UX Evaluation: User Testing

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If there are 2 user profiles how many participants are needed

- 12 participants - needs 5 participants to cover the hypothesis and 2 extra to account for the no shows

If there is only one user profile how many participants are needed?

- 7 participants as there needs to be at least 6 to test the hypothesis and another one is to account for no shows

How many participants are needed for correlational studies and how many usability issues

- 8 to 10 participants identify about 80 percent of usability issues

How to calculate the NPS

- Calculate the difference between the percentage of promoters and detractors - the promoters are consumers who give a 9 or 10 - the detractors are those who gave score of 6 to 0 - the undecided gave the company a score of 7 to 8 - the NPS is presented in absolute number between -100 to 100

Correlational studies

- Carries out a homogenous sample of participants who must perform a certain number of task with the evaluation object - can't claim causation


- NASA TLX - good to poor - how successful were you in performing the task - how satisfied were you with the performance


- NASA TLX - low to high - how hard did you have to work (mentally or physically) to accomplish your level of performance


- NASA TLX - low to high - how irritated, stress of annoyed were you with the content

Mental demand

- NASA TLX - low to high - how much mental and perceptual activity was required - was the task easy or demanding, simple or complex

Physical demand

- NASA TLX - low to high - how much physical activity was required - was the task easy or demanding, slack or strenuous

Temporal demand

- NASA TLX - low to high - how much pressure did you feel due to the pace at which the task occurred - was the pace slow or rapid


- Neutral person who conducts the user test sessions. They lead the sessions and give instruction to the participant to complete the user test tasks - observes the reactions and actions of the participant - this allow to gather contextual information - at the end they conduct an interview with the participant in which they are asked about their overall impressions and their experiences. A question guide is used to make sure each is consistent

Is there one magic structure that you should use when writing the mandate?

- No, it's to you and your experiencd to structure tne sections of the report and if necesssry add aditonal sections

context of use

- Refers to the users, tasks, equipment, physical, and social environment in which a product is used. - the very different content of who is and where they are additional usability constraints - the usage contexts will have to be anticipated to ensure that the interface is adequate effectiveness according to the anticipated by users

What are the advantages of the SAM scale?

- SAM scald is highly correlated with implicit measures abs captures part of the user automatic and unconscious reaction - it useful to quickly measure the perception of emotions

What measure are used to measure someone cognitive when using a interface

- The NASA TLX - The customer effort score (CES)


- The scale was developed in 1988 by Hart and Staveland for NASA to measure the mental load perceived by users after interaction with a technology. - it was used at end of each task or at the end of the test - there are six dimension which are mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, performance, effort, and frustration level

Are there any rules governing for how many words should be used in a stand alone report

- There isn't and the the focus should be more on making sure that the report makes sense on if own without seeing the presentation. - this includes taking advantage of boxes and footnotes to add details essential to understanding your analysis

Guerrilla testing

- To conduct fast and inexpensive user test - use it in the formative mode to get low cost feedback as often as possible - could lead to wrong conclusions and be more costly in the long run

What are the different parts of the mandate

- a description of the object of the evaluation - the goals of the evaluation - the research questions - the user groups targeted by the evaluation - the experience boundaries - the format of the deliverables

inductive reasoning for classifying info

- appropriate where prior knowledge concerning the topic is limited or when the technological field is not mature enough - categories or themes emerge during the analysis of the data by the UX researcher - this is the approach that is most often used

inductive reasoning coding

- begins without a predetermined category - used for exploratory research - read all the observation collected through once fully. To know the vocabulary the person uses - the second time the researcher will gradually will see different themes emerge - the researcher will create as many themes as they think are necessary - review the themes to review the different themes and merge any if necessary

What are the four main categories of measure

- behavioral - cognitive and emotional state measures - perceptual and attitudinal measures - measure of intention

What are the three main types of experimental design

- between subject design - within-subjects design - correlational design

What is measure of success used to analysis

- binary values with only two modalities (0 = fail or 1= success) - sometimes it could be useful to compare partial success thus you can code for 0 = failure, 1= partial success 2= success - Preference: If you want to compare interface A vs B there has to be binary variable. If the participation preferences A put one and 0 for B

How do you report the findings of the tests?

