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The aim if this proposal is to state my views about the CULTURAL event

cil tohoto navrhu je uvest me pohledy na kulturni udalost

They all lived happily ever after.


leadership noun

leader noun

the organisers are very APOLOGETIC about cancelling tomorrow's race

organizatori se velice omlovaji/jsou omlouvajici se za zruseni zitrejsiho zavodu

measurements around the office

-mereni kancelare -measure


In the afternoon, we travelled to the Lyngen Alps where the (compare) scenery took my breath away.


It's a lovely beach but it's ___crowded in summer

technically speaking

-teoreticky vzato, v podstave -technical

your condition is inoperable

-vas zdravotni stav je neoperovatelny -operate

a legal technicality

-a point, especially a legal one, that is based on a strict interpretation of the law or of a set of rules -technical

it's totally impractical

-je to totalne neuskutecnitelne/neproveditelne/nerealisticke -practice

you're practically old enough to drive

-jsi prakticky dost stary na rizeni -practice

the captain was particularly impressive

-kapitan byl mimoradne/obzvlast pusobivy/impozantni -impress

immeasurable support

-nezmeritelna, nesmirna podpora -measure

impressionable young man

-podlehajici dojmum, snadno ovlivnitelny mladik -impress

the machine is fully operational

-pristroj je plne provozuschopna/funkcni -operate

a measured response

-rozvazna, uvazliva odpoved -measure

Activities are done in groups, thus ENSURING that students become used to team work

Activities are done in groups, thus SURE that students become used to team work

Any UNWILLINGNESS to take part can be overcome by pointing out that for many employers the ability to work in a team is essential

Any WILLING to take part can be overcome by pointing out that for many employers the ability to work in a team is essential

At my parents' school, DETENTION was a common punishment

At my parents' school, DETAIN was a common punishment

But with ever more graduates looking for work, that confidence has now been replaced by UNCERTAINTY even among those with a Master's

But with ever more graduates looking for work, that confidence has now been replaced by CERTAIN even among those with a Master's


Downtown at night, there's a lot of ___social behaviour such as people shouting

For somebody so young, Mia has an amazing BREADTH of knowledge

For somebody so young, Mia has an amazing BROAD of knowledge

availability economic

For this to be fair, however, it assumes the AVAILABLE of the new equipment to all the competing athletes, which for ECONOMY reasons is unlikely to be the case for some

Fortunately for PROSPECTIVE undergraduates, many universities already aim to develop such skills as part of their courses, frequently with the help of professional ADVISORS working in the relevant business sector

Fortunately for PROSPECT undergraduates, many universities already aim to develop such skills as part of their courses, frequently with the help of professional ADVICE working in the relevant business sector


Given the remote location, our accommodation there was surprisingly (luxury) and the large meal of fresh fish we were served that evening was of an (expect) high standard for such a small hotel

Graduates, no matter how well qualified, are INCREASINGLY being required to show they also have 'employability skills', such as numeracy, business awareness and the CAPABILITY to deal with problems creatively

Graduates, no matter how well qualified, are INCREASE being required to show they also have 'employability skills', such as numeracy, business awareness and the CAPABLE to deal with problems creatively

substantial = znacny, podstatny, vyrazny

In certain Olympic sports, there has been a SUBSTANCE increase in speeds in recent Games


In everyday situations a saving of just 0.01 seconds may sound SIGNIFY , but in an Olympic context, where the result can be decided by thousandths of second, it can make all the difference between winning and losing

interact = vzajemne se ovlivnovat, vzajemne na sebe pusobit

In other cultures, people ___act with each other differently

outnumber = mit pocetni prevahu

On the coast, foreign tourists ___number local people

Our aim is to STRENGTHEN the cultural ties between the two countries

Our aim is to STRONG the cultural ties between the two countries


Shanghai has ___lingual street signs, in Mandarin and English

evolution participants

Some would argue that the constant EVOLVE of sports technology is just as important as the ongoing improvements in training methods, making the sports more exciting for PARTICIPATE and spectators alike

uninterrupted intention

That far north towards the end of May, there was (interrupted) daylight - and it was my (intend) to go midnight skiing


The advertisement ___led us into thinking the flights were free -uvest v omyl, oklamat

The approach often has both THEORETICAL and practical elements, for instance designing a marketing campaign and then working with actual clients

The approach often has both THEORY and practical elements, for instance designing a marketing campaign and then working with actual clients


The hotel staff are __paid and deserve an immediate rise

unbroken inexperienced

The next day, refreshed after a wonderful (break) sleep of nearly nine hours, I headed for the practice slope, where (experience) cross-country skiers like myself had to learn how to climb uphill with skis on

The old college building needs a lot of expensive MAINTENANCE

The old college building needs a lot of expensive MAINTAIN


The old industrial area will be ___developed as a shopping mall

The police now have sufficient PROOF that the men stole the computers

The police now have sufficient PROVE that the men stole the computers

The river is being DEEPENED to allow bigger ships to reach the port

The river is being DEPTH to allow bigger ships to reach the port

noticeable performance technological

This has been particularly NOTICE in cycling, for instance, leading to questions about how much of the vastly improved PERFORM is the result of better training and fitter athletes, and how much of it is down to TECHNOLOGY advances such as the use of lighter materials in bike manufacture

Try to avoid any REPETITION of those mistakes

Try to avoid any REPEAT of those mistakes

Urgent talks are taking place to find a RESOLUTION to the crisis

Urgent talks are taking place to find a RESOLVE to the crisis


With its brightly-coloured wooden houses set against a (ground) of snow-capped mountains, it was a remarkable sight

Years ago, anyone with a degree could be REASONABLY confident of finding a job

Years ago, anyone with a degree could be REASON confident of finding a job

re redo, reinstall


anti antivirus, anti-climax


inter interchange, interpersonal


competence noun

competent adj

inevitably (adv)

inevitable adj

the only INCONVENIENCE is that

jedina neprijemnost/komplikace je to ze

out outperform = jasne prekonat, podat lepsi vykon nez kdo outsmart = prelstit, vyzrat

more, bigger, better

under underweight underachieve = zklamat ocekavani, nedosahnout ocekavanych vysledku

not enough

it would help immensely

ohromne by to pomohlo

operating table

operacni stul

participant noun

participate verb

pointless adj = nesmyslny, zbytecny, marny

point noun

qualification noun

qualify verb

govertnment should SUBSIDISE people like musicians, artists

vlada by mela dotovat/prispivat lidem jako jsou muzikanti, umelci

skilful adj

skill noun

specific adj

specify verb

old, useless sportS equipment

stare, nepouzitelne sportovni vybaveni

statistical adj

statistic noun

summarise verb

summary noun



threaten verb = hrozeit, vyhrozovat

threat noun = vyhruzka, ohrozeni

over overcook overweight

too much

bi bilateral



we sailed along the beautiful (spoil) coast of northern Norway until we reached the town of Tromso, over 300 kilometres inside the Arctic Circle.

mis missell misunderstanding


life in a city is stressful and hectic

zivot ve meste se stresujici a hekticky

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