U.S history final

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What was the primary purpose of the failed Equal Rights Amendment?

Eliminate all legal distinctions based on sex

He sent a famously lengthy telegram—literally referred to as the Long Telegram—to the State Department denouncing the Soviet Union.

George Kennan

Who first advocated the policy of containment?

George Kennan

To halt Europe's economic decline, this Secretary of State proposed offering economic assistance to all European nations, including Russia.

George Marhsall

This case ruled that it was illegal for the states to require official school prayers to be recited by the students.

Gideon v. Wainwright

What did Lyndon Johnson call his domestic program?

Great Society

Why was Douglas MacArthur removed from command?

He was publicly insubordinate to the Commander in Chief

He helped contribute to auto ownership by allowing Americans to purchase his cars from the Universal Credit Corporation.

Henry Ford

He captured the sentiment of many white southern business and political leaders who imagined a New South that could turn its back to the past by embracing industrialization and diversified agriculture. But the past could not be escaped. Economically and socially, the "New South" would still be much like the old.

Henry Grady

Hoping to curb the arms race, Nixon and this National Security Adviser (later Secretary of State) set out bring the Cold War under control by using the widening rift between the Soviet Union and China.

Henry Kissinger

During World War I, the U.S. Food Administrations was led by:

Herbet Hoover

What was the primary guiding principle of Carter's foreign policy during his early years in office?

Human rights

Which storm developed into a category 5 hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico in 2005? New Orleans suffered a direct hit, the levees broke, and the bulk of the city flooded

Hurricane Katrina

________, wrote an influential book, Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases and helped inspire the anti-lynching movement.

Ida B. Wells

All of the following aspects of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 are true EXCEPT:

Increased federal revenues

Which of the following enabled the rising purchase of consumer goods?

Increased production that lowered prices Mass-distribution of credit cards Use of installment plans

What disease proved most deadly during and in the immediate aftermath of World War I?


What was the consequence of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930?

International trade collapsed

Britain and France declared war on Germany after which invasion?

Invasion of Poland

In World War I, the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) was commanded by

John Pershing.

Joseph McCarthy first achieved national prominence in February 1950 by waving a piece of paper that he claimed included 205 communists currently working in what capacity?

Members of the Department of State

This case expanded the rights of the accused by mandating that they must be informed of their rights upon arrest.

Miranda v. Arizona

This military aide for the National Security Council, had been placed in charge of recruiting donations from individuals and countries to support the Contras.

Oliver North

How did the United States respond to the independence movement in Vietnam?

Opposed Vietnamese independence and supported French attempts to retain its colonial control

How did the United States respond to the Bolshevik Revolution?

Opposed the Revolution but did not send military or financial aid

During the Great War the Allied Powers included all of the following EXCEPT:

Ottoman Empire

How did the Federal Reserve respond to the financial collapse?

Overcorrected by raising interest rates and tightening credit

During the Great War, this act gave the president unprecedented powers and concentrated control of the war effort in his hands.

Overman Act

Before turning to military expansionism, Japanese leaders were also considering which of the following strategies?

Pan-Asian anti-colonialism

Who was the leader of the movement to stop the Equal Rights Amendment?

Phylis Schlafly

Who was a conservative detractor that felt the Equal Rights Amendment threatened traditional gender roles and values?

Phyllis Schlafly

These types of jobs such as nursing, teaching, and secretarial work ensured that women remained in the workforce, although not in such great numbers as during World War II.

Pink Collar Jobs

Which company was used as strikebreakers and to infiltrate the workforce and report on troublemakers? Group of answer choices

Pinkerton National Detective Agency

By the turn of the twentieth century, new immigrant groups such as ___________________ made up a larger percentage of arrivals than the Irish and Germans.

Poles Italians Eastern European Jews

Many groups organized strikes during 1919, including a famous strike by this group in Boston.


Which act provided for old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and economic aid, based on means, to assist both the elderly and dependent children?

Social Security Act

Which group of Americans benefitted the least from the economic changes of the 1920s?

Southern farmers

German forces did not stop at Poland; they quickly took all of the following countries EXCEPT:


In 1984, to further enhance the nation's missile defenses, Reagan announced plans for the:

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

Reagan announced plans for a space-based system that could shoot down incoming Soviet missiles called:

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

The turning point in the Pacific Theater came in June 1942 when the United States won a decisive victory at:

The Battle of Midway

The garrison on this island was 77,000 men strong at the beginning of the conflict, and the commander of the island was willing for them all to die in a heroic defense of the island. There was no thought of victory, only of heavy casualties and delay inflicted on the Americans.

The Battle of Okinawa

In this brutal battle, Allied forces eventually won after suffering 77,000 American casualties to the German defenders.

The Battle of the Bulge

All of the following are true about the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the ensuing resolution EXCEPT

The Johnson administration distorted the incident to provide a pretext for escalating American involvement in Vietnam

Woodrow Wilson's fourteenth point called for the creation of this organization designed to promote peace and security, while fostering cooperation among nations in dealing with economic, military, and social issues.

