Violence and Abuse

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What is neglect?

Failure of parents or caretakers to provide needed, age appropriate care including food, clothing, shelter, protection from harm, and supervision appropriate to the child's development, hygiene, and medical care.

What is physical abuse in children?

Non-accidental injury to a child as a result of hitting, kicking, shaking, burning or other show of force

What are relationship factors that are reasons for violence and abuse?

On-and- off pattern is associated with physical and emotional violence

What does the keeping children safe and families safe act say?

-(2003) -Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or -An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.

What are long term consequences for child abuse?

-Aggression -Early sexual activity -Drug and alcohol problems -Mental health issues -Depression (5x more likely) -Unemployment -Unhealthy intimate relationships -Incarceration

What are individual reasons for violence and abuse in relationship?

-Alcohol and other drug use -Criminal/psychiatric background -Impulsive -Victim of abuse

What is an ideal response to abuse?

-Avoid forceful physical resistance -Employ verbal non-forceful physical resistance -End the relationship

Why cant women leave?

-Battered women may not have escape routes related to educational or employment opportunities

In terms of intimate partner violence, what is intimate terrorism?

-Behavior designed to control the partner

What is emotional abuse in children?

-Behaviors that harm a child's self-worth or emotional well-being Examples: rejection, name calling, shaming with holding love terrorizing, berating, ignoring, or isolation

What are family factors that are reasons for violence and abuse?

-Child abuse in family of origin -Family conflict -Parents who abuse each other

In terms of intimate partner violence, what is situational couple violence?

-Conflict escalates over an issue (Common couple violence) --One or both partners lose control

What is sexual abuse in children?

-Engaging a child in sexual acts. -Examples: fondling, rape, and exposing a child to other sexual activities

What are the effects on children?

-Increased risk of miscarriage -Birth defects -Low birth weight -Preterm delivery -Neonatal death -Depression -House hold instability/foster care

What are other names for emotional abuse in romantic relationships?

-Known as psychological abuse, verbal abuse, or symbolic aggression

What are factors of entrapped?

-Love, fear of loneliness -Emotional and economic dependency -Commitment to the relationship and hope -Guilt, view violence as legitimate -Fear for one's life -Isolation

Who do you sucessfully leave an abusive relationship?

-Make a plan and act on it (pack and go somewhere else) -Call police (have man arrested) -Take out a protective order (accused cant come close to victim)

What are emotional abusive behaviors done by abuser (adults)?

-Making personal decisions for the partner -Criticizing/belittling

What is considered emotional violence in romantic relationships?

-Nonphysical behavior designed to: --Denigrate the partner --Reduce the partner's status --Make the partner feel vulnerable to being controlled by the partner -Often a precursor to physical abuse -Women are more likely to engage in emotional abuse

What is periodic Reinforcement?

-Occurs every now and then -Abused victim never knows when the abuser will be polite and kind again

What is considered physical abuse in romantic relationships?

-Physical aggression --Purpose is to control, intimidate, and subjugate another human being

What is revenge porn?

-Posting nude photos of ex-partner -Legislation action is being considered by some states

What actions do abusive partners do to emotionally abuse partner?

-Refusing to talk to the partner as a way of punishing the partner -Throwing a temper tantrum and breaking things -Acting jealous when the partner was observed talking or texting a potential romantic partner -Revenge porn

What are community factors that are reasons for violence and abuse?

-Social isolation and poverty -Inaccessible or unaffordable -community services -Community violence

How does the US compare to other countries in terms of child abuse?

-The United States has one of the worst records among industrialized nations -- losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect.

What are physical indicators for physical abuse?

-Unexplained bruising -Human bites -Broken bones -Missing hair -Scratches

What are behavioral indicators for physical abuse?

-Wary of physical contact -Behavioral extremes (aggression/ withdrawal) -Frightened of parents/ afraid to go home -Layered clothing

Why do Victims Stay in Abusive Relationships?

-Women feel emotionally attached to their partners -Abuse is only one part of the relationship --Victims are hooked to the positive behaviors of the partner -Violence was normalized in childhood -Women are entrapped

What are behavioral indicators of neglect?

-begging or stealing food -frequent sleepiness -lack of appropriate supervision -unattended physical problem or medical needs -abandonment -inappropriate clothing for weather conditions

What are physical indicators of neglect?

-constant hunger, -poor hygiene, -excessive sleepiness, -lack of appropriate -supervision, -unattended physical -problems or medical needs, -abandonment, -inappropriate clothing for weather conditions

What are physical indicators for sexual abuse in children?

-difficulty in walking or sitting -torn, stained, or bloody underclothing -pain or itching in genital area -bruises or bleeding in rectal/genital area -venereal disease.

What are behavioral indicators for emotional abuse?

-habit disorders (sucking, biting, rocking) -conduct disorders (withdrawal, destructiveness, cruelty) -sleep disorders -inhibition of play -behavior extremes (aggression or withdrawal)

What are behavioral indicators for sexual abuse in children?

-sexual touching -abrupt change in personality -withdrawn -poor peer relationships -unwilling to change for gym or participate in physical activities -promiscuous behavior/seductive behavior -drop in school performance/decline in school interest -sleep disturbances, regressive behavior (i.e., bed wetting)

What are physical indicators for emotional abuse?

-speech disorders -lags in physical development -failure to thrive.

What are cultural factors that are reasons for violence and abuse?

-violence in the media -acceptance of corporal punishment -gender inequality (Less violence in same-sex relationships, but hard to find supports when there is)

How many children are refered to maltreatment a year?

3.6 million referrals are made to child protection agencies -Involving 6.6 million children

What is intimate partner violence?

Crimes committed against current or former spouses, boyfriends, or girlfriends

What does entrapped mean?

Stuck in an abusive relationship and unable to extricate oneself from the abusive partner

What are corporal punishments?

Use of physical force on a child to correct or control his/her behavior

What are the effects on the victims?

Violence is associated with symptoms of PTSD --Loss of interest in activities/life --Feeling detached from others --Inability to sleep --Irritability Intimate partner violence increases: --Risk for unintended --pregnancy/multiple abortions --Levels of anxiety and drug abuse

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