Vocabulary for ielts - Unit 9- (16/10/2016) - The natural world

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scrape (v): (sự cạo) to remove ST from a surface using the edge of a knife, a stick etc. 'Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly'. SCRAPE ST AWAY, OFF. 'The earth was scraped away to uncover a trapdoor'. (cửa sập) SCRAPE ST OFF, INTO ST 'Teresa scraped the mud off her boots'. (n) (vết cào xước)

(n) (vết cào, vết xước): a mark or slight injury caused by rubbing against a rough surface. 'I came away from the accident with only cuts and scrapes'.

E. Can you name five different types of tree? gum (gʌm) (n1) (cây có chất nhựa kết dính) = a gum tree (n2) (chất nhựa dính của thực vật): a sticky substance found in the stems of some trees. (n3) (công nghiệp, chất keo, chất dính): a type of glue used to stick light things such as paper together. (n4) = gingiva (nướu răng, lợi) (v) = glue (dán dính): to stick things together using glue. GUM SOMETHING TO SOMETHING 'A large label had been gummed to the back of the photograph'. maple ('meipl) (cây thích, gỗ cây thích): a tree which grows mainly in NORTHERN countries such as Canada (cænədə). Its leaves (li:vZ) have five points and turn red or gold in autumn. birch (bə:t∫) (cây phong, cây bạch dương): a tree with smooth BARK (vỏ cây) and thin branches, or the wood from this tree. oak (əuk) (cây sồi) ## oat (yến mạch): a large tree that is common in NORTHERN countries, or the hard wood of this tree. 'an oak door'. pine (pain) (cây thông): a tall tree with long hard sharp leaves that do not fall off in winter. 'an ancient pine forest'. palm (pɑ:m) (cây cọ): a tropical tree which grows near beaches or in deserts ('dezət). (IN THE DESERT, trong sa mạc, in deserts, trong các sa mạc)

(thú mỏ vịt) What animal has a duck bill (mỏ vịt), fuzzy kitten belly (bụng mèo), beaver tail, and poisonous webbed feet (màng chân)? A platypus! A platypus is a wacky (lập dị) mammal that mainly lives in the water off Australia. Although a platypus is a mammal, it lays eggs (đẻ trứng). Because of its distinctive bill, the platypus is often called the duck billed platypus. It's an unusual animal, defying (ko tuân theo, bất chấp, coi thg`) many of the usual characteristics of a mammal — the platypus lays eggs, is aquatic (sống dưới nc) , has a tail like a beaver's, is venomous (độc) like a snake, and has feet like an otter. In fact, when scientists from Europe first discovered the platypus, many of them thought it was a hoax (trò chơi khăm, chơi xỏ) . The Greek root, platypous, means "flat-footed." (chân bằng) OR, small densely furred aquatic monotreme (đơn huyệt) of Australia and Tasmania having a broad bill and tail and webbed feet; only species in the family Ornithorhynchidae

(49) Unit 9: THE NATURAL WORLD_flora and fauna, agriculture FLORA AND FAUNA 1.1. HOW MANY PLANT AND ANIMALS DO YOU KNOW? A. Can you name five animals found in Africa? elephant ('eləfənt) giraffe (dʒə'rɑ:f) a tall African animal with a very long neck and legs and dark spots on ít yellow-brown fur. lion ('laiən), lioness ('laiənes) (sư tử, hổ ko sống ở Africa): a large animal of the cat family that lives in Africa and parts of southern Asia. hippopotamus (,hipə'pɔtəməs) (hà mã): a large grey African animal with a big head and mouth that lives near water. ostrich ('ɔstrit∫) (đà điểu): a large African bird with long legs, that runs very quickly but cannot fly. rhinoceros (rai'nɔsərəs): a large heavy African or Asian animal with thick skin and either one or two horns on its nose.

B. Can you name five types of flower? carnation (kɑ:'nei∫n) (cẩm chướng): a flower that smells sweet. Men often wear a carnation on their jacket on formal occasions. daisy ('deizi) (cúc): a white flower with a yellow center. lily ('lili): one of several types of plant with large bell-shaped flowers of various colors, especially white. rose (rəuz) tulip ('tju:lip): a brightly colored flower that is shaped like a cup and grows from a bulb in spring. bulb (bʌlb) (n1, light bulb, bóng đèn), (n2 củ, hành, tỏi)

C. Can you name five types of fruit? apple ('æpl): a hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin and is white inside. banana (bə'nɑ:nə): a long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skin. grape (greip) (nho): one of a number of small round green or purple fruits that grow together on a vine (vain, cây nho). Grapes are often used for making wine. grapefruit ('greipfru:t) (bưởi): a round yellow citrus ('sitrəs, cam quýt) fruit with a thick skin, like a large orange. mango ('mæηgouz) (xoài): a tropical fruit with a thin skin and sweet yellow flesh (thịt, cùi, đv or trái cây). melon ('melən) (quả dưa lê) a large round fruit with sweet juicy flesh. orange ('ɔrəndʒ) (cam): a round fruit that has a thick orange and is DIVIDED INTO parts inside. pear (peə) (per) (lê): a sweet juicy fruit that has a round base and is thinner near the top. pineapple ('painæpl) (dứa): a large yellow-brown tropical fruit or its sweet juicy yellow flesh.

D. Can you name five animals found in Australia? emu ('i:mju:) (đà điểu úc, ostrich, đà điểu châu phi) large Australian flightless bird similar to the ostrich but smaller. echidna (e'kidnə) (thú lông nhím, đơn huyệt): egg-laying mammal, monotreme, native to Australia. ding('diηgəu) (chó rừng ở úc): an Australian wild dog. kangaroo (,kæηgə'ru:): an Australian animal that movers by jumping and carries its babies in a POUCH (paut∫) (a special pocket of skin) on its stomach. -> MARSUPIAL (mɑ:'sju:piəl) (thú có túi). koala (kəu'a:lə) (gấu túi): an Australian animal like a small grey bear with no tail that limbs and eats eucalyptus (,ju:kə'liptəs) leaves and bark. platypus ('plætipəs) (thú mỏ vịt) : a small furry Australian animal that has a beak (bi:k, mỏ chim) and feet like a duck, lays eggs, and produces milk for its young.

retract, take back Have you ever said something you wish you could retract, or take back? You're not alone. Even newspapers and magazines have sections where the editors can retract something written that was incorrect. The sense of the word retract meaning to draw back or withdraw comes from the mid-16th century, and its meaning was clear when Napoleon Bonaparte said, "In politics...never retreat, never retract...never admit a mistake." Still, sometimes you wish you could retract something you said or did. Cats can retract their claws, and some snakes can retract their fangs, but words spoken in anger can never be fully retracted, or taken back. (v1) (formal) (rút lại, 1 lời tuyên bố, 1 lời buộc tội) if your retract ST that you said or agreed, you say that you did not mean it. 'He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement'. (v2) (kéo ST thụt vào, co lại). retract, retraction (n1) ( sự rút lại 1 lời tuyên bố, 1 lời buộc tội) RETRACTION OF 'The newspaper was forced to publish a retraction of its allegations' (luận điệu, thường ko đúng sự thật).

REATRACT (v2) (kéo ST thụt vào, co lại).

appeal, request, appeal, ask (n1, sự yêu cầu, n2, thu hút) 'What is the particular appeal of this island?'. 'The programme has a very WIDE APPEAL'. APPEAL FOR. 'The film has great appeal for young audiences'. 'She's definitely got sex appeal'.

appealing (a1) attractive or interesting (hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn) 'The city offer an appealing combination of sporting and cultural events'.

issue, tissue, muscle (mô) (cơ, bắp thịt). sugarcane (cây mía): a tall tropical plant from whose stems sugar is obtained. cane (cây gậy để đi, or cây roi để đánh đòn :3 :3, đệt or cây trúc, cây mía) sausages

articular cartilage (sụn khớp)

2.3 Now read the rest of the text and match the words in italics to the definitions below. Other introduced species have proved similarly DISASTROUS/ CATASTROPHIC (/extremely bad or unsuccessful) among native Australian animals. Since the introduction of the cat, the fox and the rabbit from Europe, 19 species of native animals have become EXTINCT no longer existing and further 250 species ARE CONSIDERED TO be either ENDANGERED/ at risk of dying out or VULNERABLE/ at risk. The modern-day approach to the biological control of pests is THROUGH genetically modified crops (/crops whose genes have been scientifically changed). It remains to be seen whether this CONTROVERSIAL METHOD will have a long-term REPERCUSSIONS/ negative effects, particularly in regards to the ECOLOGICAL BALANCE (/the relationship between plants, animals, land, air and water) of the environment where they are grown. Some fear that insect may BECOME RESISTANT/ stop being affected (by something) to these new crops and therefore become even more difficult to control. - the introduction of the cat, the fox - 250 species are considered to be endangered or vulnerable.

