Vet certification

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This small breed's beginnings traced back to Scotland. They have a coarse black coat and short legs that make them poor swimmers. A. airedale B. scottish terrier C. bichon frise D. golden retriever


What are the fat or water soluble organic compounds required in small amounts for normal growth and development A. viterals B. vitamins C. mineral D. fatamins


Which diseases or conditions can a urinalysis help to detect? A. Heart disease, diabetes, urinary tract infections B. Kidney disease, diabetes, urinary tract infections C. larynx disease, lung disease, urinary tract infections D. kidney disease, larynx disease, urinary fecal infections


Which of the following is the smallest and oldest canine breed in America? A. Maltese B. Chihuahua C. pug D. pekingese


Working in a veterinary hospital is a _____ business. A. crowded B. people C. inexpensive D. simple


Cutaneous means: A. membrane B. under the hair C. skin D. arm


Disinfectants _____ penetrate fecal matter so it is better to ____ when cleaning. A. can, leave it alone B. cannot, leave it alone C. cannot, remove it first D. can, remove it


Do not leave an animal unattended in the cage with a dyer long or it may A. loose hair B. become tired and restless C. become overheated D. need another bath


Fats provide _____ the energy or calories as proteins and carbohydrates A. equal B. half C. twice D. three times


If it is not written down in the medical record, then A. do not worry about it B. it should be on scrap paper C. in essence it did not happen D. you should not discuss it


Intelligent and athletic group of dogs that were bred to do a job working with livestock. They are easily trained and very energetic. They need to be kept mentally and physically active. A. Hound dogs B. toy dogs C. herding dogs D. sporting dogs


Large breed athletic dog with a long narrow nose, long legs and a lean, muscular body. Known for racing. A. beagle B. Bassett hound C. greyhound D. dachshund


Large breed best known for its ability to smell and track scents. It has long ears and skin folds on the face. Fairly laid back breen that is quite vocal when aroused. A. Afghan B. Bulldog C. Bloodhound D. Dachshund


Many spray disinfectants are sold as concentrates and should be ____ before use. A. quickly shaken B. slightly diluted C. accurately measured and diluted D. mixed with bleach


On average the time clients spend staff _____ the time spent with the veterinarian. A. is about the same B. is much less than C. far exceeds D. doesn't really matter compared to


The destruction of specifically targeted pathogenic microorganisms is called A. sterilization B. completely cleaning C. disinfection D. genetic organization


The instrument that is used to grasp the suture needle while suturing tissue and then can be used to help tie the knot is a A. thread holder B. a scoptic scissors C. needle holder D. pliers


There are three types of injections commonly given. Intramuscular is given A. under the skin B. in the blood vein C. in the muscle D. all the above


This breed has a shortened nose, and often cropped ears. They are stout, muscular, and usually brown or brindle in color with white markings. Susceptible to cancer and heart disease. A. doberman pinscher B. alaskan malamute C. boxer D. bullmastiff


This breed's long ears make it susceptible to ear infections. It is a medium size breed and is typically buff in color. A. Lab B. Chow C. Cocker spaniel D. Bichon Frise


This cat has a fine, long haired coat and pug nose. Eyes are wide and full and small ears. A. Ragdoll B. Maine coon C. Persian D. Sphinx


This hunting dog breen takes a stance that points out the prey. They have a lean, deep-chested body. They are usually ticked in liver color with liver colored mask over eyes, heads and ears. A. Golden retriever B. Irish setter C. German shorthaired pointer D. chinese shar-pei


This is more of a general title than a breed. It is often used for non-pure-bred cats with medium to long hair. They come in many colors and coat patterns. A. domestic shorthair cat B. persian C. domestic long-haired cat D. himalayan


What fecal test is used to look for protozoan parasites, like giardia, in the intestinal tract? A. test tubing B. indirect smear C. direct smear D. water solutes


What position requires an animal to be held lying on its side? A. lateral indecent position B. lateral bicumbent position C. lateral recumbent position D. lateral tricombent postition


When a drug needs to enter the bloodstream to reach the parts of the body in seconds that type of injection is typically A. subcutaneous B. intramuscular C. intravenous D. insiphulus


When are injuries with sharp instruments are most likely to occur? A. during a surgery B. near the end of the surgery C. during clean-up of a surgery D. when setting up for a surgery


When cleaning the instruments, they are allowed to soak in a non-oily lubricant solution called A. lubricating gel B. milk of magnesia C. instrument milk D. instrument gel


When working in a surgical area you should wear a _____ to prevent contamination caused by breathing and loose hairs. A. gown and mask B. sterile gown and hat C. surgical cap and mask D. apron and gloves


When working with cleaning agents remember that A. more will be better B.more will get more stains out C. more does not mean better D. more is the fastest way to get clean


Why is it important to store animal food in tightly sealed containers? A. Fat may leak from the pet food B. pet foods have a strong odor C. light and air breakdown or destroy vitamins and minerals in the food D. protein may leak from the pet food


A star staff member is: A. polite and friendly B. helpful and caring C. efficient and personable D. all the above


