US History Civil War Unit

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What is a siege?

A siege is a military operation in which one side surrounds a town or an opposing army to cut off supply lines for essential items (ex. food, water, materials) with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender.

What are recruits?

A term used to describe newly enlisted soldiers. During the Civil War, over 3,000,000 men enlisted in the Union and Confederate Armies.

During the Election of 1860, which two candidates received the most popular votes?

Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas

When did Virginia secede from the Union?

April 17, 1861

During the Civil War Era, how did the Northern states view tariffs?

Because the Northern economy was primarily industrial, these states supported tariffs on foreign goods that made it more expensive to buy goods from Europe. This benefitted the North's economy by making it less expensive to purchase goods manufactured in the North versus cheaper European products that ended up with a higher cost due to tariffs.

During the Civil War Era, how did the Southern states view tariffs?

Because the Southern economy was primarily agricultural, and they sold a high volume of cotton and other cash crops to Europe. Many states has beneficial trade deals with European countries that allowed them to purchase manufactured goods a lower price than Northern merchants charged. Tariffs made European goods too expensive and forced Southerners to purchase from companies in the North at higher prices than they had previously paid England or France.

What was 1860 Presidential Candidate John Bell's position on slavery

Bell did not take a definitive stance on the slavery issue. He didn't advocate making any changes to the current system and felt keeping things at "status quo" was the way out of crisis over slavery.

How did border states differ from slave states?

Border states did not secede from the Union or join the Confederacy like other slave holding states in the South.

How did border states differ from free states?

Border states still allowed slavery at the time of the Civil War (the North did not). Most border states joined the Union during the Civil War or fell under its control. Missouri and West Virginia were split on their support.

During the Civil, what were the Border States?

Border states were the four slaveholding states that bordered northern free states: Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri. Border states primarily supported the Union or tried to remain neutral during the Civil War. Retaining support of the Border States was an important consideration for President Lincoln.

What was 1860 Presidential Candidate John Cabell Breckinridge's position on slavery?

Breckinridge fully supported the slavery as a right held by individual states.

When did South Carolina secede from the Union?

December 20, 1860

Which states were "border states" during the Civil War?

Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, West Virginia (separated from Virginia during the Civil War 1862)

What was 1860 Presidential Candidate Stephen A Douglas' stance on position on slavery?

Douglas supported the right of citizens in individual states or territories to determine whether or not slavery would be allowed (popular sovereignty).

What did emancipate mean during the Civil War?

During the Civil War Era, emancipation refers to freeing African and African-Americans slaves from bondage. President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in states in rebellion on January 1, 1863. Slavery was formally abolished in the United States by Constitutional Amendment (13th) in 1865.

In the context of the Civil War, what is meant by "The Union?"

During the Civil War, the Northern States and Border States that did not secede were known as the United States of America, or the Union.

In the context of the Civil War, what is meant by "The Confederacy?"

During the Civil War, the southern slave-holding states that seceded from the United States became the Confederate States of America, or Confederacy.

During which battle during General Thomas Jonathan Jackson earn the nickname "Stonewall?"

During the First Battle of Bull Run in Virginia (First Manassas).

What does the term "emancipate" mean?

Emancipate means to set free, especially from legal, social, or political restrictions.

True of False: Slavery was not ended until 50 years after President Abraham Lincoln's death.

False, the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed on January 31, 1865 before Lincoln was assassinated in April.

True or False: The Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in the United States?

False, the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in states in rebellion against the United States.

True or False: The song "Battle Cry of Freedom" is dedicated to the Confederate Flag.

False, the song Bonnie Blue Flag celebrates the first Confederate Flag which featured a single star on a blue background.

When did Texas secede from the Union?

February 1, 1861

Who was the Commander of the Confederate Army?

General Robert E. Lee

During the Civil War, what battle or campaign was an example of "total war?"

General Sherman's "March to the Sea" was an example of total war strategy during the Civil War.

Who was the leader of the Union Army at the end of the Civil War?

General Ulysses S. Grant.

What is a Grayback?

Grayback was a term for currency printed by the Confederacy during the Civil War. Graybacks were promissory notes to be paid after the South won the war and not backed by hard assets.

President Lincoln did not publicly call for slavery to end upon the start of the Civil War. Knowing what you now do about the border states, why do you think he did not? What would happen to Washington D.C. (the nation's capital) if the Border States left the Union?

If President Lincoln publicly called for an end to slavery, he risked losing the support of slave holding border states the Union needed to win the Civil War. The border states formed a protective geographic barrier around the nation's capital and Union headquarters in Washington, D.C. They were also a buffer against Confederate attacks to the north and allowed movement of Union troops and supplies to the south. President Lincoln knew he needed to retain the border states in order to protect the Union win the war. He also knew that if he wanted to end slavery, he had to win the Civil War first.

What was the strategy of the Anaconda Plan?

In 1862, General Winfield Scott devised the Anaconda Plan as a way to block saltwater ports in the South and transit on the Mississippi River. This was designed to damage the Southern States economically by cutting off imported goods including war materials and supplies. It would also shut down Southern exports to Europe. Scott hoped the plan would end the South's ability to wage war by crippling its economy leading to surrender before fighting began.

What does ironclad mean?