The League of Nations

Concerned over Soviet educational advances, Congress passed:

The National Defense Education Act

By 1900, the richest ten percent controlled perhaps _______ percent of the nation's wealth.


Thirty-seven year old white engineer, Bernard Goetz shot and seriously wounded four black teenagers on a subway car because he suspected the young men-armed with screwdrivers- planned to rob him. What percentage of white New Yorkers sympathized with Goetz?


What economic opportunity drew the most migrants to the West?

Access to land for agriculture

In the central Pacific, this American military leader employed a strategy of island-hopping, capturing island after island in attempt to get close enough to Japan for the United States to begin bombing the nation.

Admiral Chester Nimitz

This administration generated controversy because of its policy of planned scarcity, which led to destruction of crops growing in the fields and the slaughter of livestock.

Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

Which of the programs introduced in the LBJ presidency still exist today:

All of these programs still exist today.

Why was Emmett Till murdered?

Allegedly whistling at a white woman

All of the following events related to the Korean War are true EXCEPT

An armistice was never officially signed

What was the name of the 1950s counterculture that rejected the values of conformity and domesticity?


When was the Atlantic Charter issued?

Before the United States entered World War II

Who was the leader of the Church of Latter-Day Saints after the death of Joseph Smith. He was appointed governor of the Utah Territory by the federal government in 1850. He encouraged Mormon residents of the territory to engage in agricultural pursuits and be cautious of the outsiders who arrived as the mining and railroad industries developed in the region.

Brigham Young

Which United States Supreme Court decision overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision declaring the doctrine of "separate but equal" constitutional?

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

He was the first to recognize the broad national appeal of the stock "characters" of the American West—cowboys, Indians, sharpshooters, cavalrymen, and rangers—and put them all together into a single massive traveling extravaganza.

Buffalo Bill Cody

The 1968 Democratic National Convention included massive protests and violent reprisals by police. Where did this convention meet?


Which city served as the most important railroad hub, connecting the East and the West?


Who was the leader of a branch of the Nez Percé tribe, from the Pacific Northwest, that refused to be moved to a reservation? His group attempted to flee to Canada but were pursued by the U.S. Cavalry, attacked, and forced to return.

Chief Joseph

This group became a major source of labor for the transcontinental railroad from California to Utah:


This comprehensive act barred segregation in public accommodations and outlawed discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, and national or religious origin.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which New Deal agency focused on the unique problems faced by young men, aged 18-25.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Wilson created this agency in April of 1917 in order to bolster public opinion for the war and inspire patriotism.

Committee on Public Information (CPI)

This riot sprang from black residents assisting the white sheriff in protecting a young African American man from being lynched by a white mob.

Tulsa Race Riot

On August 2, this United States ship reported incoming fire from North Vietnamese ships in the Gulf of Tonkin.

USS Maddox

Women's groups, such as the _____________________________, joined with Confederate veterans to preserve a pro-Confederate past.

United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC)

An act that abolished voting discrimination in federal, state, and local elections.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

This act created a much more favorable environment for unionization.

Wagner Act

Headed by Bernard Baruch, this was the most powerful of Wilson's wartime agencies.

War Industries Board

This president believed the nation needed, and desired, a "return to normalcy."

Warren G. Harding

Signed by the Soviet Union and its communist satellites, this agreement was a mutual assistance treaty modeled after NATO.

Warsaw Pact

The Dawes Act divided American Indian reservations into:


Introduced in 1977, this computer was the first successful mass-produced microcomputer meant for home use.

apple 11

Most whites wanted Indians to sell or break up their ancestral lands and become farmers, replicating the traditional Anglo patterns of patriarchy with the men tilling the fields and the women working in the home in a process called:


The Liberty League

attacked the New Deal as a socialistic experiment.

In the 1980s, record national budget deficits resulted from

increased health care costs. large tax cuts. increased military spending.

Overproduction of cotton:

increased the value of cotton.

The Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) was established with the power to investigate and correct problems in what area:

instances of discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin in war-related work contracts.

The Sand Creek Massacre of 1864:

involved the killing of Indian women and children

Responding to rioting students who had set fire to the school's ROTC building, Ohio National Guardsmen descended on the __________________ campus on May 4, 1970, to restore order. When confronted by students throwing rocks and debris, guardsmen panicked and opened fire, killing four students in the ensuing chaos.

kent state

On December 19, 1998, the House voted to impeach President Clinton for

lying to a grand jury.

Which course of action did President John F. Kennedy choose regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis?

naval blockade

The Watergate scandal began in 1972 with a break-in at the

offices of the Democratic National Committee.

In the 1920s, Congress passed Immigration Acts that

omitted restrictions on Mexican immigrants. explicitly excluded all Asians restricted immigration from southern and Eastern Europe

In 2012, nearly _______ of all Americans were immigrants or the sons or daughters of immigrants.

one fourth

In his dealings with Pancho Villa, President Woodrow Wilson

ordered a military expedition into Mexico to capture Villa.


relates to the activities of American Indians

The graduated income tax:

was proposed by the Republican Party.

