US history final practice

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(T OR F) King George III's Intolerable Acts of 1774 cause the Revolutionary War.


(T or F) The invisible hand is a term used by Adam Smith to describe the unintended social benefits of individual actions. The phrase was employed by Smith with respect to the demand and supply of goods in a free market.


What "Rebellion" in 1786 convinced many people that the United States needed a new, stronger, central government?

Shay's Rebellion

What was outlawed in all of the 5 new states formed out of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?


Which European country had occupied North America the longest and on paper had the biggest empire, even thought it was sparsely populated?


The Puritans stressed literacy and public education. Why was this important to them?

They wanted everyone to read the Bible {Yes, they did. However, people where then able to read books about the Enlightenment, and the ideas spread throughout the colonies. An unexpected consequence for the Puritans.}

After the end of the Seven Years' War or the French and Indian War, the British believed that the colonists were responsible for WHAT?

They were responsible for some of the war debt.

Political philosopher ______ viewed government primarily as a device for ensuring collective security, and political authority is justified by a hypothetical _______.

Thomas Hobbes, social contract

In June, 1776, the 2nd Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and elected 5 members to write a document to announce the colonies' separation from England. Who was the main author of this document?

Thomas Jefferson

Who did John Adams run against (and only won the presidency by two electoral votes)?

Thomas Jefferson

In 1783 ___ defined the agreement of peace between America and Great Britain. It was a most important document in history, because it was a formal declaration of peace, ending the American Revolutionary War, and the struggle for America's freedom from the British.

Treaty of Paris

What treaty ended the French and Indian War in 1763?

Treaty of Paris

in 1776, while the British occupied New York, Washington led his army to two surprise victories at ___ and ___ that uplifted the morale of the patriots.

Trenton (and not saratoga)

(T or F) In "The Invisible Hand," Adam Smith suggests that one should purchase goods from another country if it is cheaper than goods produced by skilled laborers in one's home country.


(T or F) The "Enlightenment" was a movement started by the philosophers and scientists and it slowly trickled down to the masses whereas, the "Great Awakening" was a movement of the masses.


(T or F) The French and Indian War a fight between Britain and France that lasted from 1754-1763.


(T or F) The Great Awakening was a religious and spiritual movement.


(T or F) The Great Awakening was when people woke up to the need of religion in their lives, and it embraced the downtrodden such as farmers, blacks and slaves. On the other hand, Enlightenment remained in the hands of the intellectuals and the scientists.


With freedom of conscience at its core, the Awakening led Americans to ____ and seek out _____

break with religious traditions, their own beliefs

There were a number of people who played a key role in the American revolution. Match the description to the correct person: Founder of the Anti-Federalists & responsible for purchasing the Louisiana Territory. Ambassador to France and key reason the French joined the colonist Founder of the U.S. Navy. Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. An American traitor, he provided American battle strategies to the British.

(XX Benedict Arnold XX) (XX John Paul Jones XX) John Paul Jones George Washington Benedict Arnold

What STATE plan called for a 2-house Congress with representation in both based on states' populations?

(XX New Jersey XX)

The Boston Massacre happened when 9 British soldiers were harassed and feared for their their lives. In the end, 12 people were killed. What future 2nd president had the task and duty to defend the 9 British soldiers during their trials?

(XX Samuel Adams XX)

What river did George Washington and his men have to cross at night in order to surprise the Hessians during the Battle of Trenton?

(XX The Hudson XX)

The Second Great Awakening is best known for its large that led extraordinary numbers of people to convert through an enthusiastic style of preaching and audience participation.

(XX conventions XX)

The Articles of Confederation only had 1 branch of government with each state having 1 vote. What was this branch of government?

(XX executive XX)

The age of reason, also known as the enlightenment was from the mid ______ to the end of the ______.

1600, 1700

Around what time did the Second Great awakening occur?