- by the severity of the need or problem of what was found - there is no object test to establish what is the most critical or severe. You have to use your opinion to determine this. It's important to use example from the data to show the severity

What consequences does not testing a product have?

- can have serious economic consequences for an organization - research has shown that discovering and correcting problems very early on in the product development costs 100 times less than fixing the problem while the product/service is already in production

What can happen if the evaluation mandate doesn't clearly define target groups

- can lead to very heterogeneous results - will be hard to make concrete recommendations to the developers - lead to wrong conclusions and lead the team in the wrong directions

What should the participant be informed with before they start?

- clear instruction of the task at hand - If the task has a time limit inform the participant - inform situations that may arise and give moderators instruction in the protocol

How to clearly establish the object of the evaluation

- clearly identify the artifact to be evaluated by saying the formal name and version - specify on which software platforms the evaluation will be carried out - specify the functions or function enabled by the artifact

What are the steps of the scientific method

- coming up with research questions - lit review -formulate hypothesis - test hypothesis through experiment - data is analyzed to see if it will confirm hypothesis - leading to answers to research questions

How should headlines be written

- could be used for a title newspaper with this they are descriptive in which they give you an idea what the content is going to be. They also should be interesting. - it's not interesting to just write results as that is boring and doesn't want to make people read forward

What type of variable is measurement of scales and where are they found

- discrete and ordinal between two limits

What is important to mention during the intro of user testing?

- duration of the study - how much they will be paid - that they are allowed to ask questions

within-subjects design

- each subject is consecutively and randomly exposed to different experimental manipulations.

What are the 12 dimension of WebQual

- ease of understanding - intuitive operations - response time - trust in website - tailored communications - informational fit to track - emotional appeal - visual appeal - innovativeness - consistent image - online completeness - relative advantage

The participant selection should be in line with the what?

- evaluation objective - the objective is not always to test all user groups as it is important to choose only the user group that will provide answers to the research questions

What should the test plan include?

- experimental design - profiles of participants and recruitment strategy - the interfaces being evaluated - scenarios and tasks - the test environment - tools and measures - the detailed protocol

What are the two main ways to conduct evaluation

- expert evaluation which is based on the judgement of one or more of the evaluators who asses a system to identify potential usability issues a system to identify potential usability issues including deviations from established performance criteria. - user based: participation of representatives users performing tasks to identify usability issues or address other dimensions - conformity assessment: used to demonstrate that specified requirements for a process or system are met

What are the three types of measurements

- explicit - implicit - think aloud

When and how should content transcription

- ideally it should happen in real time that two people take notes and compare them afterwards - it is important to do this as close to actual session as possible to not forget context

When to do a two-tailed test

- if we hypothesize that there is a difference between two phenomena without assuming the direction of the difference

When is one tailed test needed

- if we hypothesized there is not only an difference but the difference will be smaller or larger

Eye tracking

- implicit - behavioral - measures the user attention during the task

The feature usage rate

- in some cases it may be useful to measure participants actions - only rely on video recording of the sessions and encode the results afterwards

The preference test

- in the context of an evaluation choices are often about alternative design - different version are presented and at the end they have to tell which one they prefer - this often linked to the success rate, completion time -represented in a ratio - behavioral measure of preference

Self-Assessment Manikin

- is a discrete non-verbal photographic scale developed by Bradley and Lang in the 1980s - it measures three construct which are valance, intensity of the emotion, and level of dominance - valance is defined as directionality of the emotion ( from unhappy to happy) - arousal as the intensity of the emotion (non-excited to excited) - the participant's level of dominance during the interaction (from controlled to in control)

Customer satisfaction score

- is a tool to measure satisfaction through a single question - clear and quick to answer and is rarely skipped by participants - rarely skipped by participants - are satisfied with your product/ the answers provided by our employees and service rendered - discrete 5 point scale that goes from very satisfied to not satisfied at all

Net Promoter Score

- is one of the common measure of customer experience used by businesses around the world. - it used to measure user loyalty - used before or after the task or test

What is the role of interview guide

- is to collect additional info during the experiment

Does there has to be compensation?