The Pullman strike of 1894:

was ultimately successful for the strikers

The phenomenon when whites in metropolitan areas fled city centers for the suburbs—often it resulted in resegregated residential patterns.

white flight

In 1983, the Reagan administration responded to a terrorist bombing of American military barracks in Beirut by

withdrawing the remaining marines.

This concert in New York became shorthand for the new youth culture and its mixture of politics, protest, and personal fulfillment.


Greece and Turkey were early flashpoints in the Cold War. How did the United States respond to unrest in Greece and Turkey in 1947?

The United States sent $400 million to both nations to be used in resisting communism

In their first year in office, the George W. Bush administration

passed the largest tax cut in American history.

By the 1920s this became the choice medium for entertainment as well as a new means by which to receive news.


The National Security Act of 1947:

restructured the nation's military by unifying the armed services (the army, navy, and newly created air force) under a Department of Defense, headed by a civilian Secretary of Defense. established the Central Intelligence Agency, responsible for intelligence gathering. created a National Security Council, composed of the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, and the service secretaries, was to advise the president on matters related to national security.

Following charges that President Bill Clinton had a sexual relationship with a White House intern, his public approval rating

rose to record levels.

During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, southern agriculture

saw the great majority of farmers becoming sharecroppers and living under the tenant system.

As president, Ronald Reagan

succeeded in making his personality a central feature of his presidency

The Fifteenth Amendment dealt with the issue of


In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges

that prohibitions against same-sex marriage were unconstitutional.

Between 1850 and 1871 alone, railroad companies received more than _____________ acres of public land, an area larger than the state of Texas.


Approximately how many civilians were killed by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


Which census first revealed that a majority of Americans were living in cities


In what year where Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy both assassinated?


By 1890, in most large northern cities, immigrants and their children amounted to what percent of the population?


Of the over 110,000 Japanese-descended Americans who were detained in internment camps, approximately how many were American citizens?


What was the top tax rate during World War II?


This group staged dramatic demonstrations. In November 1969, dozens began a year-and-a-half-long occupation of the abandoned Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay. In 1973, hundreds occupied the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, site of the infamous 1890 Indian massacre, for several months.

American Indian Movement (AIM)

What was FDR's "court-packing scheme"

An attempt to appoint up to six new justices who would be friendly to his interests

The great financial and industrial titans, the so-called robber barons, included steel magnates such as:

Andrew Carnegie

How did the first freedom ride end?

Angry mobs composed of KKK members attacked the riders in Birmingham, Alabama and burned one of the buses and beat the activists who escaped

This project was vital to the Egyptian economy in that it aimed to improve agricultural production along the Nile River and provide electric power for the country.

Aswan Dam

Which of the following statements regarding "muscular Christianity" are true:

Built summer camps and gymnasiums where young American men could strengthen their bodies and spirits Sought to stiffen young men's' backbones by putting them in touch with their primal manliness Motivated by a fear that the country had become a nation of emasculated men

In 1925, this Act forbade the teaching of any theory that "denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible."

Butler Act

What was the primary political issue that Carter used in his presidential campaign?

Carter's campaign focused less on issues than on his background as a hardworking, honest, Southern Baptist southerner

His historic 1927 flight in his airplane called the Spirit of St. Louis earned him the nation's highest military honor, the Medal of Honor.

Charles Lindbergh

What was the relationship between the federal government and economic growth in the aftermath of World War II?

Federal spending created more economic growth

Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique focused on what primary issue

Feelings of dissatisfaction with life as a housewife

On January 8, 1959, this rebel and his revolutionary army initiated a new era of Cuban history. Having ousted the corrupt Cuban president Fulgencio Batista, who had fled Havana on New Year's Eve, this rebel leader and his forces made their way triumphantly through the capital city's streets.

Fidel Castro

Which of the following industries experienced the most economic growth under Reagan?

Financial Services

The Homestead Act granted official title to 160 acre plots of land after how many years of settlement? Group of answer choices

Five years

During the Great War the Central Powers included all of the following EXCEPT:


Roosevelt included women in key positions within his administration, including the first female cabinet secretary:

Frances Perkins

Bill Clinton was the first Democrat to win two terms as president since

Franklin Roosevelt.

On June 28, 1914, Serbian extremist Gavrilo Princip assassinated the heir to the Austrian throne:

Franz Ferdinand

This case ruled that states must provide attorneys at state expense for accused persons unable to procure their own legal defense.

Gideon v. Wainwright

This New York neighborhood originally lay between Fifth Avenue and Eighth Avenue and 130th Street to 145th Street. By 1930, the district had expanded to 155th Street and was home to 164,000 people, mostly African Americans.


The Democrats chose this person in the Election of 1944, rather than incumbent Vice President Henry A. Wallace, as Roosevelt's running mate.

