US History Westward Expansion - Progressive Era

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Judging from the map, which area was likely to see the GREATEST percentage increase in urban population due to the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad?


Which one of the following descriptions best describes "horizontal integration"?: -The economic development of the American west -When the government controls the factors of production -A company owns all the businesses that supply it with raw goods -A company acquires competing businesses and merges them into a single entity

A company acquires competing businesses and merges them into a single entity

Based on the flier below, which conclusion can be made about the Haymarket Riot? (Full image has German in the second half)

A large number of the participants were German-speaking immigrants

The excerpt below is from William Jenning Bryan's speech at the Democratic Convention in 1896. Based on this speech, what did Bryan demand in his subsequent campaign for the presidency? Having behind us the producting masses of this natoin and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will answer a demand for a gold standard by saying to them: "You should not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."

A policy of bimetallism that would help farmers by raising crop prices

Prohibition restricted the sale, manufacture, and distribution of: -Foreign foods -Cigarettes -Alcohol -Drugs


Which inventor predicted that, "The day is coming when telephone wires will be laid on to houses just like water a gas--and friends will converse with each other without leaving home," by using his invention?

Alexander Graham Bell

What was the main cause of the Homestead Strike that is depicted in the newspaper below?

Andrew Carnegie and Henry Frick wanted to break up the power of the steelworkers' union

Where did most political machines arise and receive the most support at the turn of the century?

Areas with large immigrant populations

How were the Homestead and Pullman Strikes similar?

Both ended in important defeats for organized labor

How did American industrial leaders accumulate wealth during the late 1800s?

By creating monopolies and establishing trusts

Which legislation was directed at remedying the evils depicted in the cartoon? (Look up "For sale to the highest bidder cartoon")

Child Labor Laws

This drawing was published in England in 1894. Which ideology was most similar to the ideology identified in the drawings? (Look up "The Anarchists of Chicago" cartoon)


Which was NOT a problem faced by most American factory workers in the late 19th century?: -Boring, repetitive tasks -Periodic unemployment -Long hours and low wages -Demanding hiring requirements

Demanding hiring requirements

Thanks to Edwin Drake's innovative spirit, American industry reached previously unthought of height due to his creation of the first American __________

Drilled oil well

Immigrants who arrived on the East coast arrived at ______ Island and the West coast they arrived at ________ Island Tip: The name of the island for the East coast also starts with an E, and the name of the island on the West coast is similar to the name "Los Angeles," which is on the West coast

Ellis; Angel

What was the primary goal of the Progressive Movement in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

Encourage the government to take a more active role in solving societal issues

How did capitalism fuel industrialization?

Encouraging entrepreneurs to establish businesses

Which reformer is correctly paired with her accomplishments?: -Florence Kelley - fought for better conditions for workers - Carrie Chapman Catt - wrote a book criticizing the Standard Oil Company in 1904, which led to its breakup -Ida Tarbell - organized a march for women's suffrage in 1913 and wrote the Equal Rights Amendment -Alice Paul - became a close friend of Susan B. Anthony and succeeded her as President of the National Woman Suffrage Association

Florence Kelley - fought for better conditions for workers

Which technological advance allowed cities to expand outward?: -Building of urban skyscrapers -The inclusion of neighborhood parks -Forms of electric urban transportation -Increased efficiency of the printing press

Forms of electric urban transportation

A time of great wealth when all looked good on the outside was called the __________, a phrase used by Mark Twain

Gilded Age

Why did government leaders generally sympathize with business owners against labor in the late 19th century?

Government leaders received money from business and also believed in laissez-faire

This controversial event in Chicago (1886) resulted in seven police and four protester fatalities, as well greatly discrediting the union movement

Haymarket Riot

What was one of the main reasons John D. Rockefeller was able to succeed in the oil industry?

He combined vertical and horizontal integration

Which of the following would be the best title for the descriptions listed below?: -Built sod houses -Used dry farming techniques -Used barbed wire fences -Burned cow and buffalo chips for fuel -Windmills pumped water -Steel plow used for tough soil A) Methods Used by Forty-Niners to Stake Claims B) Sources of Conflict Between Ranchers and Farmers C) How Farmers Adapted to Conditions on the Great Plains D) How American Indians and Western Farmers Cooperated

How Farmers Adapted to Conditions on the Great Plains

Why did Congress form the Federal Trade Commission in 1914?

Identify those activities in which businesses could not engage

What was a negative aspect of the "Americanization" policy of the late 1880s for American Indians?