at risk, vulnerable (có thể bị làm hại, có thể bị tổn thương) 'The young birds are very vulnerable to predators'. (dễ bị thú ăn thịt làm hại, ahihi) 'He took advantage of me when i was at my most vulnerable'. 'We work mainly with the elderly and other vulnerable groups' BE VULNERABLE TO ST 'Children are most vulnerable to abuse within their own home'. genetics (di truyền học, nghiên cứu về geneS), genetic, genetically (n) (a) (adv) (ko có động từ) genetically modified. 'The modern-day approach to the biological control of pests is through genetically modified crops (crops, fruits and vegetables) genetically modified (GM) (a) GM foods or plants have had their GENETIC structure changed so that they are not affected by particular diseases or harmful insects. generic term, name 'generic term, name (for something)'. (thuật ngữ chung, tên chung). 'Fine Arts is a generic term for subjects such as painting, music, and sculpture.

bubble a ball of air or gas in liquid 'When water boils, bubbles rise to the surface'. 'soap bubbles' (bong bóng xà bông) 'She was BLOWING BUBBLES in her milk with a straw'.

balloon an object made of brightly colour thin rubber, that is filled with air and used as a toy or decoration for parties. 'Can you help me BLOW UP these balloon?'. 'He BURST (đập vỡ) the BALLOON in my face'.

fruits and vegetables, crops crop (n) (mùa vụ) 'potato crop' (vụ khoai) cropS (n) (số nhiều, cây trồng): a plant such as wheat, rice, or fruit that is grown by farmers and used as food. 'The main crops were oats and barley'. 'crops grown for market' living place, inhabit As a result, it could help to protect other plantS (VEGETATION) as well as living space, inhabit of any animal in the area. the way plants and animals live and grow together, the ecological balance The toxins may also be poisonous to other plants and animals and this would upset the way plants and animals live and grow together and may lead to more animals becoming AT RISK OF EXTINCTION, ENDANGERED. becoming at risk of extinction, becoming endangered endanger (v) (gây nguy hiểm): to put SO or ST in danger of being hurt, damaged, or destroyed. 'Smoking during pregnancy ENDANGERS your baby's LIFE. endangered (a) (trong tình thế cực kì nguy hiểm)

barley (đại mạch) (làm bia)

fauna ('fɔ:nə) (n) (quần thể động vật) When you go on a nature walk in a school setting, your teacher might tell you to observe the flora and fauna in the woods. Flora is plant life; fauna refers to animals. Fauna derives (di'raivS) from the name of a Roman goddess. flora ('flɔ:rə) (n) (quần thể thực vật) The flora of a particular area consists of its plant species, considered as a whole. The word also refers to the plant life of a particular era ('iərə) — for example, fossilized (đã hóa thạch) plants can help us determine the flora at the time of dinosaurs. 'Tourism is damaging the flora ('flɔ:rə)and fauna ('fɔ:nə) (plants and animals) of the island'. derive (di'raiv) (v) (bắt nguồn từ, xuất phát từ) 'Quinine (kwi'ni:n, thuốc đắng chữa sốt rét) was the only viable medical treatment for malaria (mə'leəriə, sốt rét). diverse (dai'və:s) (də'və:s) (a) (đa dạng, khác nhau): very different from each other. 'subjects as diverse as pop music and archaeology'. (,ɑ:ki'ɔlədʒi) devise (di'vaiz) = INVENT = CREATE (phát minh, sáng chế) to plan or invent a new way of doing something. 'She DEVISED A METHOD for quicker communications between offices'.

beaver ('bi:və) (hải ly): a North American animal that has thick fur and a wide flat tail, and cuts down trees with its têch.

Further attempts at biological control weren't so successful. When farmers tried to eliminate the cane beetle by INTRODUCING the South American cane TOAD, the results were CATASTROPHIC. The cane toad did not eat the cane BEETLE and the toad population spread rapidly leading to the decline of native species of mammals and reptiles. catastrophe (kə'tæstrəfi) = disaster (di'zɑ:stə) (thảm họa, tai họa) (n): a terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction, suffering, or death. ENVIROMENTAL, NUCLEAR, ECONOMIC ECT CATASTROPHE. 'The Black Sea is facing ecological catastrophe as a result of pollution'. PREVENT, AVERT A CATASTROPHE. 'Sudan requires food immediately to avert (ə'və:t, ngăn ngừa) a humanitarian catastrophe'. catastrophic (,kætə'strɔfik) = disastrous (di'zɑ:strəs) 'a catastrophic fall in the price of rice'. 'The failure of the talks could have CATASTROPHIC CONSEQUENCES' (hậu quả thảm khóc) toad (təud) (cóc mập :3 ): a small animal that looks like a large frog (ếch) and lives mostly on land. frog (frɔg) (con ếch) (ghê vải ra :3): a small green animal that lives near water and has long legs for jumping. have a frog in your throat (bị khan tiếng): to have difficulty in speaking, especially because of a sore throat.

beetle ('bi:tl) (bọ cánh cứng, côn trùng cánh cứng): an insect with a round hard back that is usually black.

spring up, down, out, over through, away, back (v) (nhảy) (n) sự nhảy mùa xuân lò xo suối: hot spring (suối nước nóng) squeak (n) make a high-pitched, screeching noise. 'the squeak of the mouse'. 'a squeak of alarm'. 'the high-pitched squeak of a bat'.

bristle (n) hog's bristle (v) make SO, ST afraid or angry. BRISTLE IN RAGE (v1) rise up as in fear "The dog's fur bristled" (v2) react in an offended or angry manner "He bristled at her suggestion that he should teach her how to use the program"

circulate ('sə:kjuleit) (v1) (tuần hoàn, luân chuyển, lưu thông): to move around within a system, or to make ST do this. 'Swimming helps to get the blood circulating through the muscles'. 'Ceiling fans ('si:liη) circulated warm air around the room'. (ceiling, 'si:liη, trần nhà). (get SO Vo, ST Ving) (v2) circulate + SOMETHING (lưu hành, truyền, truyền bá): if information, facts, idea etc circulate, they become known by many people. (et cetera, et 'setərə) 'RUMOURS began CIRCULATING that the Prime Minister was seriously ill'. skull (sọ, đầu lâu): the bones of a person's or animal's head. SO CAN'T GET IT INTO THEIR (THICK) SKULL (spoken) (ngu, quá ngu :3 :3 :3): SO is unable to understand something very simple. 'He can't seem to get it into his skull that I'm just not interested in him'. wholesome (a1) (lành, ko độc) likely to make you healthy. wholesome food, fare, meal. 'wholesome food' (thức ăn lành mạnh). 'well-balanced wholesome meals'. 'wholesome climate' (khí hậu trong lành). (a2). (bổ ích, lành mạnh): consider to have a good moral effect. 'good wholesome fun'. (chơi lành mạnh :3) 'wholesome advice' (lời khuyên bổ ích). 'a wholesome book' (1 cuốn sách lành mạnh).

circulatory ('sə:kjuleitəri) (a) (CHỈ CÓ 1 NGHĨA THÔI NHA BƯ) (thuộc tuần hoàn máu): relating to the movement of blood around your body. 'the heart and circulatory system'. (tim và hệ tuần hoàn máu). circulation (,sə:kju'lei∫n) (n1) (sự tuần hoàn máu): the movement of blood around your body. GOOD/ BAD CIRCULATION 'Doctors had to remove her leg because of bad circulation'. (n2) giống circulate ST (lưu hành, lưu thông). IN/ OUT OF CIRCULATION 'Police believe there are thousands of illegal guns IN CIRCULATION'. (trong lưu thông) TAKE SOMETHING OUT OF CIRCULATION (thu hồi cái gì) 'The book was taken out of circulation'. REMOVE/WITHDRAW SOMETHING FROM CIRCULATION. 'The Treasury Department ('treʒəri, bộ tài chính) plans to remove older coins from circulation and replace them with new ones'.

integrity (in'tegriti) (n1) (tính chính trực, tính liêm chính) PERSONAL/ PROFESSIONAL/ POLITICAL ETC INTEGRITY (sự chính trực cá nhân, sự chính trực, liêm chính chuyên môn nghề nghiệp, chính trực chính trị). (et cetera, et 'setərə) (n2) (tính toàn bộ, tính toàn vẹn, tính trạng ko bị sứt mẻ, tình trạng toàn vẹn): the state of being united as one complete thing. 'the TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY of the country'. (tính toàn vẹn lãnh thổ) (,terə'tɔ:riəl) 'These foreign material control devices need to be inspected for integrity after every dumping'. SCOOP (sku:p) (n) (cái muỗng) a round deep SPOON for serving food, for example, ice cream or mashed potato (mash, nghiền) rust (rʌst) (n) (gỉ, gỉ sắt): the reddish-brown substance that forms on iron or steel when it gets wet. 'There were lage PATCHES OF rust on the car'. (v) (bị gỉ, bị sét): to become covered with rust, or to make something become covered in rust. 'The metal had begun to rust'. 'The gate was old and badly rusted'. RUST AWAY (bị gỉ dần, bị ăn mòn dần): to be gradually destroyed by rust. 'The blades of the swords have rusted away'.