Harry S. Truman

Which of the following statements are true regarding Soong May-ling, known to the public as Madame Chiang?

Her American education made her an effective diplomat in Chinese-American relations

In the hope of forcing the government of North Vietnam to the bargaining table, the Nixon Administration ordered the heavy bombing of communist forces located in Cambodia—specifically those forces located along the:

Ho Chi MInh Trail

In 1892, the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers struck at one of Carnegie's steel mills in:

Homestead, Pennsylvania

The most desperate, the chronically unemployed, encamped on public or marginal lands in


In 1934, this Louisianan created the national Share Our Wealth Society and by early 1935 the organization was still growing and claimed more than 7 million members.

Huey P. Long

Who published The Grapes of Wrath, in 1939, which captured the Depression's dislocated populations?

John Steinbeck

When Reconstruction regimes attempted to grant freedpeople full citizenship rights, anxious whites struck back. From their fear, anger, and resentment they lashed out, not only in organized terrorist organizations such as the ____________________ but in political corruption, economic exploitation, and violent intimidation.

Ku Klux Klan

This Texas-based political party had a strong foundation for promoting Chicano nationalism and continuing the campaign for Mexican American civil right

La Raza Unida

Which of the following advantages did the Soviet Union achieve during the Cold War?

Launched the first orbiting satellite Create the first intercontinental ballistic missile Sending the first human into orbit

What tactics were used to disenfranchise black voters?

Literacy Tests Poll taxes Violence and intimidation

The contras, a right-wing insurgency group was fighting this leftist government in Nicaragua


In many of the South's districts, especially rural ones, blacks were effectively disenfranchised by poll taxes, literacy tests, and physical intimidation put in place by the white majority. In response, this group organized voting efforts in Mississippi, notable for its relatively large black community and scant number of black voters.

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

Perhaps one hundred thousand youth descended on San Francisco for the utopic promise of 1967's

Summer of Love

What is the demarcation line, or demilitarized zone (DMZ), created in Vietnam that existed from 1954 until 1975, when Vietnam was finally unified?

The 17th Parallel

Activists in this particular event sat at segregated lunch counters in an act of defiance, refusing to leave until being served and willing to be ridiculed, attacked, and arrested if they were not. This tactic drew resistance but forced the desegregation of Woolworth's department stores.

The 1960 Greensboro sit-ins

Which of the following events did NOT occur during the Homestead strike of 1892?

The Amalgamated trade union won the strike.

Which of the following statements regarding the Iran Contra Affair are true?

The goal was the raise money to support the anti-Sandinista government in Nicaragua

Why was the federal government slow to respond to the AIDS crisis?

The issue disproportionately affected gay Americans, a marginalized group

How did Reagan's first budget immediately impact the national debt?

The national debt increased dramatically

What prompted President Roosevelt to pass Executive Order 8802?

The planned march on Washington led by A. Philip Randolph

After the Victory in Europe, the United States suffered a setback in the Pacific. What was that setback?

The surrender of American forces in the Philippines

Who first challenged segregation on buses?

Sarah Keys

After the House of Representatives impeached President Clinton, they sent the charges to the Senate where:

Senate Democrats fell far short of the two-thirds vote needed to remove Clinton from office.

Who was the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court?

Sandra Day O'Connor

The Dow Jones Industrial Average-which stood at 950 in 1981-reached _______ by the end of Reagan's second term.


The final two decades of the nineteenth century saw over _________ strikes and lockouts


Approximately how many women served in the military during WWII?


From 1880 to 1950, approximately _______ African Americans were murdered by white mobs.


What was the Lost Cause?

A glorification of the memory of the Confederacy and a romanticization of the Old South as a pastoral land with benevolent masters and happy slaves

What is the definition of Herbert Hoover's "Associationalism?"

A system where businesses would voluntarily limit harmful business practices for the greater economic good

What was the Zimmerman Telegram?

A telegram sent by Germany to Mexico asking them to join the war on the Central Powers' side.

The town that reigned as the railhead of the cattle kingdom for many years was:

Abilene, Kansas.

Roosevelt tried to create relief for American farmers through the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). What did the AAA do?

Aimed to raise the prices of agricultural commodities by offering cash incentives to voluntarily limit farm production, thereby increasing prices

In 1963, she published The Feminine Mystique, which by 1970 had sold one million copies. Her work expressed an unspoken disillusionment felt by many American women trapped in the "comfortable concentration camp" of their domestic existences.

Betty Friedan

The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) mimicked policy proposals by all of the following politicians EXCEPT

Bill Clinton

n 1915, acclaimed film director David W. Griffith adapted Dixon's novel into the groundbreaking blockbuster film, ______________________. (The film almost singlehandedly rejuvenated the Ku Klux Klan.)

Birth of a Nation

Perhaps no sports figure left a bigger mark than did Babe Ruth. Born George Herman Ruth, the "Sultan of Swat" grew up in an orphanage in Baltimore's slums. Ruth's emergence onto the national scene was much needed, as the baseball world had been rocked by the so-called ____________________ in which eight players allegedly agreed to throw the 1919 World Series.

