USH M S2 exam

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Which of the following best describes what happened at the My Lai Massacre that made the news in 1969?

American soldiers killed over 200 villagers including women, children, and elderly

Which of the following "weapons" of the Cold War was shown in the creation of the Warsaw Pact and NATO?


Leader of corrupt Nationalist government in China

Chiang Kai-shek

Which of the following was an effect of the Communist Chinese Revolution?

Chiang Kai-shek started a new nation in Taiwan

In an effort to improve foreign relations and to turn this nation against the USSR, Richard Nixon visited _____.


Which of the following nations in the Korean War fought on the side of the communists?


The unarmed struggle between the United States and the USSR to gain more global influence became known as the _____.

Cold War

Why was Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated by his own generals?

Diem's government was corrupt and repressive

Which of the following events effectively ended French settlement in what was then known as French Indochina?

Dien Bien Phu

General who led the planning of the D-Day invasion.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

_____ became the president in 1953 after both Republicans and Democrats had recruited him to run for president after WWII.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

president during most of the 1950s that embraced a strong anti-communist stance that often used "brinkmanship"

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Richard Nixon was impeached for wrongdoing as a result of the Watergate break-in.


The Soviet Union suffered a defeat by the Allies at the Battle of Midway after its plans of an attack were intercepted.


The final decision on whether or not to drop the atomic bomb against Japan was made by J. Robert Oppenheimer.


What was an immediate sign that the incumbent president (Gerald Ford) was vulnerable in his election bid in 1976?

Ford was challenged for the Republican nomination by Ronald Reagan

Which of the following nations occupied Vietnam before and after WWII?


The president of the United States for the majority of WWII.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harry S Truman became the president when _____.

Franklin D. Roosevelt died in 1945

Ronald Reagan's vice president that criticized his economic plan in the election of 1980 by calling it "voodoo economics" was _____.

George H.W. Bush

Secretary of State that proposed the idea of spending over $13 billion to help rebuild western Europe

George Marshall

The American general in command of the Third Army that liberated Paris was _____.

George Patton

"white flight" had increased segregation in some cities

George Wallace

Who was the Alabama governor that famously stated regarding his beliefs on segregation: "segregation today...segregation tomorrow...segregation forever"?

George Wallace

Which of the following was victorious in the presidential election of 1928 after having been a mining engineer and a commerce secretary?

Herbert Hoover

Which of the following "weapons" of the Cold War was used in order to gain information about the other side?


Which group suffered an estimated 6 million deaths during the Holocaust?


Signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after campaigning to have it passed and signed as a legacy of his predecessor as the president

Lyndon B. Johnson

expanded the American military presence in Vietnam to over 500,000 troops operating under the flexibility given to him by Congress

Lyndon B. Johnson

Communist leader of China

Mao Zedong

The results of the election of 1920 marked the end of the dominant era of which political ideology?


All of the following were reasons why Americans adopted Prohibition except _____.

Prohibition would help end the fight against organized crime

Under which president did the United States negotiate a cease-fire and peace between North and South Vietnam?

Richard M. Nixon

Vietnamization was part of the plan of _____, who won the presidential election of 1968, to gradually withdraw American troops from Vietnam.

Richard M. Nixon

Who was the president that authorized the invasion of American troops from South Vietnam into the neighboring country of Cambodia?

Richard M. Nixon

launched a massive bombing campaign into Laos and Cambodia shortly after becoming the president

Richard M. Nixon

Called off the probe into irregularities and evidence of voter fraud in the presidential election of 1960 saying the nation would be facing a "constitutional crisis"

Richard Nixon

Who defeated Jimmy Carter in the election of 1980?

Ronald Reagan

Who were the main opponents of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Southern Democrats

What was the deal the United States made in order for the Soviets to remove their missiles from Cuba?