cockroach ('kɔkrəut∫) = ROACH (gián): a large black or brown insect that lives in dirty houses, especially if they are warm and there is food to eat. vigilant (a) ('vidʒilənt) = WATCH OUT (cảnh giác, thận trọng) 'Please remain vigilant/ watch out at all time and report anything suspicious'. vigilant: to describe someone who keeps awake and alert in order to avoid danger or problems. -> When taking the subway, be vigilant about your wallet, always know where it is, or someone might steal it from you. deteriorate (v) (di'tiəriəreit) = get worse (trở nên tồi tệ hơn) When something gets worse due to neglect or an unfortunate health problem, stuff starts to deteriorate or fall apart. 'Ethel's health has deteriorated'. 'America's deteriorating economy'. 'Relations with the US, a longstanding ally, have deteriorated in recent months over Mr Duterte's controversial war on drugs'. 'The situation is GETTING WORSE/ DETERIORATING'. (?????)

disclaim (dis'kleim) = deny (v) (ko nhận, từ chối) ##claim DISCLAIM RESPONSIBILITY, KNOWLEDGE ETC (et cetera, et 'setərə) 'Martin disclaimed any responsibility for his son's actions'. disclaimer (dis'kleimə) (n):(sự ko thừa nhận, chối bỏ): a statement that deny doing something. used especially in advertising or legal agreement. amuse (ə'mju:z) (v) assume (ə'sju:m) = presume (pri'zju:m) (v) (cho rằng, đoán là): to think that something is true, although you do not have definite proof. ASSUME (THAT) 'I didn't see your car, so I assumed you'd gone out'. IT IS, SEEMS REASONABLE TO ASSUME (THAT) (hợp lý để cho rằng, dường như điều đó là hợp lý). 'It seems reasonable to assume that the book was written around 70 AD'.

consolidate (kən'sɔlideit) consolidation (kən,sɔli'dei∫n) (1. together, combine tập hợp, hợp nhất, thống nhất ST lại với nhau). -> We consolidate information from a wide range of sources. -> The company is planning to consolidate its business activities at a new site in Arizona. (2. to make solid, làm vững chắc, cũng cố). -> to consolidate the road surface. -> The company has consolidated its position as the country's leading gas supplier. 'A general might consolidate his troops, a librarian might consolidate all the books about exciting women on a Women's History Month shelf, or someone with a lot of credit-card debt might try to consolidate the debt from his different cards'. 'In the second half of the 19th century, the Dutch found a succession of armed expeditions necessary to consolidate their power'. CONSOLIDATION (kən,sɔli'dei∫n) (n). (sự thống nhất, sự làm vững chắc) -> the consolidation of political power.

reference (n) ('refərəns) (sự tham khảo) If you are writing a report for school(ri'pɔ:t) (n hay v chi cũng nhấn âm 2 hết nha bư), you are probably relying on a few references, or sources, for information. Or, if you are applying for a job, you may count on a reference (sự giới thiệu) from a previous boss to help you get the job. Good references are sometimes necessary to either get a job or to get a job done well. A reference is someone you can rely on to put in a good word for you when applying for a job. Or, a reference might be an outside source you use in a research paper. Don't forget: if you reference outside work, be sure to mention it in your bibliography or "list of references" so you don't get accused of plagiarism ('pleidʒərizəm) (bị buộc tội đạo văn). Give credit where it's due. count on, upon SO, ST (hi vọng, trông mong ở ai cái gì)

count on, upon SO, ST (hi vọng, trông mong ở ai cái gì) (ph v): to depend on someone or something, especially in a difficult situation. 'You can count on me'. 'With luck, you might cover your costs, but don't count on it'. COUNT ON (SO, ST) VING/ TO Vo 'We're all counting on winning this contract'. 'They were counting on him not coming out of hospital'. plagiarize ('pleidʒəraiz) (v) (ăn cắp ý, ăn cắp văn, đạo văn) 'He ACCUSED other scientists OF plagiarizing his research'. plagiarism ('pleidʒərizəm) (n) (sự đạo văn, sự ăn cắp ý, ăn cắp văn): when someone uses another person's words, ideas, or work and pretends they are their own. 'The journal accused the professor of plagiarism'. 'Claims that there are plagiarisms in the new software'.

sew (səu) (v) (may) sewn (səun) (pp) (v1) (may): to use a needle and thread to make or repair clothes or to fasten ST such as a button to them. 'I learned to sew at school'. 'Can the seamstress ('semstris, cô thợ may) sew me a suit by next week?' SEW SOMETHING ON SOMETHING 'Can you sew a patch on my jeans?' SEW SOMETHING TOGETHER 'She sewed the two sides together'. SEW UP (ph v 1) (dàn xếp, thanh toán, giải quyết cái gì): (imformal): to finish a business agreement or plan and get the result you want. 'The deal should be sewn up in a week'. (ph v2) (khâu lại): to close or repair ST by sewing it. 'Could you sew up this hole in my trousers?' ('trauzəz, quần (đồ mặc ở ngoài phủ kín hai chân từ thắt lưng cho đến mắt cá) ventilate (v) ('ventəleit) ventilation (n) (,ventə'lei∫n) (thông gió): to let fresh air into a room, building etc. WELL-VENTILATED, POORLY VENTILATED ETC. (et cetera, et 'setərə) 'a well-ventilated kitchen' (nhà bếp đc thông gió tốt).

drain (drein) (n1) (ống dẫn nước) a pipe that carriers water or waste liquids away. 'The flood was caused by a BLOCKED DRAIN'. flood (flʌd) (n1, lũ lụt) (n2, sự chảy tràn ra) 'There's a problem with THE DRAINS'. (n2)= GRATE (grei) (Ame) (cái đậy nắp cống, hình) the frame of metal bars over a drain where water etc flow into it. A DRAIN ON ST (bòn rút cái gì): something that continuously uses a lot of time, money. 'The war was an enormous DRAIN ON the country's RESOURSES'. (bòn rút tài nguyên). (vocabulary)drain (n): most commonly found at the bottom of sinks and bathtubs across the globe, a drain is a hole through which water is carried away. drain (v) DRAIN AWAY/ OFF/ FROM (rút, tháo, tiêu, làm ráo nước) 'drain of the water' (tháo nước). 'The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winter'

monotreme ('mɔnətri:m) = egg-laying mammal (n) (động vật đơn huyệt = dv đẻ trứng) It produced Australia's first fossil record of a mammal, a monotreme. (nó đã tạo ra mẫu hóa thạch đv có vú đầu tiên của australia, 1 bộ đơn huyệt). Egg-laying mammals are called monotremes, and though once more diverse (đa dạng), today that group contains only the platypus and two species of echidna (e'kidnə).

echidna (e'kidnə) (thú lông nhím đơn huyệt) a burrowing monotreme mammal covered with spines and having a long snout and claws for hunting ants and termites; native to Australia. The platypus and the echidna - a nocturnal (về đêm), burrowing (đào bới) mammal with a spiny coat, long claws, and no teeth - are the only known living members of a type of animal known as monotremes.

adapt (v) (thích nghi, thích ứng): to gradually change yoru behaviour and attitudes in order to be successful in a neww situation. ADAPT TO. 'The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school'. 'flowers which are WELL ADAPTED to harsh winters' (v2) (phỏng theo, truyện, tiểu thuyết..): if a book or play is adapted for film, television etc, it is changed so that it can be made into a film, television programme etc (ADAPTION). BE ADAPTED FOR ST. 'Many children by books after they have been adapted for television'. proximity, nearness in distance or time (formal) (khoảng cách gần về ko gian và thời gian). PROXIMITY TO 'We chose the house for its proximity to the school'. (gần trường). 'The restaurant benefits from its proximity to several cinemas'. PROXIMITY OF 'Here the rich and the poor live IN CLOSE PROXIMITY (very near to each other). (sự gần gủi). 'Some hibernate through cold winter in the north. Other TOLERATE desert heat near the equator. Some live in urban areas, ADAPTING well to living in close PROXIMITY to humans. (gần gủi con người) at close quarterS (rất gần, gần sát nhau)

embryo (n) (phôi thai) foetus, foetal (n) (bào thai): a baby or young animal before it is born. (a) (bào thai): belonging or related to a foetus. 'a test to detect foetal abnormalities'.