Indians saw the survival of their traditional customs threatened

How did the tent system encourage inventiveness?

It guaranteed an inventor sole rights to the use of his or her invention for a limited time

What was the GREATEST impact of the Panama Canal?

It tremendously reduced the travel time between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

What is the most likely reason immigrants traveled in steerage to Ellis Island?

It was all they could afford

Which "robber baron" is best known for consolidating Carnegie Steel and the National Steel Company into U.S. Steel in 1901?: -Jay Gould -J.P. Morgan -John Jacob Astor -Cornelius Vanderbilt

J.P. Morgan

Which entrepreneur is NOT correctly paired with his field?: -John D. Rockefeller and telecommunications -Andrew Carnegie and steel -Gustavus Swift and meat-packing -J.P. Morgan and finance

John D. Rockefeller and telecommunications

Which tactic was sometimes used by management to resist the demands of labor?: -Strike -Boycott -Lockout -Picket line


Which of these would BEST describe an immediate effect of the invention and mass production of the light bulb?: -Time became standardized -Agriculture worked longer hours -Railroad companies expanded routes -Longer factory hours for all workers

Longer factory hours for all workers

Which statement BEST describes the point of this late-19th-century cartoon?

Major industry is in control of much of American government and society

The book The Jungle was written by Upton Sinclair in 1906. What issue did this book deal with?

Meatpacking industry

Journalists who wrote fiction and non-fiction accounts of the abuses of wealth and power in our society


Which group most favored the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882? * -Imperialists in Congress -Nativists on the West Coast -Progressives from the Midwest -Anarchists who immigrated from Europe

Nativists on the West Coast

The diagram below compares two industrial revolutions. Which phrase completes the diagram?: (Imagine it's a venn diagram) First Industrial Revolution: -Introduction of steam power -First factories Both: -Increased production -Increased use of machinery Second Industrial Revolution: -[Missing phrase] -Bessemer process

New methods of telecommunication

If you were going to go to a movie about the person that invented the "motion picture," which movie title would you choose?: -Oh, Edison! -Choosing Chaplin -Ringing Alexander's Bell -William Goldwyn: Precious Inventor

Oh, Edison!

Which of the following would geographers consider a "pull" factor that contributed to the settling of the far west?

Only a decade after the California Gold Rush, new discoveries of gold and silver were made in Nevada, Colorado, and South Dakota

For most settlers, the MAIN attraction of the western territories of the United States in the early-1800s was what?

Plentiful, cheap, and fertile land

How did political machines gather votes in the late 18th century and early 19th century?

Political machines promised social services and jobs in exchange for votes

Which problem is addressed in the cartoon? (The full cartoon has text on the bottom saying "Who stole the people's money?")

Political machines were profiting from kickbacks on public contracts

What was the primary purpose of Ellis Island?

Processing immigrants who mainly came from Southern and Eastern Europe

The diagram provides details about the late 19th century America. Which title completes the diagram?: Diagram: 1) Community center programs on democracy in America 2) Night classes about American history 3) Classes taught in English in public schools -Programs for Americanization -Factors Promoting Immigration -Activities of the Freedmen's Bureau -Goals of the Temperance Movement

Programs for Americanization

This picture represents an issue that was dealt with MOST successfully by which political movement?


What was the impact of these muckraking activities during the early 1900s?: -Upton Sinclair exposed the unhealthy practices of Chicago's meat-packing industry plants -Ida Tarbell revealed the dishonest business tactics of Rockefeller's Standard Oil company -Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Lives, showing the conditions of the residents of New York City tenements

Public reaction to their books led to new laws addressing the abuses of industrialization

The primary goal of the NAACP was...

Racial equality

How were Americans influenced by the growth of railroads during the Second Industrial Revolution?

Railroads created time zones, the growth of cities, and the first truly national market

Which was NOT a major issue faced by the cities on the table below?: Graph: (literally couldn't find this ANYWHERE online so I went with the next best option) -The growth of nativist attitudes against immigrants -Raising food prices caused by labor shortages on farms -Increased corruption in city government from political machines -Increased traffic congestion from pedestrians, carriages, and trains

Raising food prices caused by labor shortages on farms

The statement below was made by a 19th-century immigrant to the United States. Based on this statement why did her family immigrate? My family was lucky. We survived the pogrom in our village in Russia. The Tsarist government acted in support of these anti-Jewish attacks. We had a cousin in Chicago who sent us enough money to pay for our passage by steamship to America.