The United States removed missiles from Turkey

President Johnson's Great Society focused primarily on _____.

anti-poverty programs

President Roosevelt proposed _____ in reaction to one of his New Deal programs being struck down by the Supreme Court.

appointing six additional Supreme Court justices

Which of the following best describes brinkmanship?

avoiding war by threatening war

Who was Mao Zedong?

communist leader in China that overthrew Chiang Kai-shek's nationalistic government

In the 1950s, societal pressures to follow rules set by authorities, maintain nuclear families, and work regular jobs was known as _____.


Which of the following best describes the concept of détente?

decrease in tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union

During the 1920s, the White House pushed an economic policy of _____.

decreased taxes and decreased financial regulation

The increase in auto ownership contributed to all of the following except _____.

decreased usage of the national parks

John Maynard Keynes and the concept of government "priming the pump" for consumer spending was a justification of _____.

deficit spending

How did Kennedy's approach of "flexible response" differ from brinkmanship?

flexible response focused on ground troops to prepare for a nonnuclear war

Which reforms in the Soviet Union allowed for increased discussion about the government and a loosening of the economic and political structure?

glasnost and perestroika

reforms in the Soviet Union that called for increased openness and restructuring within the Soviet government

glasnost and persetroika

Which of the following was a negative impact of the "white flight" (movement of white families to the suburbs) in the 1950s?

he income gap in urban centers grew as businesses left the central cities

What is the best description of what President Roosevelt's perspective on the US joining the war?

he wanted to help the Allies but had to appease Americans that opposed entering the war

What was the significance of Thurgood Marshall in the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision?

he was on the legal team representing the challenge to the Topeka Board of Education's segregation policy

Which of the following were the major problems facing inner cities during the 1980s?

higher crime rates and increased drug use

Which of the following explains a criticism of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930?

higher taxes on imports raised costs for businesses and consumers during an economic depression

During the 1920s and 1930s, the German citizens had difficulty paying for necessary items because of high _____.


Which of the following terms best describes American foreign policy under the progressives before the 1920s?


Over 100,000 Japanese-Americans that lived on the West Coast were subjected to _____ during WWII.


Which of the following was the term used by former Prime Minister Winston Churchill to describe the division of Europe after WWII?

iron curtain

Which of the following is a true about the Teapot Dome scandal?

it involved illegal "kickback" payments to a cabinet member in the Harding administration

Which of the following is a true statement about the Fair Deal?

it provided expansions in Social Security coverage, increased minimum wage, and farm subsidies

Why was the incident at Kent State University significant?

it resulted in National Guard troops opening fire and killing 4 students

Which of the following was a major legacy of the Harlem Renaissance?

it showcased lasting contributions from African American authors, musicians, and artists

Why were Americans at home concerned about the Tet Offensive after defeating the North Vietnamese in battle?

it took over a month to win the battle after a surprise attack in over 100 cities

What was the precedent of the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision?

it upheld segregation in public accommodations under the grounds that they were "separate but equal"

Which of the following arguments would most likely come from Democrats regarding the Great Society?

it worked by decreasing the poverty rate from 21% to 11% between 1962 and 1973

Most of the protests about the Vietnam War that occurred in the United States took place _____.

on college campuses

Which of the following best describes a totalitarian government?

one person or a group of people have extensive power over the social, political, and economic factors of the nation

term used to describe the foreign policy achievement with the Soviet Union during the Richard Nixon years


Which of the following represents the goals of feminism?

equality in economic, social, and political opportunity between men and women

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor killed over 2,000 Americans on December 7, 1941.


The style of attacks by Japanese airmen where they would engage in a suicide bombing was a kamikaze attack.


Famously declared that an "iron curtain" had descended upon Europe.

Winston Churchill

The British Prime Minister during most of WWII that saw Germany as the main threat to the Allies.

Winston Churchill

Who became the British Prime Minister during WWII that earlier had criticized the appeasement policy of Neville Chamberlain?

Winston Churchill

To what did Calvin Coolidge once compare an American factory?

a temple

Which of the following was the main purpose of the NAACP?

advocate for equal rights and treatment for ethnic minorities

A vast majority of new homes in the 1950s were built in the _____.