(từ 1- 15) REVISING WORDS IN THE REPORT. jewelry = jewellery ('dʒu:əlri) (nữ trang, trang sức): small things that you wear for decoration, such as rings or necklaces. 'She wears a lot of gold jewellery/ jewelry'. perimeter (pə'rimitər) (n1) (chu vi, vành đai): the border around an enclosed area such as a military camp. PERIMETER OF 'the perimeter of the airfield'. ('eəfi:ld, sân bay) (n2) (vocabulary) (chu vi) In mathematics, perimeter refers to the length of this boundary (đường biên giới, ranh giới). (longman) (chu vi): the whole length of the border around an area or shape. 'Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle'. ('rektæηgl, hình chữ nhật) severe (sə'viə) (a) (rất nghiêm trọng) = VERY SERIOUS 'His injuries were quite severe'. 'She's SUFFERING FROM/ HAVING severe depression'. (đang chịu đựng sự suy nhược nghiệm trọng). 'The US faces severe economic problems'. 'The storm caused (kɔ:zd)severe damage'. severity (sə'verəti) (n) (1, sự nghiêm trọng, 2, sự nghiêm khắc) 'We didn't realize the severity of her illness'

fare (feə) (n1) (đồ ăn, thức ăn) :food, especially food served in a restaurant or eaten on a specially occasion. -> traditional Christmas fare (n2) (tiền xe, tiền đò, tiền vé): the price you pay to travel somewhere by bus, train, plane. bus, train, air, cab fare. (cab = taxi) tariff ('tærif) = tax (thuế): a tax on goods coming into a country or going out of a country. 'The government may impose (v) tariff on imports'. IMPOSE (im'pouz) (v) (áp đặt, buộc ai phải làm điều gì đó): if someone IN AUTHORITY imposes a rule, punishment, tax etc, they force people to accept it. (et cetera, et 'setərə) authority (chính quyền, nhà chức trách, nhà cầm quyền) (everyday English) PUT A BAN/TAX/BURDEN/ STRAIN on ST IMPOSE a ban/tax/burden/strain on ST. 'The government PUT a higher TAX ON cigarettes'. 'This PUTS a lot of STRAIN ON families'. strain (n vật, sự căng) (n người, sự căng thẳng, tình trạng căng thẳng) The noun strain is a stretch, effort, or exertion (sự nỗ lực). You can strain your ankle, or your little brother can strain your patience. ????

twig (twig), wig (wig) (tóc giả) twig (n) (cành cây con): a small very thin stem of wood that grows from a branch on a tree. twig (v) (nhận ra, hiểu được, nắm được): understand, usually after some initial difficulty. 'I soon twigged who had told them'. 'It took ages before he twigged' (ageS, số nhiều, thời gian rất dài). coat (kout) (n1) (áo khoác): an outer garment (quần áo bên ngoài) that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down, worn outdoors. 'Billy! PUT your COAT ON, it's cold outside!' (n2) (lớp, sơn, vôi) a thin layer covering something 'a second coat of paint' 'fresh coat of paint' (lớp sơn mới) 'The room needs a fresh coat of paint' (n3) (lông thú)= pelage ('pelidʒ, bộ da thú, lông thú): growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal

feather (lông vũ, lông chim, khác fur, bộ lông thú) (featherS, bộ lông) 'the bird ruffled its feathers' (đang xù bộ lông)

vertebrate, invertebrate (a) (có xương sống) (n) (động vật có xương sống): a living creature that has a BACKBONE. 'In behaviour that may be unique for a vertebrate, they chew substances (which is) laden (chất đầy, nặng trỉu) with toxin and then apply frothy saliva to their entire bodies'. laden with (a1) (chất đầy, nặng trĩu) (literary) heavily loaded with ST, or containing a lot of ST. 'The tables were laden with food'. FULLY, HEAVILY LADEN literal, literary (a) (nghĩa đen) (a) (thuộc văn chương, viết lách)

froth, frothy, frothy waves (n) : (bọt) a mass of small bubbles on the top of a liquid. 'Excellent beer', he said, wiping the froth from his mouth'.

predator ('predətər) prey (prei) (con mồi) (n) (dã thú, đv ăn thịt): any animal that lives by preying on other animals. (n2) (người lợi dụng người khác, nhất là về tài chính và tình dục): someone who tries to use another person's weakness to get advantages 'a sexual predator' beak (bi:k) (n1) (mỏ chim): horny projecting mouth of a bird. (horny, a, bằng sừng). (n2) the beak (informal) (thẩm thán or thầy giáo): a judge or a male teacher. raccoon = raCoon(rə'ku:n) ## panda (gấu trúc Mỹ, gấu trúc TQ là panda, ahihi): an omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North America and Central America nocturnal (nɔk'tə:nl) (a1) (đv học, ăn đêm, hoạt động về đêm, sống về đêm): an animal that is nocturnal is active at night. 'nocturnal birds' (chim ăn đêm) (a2) (thuộc về ban đêm): happening at night. 'Rebecca paid a nocturnal visit to the flat'. 'Native to South America, these nocturnal, brown-feathered birds masterfully masquerade (,mɑ:skə'reid, hóa trang bậc thầy) as a tree stump by day'. 'Tom Ford's second film, "Nocturnal Animals," is coming out in November'. PAY A VISIT (đến thăm, ghé thăm).

fur (bộ lông thú, bộ lông mao, khác feather, lông chim, khác leather, da thuộc) Fur is the fuzzy hair on an animal like a rabbit or a raccoon. One downside of having a cat or dog is that you often end up finding their fur all over your house. Most mammals have fur, dense soft coats that protect them from becoming too cold or hot. Northern dog breeds, for example, have a double coat of fur, with the dense bottom coat keeping them warm even in the snow. Sometimes fur is used to mean "an animal's pelt" or "clothing made from the fur of an animal." The phrase "to make the fur fly" means "to cause serious trouble."

rust (rʌst) (gỉ) dust (dʌst) (bụi) 'All the furniture was COVERED IN DUST'. 'a thick LAYER OF DUST'. 'There's not a SPECK (spek, hạt) OF DUST in the kitchen'. (ko có 1 hạt bụi trong nhà bếp) patch (pæt∫) (n1) (mảng miếng): a small area of something that is different from the area around it. PATCH OF. -> a patch of ice (1 tảng băng). -> We finally found a patch of grass to sit down on. (n2): a small piece of material that is sewn (may, khâu) on something to cover a hole in it. -> a jacket with leather patches at the elbows (elbəu, khủy tay) (v) (vá) (nghĩa đen, bóng) to repair a hole in ST by putting a piece of ST else over it. 'We'll have to patch up the hole in the roof'. (v2) (vá): to make ST quickly or carelessly from a number of different pieces or ideas. 'A new plan was quickly patched together'. (vocabulary) When you patch something, you repair it, like when you patch a hole in the knee of your favorite jeans or when road crews use asphalt ('æsfælt, nhựa đường) to patch a pothole in the street.

gasket ('gæskit) (kỹ thuật) (miếng đệm, vòng đệm): a flat piece of material, often rubber, placed between two surfaces so that steam, oil, gas ect cannot escape.

lay out, arrange (ə'reindʒ) (ph v) 1. = arrange = set out (sắp đặt, bố trí). to arrange or plan a building, town, garden etc. (et cetera, et 'setərə) -> The garden is laid out in a formal pattern. (ph v) 2. explain: (giải thích, mô tả): to describe or explain something clearly. -> The financial considerations are laid out in booklet called 'How to Borrow Money'. (ph v) 3. spread: to spread something out (trải ra). -> Lay out the map on the table and let's have a look. gypsum ('dʒipsəm) (n) (thạch cao): is a mineral — specifically, hydrated calcium sulfate (CaSO4.5H2O) — used in making many types of cement and plaster, especially plaster of Paris. It's also in cement. Besides its use in building materials, gypsum is used in making fertilizer and tofu. calcium ('kælsiəm) sulfate ('sʌlfeit)

grid (grid) (n1) (mạng lưới ngang dọc trên bản đồ). 'The pilots were just given a GRID REFERENCE GRID of the target'. GRID REFERENCE (tọa độ tham chiếu). (n2) (chấn song sắt) a metal frame with bars across it. (n3) (hệ thống đường dây điện). 'the grid, the national grid'

petal (cánh hoa): one of the coloured parts of a flower that are shaped like leaves. 'rose petals' 'The flower has seven petals'. horn (hɔ:n) (n1) (sừng, trâu bò, gạc, hươu, nai) (bóng, sừng, tượng trưng cho sự cắm sừng chồng). (n2) (on a car) (còi): the thing in a vehicle that you use to make a loud sound as a signal or warning. SOUND, TOOT, HONK, BLOW YOUR HORN (make a noise with your horn). (n3) (kèn) (n4) (tù và)

hoof ('hu:f) (chân có guốc, của trâu, bò, ngựa): the hard foot of an animal such as a horse, cow etc.

compromise ('kɔmprəmaiz) (thỏa hiệp) (v1) = SETTLE BY CONCESSION (thỏa hiệp bằng nhượng bộ): an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first, or the act of making this agreement. 'Compromise is an inevitable part of marriage'. (in'evitəbl, ko thể tránh đc, chắc chắn xảy ra) ('mæridʒ, hôn nhân, sự kết hôn) 'She admitted that she was unable to compromise' 'His work mates demanded that he never compromise with the bosses. (vocabulary) (v2) compromise = ERODE or DIMINISH (làm hao mòn, làm giảm giá trị -> làm tổn hại) If you never repair your brakes, you will compromise the safety of the car. If you cheat, you compromise your integrity. COMPROMISE YOUR PRINCIPLES/ STANDARDS/ INTEGRITY (làm tổn hại nguyên tắc, chuẩn mực, sự liêm chính :v) 'As soon as you compromise your principles you are lost'. Don't compromise your integrity by telling half-truths' (đừng làm giảm giá trị tính liêm chính của bạn bằng n~ chuyện kể nửa sự thật) 'Drugs that can compromise the immune system'. COMPROMISE YOURSELF (tự làm hại mình). 'She had already compromised herself by accepting his invitation'.

inevitable (in'evitəbl) (a) (không thể tránh khỏi, chắc chắn xảy ra): If something is inevitable, it will definitely happen, like death or tax season. 'A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable'. (SEEM TO Vo, SEEM adj) IT IS INEVITABLE (THAT) 'It's inevitable that doctors will make the occasional mistake'. INEVITABLE CONSEQUENCE/ RESULT 'Disease was an inevitable consequence of poor living conditions'. (hậu quả ko thể tránh khỏi) INEVITABLY (adv) (in'evitəbli) 'The decision will inevitably lead to political tensions'. 'Inevitably, the situation did not please everyone'. CARCASS ('kɑ:kəs) (n1) (xác xúc vật) a body of a dead animal. The gruesome (ghê tởm, khủng kiếp) word carcass is often used to describe the remains of a dead animal, especially one that's been slaughtered (giết thịt, mổ thịt) for food. (n2) (xác của nhà, tàu etc bị cháy, bị đổ nát, hư hỏng) a decaying outer structure of a building, vehicle etc or other objects. (et cetera, et 'setərə) The carcass of an old burned out building, for example, refers to its remaining walls and beams. Or think of the carcass of the couch (ghế dài giống giường, its inner foundation (cơ sở or lớp gạch, bê tông, cấu trúc bên trong...) , which is supporting your rear right now.