Assess the animal's ____ prior to handling A. hunger B. age C. heartbeat D. disposition


Autoclaves should never be opened until A. the cycle is complete B. inside temp. returns to a safe level C. inside pressure returns to a safe level D. all the above


Basically a Persian cat with Siamese markings. Excessive grooming a must. Identified by points. A. Ragdoll B. Maine coon C. Birman D. Himalayan


Breed bred for chasing badgers down holes. Very prone to back problems. A very elongated body with short squatty legs. Breed comes in 2 sizes, and 3 coat types. A. afghan B. Bassett hound C. collie D. dachshund


Clients vary, but most of your clients will want what? A. your best recommendation B. to make choices, based on options, best suited to their needs C. to be in control, however, need to know they are making a good choice D. All the above


Disease can be spread by which of the following? A. through the air B. by direct contact with other animals C. by fecal-oral contamination D. all the above


Fumes from bleach can be which of the following? A. irritating B. toxic C. corrosive D. all of the above


Group of dogs that hunt by sight or by smelling the ground. Some are trained to follow the scent of humans or birds. A. terriers B. working dogs C. collies D. hound dogs


If you do not know the answer to a client's question, what should you say? A. i do not know B. you will have to ask the Dr. C. you can find it on the internet D. im not sure so let me find out the answer for you


Some questions that may arise from your clients include which of the following? A. what will it cost B. what will happen if we do not do anything C. how did it occur in the first place D. all the above


Suture material is used for many purposes in surgery. They include: A. closing wounds or skin incisions B. strengthening joint spaces or weak tissue C. tying off blood vessels to achieve hemostasis D. all the above


This breed was made popular as the dog riding the fire truck. Adults are white with spots that are black or liver colored. A. spitz B. bulldog C. chow chow D. dalmatian


This group of dogs is less than 15 pounds and are often ideal for apartment living. A. non-sporting groups B. sporting dog breeds C. terrier dog breeds D. toy dog breeds


What are the three stages to every urinalysis? A. dip stick, orientation, special sediment B. dip check, specific urinalysis, microscopic syringe C. dip check, specific elements, microscopic search D. dip stick, specific gravity, microscopic sediment


What is the blood vessel and nerve that run down the middle of the called? A. quack B. center point C. challenge D. quick


What should you do if you smell anesthesia gases escaping during a surgery? A. tell a manager or others in the room immediately B. check for an improperly cuffed endotracheal tube C. check for problems with the scavenger system D. all the above


When handling chemotherapeutic drugs you should A. cover work areas with a plastic coated drape B. double glove C. wear a protective mask D. all the above


When leashed in a tub, no animal A. will be bother by bathing B. will attempt to bite C. will try to jump to the floor D. should be left unattended


When lifting aq small dog you will want to control the ____ with one hand while lifting the body with the other. A. front legs B. back legs C. chest D. head


When working with an animal in the exam room make sure _____ is protected from bites. A. Owner B. Veterinarian C. Assistant D. All of the above


Which technique should you use when picking up a pet? A. proper lifting techniques B. use a leash to control the dogs head C. large dogs should be lifted by two people D. all the above


Which technique should you use when removing a pet from a cage? A. approach every cage slowly and be careful with food bowls B. observe the animals body language C. remember using a towel on cats and a leash on dogs maybe helpful D. all the above


Your veterinarian may recommend a drop of ___ or ___ in the eyes before bathing. A. mineral oil, Oleary's ointment B. cresco oil, ophthalmic ointment C. water, ophthalmic ointment D. mineral oil, ophthalmic ointment


this breed originated as a cross between the greyhound and the mastiff. It is a giant short-haired breed, that is very deep chested. They are prone to stomach twisting and gastric torsion. A. newfoundland B. rottweiler C. boxer D. great dane


Topical drugs include: A. creams, ointments, solutions B. beverage, ointments, seasoning C. creams, frozen additives, solutions D. free medicines and over the counter medicines


What composes carbohydrates? A. Sugars, starches, fiber B. fat, starches, fiber C. sugars, fat, starches D. fat, sugars, fiber


When lifting a very large dog you will want to A. ask for help B. hold your breath and lift quickly C. wear a neck brace D. ask someone else to lift


Which essential nutritional component is needed in the highest portion by all animals? A. water B. fats C. proteins D. minerals and vitamins


Which injections is the least painful, accommodates larger volumes of product and has less chance of touching vital nerves? A. subcutaneous B. intramuscular C. intravenous D. insiphulus


A complete understanding of how to properly scrub, gown and glove as well as knowing what you can and cannot touch in a surgical environment is crucial to the prevention of patient A. infections B. fast recovery C. heart loss D. effectiveness


If the nail begins to bleed when trimming, it can be corrected or stopped with ___ or a ____ A. septic powder, cautery stick B. water, rag C. aloe treatment, towel D. sink powder or a gauze stick


Instruments designed to hold back tissues are called A. retractors B. forceps C. pilers D. ascoptic handlers


Most cat and dog injections are given A. subcutaneous B. intramuscular C. intravenous D. insiphulus