Black Sox Scandal

The Kerner Commission explained urban riots as the result of which of the following

Black frustration with the hopelessness of urban poverty

The environmental catastrophe of the Great Depression was partly the result of agricultural mismanagement. Which of the following was the most consequential example of this mismanagement?

Farmers plowed up natural ground cover to grow more crops, cover that had taken ages to form in the relatively dry sates of the Plains

Two events are widely credited with inspiring the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. One is the release of the film The Birth of the Nation. What was the second?

Lynching of Leo Frank

A Nation of Islam (NOI) minister who had encouraged African Americans to pursue freedom, equality, and justice by "any means necessary."

Malcolm X

This group was founded in 1966 by prominent American feminists, including Betty Friedan, Shirley Chisolm, and others

National Organization for Women

By the time the United States entered World War II, this agency had assisted 600,000 students with higher education and supported 1.5 million high school students.

National Youth Administration (NYA)

On July 20, 1969, he answered Kennedy's call by becoming the first man to walk on the moon.

Neil Armstrong

This New Deal administration constructed many of the buildings at Dallas' Fair Park to house the Texas Centennial Exposition and it remains home to the Texas State Fair. The buildings, including the elaborately decorated Hall of State, offered venues not just for construction work, but also for artists to use their talents.

Public Works Administration (PWA)

This New Deal agency built a number of high profile projects, including New York's LaGuardia Airport, the long highway connecting Key West with mainland Florida, and San Francisco's Bay Bridge.

Public Works Administration (PWA)

Why did President Clinton fail to secure universal healthcare?

Resistance from conservatives Attack ads funded by the healthcare industry Hesitancy among Democrats in congress

What was the result of the Kaiserschlacht?

The Germans launched five failed major attacks

Which of the following best describes the so-called Bush Doctrine?

The United States should act unilaterally and preemptively to fight terrorism

What was the most dramatic result of the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act?

The creation of a national minimum wage

Which presidential candidate won the Election of 1896?

William McKinley

Congress passed the Pacific Railroad Act in 1862, committing the nation to building a rail link

between the East and West coasts.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs carried out a program of assimilation for Indian children by establishing:

boarding schools.

In 1999, nearing the end of his presidency, Bill Clinton

faced another crisis in the Balkans. had endured many scandals and setbacks throughout his administration. saw his personal popularity higher than when he took office.

Among other positions, Booker T. Washington

favored industrial over classical education.

Founded in 1968, the American Indian Movement (AIM)

focused on militant action.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965:

gave total control of all elections to the federal government, that blacks were given freedom to fully exercise their voting rights.

The intent of President Richard Nixon's "Vietnamization" policy was to

have the South Vietnamese military do more of the fighting.

Roe v. Wade, the court case that legalized abortion hinged on what legal idea?

right of privacy

In his speech advocating the Lend-Lease Program, Roosevelt declared that the war was being fought for "Four Freedoms." Which answer is NOT one of the the "Four Freedoms."

right to bear arms

President Johnson proposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 partially in response to what event in Selma, Alabama

"Bloody Sunday," the beating of peaceful marchers by police officers

Under the leadership of A. Philip Randolph, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) began this campaign of protest against this wartime discrimination.

"Double Victory"

In 2001, convinced that it harbored Al Qaeda terrorists, NATO, led by the United States, attacked


The explosive growth of mass incarceration exacted a heavy toll on which community?

African American

The military spread this chemical agent onto dense jungle to expose Vietcong hideouts and supply routes.

Agent Orange

He owed his rise to the head of organized crime in Chicago directly to the policies of Prohibition.

Al Capone

On the day of the 2000 election,

Al Gore won the popular vote

Who was the Democratic governor of New York, whose Catholic faith and immigrant background aroused nativist suspicions and whose connections to Tammany Hall and anti-Prohibition politics offended reformers?

Al Smith

One of the intellectual leaders of the Harlem Rennaissance wrote that "we are achieving something like a spiritual emancipation." Who was this intellectual?

Alain Locke

All of the following occurred during the Clinton administration EXCEPT

Allowing openly gay men and women to serve in the military

Samuel Gompers was the leader of the:

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

The Stonewall incident that catalyzed the gay rights movement occurred when:

Bar patrons in New York City protested a police raid

All of the following television shows brought not only the nation's favorite shows which celebrated traditional American values to national audiences, but also introduced advertising for the many new products manufactured en masse during the 1950s, EXCEPT:

Charlie's Angels

Who led the corrupt government, the United States supported with nearly $2 billion in economic aid in an attempt to block communist from gaining control of China?

Chiang Kai-shek

The great financial and industrial titans, the so-called robber barons, included railroad operators such as:

Cornelius Vanderbilt

How did racism influence the growth of the modern Republican Party?

Democrats took the lead in passing civil rights legislation, pushing many white Americans toward the Republican Party

How did Ronald Reagan win over the Religious Right?