What was the material the special prosecutor of the Watergate investigation (Archibald Cox) demanded be turned over by the White House that later cost him his job?

taped discussions in the Oval Office of the White House

All of the following increased in the United States during Reagan's presidency except _____.


Which of the following items changed the emphasis of family leisure time and entertainment due to its increase in popularity in the 1950s (9% to 90% ownership)?


Which of the following was the American and British response to the Soviets closing highway and rail routes to West Berlin?

the Berlin Airlift

The "Hundred Days" gained notoriety because _____.

the Democrats were able to pass many New Deal programs in a short period of time

Which of the following is not a true statement about the draft during the Vietnam War?

the draft did not allow deferments on the basis of conscientious objection

Which of the following was the main reason why the Japanese launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941?

the US had cut off trade (including oil) with Japan after the Japanese attacks on French Indochina

Why was it such a challenge to fight the Vietcong during the Vietnam War?

the Vietcong were in South Vietnam and hid in plain sight

The significance of the Battle of the Bulge was that _____.

the battle lines were unchanged despite the massive German offensive

Which of the following is a criticism of Reagan's economic policy?

the gap between wealthy and poor increased

Which of the following was not a legacy of the end of the Vietnam War?

the long-term independence of South Vietnam

What was meant by the term "Saturday Night Massacre?"

the resignation of the Attorney General, firing of his successor, and the firing of the special prosecutor Archibald Cox at the urging of Richard Nixon

Which of the following explains the significance of the Pentagon Papers?

they showed that the Johnson Administration had been untruthful to the public

One reason for blaming the consumers for the stock market crash of 1929 is _____.

they were irresponsible with their own spending and investments

Which of the following was not a reason for individuals being able to defer from being drafted into serving in the Vietnam War?

political affiliation

Which of the following is a belief of fascism that would not fit with communism?

private (individual) ownership of business and property

Which of the following would not be likely in a communist nation?

private ownership of property

Which of the following did not occur during the Great Depression?

ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment bans the production, distribution, and sale of intoxicating beverages

Which of the following best describes the Peace Corps?

spread American values to foreign countries with young college graduates

Richard Nixon ran for president as the _____ candidate in 1968 and 1972.


The German tactic of the blitzkrieg is best described as _____?

"lightning war" with the use of tanks, air strikes, and ground troops at the same time

Which of the following indicates one of the areas where more work needed to be done with the Civil Rights movement?

"white flight" had increased segregation in some cities

Which of the following was an effect of the execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?

. increased suspicion of Soviet espionage

Which of the following was the established border between North and South Vietnam?

17th parallel

Which of the following is the closest number to the highest unemployment rate during the Great Depression?


Which of the following was the dividing line between North and South Korea before the Korean War?

38th parallel

Which of the following is the closest estimate to the increase in annual income between 1921 and 1929?


Which of the following is the best estimate of the maximum number of American troops in Vietnam?


Which of the following is the closest estimate to the number of American soldiers killed in Vietnam?


A) Departed from the Progressive philosophy of internationalist foreign policy. B) was criticized for attempting to spend the United States out of a depression. C) was the president during the stock market crash D) expanded tax reduction and once compared a factory to a temple E) attempted to sell the United States to join the League of Nations after WWI

A) Warren G. Harding B) Franklin D. Roosevelt C) Herbert Hoover D) Calvin Coolidge E)Woodrow Wilson

Why did the outbreak of HIV/AIDS cause a division between social conservatives and social liberals in the 1980s?

AIDS primarily affected homosexuals

Which of the following groups fought as an ally of the United States during the Vietnam War?


military of South Vietnam that fought on the same side as the United States


What was the significance in Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering his "I Have a Dream" speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial?

Abraham Lincoln implemented the Emancipation Proclamation

Nazi dictator in Germany before and during WWII.

Adolf Hitler

Why were Americans able to enjoy more leisure time during the 1920s?

Americans had more discretionary/disposable income

Which of the following accurately describes the reaction to the My Lai Massacre?

