US History - Final Review of All Chapters

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By 1750, the economic prosperity experienced by the American colonies had resulted in which of the following? a the colonial population's migrating westward b a colonial desire for political autonomy c European investment in colonial industries d wars over ownership of the colonies between the British and French


In 1626, Peter Minuit became the director of the first Dutch colony in the Americas, which was located in which modern-day location? a Cape Cod b Manhattan c Vermont d Long Island


During the Revolutionary War, which was an advantage that the Continental forces had over the British forces? a They had greater access to supplies and resources. b They had soldiers who were better trained. c They had alliance agreements with France. d They had more guns, ammunition, and other weapons.


What was the "conspiracy" of the New York Conspiracy Trials of 1741? a American patriots conspiring to overthrow the royal government b slaves conspiring to burn down the city and take control c Protestants conspiring to murder Catholics d indentured servants conspiring to overthrow their masters


In his pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine made which radical assertion? a That colonial governments should seek another protector to replace Britain, perhaps Spain b That monarchy was an illegitimate form of government c That government taxation was no different from theft d That colonial property should be redistributed equally


What was the first organized act of resistance in the colonies in response to the passage of the Intolerable Acts? a Ratification of the Articles of Confederation b The meeting of the First Continental Congress c The battles at Lexington and Concord d The Boston Tea Party in Boston Harbor


On which modern-day location did Christopher Columbus's fleet first land in the New World? a The Yucatan Peninsula b the island of Cuba c the Bahamas d the Dominican Republic


The Congressional response to the Alien and Sedition Acts set an important precedent by making which suggestion? a That states could tax each other for imports b That U.S. states could nullify federal laws if they disagreed with them c That state constitutions held authority over the U.S. Constitution d That states could accept or refuse the citizenship status of immigrants


The Europeans ceased to seek a northwest passage to Asia after the travels of which explorer made it clear that none existed? a Francisco de Coronado b James Cook c Juan Garrido d Jacques Cartier


The first armed conflict of the Revolutionary War was provoked by what act? a An order from Parliament to break up meetings of the Sons of Liberty b A raid by British soldiers on the colonial weapons arsenal c The destruction of a large shipment of imported goods d An unruly mob's attack on a group of British soldiers


The first permanent colony established by Europeans in North America was in what modern-day state? a Massachusetts b Florida c North Carolina d Virginia


What belief did the Quakers hold that other Protestant groups did not? a that people are predestined to be good or evil b that war and aggression were wrong under all circumstances c that the Catholic Church should be changed from within d that individual piety was the most effective means of reform


What caused the deaths of most of the native population of Hispaniola in the early 1500s? a the decline of native food sources b an epidemic of smallpox c a war between the natives and the Spanish d forced labor by the Spanish


What evidence most clearly indicates that the Aztec people migrated to Mexico from the American Southwest? a Maize was a dietary staple for people in both regions. b An active turquoise trade existed between the regions. c Both the Aztec and Southwestern peoples built pueblos. d Pathways of travel have been found that show the movement of the Aztec.


What was a major concern for the group known as the Federalists? a That all Americans would not be able to exercise their rights equally b That the new nation would be unable to confront foreign threats c That a federal government would take away states' rights d That the government would be too strong and resemble the rule of the British


After explorers were unable to find a passage to Asia through Florida, what led the Spanish crown to continue financing the Florida colony? a the work of the Franciscan missionaries with the native peoples b the colony's position between those of other European powers c the desire to keep others out of North America d the possibility of finding gold and other natural resources


For what reason were the Alien and Sedition Acts unpopular with most Americans? a They were at odds with the U.S. Constitution. b They taxed the income of citizens to pay for running the government. c They violated earlier partisan agreements. d They questioned the citizenship of many Americans.


From where did the first migrants to North America originate? a Siberia b Scandanavia c Pacific Islands d South America


How did British General Thomas Gage attempt to deal with the uprising in Massachusetts in 1774? a He attempted to seize arms and munitions from the colonial insurgents. b He allowed for town meetings in an attempt to appease the rebels. c He offered the rebels land on the Maine frontier in return for loyalty to England. d He ordered his troops to burn Boston to the ground to show the determination of Britain.