A DRAIN ON ST (bòn rút cái gì): something that continuously uses a lot of time, money. 'The war was an enormous DRAIN ON the country's RESOURSES'. (bòn rút tài nguyên). DRAIN OFF/ AWAY/ FROM (v) (nước) (rút, tháo, tiêu, làm ráo nước): to make the water or liquid in something flow away. -> The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winter. 'Can you drain the spaghetti (spə'geti), please'(= pour away the water from the pan)?. STAGNANT ('stægnənt) (a1) (ứ, tù, đọng nước): stagnant water or air does not move or flow and often smells bad. 'a stagnant pond (pɔnd)'. (ao tù). (a2) (tình trạng trì trệ): not changing or making progress, and continuing to be in a bad condition. ' A government plan to revive the stagnant economy'. REVIVE (v) (làm sống lại, hồi sinh). 'Local people have decided to revive this centuries-old tradition'. 'The economy is beginning to revive'. 'An attempt to revive the steel industry'. 'The doctors revived her with injections of glucose'.

inject (in'dʒekt) (v) (tiêm): to put liquid, espciallly a drung, into SO's body by using a special needle. INJECT SOMETHING INTO SO/ST 'The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine'. (chân cột sống ????) INJECT SOMETHING INTO SO 'I have to inject myself with insulin'. injection (in'dʒek∫n) = SHOT (sự tiêm, việc tiêm) 'The nurse GAVE me a tetanus INJECTION'. ('tetənəs -> 'tetnəs, bệnh uốn ván). INJECTION OF 'an injection of insulin'. ('insjulin) 'The children hate HAVING INJECTIONS'. 'The only sure treatment is antibiotics (kháng sinh), preferably by injection'. (tốt nhất là 1 mũi tiêm). ('prefrəbli) antibiotic (,æntibai'ɔtik): a drung that is used to kill bacteria and cure infections.

irritate (v) ('iriteit) irrigate (v) ('irigeit) irradiate (v) (i'reidieit) irritate ('iriteit) = ANNOY (v1) (làm bực mình, làm phát cáu): to make someone feel annoyed or impatient, especially by doing something many times or for a long period of time. 'It really irritates me when he doesn't help around the house'. (v2) (đau, rát, tấy): to make a part of your body painful and sore. 'This cream may IRRITATE sensitive SKIN'. irritation (n) (,iri'tei∫n) (như v1): (sự làm phát cáu, phát bực) 'The heavy traffic is a constant SOURCE OF IRRITATION'. IRRITATION WITH/ AT 'The doctor's irritation at being interrupted showed' (sự bực bội của bác sĩ vì đang bị làm phiền hiện rõ). (như v2): (sự làm tấy, rát, đau). 'The astringent can CAUSE IRRITATION to sensitive skin'. 'a throat irritation' (sự rát cổ) irritated ('iriteitid) = ANNOYED (nghĩa giống v) IRRITATED ABOUT/ AT/ WITH/ BY 'John was getting irritated by all her questions'. (a2 giống v2) (y học, bị tấy lên, rát such as da): painful and sore. 'Her throat and eyes were irritated'. (tấy lên)

irrigate (v) ('irigeit) (v1) (tưới): to supply land or crops with water. 'The water in Lake Powell is used to irrigate the area'. IRRIGATED LAND/ FARMS/ CROPS (v2) (y học, rửa such as vết thương): to wash a wound with a flow of liquid. irrigation (,iri'gei∫n) (sự tưới, sự rửa vết thương) 'Other projects include upgrading ports, roads, rail links and irrigation'. 'One technology is a precision mobile drip irrigation system that aims to increase efficiency'. precise, precision (pri'siʒn, chính xác)

render (rendər) = CAUSE (v1) (gây ra, làm cho): to cause SO or ST to be in a particular condition. RENDER SO/ST IMPOSSIBLE, HARMLESS (vô hại, ko độc), UNCONSCIOUS. 'He was rendered almost speechless (mất tiếng, cứng họng, ko nói nên lời) by the news. 'The blow to his head was strong enough to render him unconscious'. '...., rendering them unusable'. (v2) (cung cấp, đưa ra) = give, supply: to give ST to SO or do ST, because it is your duty or because SO expects you to. 'an obligation to RENDER ASSISTANCE to those in need'. RENDER A DECISION/ OPINION/ JUDGMENT 'It is unlikely that the court will render an opinion before November 5'. 'a bill of $3200 FOR SERVICES RENDERED (=for ST you have done). eradicate (i'reidikeit) (v) (xóa bỏ, tiêu diệt) = ELIMINATE: to completely get rid of ST such as a disease or a social problem. ERADICATE ST FROM ST 'We can eradicate this disease from the world'. 'an attempt to eradicate inflation' (in'flei∫n, lạm phát) -> corruption (kə'rʌp∫n, tham nhũng) -> corrupt (kə'rʌpt)

larva ('lɑ:və) -> larvae (pl) ('lɑ:vi:) (ấu trùng) pupa ('pju:pə) -> pupae (pl) ('pju:pi:) (n) (con nhộng) pupa: an insect at the stage before it become adult, when it is protected by an special cover. 'moth pupae' pupal ('pju:pəl) (a) (thuộc con nhộng) 'the pupal stage' moth (mɔθ) (con ngài, bướm đêm): an insect related to the butterfly that flies mainly at night and is attracted to lights. Some moths eat holes in cloth (klɔθ). a native species, an introduced species (loài bản địa) (loài du nhập vào) 'list of introduced species'. virtual, virtually, practically, nearly, almost (a, adv) (hầu như, gần như). 'Virtually all the children come to school by bus'. 'He was virtually unknown before running for office'. (a, adv) (ảo) 'virtual focus' (tiêu điểm ảo). 'The website allows you to take a virtual tour of art gallery'. 'constructing virtual worlds'.

hide (n) (da chưa thuộc, da sống, chỉ mới cạo và rửa :3), (khác với leather, da thuộc rồi): an animal's skin, especially when it has been removed to be used for leather. 'ox hide gloves' (v1) (trốn, ẩn nấp) (v2) (che giấu, che đậy, giữ kín feeling): to keep your real feeling, plans, or the truth secret, so that they cannot be known by other people. HIDE YOUR DISAPPOINTMENT, CONFUSION, EMBARRASSMENT (im'bærəsmənt), 'She laughed to hide her nervousness'. 'He took off his ring to HIDE THE FACT that he was married'. 'He told the jury (bồi thẩm đoàn, gồm 12 người) that he is innocent and has nothing to hide'. HIDE SOMETHING FROM SO 'Don't try to hide anything from me'.

leather ('leðə) (da thuộc) Leather is a material that's made from animal skin and used to make shoes, bags, furniture covers, and many other things. You might be too hot if you wear your leather pants to the beach.

eucalyptus (,ju:kə'liptəs) (n) (cây bạch đàn, hay cây khuynh diệp) koala: sluggish ('slʌgi∫, chậm chạp) tailless Australian arboreal (ɑ:'bɔ:riəl) marsupial with grey furry ears and coat; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark (vỏ cây). ARBOREAL (ɑ:'bɔ:riəl) (thuộc cây, ở trên cây, sống trên cây): If it has to do with trees, you can call it arboreal. Monkeys that live in trees are arboreal. The rings of a tree are an indication of arboreal age. eucalyptus oil (,ju:kə'liptəs) (dầu khuynh diệp) Eucalyptus oil is the generic name (tên chung) for distilled oil from the leaf of Eucalyptus, a genus (giống, chi) of the plant family Myrtaceae native to Australia and cultivated worldwide. Eucalyptus oil has a history of wide application, as a pharmaceutical, antiseptic, repellent, flavouring, fragrance and industrial uses. The leaves of selected Eucalyptus species are steam distilled to extract eucalyptus oil.

otter ('ɔtə) (con rái cá): an animal with smooth brown fur that swims in rivers and eats fish.