Americans were outraged at home and war protests increased

Why was Alfred Smith's religion (Roman Catholicism) a campaign issue during the Election of 1928?

Americans were worried the Roman Catholic Church may dictate policy

This landmark Supreme Court decision ruled the racial segregation of schools to be unconstitutional.

Brown v. Board of Education

Which religious group occasionally performed immolation (self-burning) protests during the leadership of Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam?


Delivered the famous speech where he said "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice...moderation in the defense of freedom is no virtue."

Barry Goldwater

In the leadup to the election of 1964, who was the figure that had the following noteworthy quote: "...extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice...moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue"

Barry Goldwater

Jack Kerouac is often credited as the founder of the _____.

Beat movement

Fascist leader of Italy during World War II

Benito Mussolini

Which of the following was considered the crowning achievement of international relations during the Carter Administration?

Camp David Accords

Which of the following was a sign that Jimmy Carter was vulnerable in the election of 1980?

Carter was unsuccessful in addressing a poor economy and instability in the Middle East

Which of the following best describes the change in foreign policy during the Carter presidency?

Carter withdrew support from nations in violation of human rights

Which of the following is not true about the Bay of Pigs invasion?

Castro was overthrown

Which of the following government philosophies emphasizes the equal redistribution of income to the labor class within a society to secure equal wealth?


What was the result of Ford's request of funding from Congress to assist the South Vietnamese after the North Vietnamese invaded into Saigon?

Congress refused to send funding to the South Vietnamese

Why were Americans concerned about the fall of Cuba to communism?

Cuba was only 90 miles off the Floridian coast

Which of the following best describes the significance of Clarence Darrow in the Scopes Trial?

Darrow aggressively challenged William Jennings Bryan on the authenticity of biblical accounts

Which political party sustained the most damage in 1968 as a result of the decline in popularity of the Vietnam War?


Which of the following political parties would be most likely to support the Fair Deal programs in the late 1940s and early 1950s?


Which of the following was the political party affiliation of Jimmy Carter?


General _____ commanded the Allied forces in the Pacific.

Douglas MacArthur

Who was the commanding general for the U.N. troops during the early stages of the Korean War?

Douglas MacArthur

Which of the following was the ultimate result of the commanding general's fight with the President over how to fight the Korean War?

Douglas MacArthur was fired as commanding general by the President

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the 1960s that oversaw several decisions that increased the influence of the federal governmentv

Earl Warren

Which of the following programs was most responsible for restoring confidence in banking?


Who succeeded Richard Nixon after his resignation?

Gerald Ford

Which of the following is a true statement about Gerald Ford?

Gerald Ford was never elected as the President of the United States.

What happened at the Battle of Britain?

Germany bombed Great Britain for two months

May 8, 1945, or V-E Day, was the day when _____.

Germany surrendered to the Allies

Which of the following terms is used to describe the alleged attack on the USS Maddox off the Vietnamese coast?

Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Which of the following was the policy that allowed President Johnson great flexibility in sending military aid to Vietnam?

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

_____ is best known for investigating into un-American activities in the United States during the 1950s.


issued executive order to integrate the military, angering southern Democrats

Harry S Truman

Which of the following best describes the significance of the Alger Hiss prosecution?

Hiss was found guilty of espionage while a worker in the State Department

Which of the following was the communist leader of North Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh

communist revolutionary that once received aid from the United States in resisting Japan

Ho Chi Minh

Why did the United States send assistance and aid to Ho Chi Minh?

Ho Chi Minh was resisting the Japanese during WWI

Which of the following was a criticism of Herbert Hoover's response to the Stock Market Crash?

Hoover did not do enough to combat the Great Depression

In which nation were 52 Americans taken hostage for a total of 444 days before eventually being released in January 1981?


The Reagan Administration sold weapons to Iran and used the money to fund a group opposing an alleged Marxist group in Nicaragua. This incident was referred to as _____.