Denouncing abortion and prayer in schools

Army General John "Black Jack" Pershing used all of the following technologies in his attempt to capture Pancho Villa EXCEPT


What was the result of the King-Crane Commission?

Discovery that most inhabitants of the Middle East favored an independent state free of European control

After President Truman banned racial discrimination in the military and in federal hiring practices and eliminated government contracts with companies known for their discriminatory policies, outraged Southern Democrats led a break-away faction headed by South Carolina Governor J. Strom Thurmond known as the:


In his own words, this president described himself as, "conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings."

Dwight D. Eisenhower

The churches most common in suburban America tended most frequently celebrated which of the following cultural values?

Economic individualism

She had her own clique of activist friends and her own base of influence, notably through her syndicated newspaper column My Day.

Eleanor Roosevelt

What was the subject of Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring?

Environmental dangers of pesticides

What theme dominated American popular entertainment in the 1920s?


The Socialist Party was led by:

Eugene V. Debs.

How did increased availability of consumer credit in the 1920s influence American expenditures?

Expenditures increased

Louisiana Senator Huey long criticized Roosevelt's New Deal programs for _____________

Failing to redistribute wealth

The decimation of American buffalo herds in the late nineteenth century:

It was fostered by the railroad companies. It was accelerated by the booming new market for buffalo hide. Destroyed the ability of Plains Indians to resist the advance of white settlers.

Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for this crime of assassinating President John F. Kennedy in Dallas but he was shot and killed by this angry citizen while being transported from the police station to the jail.

Jack Ruby

A Danish immigrant, combined photography and journalism into a powerful indictment of poverty in America. His 1890, How the Other Half Lives shocked Americans with its raw depictions of urban slums.

Jacob Riis

The Populists nominated former Civil War general _____________________ as their presidential candidate at the party's first national convention in Omaha, Nebraska, on July 4, 1892.

James B. Weaver

Which of the following was NOT significantly associated with the steel industry?

James J. Hill

In 1979 this Baptist minister founded the Moral Majority, an explicitly political organization dedicated to advancing a "pro-life, pro-family, pro-morality, and pro-American" agenda.

Jerry Falwell

Who was first African American man to run for president when he campaigned for the Democratic Party's nomination in 1984 and 1988?

Jesse Jackson

In a desperate attempt to free the hostages from the Iran Hostage Crisis, this president authorized a rescue mission that failed before it started.

Jimmy Carter

Who among the following developed an oil empire?

John D. Rockefeller

On March 31, 1981, while exiting a luncheon at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C., Reagan and three others were shot by ____________________ who fired six shots from a .22 caliber revolver.

John Hinckley

This event in Arkansas exemplified the worst kind of response to integration attempts in the South, in which many whites felt threatened by what they perceived as a sudden and unnecessary change in the law and acted out in hatred and ignorance in response.

Little Rock Nine

In Texas, this twenty-six year-old presided over the NYA, launching projects that kept students in school during the academic year and gave them summer jobs during the summer.

Lyndon Baines Johnson

This drug began its life as a drug used primarily in psychological research before trickling down into college campuses and out into society at large. The counterculture's notion that American stagnation could be remedied by a spiritual-psychedelic experience drew heavily from psychologists and sociologists.

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

This secret agency, which included scientists from many nations, developed the atomic bomb.

Manhattan Project

How did attitudes toward sex change in the 1920s?

Many college-educated white women rebelled against "Victorian" notions of sexuality, leading to an increase in premarital sex

Which writer coined the term "Gilded Age?" Group of answer choices

Mark Twain

Who was one of the female Populist speakers that said the government was practically owned Wall Street and that farmers should "raise less corn and more hell?"

Mary Elizabeth Lease

This civil rights leader was assassinated at his home in Jackson, Mississippi.

Medgar Evers

Which of the following describes the place of the labor movement during the 1920s?

Membership declined

In the mid-1960s, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) experienced a transformation. This transformation included all of the following EXCEPT

Merging with the Black Panther Party

Most practices and objects associated with American cowboys were modified from ______ ranchers.


The second Klan differed from the first Klan in that its influence was greater in the:


Which leader of the Soviet Union advocated the projects of glasnost and perestroika?

Mikhail Gorbachev

The states of _________________ and ___________________ had the greatest number of recorded lynchings: from 1880 to 1930, _____________________ lynch mobs killed over five hundred African Americans; ________________ mobs murdered more than four hundred.

Mississippi; Georgia

All of the following distinguish millennials from earlier generations EXCEPT

More burdened by debt

Which of the following statements regarding immigration during the Great Depression is true?

More people left the United States than entered it during the Great Depression

Why was the landmark election of 1960 the first of its kind?

Never before had the media played such a prominent role in politics.

A vibrant homosexual culture developed during the 1920s in which American city?

New York

Which of the following best describes the ruling of Citizens United v. FEC?

