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The WPA was an example of what type of New Deal program?


What was the purpose of Roosevelt's New Deal legislation?

Relief, Recovery, Reform

What was the Scopes Trial about?

Religion and science

Popularity of spectator sports increased during which decade?


During the Great Depression l, what were Hoovervilles symbolic of?

Federal governments failure to provide relief

Ones not on here:

15, 25, 26, 32, 37, 76, and 77.

During what years did WW1 take place?


Flapper fashions and speakeasies were trends in popular culture during which decade?


The first commercial radio broadcasts, a predominantly bull stock market, and the emergence of surrealism and Art Deco were features of which decade?


Who likely made this statement: "I wear bobbed hair and powder my nose. I wear fringed skirts and bright- colored sweaters, scarves, waists with Peter Pan collars, and low- heeled shoes. I adore dancing! I spend much time in automobiles. I attend hops, proms, ballgames, crew races, and other affairs at men's colleges."

1920's Flapper

What achievement made Charles Lindbergh an instant celebrity?

Flying solo across Atlantic Ocean

What is considered to be the "spark" that led to the outbreak of WW1?

Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

How did Germany provoke the US into WW1?

Attacking cargo and passenger ships

What development most contributed to the increasing social independence of Americans In the early 20th century?


After President Wilson's second inauguration, why did many Americans consider his campaign slogan "He kept us out of the war" ironic?

Because he requested a declaration of war from Congress

How was Marcus Garvey's belief about race different than W.E.B. Dubois?

Believed African Americans should segregate from white society

What were Recovery programs intended to do under the New Deal?

Bring the nation out of depression over time

Which New Deal Program does the list below describe? •Employed young men •Focused on outdoor activities •Improved nationals park system •Built dams and flood control systems

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

This excerpt comes from a speech given by President Wilson in 1917: "The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation or the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them." What would be the purpose of Wilson giving this speech?

Convince Congress to declare war on Germany

How did overproduction of agriculture contribute to the Great Depression?

Decreasing farm income

What was the US economy characterized by in the 30's?

Excess inventory

What is an example of a reform program that was passed during the New Deal?

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

During WW1, most American soldiers engaged in trench warfare on the western front were fighting in which country?


Which issue was central to President Wilson's foreign policy from 1914-1917?

Freedom of navigation on the high seas

On April 2, 1917, President Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war on Germany, what action most influenced President Wilson's decision?

German submarines sinking US ships

Which country was excluded from the Treaty of Versailles negotiations?


While running for re-election in 1916, Wilson campaigned on the slogan, "He kept us out of war." However, in April 1917, Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany. What event influenced the change described above?

Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare

Prior to US entry into WW1, what factor most challenged the nation's neutrality?

Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare

Declining agricultural prosperity in the 20's contributed to the onset of what major event in the 30's?

Great Depression

During the 30's religious revivalism expanded in the US as a response to economic hardships during the ________

Great Depression

What best completes the title to the list below? Causes leading to the —-?—— •overproduction in agriculture •weak financial regulations •purchasing stock on margin

Great Depression

Famous as one of the few places in the 20's that's permitted interracial dancing, the Savoy Ballroom is most closely associated with what movement?

Harlem Renaissance

Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes are most likely associated with what movement?

Harlem Renaissance

What is one effect the New Deal had on the state of Tennessee? (What did the TVA actually do in TN)

Hydroelectric power dams weren't built near Knoxville

What was the main purpose of the Palmer Raids?

Identify and punish suspected communists

During a period of economic decline, what most often occurs?

Increase in unemployment

What was a lasting effect of the New Deal?

It permanently alterned the role of the American government in economy

What was the main consequence of the Senates refusal to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

League of Nations was greatly weakened.

In general, what was the goal of President Wilson's 14 Points?

Make a plan for just and lasting peace

What were the causes of WW1?

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Propaganda. (MAINP)

When did a bank panic occur (bank run)?

Money depositors rush to the bank to withdraw their money at the same time

Americans felt like alcohol made men cheat on their wives, abuse their wives and children, lose their jobs, and become angry and distant. Therefore the 18th Amendment was intended to protect Americans ________________


What was the slogan that Franklin Roosevelt used for his 1932 presidential campaign?

New Deal

The radio had what significant impact on US society?

News and entertainment

What group benefited from Social Security coverage during the Great Depression?

Older Americans

What did the Agricultural Adjustment Act (later called the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act) do?

Paid farmers to take part of their land out of cultivation

Hostorian Frederick Lewis Allen wrote this description of what historical circumstance? "It was an era of lawlessness and disorderly defense of law and order, of unconstitutional defense of the Constitution, of suspicion and civil conflict- in a very literal sense, a reign of terror. "

Palmer raids and Red Scare

In the 20s, why did speakeasies become popular in America?


What did the SS Act of 1935 allow people to do?

Quality for retirement benefits

During the 20's, what innovation became an important part of popular culture?


What technology assisted President Roosevelt in conveying messages that restored citizens confidence in the US economy?


What notable legal contest exposed the widening cultural rift between religion and modern science during the 20th century?

Scopes Monkey Trial

President Wilson's refusal to recognize the legitimacy of the Bolshevik government in Russia contradicted which key principle expressed in his 14 Points?

Self determination

What is the definition of a Depression?

Severe period of decline in the economy

During the years 1918 and 1919, at least fifty million people died worldwide as a result of what pandemic?

Spanish Influenza

An increase in the number of business failures led to what event that occurred in 1929?

Stock Market Crash

What event is considered the beginning of the Great Depression in America?

Stock Market Crash

What did Booker T. Washington, WEB Dubois , and Marcus Garvey all believe African Americans should do?

Strive for equality

The treaty that ended WW1 was called what?

Treaty of Versailles

What New Deal program paid people to work on public work projects?


Which New Deal program is described below? •Created in 1935 •Built public improvements •Gave jobs to writers and artists •Set up National Youth Administration •Spent most $ of any New Deal program


According to the thinking of the time, which war was waged "to make the world safe for democracy?"


British propaganda had the greatest influence on the US entry into which war?


Why did the Bonus Army march in Washington, DC, in 1932?

WW1 Veterans were trying to get their unemployment benefits

The conditions of the Treaty of Versailles led to what outcome during the 1930s in Germany?


What event brought an end to the Great Depression?


Which president envisioned the international organization that could be considered predecessor of the United Nations?


What movement benefited the most from its members contributing to the war effort during WW1?

Women's suffrage

Depression era artists received important sponsorship from what New Deal agency?

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

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