UVA EVSC 1010 Test #2

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In general, there is an increase in mean annual precipitation as you move from coastal environments toward the continental interior


When a warm air mass converges on a cold air mass, the cold air rises above the warm air mass in a process referred to as frontal wedging.

mT (maritime tropical)

Which of the following air masses would have a greater water vapor content?


The Coriolis effect deflects winds to the right in the Northern Hemisphere (clockwise), and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere (counterclockwise)


the specific heat of a body of water is greater than the specific heat of the adjacent land surface.


The coriolis effect causes the surface ocean currents in the southern hemisphere (south of the equator) to circulate in a clockwise direction.


In general, mean annual precipitation increases as you move from the equator to the poles.


When a tidal current moves toward the land and away from the sea, it is referred to as an ebb tide.


A continuous flow of water in a particular direction is called:


A depositional landform in which an island is attached to the mainland by a spot or sandbar.


A jet stream of fast flowing "river" of air which forms high in the upper tropospere, flowing from east to west.

air mass

A large body of air with approximately uniform temperature and humidity at any given altitude is called a:

longshore bar

A linear ridge of sand whose long axis is parallel to the shore, created by the deposition of sand carried by the longshore current is called:


A long, narrow coastal inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created by glacial erosion.


A passive continental margin is associated with a convergent plate boundary (boundary between continental and oceanic tectonic plates)


A seasonal wind and weather system caused by uneven heating and cooling of continents and oceans is referred to as:


A series of ocean waves generated by sudden displacements in the sea floor, caused by underwater earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic activity is called a:


Active continental margins typically have a wider (extends further from shoreline) continental shelf than do passive continental margins:


As air aloft moves northward from the equator, it slows, stalls, and begins to descend toward the surface at approximately 30 degrees N. This establishes a low pressure zone at the surface which causes winds at the surface to flow both north and south.


As air moves from point B to point C, relative humidity will:

adiabatic cooling

As warm air rises, the pressure decreases and the air expands. As the air expands it cools. This process is called:


As you move up in altitude (from sea level), air temperature decreases while air density increases.

1500 m

Assume that a parcel of warm air at the surface with a temperature of 35 degrees C is buoyant and starts to rise vertically. Given the information provided in the graph above, at what altitude will clouds begin to form (base of clouds)?


Atmospheric (air) pressure decreases with altitude (above sea level).


Chaotic, turbulent waves breaking the shoreline are called:






Earth's atmosphere consists of approximately 21% of oxygen.


Equitorial upwelling brings cold deep ocean waters from below to the surface


Evaporation makes the surface waters of the ocean saltier while precipitation has the opposite effect

Condensation level

For an ascending parcel of air, the altitude at which the air temperature is equal to the dew point temperature is called the:


For two locations having the same value of surface net radiation, yet one has 250 mm mean annual precipitation, while the other has 1500 mm precipitation, the average air temperature will be greater for the wetter location


Given the information provided in the graph shown below, what is the relative humidity if the air temperature is 20 degrees C


Given the patterns of air circulation and direction of wind flow, which of the two areas (A or B) represents a low pressure system (area of low surface pressure)?


High tides occur on a time interval of exactly 12 hours.


If the air temperature is greater than the surface (water or land) temperature, there will be a net transfer of thermal energy from the air to the surface.

July 21

If the air temperature on January 21 was 40 degrees F and the relative humidity was 80%, and the air temperature on July 21 was 85 degrees F and the relative humidity was 80%, on which day was the actual amount of water vapor in the atmosphere the greatest?


In which area (A or B) does the pattern of air flow represent an anticyclone?


Net shortwave radiation is the difference between incoming shortwave radiation and outgoing (reflected) shortwave radiation.




The "greenhouse effect" involves the absorption of shortwave radiation by certain gasses in the atmosphere (referred to as greenhouse gases).