- it depends on what is being required of the participants - if the participants is short it's possible to get people to participant - but for an one hour it is best to offer an compensation it doesn't have to be monetary

When a formal report and oral presentation always be required

- it will typically depend what is required by the client and organization. Also, how the results will be used. - when you're doing an evaluation part of a developmental project a report in form of presentation will be requested - the report can be informal as well

Why choose a correlational design

- it's a matter of time and resources - the test budget might be enough to recruit different groups of participants - can be used as an alternative to experiments designs especially for formative tests when the project is still in development

How many grouping should a affinity diagram lead to?

- less than 10

How to enter time measurements

- limited to upper bound by maximum time allowed for a task - converted to seconds

Research questions

- linked to the tasks that the user performs on the interface and should be drafted with an action verb - clearly operationalized

Recruiting very specific individuals for an evaluations can be what ( 3 words)

- logistically complex - time consuming - costly

What does the correlational design make it possible to do?

- make some correlations within the sample to outline a avenues for further reflection

What is a requirement for a experiment

- manipulation therefore an evaluation where the characteristics of the participants and the interface are not manipulated it's not a experiment - in short without manipulation is not possible to have an formal hypothesis or to measure rigorously the effect on a dependent variable

The customer effort score

- measures users effort to perform an interaction with the object being evaluated - how much effort did you have to put into using our digital service/application - discrete five anchor scale very weak, weak, neural, strong, and very strong - divide the sum of the CES of all of the participants by the total number of participants

Where should user testing be conducted

- must take place in a controlled space so the external stimuli will not disturb the user - this won't replicate the exact experience of being in the environment but it's possible to conclude that the issues would be worse in real context

What measures is the CES usually used with?

- net promoter score - customer satisfaction score

What are the two score that measure measure of intention

- net promoter score or NPS - customer satisfaction score CSAT

Is it necessary to write the significance, the name of the test, and other statistical details

- no at least not in the main body of the report instead asterisk can be used so in the footnote people can see the level of significance - it's also common to not include the test name or other statistical details as it can clutter the report

Is 7 to 10 enough to test a hypothesis

- no there isn't there needs to be at least 12

Should you always use all 12 dimension of the WebQual

- no, as it depends on the context of the study

Is it common to make a complete textual analysis

- no, it is not instead it's important to pick the important insights from the interview and capture every world of the user

In a within-subject design are all the participants exposed to all of the conditions

- no, there is going to be cases where there are too many conditions that each participants would have to go to - this could impossible just in general but especially since usability test should never go on for over an hour to avoid fatigue


- perquisite requires as necessary for a user or a set of user to achieve a desired result implicit or declares in a specific context l

What are ways to reduce systematic bias?

- pre-registration process via an online form that you can advertise on different platforms - put a short list of questions to qualify participants and thus generate diversity among your groups of participants

How should you end the report

- provide the client food for thought on future research questions that would deepen or develop understanding of the user experiment

What type of data is quantitative analysis used for

- psychometric-type data such as standardized measures scales and behavioral measures like time and success

What reminders containing instruments should be included

- related to the measurement tools - if you are using a camera it is important to indicate when the recording will start in the detailed log - if you are using oculometric of neuropsychological measurements you will provide instruction for mounting and calibration of these instruments

Why is good to not have too many targeted groups

- requires more participants which may require more financial and other resources

The user testing process

- research aim and associated questions - through stakeholder interviews you will understand what they want to test - forms a hypothesis - tests the hypothesis using usability study - analysis results and sees if data supports hypothesis - the observation will be converted into recommendations listed according to severity

What biases is your perception subjected to

- retrospective bias: it can be difficult for the user to accurately recall the interaction

What is a contextual interview

- seek ti understand the why behind specific actions or reactions from the participants

What should interviews be

- short - focused

deductive reasoning categorization

- start with known theories and preconceived codes/ categories - the goal is to build upon a known typology

What might a participant do before they begin the task?

