US History Unit 1- Unit Review

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This colony was first settled by men looking to make a profit. Unaccustomed to physical labor and lacking knowledge of farming and hunting, their colony would have failed were it not for strong leadership.


Archaeologists learn about the first Americans by analyzing the remains of their written records.


Nomadic hunters from Africa crossed Beringia into North America more than 12,000 years ago.


Over many generations, nomadic people migrated north and west from South America.


When people first came to the Americas, they generally stayed in the area in which they arrived.


True or False —The Enlightenment had little effect in the American colonies.

False. The new body of scientific work being written in Europe during the Enlightenment was eagerly read by American colonists. Benjamin Franklin was particularly interested in the new scientific and political writing coming out of England.

Describe two results of the Great Awakening.

1. Members of different Protestant denominations in different colonies saw themselves as fellow believers instead of enemies and rivals. 2. The Great Awakening was an inter-colonial phenomenon that embraced every colony and paved the way for cooperation among the colonies.

Name two animals that were brought to the Americas by Europeans. Name two plants that Europeans brought to Europe from the Americas.

Animals include: horses, pigs, cattle, chicken, sheep, and goats. Plants include: corn, potatoes, and tomatoes.

This colony was founded when Charles II granted a large land grant to a group of English landholders. These landholders began shipping slaves and servants to the colony to work as laborers on rice plantations.


The population of Native Americans in the New World decreased dramatically during the Columbian exchange. Why?

Europeans brought diseases, such as smallpox, to North and South America. The Native Americans had no immunity to these diseases. Some historians estimate that, after fifty years of contact with Europeans, disease reduced the numbers of most native groups by some 90 percent.

The French and Indian War was a conflict between what two European powers? A. Spain and France B. England and the American colonies C. France and England

France and England

This colony was founded by James Oglethorpe, a member of England's Parliament who wanted to establish a colony for criminals and debtors. It eventually allowed slavery and developed a slave society.


Many Germans, Dutch, and Scots Irish farmers settled in this colony.


This colony was first settled primarily by Catholics. Its proprietor—Cecilius Calvert—received a grant from Charles I and founded the colony.


Rich soil and a moderately long growing season enabled farmers in these colonies to grow wheat and corn as cash crops.

Middle Colonies

Industries in this colony included lumber, whaling, fishing, and shipbuilding.

New England

Several port cities in these colonies had a growing merchant class that sold barrels, candles, horseshoes, and nails.

New England

Subsistence farming was undertaken in these colonies because of the thin, rocky soil and short growing season.

New England

These colonies were originally settled by Puritans and Pilgrims.

New England

This colony was the only one of the American colonies to have been initially colonized by a nation other than England; it was once a Dutch colony.

New York

Founded in hopes of discovering gold, Jamestown almost failed but survived due, in part, to strong leadership from John Smith.


Europeans were looking for a sea route east to India, China, and Japan, because the __________had made land routes to Asia less accessible. A. Arabians B. Ottoman Turks C. Mongols

Ottoman Turks

This colony was founded by a Quaker who received a large land grant from Charles II. It established itself as a safe haven for dissenters—all faiths were tolerated.


Which European country took the lead in exploration in the 1400s and was also the first to become involved in the African slave trade?


This colony was founded by Roger Williams, a Puritan minister who disapproved of the way John Winthrop had merged church and state in Massachusetts.

Rhode Island

What motivated Europeans to begin exploring in the 1400s?

riches, knowledge, and power

Slaves and indentured servants made up a large percentage of the population in these colonies because of the labor-intensive work required on plantations.

Southern Colonies

These colonies developed slave-based plantation economies.

Southern colonies

These colonies enjoyed a mild climate, fertile soil along the coastal plain, and a long growing season.

Southern colonies

Christopher Columbus convinced the monarchs of which country to finance his expedition to find a sea route west to the riches of the Indies?


As hundreds of different tribes spread across the North American continent, they adjusted to the specific conditions of the places in which they settled.


As nomadic tribes settled in different regions of North America, they adapted to their environments.


What was the Columbian exchange? The exchange of Columbians for Europeans. The exchange of ideas, people, plants, and animals between the eastern and western hemispheres. The exchange of gold and silver from South America and slaves from Africa.

The Columbian exchange was the exchange of ideas, people, plants, and animals between the eastern and western hemispheres.

Between 1700 and 1763, Britain's North American colonies were growing and gaining a sense of themselves.


Cecilius Calvert (Lord Baltimore) founded Maryland as a predominately Catholic colony.


Although Europeans benefited economically from the Columbian exchange, Native American populations in the New World were decimated by the introduction of diseases to which they had no immunity.