How was Pennsylvania's constitution radically different from other state constitutions? a It allowed for only one legislative body and no governor. b It resolved legislators from direct accountability. c It allowed slaves voting rights in local elections d It specified that citizens must pay a state income tax.


In the 1770s, the American Revolution was met with the most resistance by which group of people? a Native Americans b Wealthy merchants c Former slaves d Poor farmers and laborers


The Flushing Remonstrance was a petition for freedom of religion written by people from what religion? a Quakers b Puritans c Methodists d Anabaptists


The Hohokam people of modern-day Arizona were best known for which of the following? a canal construction b pottery and jewelry making c the building of pueblos d mound building


What actions by the Spanish settlers in the New Mexico colony led to the Pueblo Revolt? a They kept them from practicing their native religion. b They were not fair in their trade with the Pueblos. c They destroyed the Pueblos' farms and stole food from them. d They enslaved them and forced them to work on ranches and farms.


What right did many American women begin to demand in the early nineteenth century? a The right to an education b The right to vote c The right to join the military d The right to own property


What was a major concern for the group known as the Anti-Federalists? a That a federal government would take away states' rights b That small states would drown out the concerns of the more populated states c That the new nation would be unable to confront foreign threats d That all Americans would not be able to exercise their rights equally


What was the location of the largest mound-building culture in early North America? a Cahokia b Moundville c Plaquemine d Etowah


When the individual states began writing their constitutions, their experience as royal subjects made which of the following a key concern? a Limiting the powers of government b Enabling free trade between citizens and foreign governments c Ending taxation without representation d Allowing each citizen an equal voice


Which New World crop soon became a dietary staple for Europeans? a potatoes b rye c barley d corn


Which Spaniard was the first to explore Florida? a Ponce de León b Francisco de Coronado c Juan Rivera d Hernando de Soto


Which U.S. President negotiated the sale of French Louisiana with Napoleon Bonaparte? a Thomas Jefferson b James Madison c Ben Franklin d John Adams


Which country established the colony that became known as New York? a The Netherlands b France c Spain d Denmark


Which extensive tribe forged a political confederacy to strengthen their influence and resolve internal disputes in the Northeast? a the Iroquois b the Cherokee c the Hohokam d the Creek


Which of the following had the greatest role in the economic growth of Britain's North American colonies in the 1700s? a the expansion of slavery b the efforts of investors c peace with the Spanish d the construction of factories


Which term describes German soldiers hired by Great Britain to put down the American rebellion? a Hessians b Loyalists c Royalists d Patriots


Why did European colonists choose to replace the slave labor of native peoples with that of West Africans? a Native Americans were not able to resist diseases carried by Europeans. b Native Americans were not accustomed to sharp changes in climate. c Native Americans were unable to do the difficult work required of them. d Native Americans were likely to start revolts against the slaveholders.


Why did slavery develop quickly in the Carolinas? a Many early migrants came from Barbados, where it was already established b Few European immigrants came in the early years, making labor scarce c Colonial organizers encouraged it as a way to quickly populate the colony d English colonists were not willing to do the difficult labor required


Why did the Spanish crown continue to finance the Florida colony even after the explorers failed to find a passage to Asia? a The colony had become an important base for missionaries. b The colony kept the English from exploring the region c The colony was rich in natural resources such as gold. d The colony was positioned strategically near other European colonies.