1790s and into the 1840s

Which philosopher is credited with starting the first "Great Awakening" in 1741 with his famous sermon 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

Jonathan Edwards

How long did the French and Indian War last?

9 Years {Even though it's often referred to as the Seven Year War, it actually lasted 9 years.}

Which of the following philosophers is widely cited as the father of modern economics, and sometimes as the father of modern Capitalism?

Adam Smith

The Second Great Awakening opened up greater public roles for white women, and a much higher participation in Christianity than ever before for what other members of society?


Which were three reform movements born in the aftermath of Second Great Awakening revivals?

Anti-slavery, Women's suffrage

What was the last battle of the American Revolution?

Battle of Yorktown

in reaction to the Coercive Acts ("Intolerable Acts"), of 1774 the ___was born

Boston tea party

The Congress was limited in its powers under The Articles of Confederation. Which one of your choices was NOT something Congress could do?

Collect taxes

Enlightenment philosophers such as John Locke challenged the idea of the divine right of kings. They wrote about a government's obligations to uphold people's basic rights, and that people should be able to choose who governs them. These new ideas encouraged people to:

Engage in revolutions to establish democratic governments

General Jeffrey Amherst met conflicts with the Native Americans at Fort Pitt and what other place?


In response to the "Intolerable Acts" passed by Britain in 1774, the Massachusetts colonist passed a set of resolutions. What did these resolutions call for? Select all that apply

Disobey the 'intolerable acts, Boycott of British imports XX March on the local British government building XX

In Washington's Farewell Address, he left the country and future presidents sound advice on how to run the government. Which of the following was NOT mentioned by Washington as good advice?

Don't completely trust the government

Like most wars, the French and Indian War, or the Seven Years War was all about what?


The Enlightenment and Great Awakening were two movements. Identify and match the characteristics of each movement: !A movement that rejected superstition and blind observation of rituals! !A belief that science could provide people with answers to the mysteries of nature! !A movement centered on religion and individual faith of people from all classes! !A movement that denounced the doctrines and dogmas of the church! !A movement that made people believe they could attain salvation through good deeds! !Moving away from a God centered life! !A religious and spiritual movement! !A movement that centered on science and reasoning!

Enlightenment, Enlightenment, Great awakening, Great awakening, Great awakening, Enlightenment, Great awakening, Enlightenment

Which religious movement placed greater emphasis on humans' ability to change their situation for the better? They believed individuals could choose to be saved and salvation was open to all


In the 1796 elections what did the Federalist Party and Democratic Republicans stand for? Match the descriptions below with the correct political party Wanted a bigger size of government. Wanted a smaller size of government. Wanted to ally with France. Wanted to ally with Britain. Supported factories and manufacturing as America's main industry. Supported farmers as America's main industry.

Federalist Democratic Republican Democratic Republican Federalist Federalist Democratic Republican

What nation was England's greatest rivalry?


Which philosophers' theories combined to create the Scientific Method?

Francis Bacon and Rene Decartes

The French moved into the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys, forming allies with American Indians because they wanted to dominate the trading of which two commodities?

Fur, deer skin

Who led the Continental Army against the British troops during the American Revolution?

General George Washington

Who was elected the first president of the United States?

George Washington

One effect of the Enlightenment had been reduced church membership and attendance. In 1740 an evangelist, named ______, a powerful orator with charismatic appeal brought his sermons to America, preaching outdoors and going over the heads of other priests to reach their congregations. Crowds responded with outpourings of emotion. People cried, sobbed, shrieked, swooned and fainted. All of New England, it seemed, was seized by a spiritual convulsion.

George Whitefield

In September, 1774, 12 of the colonies sent delegates to the First Continental Congress that met in Philadelphia. What colony DID NOT send a delegate?


Benjamin Franklin believed in deism, as did many of the Enlightenment philosophers. What do deist believe?

God created the world to run according to the laws of nature and reason without his intervention.