- take a pre-test survey - link to the survey should be included in the protocol - may be useful to have a PowerPoint slide with the instruction and link - if there are multiple surveys there should be identifiers to connect the surveys with the person

How to calculate the WebQual results

- take the average of the three questions corresponding to each of the dimension

What could happen if the target group sample size is small

- the company has to be able to put the necessary resources into recruiting and know that this can be the most costly part

What happens when the experience boundaries are hard to define

- the experience may not start or end with the participants using the product/service as they may have to research, open the box, and put it together for example - there could be various different end points - with both of these it should be established with the stakeholders what they want the start and end point to be

What does the experimental design identifies

- the manipulated factors or independent variable ( for example, version A and B of an interface) - as well as the dependent variable on which the independent is likely to have an effect ( for example the success or failures of a task by the user)

Where should the important findings and recommission be put in the report

- the most important findings should be presented early on in the executive summary or highlight sections

Why deductive approach easy for coding

- the researchers uses an already existing coding scheme with different categories - a revision will take place to adapt to fit the objectives - will measure have times a theme appears and will compare them - typically to verify existing hypothesis

What are measure are used to measure someone emotions when using a interface

- the self-assessment manikin (SAM) Scale - The Affective Slider

What do participant tell in the interview

- their thoughts - their opinions - what they believe - their value - what motivates them - why they did what they did

If there are three user profiles how many participants are there?

- there needs to be 4 participants of each user profiles - since there is overlap there doesn't have to be as many participants - there has to be 2 extra participants - 14 in total

How to identify tasks that the users will perform during the evaluation

- they should be directly related to objective and the research questions - keep in mind the expected duration of the evaluation and this tell you many task you can do

What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria

- to identify what are the characteristics that will determine whether or not user is eligible for the usability tests

What are the steps to making a affinity diagram

- transcribe unitary unitary ideas that is each of the category of ideas on posit notes. They come ideas that were recorded verbatim. Note how many times that each occurred to keep in mind how importance is each - group these based on higher level concepts to give a name to larger categories

What is the challenge carry out user tests? What is the solution

- typically used testing had a very small simple size but in stats you typically need to large sample size to make assumptions about it. This is why a parametric statistics is used because it doesn't make assumptions

What does testing allow us to do

- uncover usability issues - provide ideas on how to improve the interface and functionalities of the product/service - will ensure that the users will want to use it again

Is usability a binary measure and explain?

- usability is not a binary measure and it's a gradient

What can result from systematic bias?

- usability issues can missed because the test wasn't done with the right users

How to reflect the voice of the user in the report?

- use excerpts from your participants' verbatim to support the results or give an example of their reaction - use the exact words of the participants even if the vocabulary or syntax aren't great - put what number of participant or their first name to identify nsnd

What are the six dimensions of usability

- utility - effectiveness - efficiency - satisfaction - learnability - accessibility

Affective slider

- was developed in 2016 by Betella and Vershue with the objective of replacing the SAM scale in online surveys - two slider controls are used to allow the users to indicate their level of pleasure and arousal by dragging the cursor on the response bar

What are the three core elements?

- what are the typical tasks engaged in by your target users - what is the typical duration or desired duration to complete those tasks - what are the success criteria associated with each of those task

Sources of info for interview guide

- what does the mandate want the test to clarify - improve the questions with info from the unofficial heuristic review that was conducted for the study

When can systemic bias result from?

- when you cut corners and choose convenience it's possible that the users can be too similar that could skew the results - the participants may not be representative of the population

It is useful to have an interface image? If so, how should it be used?