Ironclad refers to a ship protected by iron armor. During the Civil War, ironclads were used effectively by both North and South against wooden hulled boats and coastal forts.

When did Florida secede from the Union?

January 10, 1861

When did Alabama secede from the Union?

January 11, 1861

When did Georgia secede from the Union?

January 19, 1861

When did Louisianan secede from the Union?

January 26, 1861

When did Mississippi secede from the Union?

January 9, 1861

Who was the President of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis of Mississippi

When did Tennessee secede from the Union?

June 8, 1861

Even though Lincoln won the Election of 1860, what did he NOT do?

Lincoln did not win a majority of votes nor did he win any Southern States.

What was President Abraham Lincoln's stance on slavery?

Lincoln opposed slavery and believed it was morally wrong. Because slavery was legal in the United States, Lincoln did not begin the Civil War fully convinced that it should be abolished. He allowed the Border States to retain slaves and focused the Civil War on re-uniting the country. During his presidency, however, Lincoln's views on slavery evolved. This lead him to free slaves in the Confederacy by Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and outlaw slavery in the United States by Constitutional Amendment in 1865.

What is sectionalism?

Loyalty to a section or region of a country, versus loyalty to the country as a whole.

Which states were "free states" during the Civil War?

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nevada, California

Who led a scorched earth march across Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah?

Major General William Tecumseh Sherman

What border state played a critical role for the Union?

Maryland was critical to retain in the Union because of its proximity to the nation's capital and Union headquarters in Washington D.C.. Maryland was also the only state between Washington and Virginia, a Confederate state. If Maryland sided with the Confederacy, the Washington would be completely surrounded by hostile Confederate states and military forces.

When did North Carolina secede from the Union?

May 20, 1861

When did Arkansas secede from the Union?

May 6, 1861

How did the Northern states view Constitutional powers?

Most people in the North believed that the federal government held more power than individual states and could make laws that governed the entire United States.

What is Reconstruction?

Reconstruction refers to the period of American History that followed the Civil War from 1865 to 1877. The main challenges faced by North and South during Reconstruction were rebuilding the decimated southern states, reunifying the United States, and managing the social, political, and economic issues that resulted from the end of slavery.

In general, what was the position of Northern States during the Civil War on slavery?

Slavery was abolished in the north before the Civil War and most people in the North believed slavery should be outlawed.

How did the Southern states view Constitutional powers?

Southern states believed that states retained any rights not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution. They felt the federal government had too much power and their ability to govern themselves was being taken away.

Which states were "slave holdings states" during the Civil War?

Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia

Which Civil War battle is considered the deadliest one-day battle in American history?

The Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg), September 17, 1862

Which battle ended the Civil War?

The Battle of Appomattox Courthouse, April 9, 1865

Which battle is considered the turning point in the Civil War?

The Battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863

What Civil War battle is an example of a siege?

The Battle of Vicksburg (May 18, 1863 to July4, 1863) was a siege by Union forces against the Confederate army and town of Vicksburg, Mississippi.

What Civil War battle gave Union forces control over the Mississippi River?

The Battle of Vicksburg, May 18 to July 4, 1863

What is the Doctrine of States' Rights?

The Doctrine of State's Rights follows the belief that powers held by individual states are greater than the power of the federal government. Under this theory, the federal government only holds power through consent of the states and any powers not expressly given to the federal government are held by the states as stated in the 10th Amendment. During the Civil War, the Doctrine of State's Rights focused over the ability of individual states to allow the practice of slavery. This was an important issue and rallying cry for states that seceded from the Union.

On what occasion was the Gettysburg Address delivered?

The Gettysburg Address was delivered by President Abraham Lincoln after the Battle of Gettysburg on November 19, 1863 to dedicate the battlefield as a Soldiers' National Cemetery.

What is the Mason-Dixon Line?

The Mason-Dixon line was a surveyed boundary that ran between Pennsylvania to the North and Delaware, Maryland and (West) Virginia to the south in the 1760s. During the Civil War era, it became the unofficial boundary between North and South and between states where slavery was abolished (North) and slaves was permitted (South).

Describe the North's economy prior to the Civil War?

The Northern economy was in transition from agriculture to industry. Large scale farming operations did not exist to the same extent that they did in the south. Manufacturing was increasing in the urban areas aided by a growing number of immigrants from Europe.

In general, what was the position of the Southern States during the Civil War on slavery?

The South's economy and social / political structures were built on slavery. These states opposed abolishing slavery and viewed it as an important right that the federal government could not take away.

Describe the South's economy prior to the Civil War?

The Southern economy was predominantly agrarian with large plantations growing commodity crops like cotton, tobacco, and rice. The South's farming economy depended on slavery as a cheap and readily available labor force.

What is a calvary?

The cavalry is a military unit mounted on horseback. During the Civil War, cavalries were used primarily for scouting and intelligence gathering missions. The Confederacy used its cavalry more successfully than the Union Army.

What is an infantry?

The infantry is a branch of the military where soldiers primarily travel and fight on foot. The term can also refer to foot soldiers collectively. During the Civil War, both Union and Confederate Armies were primarily infantry forces.

What is secession?

To formally withdraw from an alliance, federation, association, or political union.

What is "total war?"

Total War refers to a strategy of conducting war where an army uses any strategy to win - including those that may be morally or ethically wrong. ignored.

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