What was the main justification for replacing the Articles of Confederation with a different document? a It did not have a bill of rights that stated individual liberties clearly. b The central government it created was weak and had little power. c Not all states could agree to ratify the Articles of Confederation. d It did not allow states to collect taxes from their citizens


What was the most likely reason why loyalism to the British crown was more concentrated around New York City than Boston? a The British had occupied New York City for the longest time so most Patriots had left. b Very little patriot activity had occurred in New York City. c No major battles were fought against the British in New York City. d New York's colonists were more likely to be recent immigrants, rather than having families who lived here for multiple generations


Where in the colonies did the British military concentrate their attacks? a On major inland cities b Along the Atlantic coast c In large farming areas d Along major rivers and waterways


Which European's travels first provoked the Western European curiosity for exploration and expansion? a Leif Ericson b Marco Polo c Christopher Columbus d Vasco de Gama


Which Revolutionary War battle ended with the surrender of General Cornwallis to General Washington? a Cowpens b Yorktown c Valley Forge d Saratoga


Which Southwestern tribe was first to build multi-room and -story dwellings from adobe? a the Navajo b the Anasazi c the Pueblo d the Apache


Which ideas of the European Enlightenment were most influential to the American colonists? a Equality for all humans b Inalienable rights c Representation in government d Rationality of nature


Which of the following is NOT considered to be a restoration colony? a New York b Georgia c Carolina d New Jersey


Which of the following is true of the Gaspée affair? a It was the occasion of the first official death in the war for independence. b Colonists believed that the British response represented an overreach of power. c The ship's owner, John Hancock, was a respectable Boston merchant. d It was the first time colonists attacked a revenue ship.


Which of the following statements best represents the division between Patriots and Loyalists? a The vast majority of American colonists were neutral and didn't take a side between Loyalists and Patriots. b American colonists were divided among those who wanted independence, those who wanted to remain part of the British Empire, and those who were neutral. c Most American colonists were Patriots, with only a few traditionalists remaining loyal to the King and Empire. d Most American colonists were Loyalists, with only a few firebrand revolutionaries leading the charge for independence.


Why did the French first begin exploring the Great Lakes region? a They wanted to establish colonies for their surplus population. b They were looking for a direct sea route to China. c They wanted to settle the area west of the Mississippi River. d They sought to establish bases for fur traders.


How did Great Britain respond to the colonial boycott that followed the Stamp Act? a By allowing companies to trade directly with the colonies b By telling the colonial governor to end the tax c By levying taxes on items that the colonists could not do without d By sending soldiers and occupying Boston and New York City


How did the Europeans' arrival in the New World have the most detrimental effect on its ecosystem? a The diseases carried by the Europeans caused blight and famine to native crops. b The colonists destroyed native forests as they built towns. c The livestock brought by the Europeans devoured the native plants and animals. d The crops planted by the Europeans leeched the soil where other plants could not grow.


Pontiac's Rebellion and the Paxton Boys' actions were examples of what? a Economic wars, in which the lower classes sought better wages and treatment from the richer portions of society. b Civil wars, in which citizens with opposing political beliefs demanded the other side give them power c Race wars, in which both sides saw themselves as different and believed the other needed to be eradicated. d Religious wars, in which each side was fighting to establish their belief system as the official religion


Slaves who were brought from West Africa to the southern plantations were the first in North America to cultivate which crop? a barley b bananas c rice d sweet potatoes


The Columbian Exchange between Western Europe and the native people of the New World thrived mainly due to which of the following? a existing cities such as Cahokia and Tenochtitlan b crops and other goods brought by the Europeans c established Native American trade routes d new, faster shipping methods across the Atlantic


The Western European curiosity that led to the Columbian Exchange originated with which explorer's travels? a Christopher Columbus b Leif Ericson c Marco Polo d Vasco de Gama


What evidence showed that colonial boycotts of British goods created economic and social changes in the American Revolution? a Partnerships with Spain and France in trade were profitable b More slaves were needed to produce locally-made goods. c Women's roles in cottage industries became more important. d Trade networks with Native Americans were strengthened.


What evidence suggests that the American colonies' declaration of independence against Great Britain was bound to happen decades before it did? a Great Britain had been slowly leveraging new taxes and penalties in an effort to test the colonies' loyalty. b British leaders had not allowed colonists to have a voice in government, fearing the outcome of too much leniency c The colonies had developed their own economic structures independently from Great Britain. d The writings of the European Enlightenment philosophers were especially popular in the colonies.