Most medicated shampoos will need ____ unless otherwise directed by the label. A. 5-10 minutes B. 20-30 minutes C. 30-45 minutes D. 45-60 minutes


Never allow any ___ in the primary x-ray beam during exposure. A. portion of your own body B. portion of your hair C. portion of your patient D. portion of your shadow


Permanent hearing loss may occur with continuous decibel levels over A. 84 B. 74 C. 64 D. 54


Proteins are needed for the production of _____, antibodies, hormones and enzymes A. muscle B. sugar C. fat D. vitamin


Record keeping is A. everyone's responsibility B. important to keep every other day C. not important with every animal D. is important if kept once per week


Subcutaneous is given A. under the skin B. in the blood vein C. in the muscle D. all the above


Successful strategies for team members include A. following instructions B. working with children C. eating in the break room D. taking shortcuts whenever possible


Successful strategies for team members include which of the following? A. flexibility B. counting pills C. every man for himself D. be very rigid


Successful strategies for team members include which of the following? A. keeping accurate records B. cleaning the laundry C. making others do their jobs D. keeping to yourself


The essential minerals _____ and _____ help form dense bones that serve as the framework for the rest of the body. A. calcium and phosphorous B. phosphorus and sodium C. potassium and manganese D. iron and magnesium


The treatment room may contain wet tables; therefore, staff should do which of the following? A. be careful of electrical equipment B. change clothes often C. use a wet mop often D. do not worry about plugging in equipment


This small breed has a long white hair coat. Hair typically 6-8 inches long and appears to be dragging the ground. This is a lap dog in the toy dog group. A. maltese B. chihuahua C. pug D. chow


To avoid mistakes you need to stay focused and always A. think about what you are doing B. ask for help when using a cream C. ask for help when using solutions D. think about spray you need


Topical drugs are administered A. to the area where it gives its primary effect B. orally so that it can give its primary effect C. subcutaneously so it can give its primary effect D. intravenously so it can give its primary effect


This small breed is predominantly white with color patches, exceptionally bright, burrower, distinctive folded ears. A. airedale B. jack russell terrier C. irish setter D. mini schnauzer


A key component in all decision making is the need for clear A. food choices B. information C. videos to watch D. equipment choices


A type of forceps designed to squeeze off blood vessels and control bleeding are A. Brown Addison thumb B. Hemostatic forceps C. Allis tissue forceps D. towel forceps


All samples of blood, urine, feces, tissue and fluid samples from animals should be treated as a potential A. benefit B. hazards C. income D. all the above


Allow disinfectant ____ minutes of contact time before rising off the cage A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20


Be sure to ______ if you do not understand something. A. leave things alone B. ask questions C. do it the best you can D. challenge things


Cats are true carnivores with special health needs and must be fed a ____ diet. A. omnivores B. carnivores C. vegetarians D. simple


Dogs should regularly not be bathed more than _____ unless directed otherwise by a veterinarian. A. once per day B. once per week C. every two weeks D. once per month


Female dogs in season should be A. housed next to males B. housed as far away from males as possible C. washed so the males won't notice them D. have perfume applied to help avoid males


For a fecal floatation test, mix a small quantity of feces with dense floatation solution that contains A. lithium B. sodium nitrate C. hydrogen peroxide D. chlorine bleach


Most friendly cats can be restrained with minimal force such as A. using sedatives B. rubbing behind their ears C. muzzle and cat bag D. offering them food


Most owners believe: A. their dog will bite B. their dog will never bite C. their dog knows best D. their dog controls everything


Phenols can be very toxic and can be absorbed through the pads on the feet of cats if not rinsed properly. Which of the following is an example of a phenol based product? A. bleach B. lysol C. quats D.clean water


Probably the most common cat breed you will see. Originated in the US. Long nose and short, thick hair. This breed comes in a variety of colors and coat patterns A. Abby B. Domestic Short Hair C. Russian blue D. Siamese


Scissors are described by their blade and their tip. The options are: A. straight and curved tips, sharp and blunt blades B. straight and curved blades, sharp and blunt tips C. straight and blunt tips, sharp and curved blades D. straight and blunt tips, sharp and curved blades


The injection that is given in an area with greater blood supply so that the drug is picked up and put in circulation more rapidly is A. subcutaneous B. intramuscular C. intravenous D. insiphulus


The inner contents of a slightly damaged surgical pack is to be considered A. washed B. contaminated C. sterilized D. aseptic


The number one cause of a person's failure across all professions and vocations is A. showing up late to work B. their inability to follow instructions C. using the computer D.eating at times other than break


The tip of the otoscope should be cleaned _____ as they are a source of bacteria, yeast organisms, and mites. A. quickly after each use B. thoroughly inside and out between uses C. with a kleenex if possible after each use D. with a blow dryer after each use


This breed has a pug nose, excessive skin folds, massive muscling, and lower jaw naturally extends beyond the upper. A. Spitz B. Bulldog C. Terrier D. Dalmatian


This cat breed does not have a tail. They also have elongated hind legs. A. Russian blue B. Manx C. Abyssinian D. Siamese


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