- yes, the report should arrows to point to different elements of interest for which you have recommendations

System Usability Scale (SUS)

-developed by Brooke - used to evaluate the perception of an application after it use - it has 10 items with 5 anchor points - normative nature

What are the two different ways that content analysis can be used? Depending on what?

-inductive and deductive - context and the maturity of what is being studied

How many more participants should recruit to account for the no shows?

10-20 percent or 14 participant

What is the general rule for one hour long test

3-5 tasks

How long should interviews be

5 to 15 minutes long

_______ to _______ will discover what percent of usability issues

7 to 10 80 percent

User Interface element

A basic component of a user interface that is presented to the user by the interactive system

How many questions does the interview have

A few questions

Usability Defect

Product attributes that leads to a mismatch between user intention and/or user actions and the system attributes and behavior

content analysis

Qualitative research method that allows for subjective interpretation of written or oral documents through a systematic classifucation process The goal is to group them into different themes typically have a lot of detail under each theme but it depends on the objectives of the study


Refers to the person who interacts with a system, product, or service.


Refers to the user perceived experience it is conscious experience that the user process cognitively and is able to verbalize and explain

quantitative analysis

Represents the second type of analysis necessary to carry out a rigorous evaluation

Modal window

Requires users to interact with it in someway before they can return to the system

What comes after the objective of evaluation

Research questions

A UX evaluation is first the study of an interface using _________________

Scientific approach

Measure of intention

Seek to understand the future actions in relation to the experience and what is being evaluated Measure before and after a task

Message box

Small window that provides information to users and requires them to take action before going forward

Usability is measured for a population of user with

Specific characteristics

What is the terms of reference

Specifies how you and your term members will work together to accomplish common goals. To create shares expectations but also accountabilities among the team members

How to calculate and analyze: the SUS

Subtract 1 from odd items Subtract 5 from even items Add the recalculated items Multiply the sum by 2.5

What is important to avoid no matter what the recruitment method

Systematic bias

What is the next step after the evaluation purpose

Term of reference


The absence of discomfort and a positive attitude towards the use of the product/service


The degree to which a digital product or service can be used by users in order to achieve specific goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction for a product/service in a specific context


The precision and level of completion in which a users can achieve a specific goal

Objective of evaluation

The purpose is not to explain the specific problem while using the object. But a specific objective which will make it possible to identify important issues. To justify the investment that needs to be made. It should include one or several of the usability attributes


The resources devoted to the accuracy and level of completion with which users reach the objectives

After the introduced what should as soon as possible

The test environment in order to foster as much trust as possible. Depending on the environment and the tools used it could intimidate the participants. If there are cameras be sure to point all the cameras out. If there is a one-way mirror be sure to explain who is behind the mirror.

Note taker

This is also recommended to have and they note observation during the test


This is where all participants are all exposed to all the conditions. In different orders with equal number of participants being exposed to the different conditions.

Why is it important to have a standard speech?

To ensure consistency in the information communicated to the participants before

What is the aim of the evaluation

To highlight usability issues abs ways to improve the user experience to ensure uninterrupted use of the interface - the usability of the system may lead to usability errors which will be judged on their severity

What is purpose of the interview

To know why the participant did what they did

Why do participant complete a post task survey

To measure perception, attitude, and state of the individual in the relation to the task

What can content analysis be used to analyze

Virtually any type of qualitative UX data methods

SUS Score less than 25

Worst imaginable

Are quantitative and qualitative data necessary to have complete perspective

Yes, an assessments that does not use these two types of data would be incomplete and might not be able to properly meet the needs of the Mac date

Should you put limits and if so. where?

Yes, as all studies have limits the clients should what your were. In the conclusion there should be a reminder of the methodological choices and the limits

Behavioral measures

aim to capture the user actions and choices during a task

SUS score 40 to 52


Evaluation mandate

Aims to define the objective and the scope of the technological interface to be evaluated. This is crucial step in the preparation of an evaluation project. A poorly written mandate can have serious consequences on the process

User Interface

All components of an interactive system that provides information and controls for the user to accomplish specific tasks with the interactive system


Allow the user to select one or more options from a set.