No limits could be placed on political spending by corporations, unions, and nonprofits

To ease European concerns and create military alliances, President Truman oversaw the creation of the

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

What was the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that collected intelligence and coordinated overseas espionage during World War II?

Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

The Teapot Dome Scandal sent several prominent members of the Harding administration to jail. The scandal involved the leasing of government land to what group?

Oil companies

This president created the Environmental Protection Agency, the first agency charged with studying, regulating, and disseminating knowledge about the environment.

President Richard Nixon

In 1879, the economist Henry George penned a massive bestseller exploring the contradictory rise of both rapid economic growth and crippling poverty called:

Progress and Poverty

Confronted with renewed Comanche raiding, particularly by the famed war leader ____________________, the U.S. military finally proclaimed that all Indians who were not settled on the reservation by the fall of 1874 would be considered "hostile."

Quanah Parker

On May 7, 1915, a German submarine sank this British passenger liner off the coast of Ireland

RMS Lusitania

Why were southerners unable to maintain unity in the People's Party?

Racial conflict

What was the Red Summer of 1919?

Racial violence in 25 American cities

Who was the environmentalist and consumer advocate that entered the race for president as the Green Party candidate in the Election of 2000?

Ralph Nader

Advertisers in the 1960s innovated by beginning to emphasize which of the following traits as a means of selling products?

Rebellion and individuality

At the urging of this Secretary of Defense, Lyndon Johnson decided to strategically bomb the North, believing that the use of air power alone would be sufficient to defeat the Vietminh.

Robert McNamara

In this landmark case, the court decided that a woman and her doctor, not the state, possessed the right to decide the fate of a pregnancy.

Roe v. Wade

This President of the United States viewed the Soviet Union and its communist leaders as an "evil empire," one that posed an extreme threat to the security of the United States.

Ronald Reagan

In the Election of 1992, this Texas Billionaire became a third-party contender, who likely made a difference in the outcome of the election.

Ross Perot

The treatment of these two individuals highlighted many Americans' sense of fear, especially with regard to immigrants and those with unorthodox political views.

Sacco and Vanzetti

What was the primary rationale used to justify the Iraq War?

Saddam Hussein's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction

This union emerged as a conservative alternative to the vision of the Knights of Labor. An alliance of craft unions (unions composed of skilled workers), it rejected the Knights' expansive vision of a "producerist" economy and advocated "pure and simple trade unionism," a program that aimed for practical gains (higher wages, fewer hours, and safer conditions) through a conservative approach that tried to avoid strikes. Group of answer choices

The American Federation of Labor (AFL)

In response to American and British efforts to reunify Germany, the Soviets instituted a blockade of West Berlin, denying the United States, Great Britain, and France highway or rail access to their occupation zones in the city, which led to an event called:

The Berlin Airlift

A second incarnation of the Ku Klux Klan grew out the need for order and the 1915 release of the movie:

The Birth of a Nation

Although it was perhaps most well known for its open display of weapons, military-style dress, and black nationalist beliefs, the party's 10-Point Plan also included employment, housing, and education.

The Black Panther Party

Why did the United States fail to help more of the decolonization independence movements during the 1940s - 1970s?

The Cold War alliance with Western Europe led the United States to support many colonial powers

Thousands of Americans tuned in weekly for Duke Ellington's performances from this famous club in Harlem.

The Cotton Club

Owen Wister's novels, especially __________________, established the character of the cowboy as a gritty stoic with a rough exterior but the courage and heroism needed to rescue people from train robbers, Indians, and cattle rustlers.

The Cowboy

President Truman saw an expansion of Social Security benefits, a higher minimum wage, and urban development aimed at eliminating slums in a plan called:

The Fair Deal

Fundamentalist Christianity coalesced around a series of ideas best articulated in a pamphlet commissioned by oil barons Lyman and Milton Stewart. What is the name of this pamphlet?

The Fundamentals

President Lyndon Johnson's vision for America extended past the initiatives left behind by Kennedy. He introduced the idea of:

The Great Society

What was the name of the 369th Infantry Regiment made up of African Americans, which was one of the most distinguished units serving during the war?

The Harlem Hellfighters

The Albany Movement, centered in Albany, Georgia, drew on Christian commitments to social justice and united all of the following Civil Rights groups EXCEPT

The Southern Baptist Convention

The composition of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council reflected the powerful nations and victors at the end of the war. They included the United States, Great Britain, France, China and:

The Soviet Union

The 2000 presidential election was decided when

The Supreme Court ruled that the automatic recount had to cease immediately

North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces executed a massive series of raids on various towns, cities, and bases throughout South Vietnam called:

The Tet Offensive

This group of African American pilots in the Army Air Corps escorted bombers to their drop-off locations and participated in combat operations.

The Tuskegee Airmen

Which of the following best describes the "Reagan Doctrine?"

The United States committed to supplying aid to anti-communist forces everywhere in the world

Greece and Turkey were early flashpoints in the Cold War. How did the United States respond to unrest in Greece and Turkey in 1947?

The United States sent $400 million to both nations to be used in resisting communism.