Where did the French establish their first colony in the New World? a New Hampshire b Maine c Quebec d Louisiana


Which War of 1812 battle was the most decisive in asserting American dominance over the British in the Old Northwest? a Fort Meigs b Moraviantown c Lake Erie d Fort McHenry


Which action was most pivotal to the cause of the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794? a The lack of support for farmers in difficult growing years b The overextension of credit to low-income citizens c The preference for coin currency rather than paper money d The levying of taxes on farmers to pay national war debt


Which country established the colony that became known as New York? a Denmark b France c The Netherlands d Spain


Which crop did the Europeans first find in the New World? a wheat b cherries c potatoes d barley


Which early American leader was a chief Federalist? a Thomas Jefferson b Ben Franklin c Alexander Hamilton d Samuel Adams


Which nation first entered Alaska, the last region in North America to be explored by Europeans? a Great Britain b Spain c Russia d France


Which of the following ceased to be a right of individual states after the U.S. Constitution was ratified? a The right to provide education b The right to regulate intrastate commerce c The right to issue and print currency d The right to operate a state militia


Which of the following most drove the governments of European nation states in colonizing the Americas? a economic opportunities b concern for the welfare of the native populations c competition with each other d political and religious liberty


Which of the following was decided at the First Continental Congress? a to offer a conciliatory treaty to Great Britain b to declare war on Great Britain c to boycott all British goods and prepare for possible military action d to pay for the tea that was dumped in Boston Harbor


Which statement would a supporter of Federalism in the late 1700s most likely make in an argument? a State governments don't have enough of a voice at the federal level b Native American tribes are staging attacks on small towns. c The United States' national debt has grown out of control. d Foreign investors are not interested in local industry.


Why did Britain begin taxing the colonies after the French and Indian War? a They were hoping that a new tax scheme would pay for much needed infrastructure improvements in the major cities of Britain b Colonies in Africa had proved to be less prosperous and the government needed a new source of funds. c The war had doubled the British debt, and the cost of continued defense was high d The British government wanted to use taxation as a way to punish colonists for being too independent


Why was the presidential election of 1800 particularly important? a It was the first election to be contested. b It was the first Presidential election with two political parties. c It marked the end of Federalist influence. d It showed the weaknesses of the Electoral College.


Aside from the issue of taxation by representation, why did the colonists object to Parliament's stamp tax? a It would prevent colonists from having access to necessities. b It would affect the southern colonies more than others. c It was not a tax paid by those living in England d It would create a great economic burden for the people who had to pay it.


During the Revolutionary War, why did many colonial slaves fight on the side of the British rather than with the colonists? a The colonists would not promise to abolish slavery as the British did. b The colonists only permitted free blacks to join their military. c The colonists would not pass laws guaranteeing rights for slaves d The colonists did not want to allow slaves to use weapons.


Evidence of a turquoise trade indicates that the Aztec people probably migrated to central Mexico from what area? a the East Coast b the West Coast c Central America d the Southwest


How did Pennsylvania interact with the local Native American tribes? a Well - They arrived and found no local tribes in the area they wished to settle b Poorly - The first years were a struggle to survive through various attacks c Poorly - They found themselves constantly at war with the Susquehannocks d Well - They established treaties with them and paid a fair price for lands


In the 1780s, what evidence shows that the early government of the United States was not as strong and united as its founders had hoped it would be? a Many political parties existed, which held very different goals for the nation. b The cultures of states that were geographically distant were very different. c States negotiated trade agreements outside of those the US had in place. d States relied on their own constitutions, which often stated very different laws.


In the years following the American Revolution, churches helped change the social status of free African-Americans by doing which of the following? a Organizing covert operations to rescue family members from slavery b Playing an integral part in the movement towards abolishing slavery c Allowing them to experience parity with whites in a religious setting d Assisting in the establishment of separate communities in northern cities


In which state was Anti-Federalism most popular? a Connecticut b Georgia c New Jersey d Virginia


In which state were the most battles fought between the Continental and British forces in the Revolutionary War? a Massachusetts b Pennsylvania c Virginia d New York


The Northwest Ordinance was passed in 1787 to accomplish which goal? a Outlining future relations with Spain b Paving the way for future western expansion c Forging an alliance with Great Britain d Establishing relations with Native American tribes


The excavations of the Hopewell peoples' burial sites in the Midwestern United States and the objects discovered within have indicated which of the following? a The Hopewell practiced a very unique religion. b The Hopewell were a matrilineal society. c The Hopewell placed great emphasis on agriculture. d The Hopewell had a wide trade network.