What does choosing compare different experiences for the same participant

Allows to answer questions relating to intra-related designs. This type of design leads to data organized in pairs ie each participant is associated with at least two measures. For example, compare the completion time of two different interfaces with the same group of participants

Text fields

Allows user to enter text. It can allow enter a single line or multiple lines of text

Dropdown list

Allows user to select one item at a time but are more compact allowing you to save more space.


Allows users to identify their current location within the system by providing a clickable trail of proceeding pages to navigate by


Allows users to see hints when they hover over an item indicating the name or purpose of the item

Date picker

Allows users to select a date and/or time. By using a picker the information is consistently formatted and input into the system

List boxes

Allows users to select multiple items at a time but are more compact and can support a longer list of options if needed

What does choosing compare the user experience between two groups of participants

Allows you to answer for questions related to a inter-participant designs. This type of design leads to obtaining independent measures (each participant is associated with only one measure). For example, comparing the completion time of the same interface using two groups of participant

What does the ux calculator allow you to do?

Allows you to run statistical tests tailored to the main analyses that a UX professional will have to perform as part of assessment

Radio buttons

Are used to allow users to select individual item at a time.

What does the international organization for standardization defines user experience as

As a person perception and responses resulting from the use or intended use of a product

Perceptual and attitudinal measures

Asses the participant subjective appreciation of the experience and objective being evaluated This can be assess before and after a task

Between subject design

Assigns participants to a single experimental conditions and compare the results between groups. In other words, participants only see one experimental condition. The average of the results obtained by all participants in one condition is compared with the average of the results obtained in other conditions

SUS score 26 to 39


What type of measure is success rate of task

Behavioral measure

SUS score 86 to 100

Best imaginable

Explicit measure

Best known and most frequently used aims to measure the phenomena while the users are consciously aware of it Before the test, after the task, and after the test


Button allows the user to change a setting between two states. They are most effective when the on/off states are visually distinct

Which of these evaluation objectives is not well defined and why? A. User satisfaction after a first experience B. The ability of users to quickly learn features C. The experience of a new application D. The accessibility of a website to a website with visual impairment

C. It's too vague what do they want to know about the experience? What do we want to measure this doesn't tell us anything. There is not one of the 6 dimension of usability mention here.

implicit measures

Captured automatically and often unconsciously during these tests

Psychophysiological measures

Captures the participant cognitive and emotional reactions using sensors

Type one error How can this happen

Concluded that there is no issues when there is Selection of users didn't really match the population and expertise of the users were too high relative to targeted users

Type 2 error Examples

Concludes that there are issues when there aren't Users selected are too novice and don't understand how to use the interface


Conditions must be met by a system, system component, product or service to satisfy a contract, standard, or specification

The dropdown boxes

Consists of a button that when clicked displays a list of mutually exclusive items

What type of interview is used

Contextual interview

Time measurements what kind of variable


What are majority of evaluation in UX research

Correlational studies

The cognitive and emotional state measure

Deal with the experience lived and perceived by the participants Assessed during and after the test

iterative approach

Development teams interacts with the actual user of the digital produt or service during the developmental phase to get their feedback and adapt the design accordingly.

What type of variable is measure of success



Divides content up between pages and allows users to skip between pages or go in order through the content

The ISO CIF ISO/ IEC 25066: 2016 format is often required when

During the conformity assessments or by institutional clients

The scientific method is an___________ approach to the developmental of knowledge based on _______________ and observation

Empirical Experimentation and observation

SUS score 74 to 85


What is the first step of the test plan

Experimental design


Extent to which product, service, systems, services, and environment can be used by people in a population with the broadest range of characteristics and abilities to achieve a goal in a specific context of use


Extent to which products/service allow users to quickly become familiar with them and make good use out of all of their feature and capabilities

Testing the experience of new digital product and services before making them available to users allows you to discover and correct a problem early on in their development. This costs 10 times less than correcting the same problem when the product or service is already available. True or false and why?