Iran Contra Affair

this political scandal involved weapons sales to a Middle East nation with funding going to an anti-Marxist group in Nicaragua


Which of the following nations was not a member of the Allies?


rejected societal norms in his life and writings in the 1950s as shown in On the Road

Jack Kerouac

Which of the following nations occupied Vietnam during WWII?


The musical style that featured improvisation and an emphasis on brass that became popular in the 1920s was _____.


Negotiated a deal with the Soviet Union to honor Cuban sovereignty and remove American missiles in exchange for missiles being removed from Cuba

John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy's assassination influenced the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because _____.

Johnson asked Congress to pass it in honor of Kennedy's wishes

The Senate eventually censured (condemned) _____ for improper conduct that "brought the Senate into disrepute."

Joseph McCarthy

claimed to have a list of over 200 communists working in the State Department

Joseph McCarthy

Which of the following leaders took control in the Soviet Union in 1924 and helped transition it from a primarily rural nation to an industrial power in focusing on "five year plans"?

Joseph Stalin

Which of the following best describes the events that took place at Yalta?

Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin Roosevelt discussed post-war plans for Japan and Germany

How did the televised debates affect the election of 1960?

Kennedy appeared more confident and charismatic on television

Which of the following was considered a Soviet criticism of Nikita Khrushchev in the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Khrushchev withdrew missiles from Cuba

According to the Warren Commission, who was responsible for the Kennedy Assassination?

Lee Harvey Oswald

Which of the following presidents authorized the escalation of ground troops in Vietnam between 1965 and 1969?

Lyndon B Johnson

Proclaimed a black separatist agenda as a follower of the Nation of Islam

Malcolm X

How were Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X different from each other?

Malcolm X believed in black superiority, Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in nonviolent protest

The code name given for the secret development of the atomic bomb became known as the _____.

Manhattan Project

Which of the following was the $13 billion in assistance in rebuilding Western Europe by the United States?

Marshall Plan

Delivered iconic "I have a dream..." speech in Washington 1963 where he detailed his goals of a desegregated United States

Martin Luther King Jr.

Which of the following is an accurate statement?

Medicaid provided health insurance benefits to low-income citizens

Who was the Soviet premier that initiated increased liberties within the USSR during the Reagan years?

Mikhail Gorbachev

The belief of maintaining a very strong military as a way of spreading a nation's influence.


North Vietnamese military force that sent supplies down the Ho Chi Minh Trail in neighboring Laos and Cambodia


Second city that was hit by the atomic bomb.


An intense national pride that leads to the desire to expand national influence


Who were the main defendants at the Nuremberg trials?

Nazi Leaders

The Allied invasion of _____ was given the code name "D-Day."

Nazi-occupied France

National socialism that took complete power of Germany in the 1930s and emphasized racial pride.


Which of the following political philosophies before and during WWII was most associated with Germany?


The series of bills that were passed by Congress and signed by the president in the early and middle 1930s that emphasized federal spending on consumer protection and public works projects became known as the _____.

New Deal

targeted for assassination after corruption in his government and persecution of Buddhists in his own country

Ngo Dinh Diem

Authorized the construction of a wall in Berlin in order to prevent further evacuations of East Berlin.

Nikita Khrushchev

Soviet premier that eventually assumed lasting control during the 1950s and 1960s.

Nikita Khrushchev

Which of the following was the Soviet premier that proclaimed that the Soviet Union would "take the world without a shot" [peacefully]?

Nikita Khrushchev

Which of the following Constitutional amendments gave women the right to vote?

Nineteenth Amendment

Which of the following best describes the results of the pardon of Richard Nixon by Gerald Ford?

Nixon could no longer be investigated for wrongdoing in connection with the Watergate scandal

Which of the following fought on the side of the communists during the Vietnam War?

North Vietnam

The Ho Chi Minh Trail was used by _____ to bring weapons and supplies to the _____.

North Vietnamese; Vietcong

Which of the following was the cartel that had the ability to set prices for and control the supply of oil?


The site of the bloodiest battle of the "Island Hopping" campaign.