2.2 Answer: 1. Farmers do not like using CHEMICALS TO KILL PESTS/PESTICIDES. 2. The prickly pear was planted as a type of barrier between FIELDS/PADDOCKS field (fi:ld) (n1) (cánh đồng): an area of land in the country, especially one where crops are grown or animals feed on grass. 'a view of green fields and rolling hills'. 'a field of wheat'. CORN/ RICE/ WHEAT FIELD 'working in the cotton fields'. (n2) = SUBJECT (lĩnh vực): a subject that people study or an area of activity that they are involved in as part of their work. 'her work in the field of human rights'. 'Peter's an expert IN his FIELD'. 'He's the best-known American OUTSIDE THE FIELD OF (=not connected with) politics'. (n3) (sân) (bóng đá, bóng rổ, chày): an area of ground where sports are played. A BASEBALL/ FOOTBALL/ CRICKET FIELD. 'the local soccer field'. ON/ OFF THE FIELD 'The team have had a bad year, both on and off the field'. 3. The Cactoblastis moth KILLED OFF/ ERADICATED/ELIMINATE nearly all prickly pear plants. (kill off, giết sạch, tiêu diệt, dẹp bỏ, làm tiêu tan) 4. The cane toad was a NATIVE species to Australia. ( NATIVE is the opposite of INTRODUCED) -> an introduced species 5. Using the cane toad was VERY SUCCESSFUL. (SUCCESSFUL ## CATASTROPHIC).

paddock (n) (bãi nhỏ để giữa ngựa): a small field in which horses are kept. (n2) (bãi nhỏ để tập hợp ngựa, trc trường đua): a piece of ground where horses are brought together before a race so that people can look at them.

##pawn (pɔ:n) (n, vật đem cầm) (v, đem cầm) paw (pɔ:) (n) (chân, có móng, vuốt của mèo, chó) : a animal's foot has nails or claws. 'a lion's paw'. (chân sư tử). (v1) (cào): scrape with the paws 'The dog's pawing at the door again, let him out'. 'His horse pawed the ground'. (v2) (mân mê, sờ soạng, :3): to feel or touch someone in a rough or sexual way that is offensive. 'He'd had too much to drink and started pawing her'. ##PAWN (pɔ:n) (n, vật đem cầm, tình trạng cầm cố) (v, đem cầm) in pawn (tình trạng bị đem đi cầm) 'His watch is in pawn (đồng hồ của a ta đã đem cầm rồi'. PUT ST IN PAWN (đem cầm vật gì) paw -> claw (klɔ:) (n1) (vuốt mèo, chim) 'a cat with sharp claws' (n2) (cái vấu, cam, kẹp) (cái càng cua, etc): the curved end of a tool or machine, used for lifting things. 'a claw hammer' (v) (cào xé bằng vuốt): to tear or pull at ST, using claws or your fingers. 'The cat keeps CLAWING AT the rug'. 'The dog has clawed the door'. (v2) (quắp, bằng vuốt)

paw (chân có vuốt) (của mèo, chó, sư tử đồ) -> claw (vuốt): a animal's foot has nails or claw paw -> claw (klɔ:) (n1) (vuốt mèo, chim) 'a cat with sharp claws' (n2) (cái vấu, cam, kẹp) (cái càng cua, etc): the curved end of a tool or machine, used for lifting things. 'a claw hammer'

PREVENT, AVERT A CATASTROPHE. 'Sudan requires food immediately to avert (ə'və:t, ngăn ngừa) a humanitarian catastrophe'. prevent, avert (ə'və:t) (ngăn ngừa, ngăn chặn) humanitarianism (n) (hju:,mæni'teəriənizm) (chủ nghĩa nhân đạo) humanitarian (a) (hju:,mæni'teəriən) (a) (thuộc nhân đạo, thuộc con người) humanitarian aid (viện trợ nhân đạo). humanitarian disaster (thảm họa con người) humanitarian aid, humanitarian assistance humanitarian relief (sự cứu trợ nhân đạo) (relief,1, sự giảm nhẹ, 2, sự cứu trợ, cứu viện) provide relief for refugees (,refju:'dʒi:, người tị nạn) humanitarian groundS (groundS, 1, SỐ NHIỀU nền tảng, lý do, căn cứ) 'He was released from prison on humanitarian grounds'.

pet (thú cưng, vật cưng) pest (loài gây hại) 'garden pest' (các loài gây hại ở vườn) (pest -> pesticide) (herb -> herbicide) herbicide ('hə:bisaid) (thuốc diệt cỏ): a substance used to kill unwanted plants. pesticide ('pestisaid) (thuốc diệt loài gây hại, thuốc trừ sâu): a chemical substance used to kill insects and small animals that destroy crops.

abnormal, normal, abnormality, normality, normalize (chỉ có V là normalize, bình thường hóa, ko có ko bình thường hóa :3) (a) (không bình thường, bất thường): very different from usual in a way that seems strange, worrying, wrong, or dangerous. (khác với NORMAL). 'abnormal behaviour'. 'an abnormal level of cholesterol'. 'My parents though IT WAS ABNORMAL for a boy to be interested in ballet'. inference, draw, make inference (n) (sự suy ra, rút ra) An inference is an idea or conclusion that's drawn from evidence and reasoning (kết luận đc rút ra từ các bằng chứng). An inference is an educated guess. DRAW, MAKE INFERENCE (ABOUT, FROM ST) 'What inferences have you drawn from this evidence?' 'it helps to know which mammals are related so that you can make accurate inferences about one mammal from another mammal's development hibernate, hibernation (ngủ đông): if an animal hibernate, it sleeps for the whole winter. 'Some hibernate through cold winter in the north. Other TOLERATE desert heat near the equator. Some live in urban areas, ADAPTING well to living in close PROXIMITY to humans. (gần gủi con người)

porcupine (nhím bự), hedgehog (nhím) (nhím), (khác với echidna, nhím đơn huyệt Úc): a small brown European animal whose body is roud cover with sharp needle-like SPINES (2 nghĩa, 1, xương sống, 2 gai (thực vật, động vật)

2.2 Read the text and then decide if the statement below are true or false. Find words in the text which mean the same or the opposite of THE WORDS IN BOLD. INTRODUCED SPECIES (các loại nhập cư) Since the birth of agriculture, farmers have tried to avoid using pesticides by employing various biological (,baiə'lɔdʒikəl) methods to CONTROL NATURE (KO CÓ THE NHA BƯ). The first method involved introducing a PREDATOR that would control PESTS by eating them. This was used successfully in 1925 to control the PRICKLY PEAR population in Australia. The prickly pear had originally been used as a DIVIDER between paddocks. However, it eventually SPREAD from a few farms to 4 million HECTARES ('hektɑ:Z) of FARMING LAND, RENDERING them unusable. The Cactoblastis moth LARVAE were INTRODUCED to help control the situation and within ten years, the prickly pear was VIRTUALLY ERADICATED. introduce (v1) (đưa vào, vật, cây, phong tục lạ...) (đưa, đạo luật, dự thảo, ra nghị viện): to bring a plan, system, or product into use for the first time. 'They want to introduce a system of identity cards'. 'The store has introduced a new range of food for children'. 'The Cactoblastis moth larvae were (trại sao trong sách lại viết was????) introduced to help control the situation and within ten years, the prickly pear was virtually eradicated.' - biological methods (,baiə'lɔdʒikəl) - to control nature

prick (prik) (v1) (đâm, chích): to make a small hole in ST using something sharp. 'Prick the sausages ('sɔsidʒZ) before you grill them'. 'prick holes in the ground'. PRICK YOURSELF, PRICK YOUR FINGER (accidentally make a hole in your skin). 'She had pricked her finger on a rose thorn'. (v2) (cắn rứt, day dứt) PRICK SO'S CONSCIENCE ('kɔn∫ns) (lương tâm) 'Her conscience pricked her as she told the lie'. (lương tâm cắn rứt khi cô tâ nói dối) bad /evil /guilty conscience (lương tâm xấu, lương tâm tội lỗi) 'After she had committed the crime, her conscience was troubled' (sau khi phạm tội, lương tâm cô ta bị cắn rứt) PRICKLE ('prikl) (n1) (gai trên cây or lông gai, nhím): a long thin sharp point on the skin of some animals or the surface of some plans. (n2) (cảm giác kim châm, nổi da gà, vì sợ): if you feel a prickle of fear, anger or excitement, you feel slightly afraid, angry, or excited in a way that makes your skin feel slightly cold and uncomfortable. PRICKLY (a1) (đầy gai): covered with thin sharp points. 'a plant with prickly leaves'. (a2) if your skin feels prickly, it stings slightly. (cảm giác bị kim châm) 'His skin felt painful and prickly'. 'The base of my neck was prickly with sweat (swet)'.

perceive, perception (v1) (nhận thấy, nhận biết, quan sát): to become aware of through the senses 'I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon'. (v2) (hiểu đc, nắm đc) become conscious of "She finally perceived the futility of her protest" perceived threat (mối nguy hiểm đc nhận biết)

quill (n1) (bút lông chim) = quill pen: a pen made from a large bird's feather, used in the past. (n2) (lông đuôi) (quill feather): a STIFF bird's feather. (n3) (lông nhím): one of the long pointed things that grow on the back a porcupine.

