinking in new ways and looked beyond religion. New ideas from exploration of other countries led to more diverse art and study, people were beginning to learn concepts from different cultures and question their limits as humans. This questioning urged them to expand their horizons and explore the world.

Christian Muslims vs West African religion

The West Africans beloved in spirits that were communicating with them while the Christian Muslims believed in one God. They Africans didn't understand the Christian Muslim beliefs or why they rejected their worshipping of spirits.

Expansion and Exploration: Mission of the Roman Catholic Church

The mission of the Roman Catholic Church was much like our churches today: they believed they needed to travel places to share their beliefs with others. In order for the members of the church to do this, they had to explore other realms and leave the comfort of their homes. This mission basically motivated people to explore other countries, which led to expansion.

Why did European explorers believe they could simply claim lands for their home countries, even though these lands were already populated?

They believed that they were benefiting everyone because they were opening a door to wealth and influence. They were starting plantations and making money, which benefited the economy, but it was at the expense of the slaves.

Why did the Spanish want to colonize the Americas?

They wanted wealth and power which is what the ownership of land provides. They wanted to expand so that they could have control over a vast amount of land. Seeing the Europeans success with the plantations, etc. urged them to want to do the same.

What were the three major goals the Portuguese hoped to accomplish through exploration of Africa?

To expand European geographical knowledge To find the source of prized African gold To locate a possible sea route to valuable Asian spices.

West Africa Connects

West Africa by the 1400s had long been connected to the wider world through trade. Trade brought into the region new goods, new ideas, and new beliefs, including those of the Islamic religion. Then, in the mid-1400s, the level of interaction with the world increased with the arrival of European traders on the West African coast.

Give one example of how changes in the following areas led to European exploration to other continents: political, social, and economic.

a. Political The division between Protestants and Catholics led to multiple people exploring across the Atlantic Ocean to find religious freedom. The power of the popes was weakened because of this which added to the changes in the church and people questioning their authority. b. Social The Renaissance was one of the biggest that lead to exploration. Previously, most art and life in general was focused on the church and religious aspects. When the Renaissance began, however, people began thinking in new ways and looked beyond religion. New ideas from exploration of other countries led to more diverse art and study, people were beginning to learn concepts from different cultures and question their limits as humans. This questioning urged them to expand their horizons and explore the world. c. Economic The Monarchs needed money for maintaining standing armies and large bureaucracies. In order to keep these two things, they encouraged oversea exploration in search for wealth elsewhere.

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