The Dakota Uprising of 1862 began with what event?

The death of five white settlers at the hands of four young Santee men

What was the "tainted money debate?"

The decision whether the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions would accept a large donation by John D. Rockefeller

The wave of politicians, called New Democrats, advocated all of the following EXCEPT

The end of mass incarceration

By the middle of 1883, he had overseen construction of 330 plants powering over sixty thousand lamps in factories, offices, printing houses, hotels, and theaters around the world.

Thomas Edison

George H. W. Bush defeated Michael Dukakis by doing all of the following EXCEPT

Updating New Deal programs for a new era

The presidential election of 1984 convinced the Democratic Party that its future lied with what group?

Upwardly mobile professionals and suburbanites

Many united with labor leader ____________________________ and other radicals in 1905 to form the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), the "Wobblies,"

William D. "Big Bill" Haywood

Which United States General and Civil War veteran used the military strategy of "total war" against the Plains Indians?

William T. Sherman

This conference in February 1945 marked the increasing ascendance of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and the decline of Roosevelt.

Yalta Conference

President Obama's main policy initiative to shore up the faltering economy was

a massive stimulus package.

The "supply-side" economic theory embraced by President Ronald Reagan called for

a reduction of personal and corporate taxes.

The key evidence in the determination of President Richard Nixon's guilt or innocence in the Watergate scandal was

audio tape recordings made of most conversations in the Oval Office.

In his 1895 "Atlanta Compromise" speech, Booker T. Washington

called for tacit acceptance of the emerging system of racial segregation.

In 1914, when war erupted in Europe, President Woodrow Wilson

called on the American public to be completely impartial.

Hitler and Mussolini helped to topple which government in Spain?


The Treaty of Versailles did all of the following EXCEPT:

created unity between Democrats and Republicans in the United States.

The Scopes Trial of 1925 was a legal battle between

creationism and evolution.

The Pullman strike of 1894 began when George Pullman, owner of the company:

cut wages due to a slumping economy.

By the end of their first year in office, Nixon and Kissinger had concluded that the most effective way to tip the military balance in South Vietnam's favor was to

destroy military bases in Cambodia and Laos.

Jim Crow laws

imposed a system of state-supported segregation.

In 1979, the Carter administration responded to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan by

imposing economic sanctions on the Soviet Union

In 1918, Congress passed the Sedition Act, which:

made it illegal to make false statements intended to impede the military's efforts in the war. gave the postmaster general the right to open, read, and inspect the mail of private citizens. made it illegal to speak, write, or publish any disloyal, profane or abusive language about the United States flag, government, Constitution, or military.

Regarding the Treaty of Versailles, the United States decided in 1919 to:

not ratify it.

Hydraulic mining depended:

on reservoirs of water and flumes that could shoot a high-pressure wall of water at the earth, stripping back the soil to reveal potential veins of gold and silver.

In 1972, two Washington Post reporters uncovered evidence linking the Watergate break-in to

the Committee for the Reelection of the President. a former employee of the Nixon White House. a secret reelection fund controlled by White House staff.

The midterm elections of 1994 were a disaster for the Democrats, who lost the House of Representatives for the first time since 1952. Congressional Republicans, led by Georgia congressman Newt Gingrich and Texas congressman Dick Armey, offered a policy agenda they called:

the Contract with America

While the Japanese had destroyed or damaged every battleship in the U.S. Pacific Fleet, an additional 18 ships, and over 300 airplanes at Pearl Harbor, it was not a total victory for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

the Japanese Destroyers were turned back by the American submarine fleet.

Senator Joseph McCarthy's downfall began in 1954 when the senator began an investigation into communist subversion within:

the United States Army

In the 1890s, the black journalist Ida B. Wells devoted her writing to attacking

the crime of lynching.

In March 1917, the United States moved closer to entering the Great War when

the czarist government of the Russian Empire was overthrown.

In 1974, former President Richard Nixon was pardoned by

the president.

In the late nineteenth century, political "machines" in cities owed their existence to:

the rapid growth of urban America and the potential voting power of large immigrant communities. the rapid growth of urban America.

According to the ideas expressed by Andrew Carnegie in his The Gospel of Wealth:

the rich had great responsibilities to society.

In 1964, a dispute broke out at the University of California at Berkeley over

the rights of students to engage in free speech.

In the late nineteenth century, Social Darwinists argued that people who failed economically in the United States did so because:

they were not fit enough to survive in the market.

In 1974, Richard Nixon left the presidency

through resignation

John Muir formed the Sierra Club

to preserve the environment.

The Supreme Court in the case United States v. Richard M. Nixon (1974) ruled that Nixon must

turn over audio tape recordings from the Oval Office to the special prosecutor.

The business structure of Standard Oil is a good example of:

vertical and horizontal integration.

The 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn

was a short-lived Indian victory

In 1890, the "Ghost Dance"

was a spiritual revival among Plains Indians, inspired by the Paiute prophet Chief Joseph.

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