Vocabulary 14

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Human language appears unique from non-human language in that

it uses recursive grammar.

Lesions in the left inferior frontal region, called _______ area, result in nonfluent aphasia characterized by labored, hesitant speech.


A lesion study in the 1860s led to the discovery of this region of the brain, linked to the production of language.

Broca's area

Discriminating between speech sounds (e.g., "ba" versus "ga") activates

Broca's area.

Most people are either "left-brained" or "right-brained", few people process information in both hemispheres


Amateur neurologist: Priscilla's aunt can not name the water glass sitting in front of her even though she can pick it up and drink from it. What is your diagnosis?


Which of the following is true regarding language and apes (specifically, chimpanzees and bonobos)?

Apes such as Washoe and Kanzi have demonstrated sophisticated use of symbols to communicate with humans including symbolism, but ape language is distinct from human language.

______ reflects a(n) ______ in the production or comprehension of speech.

Aphasia; deficit

Which of the following has not been used for language training in apes?


Match each impairment or process with the correct brain region. (You will use some brain regions more than once.)

Fluent aphasia: Wernicke's area Nonfluent aphasia: Broca's area Dyslexia: Planum temporale Ectopias: Planum temporale Speech production: Broca's area Anomia: Wernicke's area

Which of the following is NOT true about the FOXP2 gene?

It is expressed only in humans.

Dr. Yang holds a wand shaped like an eight over a patient's head. When the wand makes a clicking sound, the patient has trouble speaking. What technique is Dr. Yang using?


Research shows that humans come into the world pre-programmed to learn language.


Mapping of language sites using electrical stimulation was first accomplished by

Wilder Penfield.

The KE family is remarkable in that their speech disorder has been linked to

a single gene (FOXP2)

This image shows a(n) ________ technique from a _______ human.

anatomical; living

A direct neural connection between Broca's area and Wernicke's area is provided by the

arcuate fasciculus.

Locate the following areas of the brain.

arcuate fasciculus: C Broca's area: A cranial nerves: E motor area for the face: B Wernicke's area: D

Bilateral damage to the fusiform gyrus results in


Joanne had to have her entire left hemisphere removed to treat her severe epilepsy. Since the removal of her left hemisphere Joanne:

can no longer understand language but can still understand music.

In the study of handedness and hemispheric speech lateralization, what measure was used to determine hemispheric dominance?

changes in cerebral blood flow

The development of new languages is sometimes described as:


Broca's aphasia is associated with

deficits in initiating the motor programs for speech.

Wernicke's aphasia is associated with

deficits in the comprehension of language.

If conscious subjects receive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of anterior portions of Broca's area, they

have difficulty with the meanings of words.

The key brain regions involved in Broca's aphasia is/are

inferior left frontal lobe.

Wernicke's area is located in the:

left temporal lobe

Historically, a key source of our knowledge about the physiology of language is studies of

people who have suffered brain damage.

A prominent structural asymmetry in the brains of typical humans is apparent in the _______, which is located on the superior surface of the _______ lobe.

planum temporale; temporal

Uncle Chuck calls you in a panic because Aunt Mabelline fell and now she can't speak. She has a history of stroke so you are concerned when he also said she is paralyzed in her ______ arm.


Stimulation of the A1 area of the auditory cortex by Penfield produced

simple tones.

Cortical mapping of the brain of an individual while they are speaking their native language indicates that

slightly different patterns of activation may be seen among speakers of two or more languages.

Split-brain patients demonstrate that

the left hemisphere is involved in language.

The McGurk effect is when

the speech sounds we hear are strongly influenced by what we see.

Which of the following can be used to test speech comprehension in Wernicke's aphasia?

Ask the person to point to an object on a table.

A patient who has difficulty speaking but has good comprehension of verbal material is most likely suffering from _______ aphasia.


Because chimpanzees seem able to learn a version of American Sign Language (ASL), some researchers have concluded that they are able to acquire language. Those who disagree, however, offer which criticism of this conclusion?

Chimpanzees may only be imitating the gestures of trainers.

Which of the following approaches have been used to understand how language is supported in human brains? (Hint: There may be more than one correct answer.)

Electrical stimulation of auditory areas in the brain. Neuropsychological studies from brain damaged individuals PET studies in which brain activation was correlated with listening to language compared to noise.

Match each impairment with the correct definition.

The selective inability to understand spoken words: Word deafness The selective inability to understand written words: Word blindness Partial paralysis involving one side of the body :Hemiplegia The inability to write: Agraphia The inability to read: Alexia The inability to recognize objects, despite the ability to describe them: Agnosia

A patient who produces seemingly fluent but largely unintelligible speech and has poor comprehension of verbal material is most likely suffering from _______ aphasia.


The ability to learn a language declines with ________ .


If a person suffers a stroke in their left hemisphere we would expect to see

all of the above.

Creating sounds or signs that convey messages is one component of __________ . This function is primarily located in the hemisphere ____________.

language; left

Broca's area is an example of ______function; whereas the semantic maps described by Gallant and colleagues are an example of _________ function.

localization of; distributed

Verbal behavior is said to be a lateralized function of the left hemisphere in that

most language problems are noted after damage to the left rather than the right hemisphere.

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