offensive (ə'fensiv) (a) (ghê tởm, kinh tởm, = repulsive): very rude or insulting and likely to upset people 'I found her remarks DEEPLY OFFENSIVE' 'offensive behaviour' offend (ə'fend) (xúc phạm, làm ai khó chịu) defend (bảo vệ, chống lại) ##attack (ə'tæk) (tấn công) (DANH TỪ NGHĨA KHÁC NHA BƯ) (n) (tấn công, công kích) 'an offensive campaign' (1 chiến dịch tấn công). 'Jan was convicted of possessing an OFFENSIVE WEAPON'. (bị buộc tội sở hữu vũ khí tấn công). conflict (v) (kən'flikt) (n) ('kɔnflikt) ##convict (v) (kən'vikt) (n) ('kɔnvikt) (DANH TỪ NHẤN ÂM KHÁC ĐỘNG TỪ NHA BƯ) convict SO of ST (kết án, tuyên án ai có tội, khác với accuse SO of ST, là buộc tội thui)

raccoon = raCoon(rə'ku:n) ## panda (gấu trúc Mỹ, gấu trúc TQ là panda, ahihi): an omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North America and Central America

irradiate (i'reidieit) (v) radioactive ('reidiou'æktiv) (a) irradiate (i'reidieit) (v) (chiếu, chiếu xạ): if someone of something is irradiated, X-ray or radioactive beams are passed through them 'Several beams irradiate the tumor ('tju:mə, khối u, bứu) from different angles'. radioactive ('reidiou'æktiv) (a) (phóng xạ): When an object gives off a certain kind of energy, like the sun or an x-ray machine, it can be described as radioactive. OR, a radioactive substance is dangerous because it contains RADIATION (a form of energy that can harm living things). 'the problem of how to dispose (dis'pouz, vứt bỏ) of RADIOACTIVE WASTE'. (rác phóng xạ) RADIOACTIVE DATING = CABORN DATING (xác định niên đại bằng phóng xạ, xác định tuổi bằng phóng xạ). ('kɑ:bən) impose (áp đặt), dispose (vứt bỏ), expose (tiếp xúc, phơi nhiễm)

radiation (,reidi'ei∫n) (n) (sự bức xạ, sự phóng xạ) Radiation is energy transmitted in waves or a stream of particles (các hạt nguyên tử, electron). The first thing you think of as radiation is probably X-rays, but what cooks your food in the microwave oven is also radiation. 'low, high level of radiation' (mức độ phóng xạ thấp, cao) 'An accident at the power station could result in large amounts of radiation being released'. 'a lethal dose of radiation'. ('li:θəl, làm chết người) 'nuclear radiation' (phóng xạ hạt nhân) 'radiation reaction' (phản ứng phóng xạ) 'solar radiation' (bức xạ mặt trời).

repercussion (,ri:pə:'kʌ∫n) (~ consequence) (hậu quả, tác động trở lại, ảnh hưởng): the effects of an action or event, especially BAD EFFECTS that continue for some time. LONG-TERM REPERCUSSION POLITICAL, SOCIAL, ECONOMIC REPERCUSSIONS 'The collapse of the company HAD REPERCUSSIONS for the whole industry'. 'There were SERIOUS REPERCUSSIONS on his career'. 'the repercussions of the crisis'. ecological, ecological balance, an ecological disaster (sinh thái học, liên quan đến mối quan hệ qua lại giữa các sinh vật và môi trường sống của chúng): connected with the way plants, animals, and people are related to each other and to their environment. extinction, extinct, become extinct (n) (a) (v) (ko có trạng từ) extinct (a): an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist anymore. 'Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years'. 'Pandas could BECOME EXTINCT in the wild'. 'an extinct species'. EXTINCTION (n) species IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION'. ON THE VERGE, EDGE, BRINK OF EXTINCTION (nearly extinct). 'The breed was on the verge of extinction'. on the verge, edge, brink of extinction (bên bờ vực tuyệt chủng)

resistant, become resistant (a1) (có sức kháng cự, có sức chịu đựng) RESISTANT TO 'an infection (bệnh nhiễm trùng) that's resistant ot antibiotics'. (a2) (HẬU TỐ, chịu được) HEAT-RESISTANT, STAIN-RESISTANT, FIRE-RESISTANT 'shock-resistant rubber' (cao su chịu được va đập). (a3) opposed to ST and wanting to prevent it from happening. RESISTANT TO. 'Many managers are resistant to change. (kháng cự sự thay đổi :3) become resistant (a1) (có sức kháng cự, có sức chịu đựng) RESISTANT TO 'an infection (bệnh nhiễm trùng) that's resistant ot antibiotics'. (a2) (HẬU TỐ, chịu được) HEAT-RESISTANT. Furthermore, it is possible that over time the pest may STOP BEING KILLED BY, BECOME RESISTANT the toxins and so the problem would be worse than ever. heat-resistant, rust-resistant, stain-resistant, fire-resistant. (chịu đc lửa, ko gỉ...)

quid (kwid) (đồng 1 pao) one pound in money. 'She earns at least 600 quid a week'. BE QUIDS IN (lời to): to make a good profit. 'If this deal comes off (được hoàn thành, đc thực hiện), we'll be quids in'. COME OFF (ST) (v1) (bong ra, tróc ra): to become removed from something. 'The label had come off, so there was no way of knowing what was on the disk'. (v2) (được thực hiện, đc hoàn thành) if something that has been planned comes off, it happens. 'In the end, the trip never came off'. (v3)= to be successful (thành công). 'It was a good idea, but it didn't quite come off'. 'The performance on the first night CAME OFF pretty WELL'.

scale (quá tời nghĩa, đệt :3 :3) (n) (sự chia độ, tỉ lệ) (n2) (vảy cá, vảy rắn, cao răng, hay tartar)

Dimension, aspect (n1) (kích thước, khổ, cở): the magnitude (độ lớn) of something in a particular direction (especially length or width or height). (n2) (chiều): one of three Cartesian coordinates that determine a position in space. (v) (xác định kích thước, đo kích thước): indicate the dimensions on 'These techniques permit us to dimension the human heart' measurement (phép đo)

sculpture ('skʌlpt∫ə) (n) (bức tượng, tác phẩm điêu khắc): an object made out of stone, wood, clay etc by an artist, OR, creating figures or designs in three dimensions. (ba chiều) 'a sculpture of an elephant'. 'an exhibition of sculpture'. (v) (điêu khắc) create by shaping stone or wood or any other hard material

1.3 COMPOUND NOUNS _ Complete the sentences by adding one of these words ANIMAL, HUMAN, NATURE, NATURAL. 1. It's HUMAN NATURE to want to find a solution to our problems. 2. Vegans do not use or eat any ANIMAL PRODUCTS. 3. I would rather be served by a HUMAN BEING then a computer (muốn đc phục vụ bởi). 4. I am constantly amazed by how beautiful and how destructive (di'strʌktiv, adj, hủy diệt, tàn phá) MOTHER NATURE can be. 5. Man is said to be the most dangerous creature of all the ANIMAL KINGDOM. (the animal kingdom, vương quốc động vật) 6. Animals are much happier living in their NATURA HABITAT. 7. Manmade disasters such as chemical spills can destroy the NATURAL BALANCE. 8. In some countries, prisoners are denied basic HUMAN RIGHTS. ERROR WARING We say we must take care of NATURE (KHÔNG CÓ THE đằng trước). NATURE is the adjective form. It is a NATURAL PROCESS (KHÔNG ĐỂ NATURE VÔ).

seal (si:l) (v) = SEAL UP (niêm phong, bịt kín, hàn kín) 'Authorities plan to seal the borther' (các nhà cầm quyền dự định đóng chặt biên giới). 'He wrote the address and sealed the envelope'. (n1) (dấu niêm phong) (n2) (hải li mập)

tolerate, put up with something, tolerance The verb tolerate means "to put up with or allow." You can tolerate your sister's love of Broadway musicals but really, you prefer dramas. (v1) (tha thứ, khoan dung): allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting 'We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital' Synonyms: allow, permit (v2) (chịu đựng, cái nóng, lạnh...): put up with something or somebody unpleasant. 'He learned to tolerate the heat'. (v3) (có khả năng uống thuốc, hoặc điều trị mà ko bị tổn hại) have a tolerance for a poison or strong drug or pathogen or environmental condition. OR, Scientifically speaking, when your body can tolerate a drug, poison or even pollution, it means you aren't harmed by it. "The patient does not tolerate the anti-inflammatory drugs we gave him" (ko có khả năng chịu đựng thuốc chống viêm, ko có khả năng điều trị bằng thuốc chống viêm mà ko gây ra tổn hại gì) (n) (giống 3 cái trên, n4, kỉ thuật, dung sai)

slug, snail slug (n) (sên, nhưng ko có vỏ): a small creature with a soft body, that moves very slowly and eats garden plants.

utensil (n) (ju:'tensl) (đồ dùng, dụng cụ) 'kitchen utensil' (dụng cụ làm bếp) cleaning utensil, writing utensil (dụng cụ vệ sinh, dụng cụ viết lách đồ :3). The word utensil comes from the Latin "utensilia" meaning "things for use". In the kitchen, common utensils are the knives, forks, and spoons that we hold in our hands and use to eat. A pen is a writing utensil. A spatula ('spæt∫ulə) is a cooking utensil. A scrub brush is a cleaning utensil. A knife is a cutting utensil. All of these objects can be held in your hand and are used to get something done.