Analysis of artifacts and DNA are tools that archaeologists use to learn about the first Americans.


As Native American populations died off, the Portuguese replaced their lost labor force with slaves from Africa.


Historians and archaeologists have learned about early Native Americans through analysis of artifacts and human remains, but much remains unknown. Many early Native American tribes left no written record and were wiped out before Europeans were able to make observations about their cultures.


In the fifteenth century Europeans, in search of riches, knowledge, and power, launched an Age of Exploration that continued into the 1500s.


John Winthrop founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony, beginning the Great Migration, where tens of thousands of Puritans settled in the colony.


Many Cavaliers settled in Virginia during the English Civil War.


Most Puritan communities in New England were very intolerant of other religions.


Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against Virginia's royal governor over land and tax issues.


Nomadic hunter-gatherers crossed the Beringia landmass from Asia to North America during the last ice age, moved east and south, and eventually spread across North and South America.


Nomadic hunters crossed into North America because they were following migrating herds of animals.


Roger Williams left the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded Rhode Island, where he established separation between church and state and religious toleration.


Some people from Southeast Asia may have reached North America by sailing across the Pacific Ocean.


Soon after Europeans arrived in the 1400s, a pandemic destroyed entire Native American villages and cultures.


The British crown, wishing to challenge the Spanish and Portuguese monopoly over New World trade and become a great European power, granted a charter to the Virginia Company to found a permanent colony in North America—Jamestown.


The Columbian exchange resulted in an enormous movement of plants, animals, diseases, and people among three continents.


The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that resulted in scientific and philosophical change, both in Europe and in the colonies.


The French and Indian War briefly drew the colonies together and resulted in large territorial gains for Britain in North America.


The Great Awakening was a religious revival that changed the nature of religious experience for many and encouraged bonds across the colonies.


The Mayflower Compact—the document written and signed by the men aboard the Mayflower—was the earliest example of self-government in North America.


The Middle Passage was the second leg of the triangular trade and was notorious for its inhuman conditions.


The Pilgrims and Puritans settled in North America to escape persecution and oppression in England and to worship freely.


The first Americans formed diverse cultures and societies as they adapted to different environments.


The institution of slavery grew in the eighteenth century as owners of sugar, tobacco, and rice plantations needed more labor.


The original 13 colonies are divided into three regions based on geography, culture, economies, etc: New England, Middle Colonies, Southern Colonies.


Though Portugal initially led the way in exploration, Spain quickly caught up and established a large empire in the New World.


Though there was some cooperation between the New England colonists and Native Americans, desire for more land and shifting alliances brought much conflict—the Pequot War and King Philip's War.


Widespread land ownership became a distinctive feature of the economy and encouraged broad participation in local and colonial governments.


Within broadly similar environments, people adapted in similar ways, and historians have grouped similar cultures into geographic regions (i.e. Pacific Coast, Southwest, Great Plains, etc.).


Why was Britain's victory against France, and the acquisition of new territory, important to the colonists? A. The colonists disliked the French and did not want French people living in their communities. B. The population was growing and the colonists were eager to move west and settle new lands. C. England needed territory west of the Appalachians in order to keep Spain out of North America.

because the population was growing and the colonists were eager to move west and settle new lands.

John Locke believed that reason could reveal moral laws that dictated how A. monarchs should be chosen. B. legislative bodies should pass laws. C. leaders should govern

leaders should govern

Philosophers, including John Locke, believed that natural law required A. governments to protect their subjects' right to A. life, liberty, and property. B. money, food, and housing. C. work, sleep, and eat.

life, liberty, and property

According to John Locke, what did people have the right to do if their government failed to protect their natural rights?

overthrow the government

During the Enlightenment, what did scholars emphasize as a tool for understanding the world around them? A. the Bible B. reasoning C. faith


Which of the following were results of the French and Indian War? A. Britain was deeply in debt. B. England had been defeated. C. All French territory in Canada and the land between the Mississippi River and the Appalachian mountain range (except for New Orleans) became British territory. D. Britain now controlled the entire east coast of North America. E. The colonists had failed to cooperate against a common threat.

results: -Britain was deeply in debt. -France had been defeated. -All French territory in Canada and the land between the Mississippi River and the Appalachian mountain range (except for New Orleans) became British territory -Britain now controlled the entire east coast of North America. -The colonists had cooperated against a common threat.

One key element of the Great Awakening was the idea A. of conformity to a single denomination. B. that salvation did not depend on membership in a particular church. C. that personal conversion was impossible for colonists.

salvation did not depend on membership in a particular church

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