The language of the Declaration of Independence was greatly influenced by the writings of which Enlightenment philosopher? a Adam Smith b Jean-Jacques Rousseau c Thomas Hobbes d John Locke


The law that caused the greatest change to the legal status of Africans in North America involved which of the following? a the right to use corporal punishment against a slave b the susceptibility of Christian converts to slavery c the right to purchase your freedom d the declaration of slavery as a hereditary condition


What happened during the English interregnum? a Charles I decided to move England from a Catholic country to a Protestant one b Oliver Cromwell convinced Parliament to reestablish and expand the powers of the monarchy c Charles I served as a regent for his son, who would become Charles II d Oliver Cromwell and his supporters dissolved the monarch


What issue was resolved with the Great Compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists? a Who would be allowed to vote in elections b How the president and senators would be elected c The legality of slavery in individual states d Representation in the two legislative houses


What posed the biggest threat to the early peoples of the American Southwest prior to the year 1300? a warfare and violence b growing populations c scarcity of foodstuffs d environmental changes


What was the first conflict in the Americas that the colonists fought without the aid of colonial powers? a the Pueblo Revolt b the French and Indian War c Queen Anne's War d King Philip's War


What was the importance of the U.S. Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison in determining the role of the Supreme Court in American government? a It established the Supreme Court's authority over state supreme courts. b It established the Supreme Court's authority over state laws. c It established the Supreme Court's authority over state supreme courts. d It established the Supreme Court's authority to declare laws unconstitutional.


What was the main reason why the British government offered free land as a means of encouraging immigration to their American colonies? a to rid Britain of people they considered undesirable b to build a greater work force on the plantation farms c to reward veterans who had served in the Arm d to defend against rivals and attacks from native peoples


What was the original cause of factionalism in the early United States? a Disagreements over slavery and abolition b Disagreements over how laws protecting liberties should be enforced c Disagreements over the role morality should play in making laws d Disagreements over what the role of government should be


Which crop did the Eruopeans bring to the New World? a cacao b potatoes c tobacco d wheat


Which early American leader was a chief Anti-Federalist? a George Washington b Ben Franklin c James Madison d Patrick Henry


Which event was most responsible for the colonies' endorsement of Samuel Adams's Massachusetts Circular? a the Townshend Duties b the Indemnity Act c the Boston Massacre d Lord Hillsborough's threat to dissolve the colonial assemblies that endorsed the letter


Which law had the greatest impact on the legal status of Africans in North America in the 1600s? a the law allowing slaves to purchase their freedom, even if their owner disagreed b the law permitting slave owners to use corporal punishment towards their slaves c the law that made Christian converts susceptible to slavery as well as non-Christians d the law making slavery a hereditary condition inherited through a child's mother


Which of the following characterized the post-Archaic phase in North America? a a thriving artistic culture b the building of dams and canals c nomadic movements to new locations d sedentary village life


Which of the following was most helpful to the success of the Columbian Exchange in the New World? a new methods of shipping across the Atlantic b crops and other goods brought by the Europeans c existing cities such as Cahokia and Tenochtitlan d established Native American trade routes


Which of the following was not one of the goals of the Townshend Acts? a higher taxes b greater British control over the colonies c reduced power of the colonial governments d greater colonial unity


What was the first European colony established in North America? a New Netherlands b Jamestown c Roanoke d St. Augustine


The Carolinas were exporters of which goods? a Indigo, turpentine, tobacco, and cotton b Rice, turpentine, tobacco, and cotton c Rice, indigo, turpentine, and cotton d Rice, indigo, turpentine, and tobacco

I sincerely don't know but it's not A

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