The Second Great Awakening portrayed God as benevolent, rather than earlier religious teaching where God was portrayed as angry and vengeful. What did they mean when they said God was benevolent?

God was kind and well meaning.

Which political philosopher published "The Social Contract" in 1762. In this work he wrote that the state of nature was a primitive and brutish condition, without law or morality, which humans deliberately left for the benefits and necessity of cooperation. He wrote "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. One man thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they".

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Who was the first Vice-President?

John Adams

Who said "I have not begun to fight" and was the founder of the U.S. Navy?

John Paul Jones

The Awakening preachers gave energetic sermons at open air events called revivals. Their goal was for people to look at their own souls, to be convicted about their moral failures and then turn their hearts toward God. Who were two of the most influential preachers of the time?

Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield

Paul Revere's ride on April 19, 1775 was to announce the approach of British soldiers to stamp out colonist resistance in the towns of ___ and ___

Lexington and Concord

The war between colonists and Britain began in 1775 when fighting broke out between British solders and the Massachusetts militiamen, the minutemen. This signaled the start of the American Revolution. In which two places did these fights happen?

Lexington, ________ XXX Cambridge XXX

Match the descriptions below as either a patriot or a loyalist characteristic: Might have fought in the British Army. Led by the Sons of Liberty. Would fight in the American Army. Benefited from British rule, or worked for the King. Would be part of boycotts and protests.

Loyalist Patriot Patriot Loyalist Patriot

What French nobleman brought money and men from France to help the Americans and fought alongside Washington during the American Revolution?

Marquis de Lafayette

Which philosopher called for a complete separation of powers to maintain balance in government which was to be accomplished by creating separate legislative, executive and judicial branches of government?


The great figure of the Second Great awakening was ____. Not only was he the most successful and famous preacher, he was the revival's great strategist and theologian. He was one of the first religious leaders in America to denounce slavery.

Peter Carthwrite

What Indian "rebellion" led to King George III's Proclamation of 1763?

Pontiac's Rebellion

The British Parliament passed the Quartering Act of 1765 in which the American colonists were required to do what?

Provide housing, food and supplies to the British troops in the colonies.

On June 11, 1776, the Second Continental Congress appointed a committee of five men to draft the Declaration. From the drop down list select the committee member who is missing from the list

Roger Sherman

In 1749, the Governor of Virginia gave the Ohio Company the right to do what?

Settle lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.

In 1798, in an attempt to scare the American voters into voting for his party for a second term, John Adams passed what Acts that banned criticism of the government, especially the president; and tightened restrictions on foreigners.

The Alien and Sedition Acts

The British Parliament felt that the American Colonists should do WHAT since the resources, such as British troops, were going to the colonies for protection anyway.

The American Colonists should pay for the resources they used.

The Proclamation of 1763 decreed that the American colonists could not settle the lands west of what?

The Appalachian Mountains

What was the first written constitution of the new United States that created a weak central government in fear of returning to a more tyrannical form of government?

The Articles of Confederation???

What are the first 10 amendments of the Constitution collectively called?

The Bill of Rights

In 1787, what convention was held in Philadelphia to make changes to the Articles of Confederation?

The Constitutional Convention

On July 4, 1776, the 56 members of the 2nd Continental Congress signed WHAT document declaring that "all men are created equal" and independence from English rule?

The Declaration of Independence

What political party did John Adams belong to?

The Federalists

The philosophers of the enlightenment era provided bold new ideas regarding human rights and democracy. Who did they inspire?

The French revolutionaries, The American revolutionaries

The colonists sent a petition to King George III that stated the colonists would stand loyal to the crown if Parliament would drop the taxes and restrictions placed on the colonies. What was this petition called?

The Olive Branch Petition

What 1765 Act passed by Parliament required all printed material to carry a stamp?