Fireside chats were used by _____ to help reassure _____ to reinvest in the economy.

President Roosevelt, consumers

Which of the following best describes Reagan's views toward the Soviet Union during the 1980s?

Reagan directly challenged the Soviet Union and communism

How did the Reagan Administration directly challenge the USSR?

Reagan increased defense spending to lure the USSR into another arms race

How did Ronald Reagan earn the nickname of the "Teflon president"?

Reagan remained popular despite the Iran-Contra Affair

What was Lyndon Johnson's previous role before becoming the vice president in 1961?

Senate majority leader

Which of the following countries was not part of the Axis Powers alliance during WWII?

Soviet Union

Which of the following nations was not in NATO?

Soviet Union

Which of the following was not a contributing factor to China's transition into communism?

Soviet invasion into China

Which of the following "weapons" of the Cold War was used to covertly resist pro-USSR allies or nations?


massive offensive launched in early 1968 in South Vietnamese cities that took over month for the United States to defeat

Tet offensive

Black attorney that later was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Johnson that successfully argued his case in Brown v. Board of Education

Thurgood Marshall

The treaty that ended World War I that assigned crippling war reparations to Germany that helped cause high inflation and a poor economy was the _____.

Treaty of Versailles

Ronald Reagan was not impeached for his role in his administration's violation of the Boland Amendment.


The group of Vietnamese that resisted foreign influence to establish an independent Vietnam were known as _____.


Which of the following was the Republican nominee for president in the election of 1920?

Warren G. Harding

this political scandal began with the break-in at the DNC headquarters in Washington, D.C. in 1972


What was the main geographic problem for residents of West Berlin?

West Berlin was surrounded by Soviet-backed East Germany

Which of the following was not a member of the Warsaw Pact?

West Germany

The commanding general of the United States military in Vietnam was _____.

William Westmoreland

requested additional American troops because he did not trust the South Vietnamese military

William Westmoreland

Which of the following was the natural boundary that represented the largest gains by the UN forces?

Yalu River

How was the Soviet Union able to win at Stalingrad despite sustaining over 1 million casualties?

all of the above are true

Which of the following was a cause for increased exposure of pop culture and national "heroes?"

all of the choices are causes ( a. increased leisure time for many Americans b. increased income for most Americans c. the increased use of radio broadcasting)

Which of the following terms marked the end of fighting in Korea that is still in effect today?


When did Neville Chamberlain negotiate the Sudetenland to Adolf Hitler?

before WWII began

Which of the following best describes the concept of separatism as conveyed by Malcolm X?

colonization of Africa by oppressed black Americans

The customer trend of _____ focused on the concept of "keeping up with the Joneses" with the increased purchase of luxury lifestyle and home items.


Which of the following was not a form of rejection of 1950s conformity?


Which of the following was not considered an alternative to the deployment of the atomic bomb?

convince the Germans to join in the war against Japan

Which of the following was the movement that challenged traditional establishments and values while advocating for increased self expression, peace, and free love?


All of the following industries were struggling before the stock market crash except _____.

credit and lending

Why did Republicans attempt to use John F. Kennedy's Roman Catholic background as an issue during the 1960 campaign?

critics of Kennedy believed he would bend to the will of the Pope

Which of the following best describes "Reaganomics?"

cutting taxes while increasing federal spending

Which of the following best describes the intended goals of the Black Panthers?

education and self-defense for black Americans

Herbert Hoover's initial response to the stock market crash was _____.

encouraging "volunteerism" with business leaders and approving a tariff

The intention of the deployment of the atomic bomb was to _____.

end the war as quickly as possible

The Civilian Conservation Corps was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States.


The massive generation of children that peaked with 4.3 million born in 1957 was known as the "greatest generation."