The graph below is a climate diagram showing variations in mean monthly temperature (month of the year on x-axxis) for two locations (A and B) at the same latitude (32 degrees N) in North America. One of the locations is along the coast while the other is in the interior of the continent. Which of the two (A or B) is the coastal location?


The graph below is a representation of a location along the Atlantic coast of North America. A hurricane is approaching the coastline. Two locations on the coast are labelled A and B. If the arrow represents the eye of the hurricane around which the winds are rotating, which location (A or B) will experience the greatest storm surge?


The greater the temperature of an object, the longer the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation emitted (e.g., hot objects emit longwave and cooler objects shortwave radiation).


The greatest diurnal variations in temperature (difference between daily maximum and nightly minimum temperatures) are associated with regions of low cloud cover


The lapse rate is defined as the change in air temperature with altitude

Seasonality in precipitation in the tropical zone (from the equator to tropics of Cancer and Capricorn)

The migration (seasonal movement between 23.5 degrees N and 23.5 degrees S) of Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) results in:


The open ocean surface currents move in circular paths called:


The salinity of the surface ocean waters is greatest in the region of the equator.


The surface currents along the eastern coastline of North America move from south to north (from the warm tropical waters to the cooler northern waters)

sensible heat

The transfer of thermal energy (heat exchange) in which there is an associated change in temperature is referred to as:


The vertical zone in a lake or ocean where the water temperature depth rapidly with depth is called the:


There are two distinctive zones of high precipitation at approximately 30 degrees N and 30 degrees S latitude that are associated with descending air masses (and high pressure zones at surface)


Tropical cyclones are also known as tornadoes.


Two parcels of warm air (A and B) at the land surface rise vertically. The temperatures of the two air parcels at the surface are the same. As the two bodies of air rise vertically, Pacel A forms clouds starting at 1,500 m altitude, while parcel B forms clouds starting at 2,500 m. Which parcel of air has a higher initial water vapor content, A or B?


Typically, land breezes (winds) blow inland during the day and out to sea at night.


Unlike the surface waters of the temperate and polar regions, the thermocline persists (continues to exist) year-round in the tropical oceans.


Which of the two lines (A or B) in the graph shown below represents the typical diurnal (daily) pattern of changes in relative humidity?


Wind is the primary source of energy in the development of waves on the water surface. The distance of open water that the wind has blown over is called:


_________ is the proportional reflectance of a surface.


a descending air mass creates a zone of high pressure at the surface


between the equator and 35 degree N latitude there is a deficit in the annual net radiation balance (amount of outgoing longwave radiation exceeds the amount of incoming shortwave radiation over the course of the year).


clouds function to cool the earth's surface during the day, but warm it during the night.


if a parcel of air at the surface is warmer than the surrounding air it becomes buoyant and rises.


if the air temperature decreased from 30 degrees C to 20 degrees C, while the actual amount of water vapor in the air remained the same, how would the relative humidity change?


in general, mean annual precipitation is greater on the eastern margins of the continents in the Northern hemisphere as compared to the western margins (coastal regions)


in the evaporation of one gram of water, 540 calories of energy are:


the mouth or lower course of a river in which the rivers current meets the sea's tide is called a


the net radiation balance in charlottesville at night is negative


the boundary between a warmer air mass and a cooler one is a:


the density of the water increases with increasing temperature (for water temperatures greater than 4 degrees C)


the density of water decreases with increasing salinity

All of the above (a-c)

the dew point is:

longshore spit

the flow of sand in the direction of longshore current

warm front

the front illustrated in the figure below (warm air mass converging on a slower moving cold air mass) is an example of a (an):


the highest tides occur when the Moon lies at right angles to a line drawn between the Sun and the Earth (called the spring tides).


the maximum amount of water that can be held in a given volume of air (reffered to as the saturation vapor pressure) decreases with increasing air temperature.


when an ocean wave strikes the shorline at an angle, one end slows down, causing the wave to bend. The effect is called:


with increasing latitude, the circumfrence of the planet decreases, and wind speed increases.

air moves from point A to point B

you would expect a cloud formation to occur as:

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