The Stamp Act

An act passed by the British Parliament gave the near bankrupt British East India Company a virtual tea monopoly by allowing it to sell directly to colonial agents, and undersell American merchants. Opposition to this act led to the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773. What was the name of the act?

The Tea Act

During the presidency of George Washington, the government put a tax on whiskey to help pay back loans taken out to pay the states' war debts. This tax caused the colonists to rise up in protest. What was this protest called?

The Whiskey Rebellion

A series of diplomatic events that involved the U.S. and France was one of the most pressing issues during John Adams' presidency. The French unhappy with the American/British trading status reacted by seizing and attacking U.S. merchant ships. John Adams wanted to avoid a full scale war with France so sent representatives to France to negotiate an end to the attacks. The French tried to bribe the negotiators, upset by this the negotiators returned home. When word got out about these negotiations it became known as what?

The XYZ Affair

How did the convention held in 1787 deal with counting slaves in the Southern states regarding the population and representation in the newly formed congress?

They came up with the 3/5 Compromise where 3 out of 5 slaves were counted.

Taxes were not new in the American colonies, so why were the colonists so upset about the new taxes Britain placed on them?

They didn't have any say in the new taxes and didn't have representation.

How did the colonists react to the Proclamation Line of 1763?

They ignored it and settled the area anyway.

Which philosopher championed free speech and is quoted as saying "I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it"?


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 created 5 new states between the Ohio and Mississippi River. What were the 5 states?

Wisconsin Michigan Illinois Ohio Indiana

The British won the French and Indian War and received lands and colonies in their victory. Of the following choices, which colony WAS NOT given to the British?

XXX Canada XXX

To keep the Native Americans from waging war and conflict, the British Government issued the Proclamation Line of 1763. What was forbidden in this document?

XXX It forbid the colonists from trading with the Native Americans. XXX

Who led the British colonists when they tried to eject the French from the forts they were building in Western Pennsylvania?

XXX John Adams XXX

Thomas Paine authored the pamphlet "Common Sense". In it he argued that the American colonies should break from Britain. He reasoned that America would be better off and could create a more equal society and economy. He believed Britain had abused its power and called for independence. The pamphlet was published at a critical time. Who was influenced by it?

XXX Members of the Senate XXX

Which philosopher and physician promoted the ideas of freedom of the press, educational reform and religious tolerance?

XXX Montesquieu XXX

The Coercive Acts (or as the colonists called them the "Intolerable Acts") were a British response to the Boston Tea Party. Match the name of these acts with their description: Extended the boundary of the region and granted religious tolerance to Catholics Curtailed self government in the region Forced colonist to house British solders in their homes

XXX Quartering Act XXX Massachusetts Government Act, XXX Housing Act XXX

In 1755 the British colonist were determined to eject the French from their forts in Western Pennsylvania. What happened in the battle of Fort Duquesne?

XXX The British defeated the French and Indians, but General Braddock was killed. XXX

What were two of the most important goods/products produced in the colonies that relied on slavery?

XXX Tobacco and cotton XXX

How did the colonists avoid paying taxes to Great Britain?

XXX b. By producing their own versions of products. Incorrect, try again XXX it has to be} By smuggling, By importing goods from other countries

Rene Decartes was considered one of the "Fathers of the Enlightenment". What did he develop?

XXX calculus XXX

What was the purpose of the Enlightenment era?

XXXX To turn away from medieval scholasticism and revive interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought XXXX To use the clear light of reason to rid the world of superstition and ignorance???

Philosopher John Locke believed every person had three basics rights. What were they?

life, liberty, Ownership of property

The Declaratory Act was passed after The Stamp Act was ____


The second great awakening was a religious revivalist movement. It started as a reaction to to the growth and popularity of ___ and ___

science and rationalism

Many early American religious groups in the Calvinist tradition emphasized the deep depravity of human beings. They believed they could only be saved ____. This was very different from the Evangelical belief of salvation, that became popular during the second great awakening.

through the grace of God.

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