Religious persecution pushed them out of Russia

Which type of activity does the article illustrate?: About 1890, public franchises and privileges were sought, not only for legitimate profit and common convenience but for loot. Taking but slight and always selfish interest in the public councils, the big men misused politics. The riff-raff, catching the smell of corruption, rush into the Municipal Assembly, drove out the respectable men, and sold the city--its streets, its wharves, its markets, and all that it had--to the now greedy businessmen and bribers.

Reporting by muckrakers

Many people at this time believed in Social Darwinism, which means survival of the... -Fittest -Smartest -Quickest -Best


What does the following poem seem to be supporting?: The White Man's Burden Rudyard Kipling, 1899 Take up the White Man's burden Send forth the best ye breed Go, bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait, in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild Your new-caught sullen peoples, Half devil and half child.

Social Darwinism

Based on the cartoon below, what conclusion can be reached about the United States in the early 1880s? (Look up "Hopelessly bound to the stake cartoon")

Some American critics felt workers were being oppressed by business monopolies

What impact did U.S. governmental polices have on business and industry during the late 1800s?

The U.S. government had little or no influence on business and industry

What was a disadvantage of this new form of government?: In the city-manager form of municipal government, an elected city council hires a city manager. The city manager is an expert in public administration who runs city services.

The city manager was not directly responsible to the electorate

Which issue is addressed in the cartoon (Look up "Hopelessly bound to the stake cartoon")

The excessive power of big business

Which identifies an accomplishment of Thomas Edison and his team of researchers at Menlo Park, New Jersey?: -The first telephone -The first steam engine -The first practical lightbulb -The first internal combustion engine

The first practical lightbulb

Why were immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe in the late 19th century welcomed by industrialists?

The immigrants were willing to work for lower wages than most other work

Which describes a trend indicated by the information in the table? Graph: (literally couldn't find this ANYWHERE online so I went with the next best option)

The number of immigrants increased but the size of the major cities increased even faster

Which of the following was NOT true about public education around 1900?: -High school curriculums were expanding to include science and civics -Kindergartens were being added to elementary school programs -The numbers of blacks attending public school were rapidly catching up with whites -State laws required students to attended school from ages 8 to 14

The numbers of blacks attending public school was rapidly catching up with whites

The picture below depicts the Haymarket Riot. Based on the picture, which sentence best describes the viewpoint of the artist?

The protesters were prepared to use violence

How did the completion of the 1st transcontinental railroad in 1869 encourage settlement of the American West?

The railroad made it easier for ranchers and farmers to ship goods back east

What was a consequence of the rapid growth of cities in the late 1800s?

The rapid growth of tenements and ghettos

Which useful function was served by the political machines of the late 1800s?: -They prevented corruption in local government -They helped provide a supply of cheap and skilled labor for industry -They served as role models for future city governments by acting as city managers -They assisted the social and political assimilation of immigrants into the community

They assisted the social and political assimilation of immigrants into the community

What was the significance of the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act?

They established the principle that Congress could regulate business in certain circumstances

How did many nativists feel about the rapid influx of immigrants between 1870 and 1900?

They feared that the immigrants might take their jobs for lower wage

What characteristic is shared by all five reforms listed below?: -Initiative -Referendum -Recall -Direct primary -17th Amendment

They gave citizens a greater voice in the government

What was the purpose of the Grange movement?

To break the rural isolation of farmers and represent their interests

What goal motivated Henry Flagler to build the Florida East Coast Railway?

To bring tourists to the luxury hotels he had built along the Florida coastline

This certificate was issued in 1919. What was the primary goal of the organization that issued this certificate? (Look up "American Federation of labor certificate of affiliation")

To obtain better conditions for workers in ts affiliate unions

What was the purpose of the Federal Reserve System?

To regulate banks and create a more elastic currency

What is the main purpose of patronage?

To reward ones supporters

What is the viewpoint of the artist?:

Trusts have too much influence over the United States Senate

In serious labor disputes which arose before 1900, the U.S. government...

Usually supported the owners

These steps are performed by a single company 1) Hog farms 2) Slaughterhouse and preparing pork 3) Transporting pork products

Vertical integration

Which African American leader believed that the best way to fight discrimination was for the "Talented Tenth" to get a good education, and in turn, help the rest?

W.E.B. Dubois

Who was the last president in office during the Progressive Era?

Woodrow Wilson

Which laws addressed concerns raised by the case of Luther Watson? My name is Luther Watson. I am 14 years old. My right arm was cut off by a veneering saw. I was using a board to press on the belt operating the saw. I lost my job in the factory because of the accident.

Workman's compensation act and child labor laws

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