False as it is 100 times and not 10 times

A evaluation can either be _____________ or ______________

Formative or summative

SUS Score 53 to 73


In what format should the number of participant who liked a UI or succeeded at the task and why?

In a ratio as the number of participants/ total number of users Percentage should be avoided as you don't want to make sure reference about the total population as it's often not random or big enough to do so


Indicates an action upon touch and is usually labeled using text, icon, or both


Interaction between the user and an interactive system as a sequence of user actions and system responses in order to achieve a goal

What should the evaluation typically end with?

Interview to collect impressions and perceptions


Is a representation of all or part of the interactive which is limited in some way but can be used for analysis, design, and evaluation

test plan

Is a tool that the UX researcher uses to organize and structure the evaluation. It purpose is to document all activities needed for the test preparation, execution, and analysis. It must include all the asserts and instruments needed to make the evaluation possible. The test plan should also be defined and environment in which the test will be run. It is also a mean of communicating the test process to internal and external stakeholders. Defining the evaluation is also a way of getting feedback to improve the overall process

Think Aloud method

Is an alternative to the implicit measure it involves asking users to describe our loud their emotional and cognitive actions while performing a task This method helps to understand the reasoning and motivation behind each user action Used exploratory studies when seeking to understand the user mental models It tends to slow down the participants as a result task completion times are not accurate


Is defined as a combination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more states purposes. It's very large and integrates all the underlying software and applications.

summative evaluation

Is done when the design is near completion or already complete. It aims is to evaluate the quality of a developed system and check all the requirements are key


Is the extent to which a person believes that the use of technology improves their ability to perform a tasks

What is the goal of the scientific approach

Is to provide rigorous data to make design decisions.

What is the objective of the experimental design is to what?

Is to structure the evaluation in such a way to answer the research questions.

Affinity Diagram

Is useful tool to help classify data of a qualitative nature. In a content analysis this can help gather common ideas to help reduce number of codes

Why is counterbalancing used?

It can help with learning effect, which if you have the same amount of participants starting at different conditions and going to next one in different orders. It allows for researchers to eliminate the chance of people like version B because they got familiar with it when they used version A

Success rate

It is a binary variable that represents the completion or not of a task by specific success criteria However, the users may want to look for partial successes in this cases it would not be a binary variable It's generally reported in a ratio as it doesn't make generalization about the population

What happens if the mandate is too narrow

It might miss the real issues altogether of an interface

What happens if the evaluation mandate is too vague or broad

It will lead to deviation from the recipient expectations and potentially disappoint them

Objects of the task

Key units of information or data with which users interact to perform the task

Formative evaluation

Made during the development of a system and aims to provide recommendations for the systems improvements


May be present during the test sessions. Observes the participants who are talking or doing related to the system


Measure the quality of an eCommerce website Developed by Loiacano, Watson, and Goodhue To what extent do you agree with the following statements anchor points are generally used 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree

UX Evaluation is based on a ________ approach

Multi-method approach

It is important to develop a ________ framework in the report


The design of a new system and its interface requires a good understanding of user __________ in order to establish the __________

Needs Requirements

Is it necessary to include all the data you have found in the report?

No, as it's often too much and the goal is to answer the research questions and only using the relevant data to do so. If necessary the additional information can be put in the appendix

Should the instructions always be detailed and directive

No, as you occasionally you want to understand how the user will navigate by themselves on the interface. But they should still be detailed and give them a scenario

The ISO CIF ISO/ IEC 25066: 2016 format is often useful to

Often useful to meet the requirements of a tender and to assess compliance.

What is the most difficult tasks in UX evaluation is

Participant recruitment strategy

Latin square design

Participants are randomly assigned to some of the experimental conditions. All conditions are going to be seen by equal amount of participants

The purpose of the report is not only to ______________ but to _____________

Present the results of the test To answer the research

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