Which of the following best describes why the Reagan Administration secretly gave military and financial aid to the Contras to fight the Sandinistas in Nicaragua?

he Sandinistas leaned toward communism

The "Jazz Age" was a term coined by F. Scott Fitzgerald. He was critical of the time mainly because _____.

he believed people's relationships were based too much on appearances

Which of the following best describes Kennedy's position on Civil Rights reform?

in favor of civil rights reform

Which of the following best describes the effect of the instability in the Middle East during the 1970s on the United States?

increased costs and lower supplies of oil from the Middle East

Which of the following best describes the reaction in the United States to the Chinese Revolution?

increased criticism of Harry S Truman

Which of the following best describes the reaction on college campuses to the American invasion of Laos and Cambodia?

increased protests

The lasting legacy from the Scopes "Monkey" Trial was _____.

increased skepticism of fundamental Christian views

Which of the following was not a legacy of the Watergate scandal?

increased tensions between the United States and the USSR

How did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 affect segregation?

it banned discrimination based on gender, religion, race, or national origin

Which of the following was not a reason for the poor economy of the 1970s?

low unemployment

Which of the following was not an area that President Johnson identified as an area in need of attention for the United States in his Great Society speech?


Which of the following was not a duty of labor unions?

negotiate on behalf of business owners

Which of the following terms best describes the agreement between Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin that Hitler later violated?

nonaggression pact

How did World War II help inspire the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s?

over 1 million black soldiers fought in the war and returned home to segregation

Which of the following was the purpose of the Bay of Pigs invasion?

overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba

controversial power used by Gerald Ford in 1974 that cleared his predecessor of all wrongdoing while in office

presidential pardon

What was the main effect of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)?

pressure on the Soviets to increase defense spending

Which of the following events occurred before the stock market crash?

prices of steel, coal, and crops began to fall

What was an effect of the Japanese invasion of French Indochina?

the US cut off trade (including oil) from Japan

The concept behind price-supports was _____.

providing subsidies (government funding) to farmers to offset falling crop and livestock prices

What was the result of the Hungarian rebellion against the communist government set up by the USSR?

rebellion was crushed by the Soviet military

Which of the following groups criticized the New Deal on the grounds that it opened the door for deficit spending?


As a result of the Watergate investigation, Richard Nixon _____.

resigned from the office of the President of the United States

new form of music that shocked parents in the 1950s with loud, guitar-based music often accompanied with dancing

rock & roll

Douglas MacArthur argued that the Korean War _____.

should be extended into a war with China

The Jim Crow Laws existed in the _____ to enforce _____.

south; segregation

Which of the following is the best description of what President Kennedy referred to as the "New Frontier?"


All of the following were reasons why the Vietnam War was difficult for the United States to win except _____.

the NVA had superior manpower and weaponry

Why did the United States boycott the 1980 Summer Olympics?

the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan

The Tennessee Valley Authority built dams on the Tennessee River and generated hydroelectric power from the dams and sold it to area residents. Which of the following would be a criticism of the TVA's activities?

the TVA was able to offer lower prices than other energy suppliers since it was government-funded

What was the reason for the United States giving financial aid to Greece and Turkey?

the U.S. wanted to prevent communism from spreading to both nations

Which of the following is the best description of genocide?

the deliberate extermination of a specific group of people

American voters tend to vote for the party in control (incumbent) of the White House if _____.

the nation is at peace and the economy is healthy

The best explanation of containment is _____.

the prevention of the spread of communism

Which of the following is an accurate description of the policy of Vietnamization?

the transfer of the fighting against the NVA to South Vietnam

Why did Richard Nixon deliver the "Checkers speech?"

to address accusations that he had taken illegal campaign contributions

What was the intention of the Montgomery Bus boycott?

to engage in peaceful protest of segregation policy on the Montgomery buses

What was the main reason why Khrushchev decided to build the Berlin Wall?

to prevent the evacuations of East Germans out of East Berlin

group of South Vietnamese that secretly worked with the North Vietnamese to overthrow the South Vietnamese government


group seeking a unified and independent Vietnam that resisted French colonialism


Which of the following is the best description of most New Deal programs?

visible, widely used public projects

Which of the following was the main focus of President Johnson's Economic Opportunity Act of 1964?

youth education and anti-poverty programs

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