spatula (n) ('spæt∫ulə) (n1) a kitchen tool with a wide flat blade, used for spreading, mixing, or lifting soft substances. (bàn xẻng, dao bay, dao spatula) (dùng để trộn hay trang trí, nhất là trong nấu nướng và hội họa) (n2) (cây đè lưỡi) (BrE): a small instrument with a flat surface, used by doctors to hold your tongue down so that they can examine your throat.

forage for, forage around, through, among (v1) (tìm kiếm thức ăn): to go around searching for food or other supplies. FORAGE FOR 'People are being forced to forage for food and fuel'. 'In the summer, the goats forage freely (= in any place they want to go). 'Studies have helped make clear that hedgehogs are good for gardens, eating vast numbers of slugs and other pets as they forage in the vegetation, plants at night'. (v2) (tìm, lục lọi) = ferret around: to search for ST with your hands in a bag, drawer etc. FORAGE AROUND, THROUGH, AMONG 'She foraged around in her purse and produced her ticket' forage (v) (tìm kiếm thức ăn) to forage is to wander around looking for food. When it's cold and snowy outside, birds may forage for food in your backyard, digging around for whatever they can find. The verb forage often describes animals searching for food, but it can also be applied to people. In those circumstances it retains the slightly desperate sense of coming up with whatever is available. For example, if you want to cook dinner but have no time to go to the grocery store, you might forage your refrigerator and cabinets to find good substitutes for ingredients in your recipe.

spine, spinal column, backbone (xương sống)-> (a) SPINAL (spine, n1, xương sống) spine (n2) (gai): a stiff sharp point on an animal or plant -> (a) SPINY (đầy gai)

(nguyên liệu thay thế) substitute for SO/ST (người thay thế, vật thay thế). BE NO SUBSTITUTE FOR ST: used to emphasize that ST is not as good as another thing. 'Vitamin pills are no substitute for a healthy diet'. to find good substitutes for ingredients in your recipe mystery, mysterious (n) (điều bí ẩn) 'Twenty years after the event, his death REMAINS A MYSTERY'. 'The way her mind worked WAS always A MYSTERY TO him'. 'Why did he do it?' 'I don't know'. IT'S A COMPLETE MYSTERY'. mysterious (a) (huyền bí, bí ẩn) 'The police are investigating the mysterious deaths of children at the hospital'. 'There's something mysterious going on'. (đang xảy ra, diễn ra)

spine, spiny, cactus spines (n1) (xương sống) (n2) (gai): a stiff sharp point on an animal or plant

saliva = spit, the liquid that is produced naturally in your mouth gland, the pituitary gland an organ of the body which produces a substance that the body needs, such as hormones, sweat (mồ hôi), or saliva. PITUITARY, PITUITARY GLAND (tuyến yên): the small organ at the base of your brain which produces hormones that control the growth and development of your body. the pituitary gland (tuyến yên): the master gland of the endocrine system; located at the base of the brain trace, find (v1): (tìm kiếm, lần theo dấu vết, ahihi) to find SO or ST that has disappeared by searching for them carefully. 'She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter'. 'Police are trying to trace a young woman who was seen near the accident'. (v2) (origins) (truy nguyên nguồn gốc): to find the origins of when ST began or where it came from. TRACE ST (BACK) TO ST 'They've traced their ancestry to Scotland'. lineage (n) (formal) (dòng dõi) the way in which members of a family are DESCENDED from other members. 'a family of ancient lineage'.

spiny sea urchins, hedgehog (nhím biển) hedgehog (nhím)

F. Can you name five types of vegetable? ('vedʒtəbl) eggplant ('egplɑ:nt) = aubergine ('oubədʒi:n): a large vegetable with smooth PURPLE SKIN. broccoli ('brɒkəli) (bông cải xanh): a green vegetable that has short branch-like stems. courgette (kɔ:'ʒet) = zucchini (zu'ki:ni) (bí ngòi, bí xanh, bí nhật). carrot ('kærət): a long pointed orange vegetable that grows under the ground. cauliflower ('kɔliflauə) (cải hoa, súp-lơ): a vegetable with green leaves around a firm white centre. pea (pi:) 'roast chicken with peas and carrots'. (roast, rəust, quay, nướng trong lò). pumpkin ('pʌmpkin) (bí đỏ) potato (pə'teitəu) a round white vegetable with a brown, red, or pale (peil) yellow skin, that grows under the ground. tomato (tə'mɑ:təu): a round soft red fruit eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable. cabbage ('kæbidʒ) (bải bắp): a large round vegetable with thick green or purple leaves.

stalk (stɔ:k) = stem (stem) (n) (thực vật học, thân cây, cuống hoa): a long narrow part of a plant that supports leaves, fruits, or flowers. (trunk gốc > branch, cành > stalk, cành > twig, cành nhỏ) 'celery stalks' ('sələri, cần tây) twig (n) (cành cây con): a small very thin stem of wood that grows from a branch on a tree. celery: a vegetable with long pale (peil) green stems that you can eat cooked or uncooked.

stump (stʌmp) (v1) (đốn cây còn để gốc or đào hết gốc, ở 1 khủ đất): remove tree stumps from. 'to stump a field'. (đào cốc 1 cánh đồng :3) (v2)(AmE, đi diễn thuyết khắp nơi về chính trị, ect, để tranh cử, etc) to travel through a district and make political speeches. 'Alexander has been stumping in New York'. 'the candidate stumped the Northeast' (v3) (làm bí, quá khó đối với ai): cause to be perplexed (bối rối, lúng túng) or confounded (bối rối, lúng túng). "This problem stumped her" (v4) = stomp (đi gây tiếng động ầm ỷ, đi lộp cộp) = walk heavily STUMP UP, ALONG, ACROSS. 'He stumped down the hall'. (nó đi ầm ầm xuống hành lang). 'I'm the one stumped down the stair last night'. BE ON THE STUMP (thông tục) (đang đi diễn thuyết or cổ động về chính trị, trước đây thường đứng trên 1 gốc cây). UP A STUMP (thông tục) (ko thể nghĩ ra được, trong tình trạng khó xử). # STUMP UP (ST) (trả tiền, khi bạn ko muốn) 'We stumped up eight quid each'. (quid, kwid, one pound in money)

stump (stʌmp) (n1) (gốc cây) 'an old TREE STUMP' (n2) (chân răng). TRUNK (trʌηk) (n1) (gốc cây, của cây còn nguyên, khác với stump, cái gốc còn lại sau khi chặt cái cây, vd, gốc lúa) (n2, vòi voi)

DESERT DESSERT DESERTS desert ('dezət) (sa mạc): a large area of land where it is always very dry, and there is a lot of sand. 'the Sahara Desert'. 'This area of the country is mostly desert'. IN THE DESERT 'The plane crash-landed in the desert'. (hạ cánh vội vã trọng sa mạc). dessert (di'zə:t) (món ngọt, món tráng miệng): 'a pieapple dessert' (món dứa tráng miệng). desertS GET/ RECEIVE YOUR (JUTS) DESERTS: to be punished in a way that you deserve. 'Offenders should receive their just deserts'. (người phạm lỗi, người có tội) 'He'll get his just deserts'. (hắn sẽ phải nhận trừng phạt). 'be rewarded/ punished according to your deserts' (được thưởng/ phạt xứng đáng với những gì bạn đã làm).

thorn (θɔ:n) (n) (gai, trên cây): a sharp point that grows on the stem of a plant such as a rose. thornS (bụi gai): a bush or tree that has thorns.

environment, environmental agriculture, agricultural, agriculturally (không có động từ ) ecology, ecological, ecologically (không có động từ) evolution, evolutionary, evolve (không có trạng từ) (nhớ nha mập) (a1) (thuộc tiến hóa) relating to the way in which plants and animals develop and change gradually over a long period of time. 'the evolutionary development of birds'. 'Some scientists have rejected evolutionary theory'. (a2) (dần dần) 'He is in favour of gradual, evolutionary social change'. IN FAVOUR OF SO, ST (có thiện cảm với ai, cái gì) (ủng hộ ai, cái gì) IN FAVOUR OF SO, ST (có thiện cảm với ai, cái gì) (ủng hộ ai, cái gì) (support, approval): support, approval or agreement for ST such as a plant, idea, or system. 'Senior ministers spoke in favour of the proposal'. evolutionary theory (ko có trạng từ nha mập :3 :3) farming, agriculture (nuôi trồng, canh tác) farming methods (phương pháp nuôi trồng). farming tool (nông cụ). 'More than 75% of the land is used for agriculture'. 'This type of farming, agriculture has both advantages and disadvantages'.

vegetation, plants (formal) (thực vật, cây cối nói chung) = plants in general. 'Lefkas has an abundance of lush green vegetation'. (ở Lefkas có nhiều cây xanh um tùm, ahihi). vegetable, vegetative (n, rau) any of various herbaceous plants cultivated for an edible part such as the fruit or the root of the beet or the leaf of spinach or the seeds of bean plants or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower. - edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant. VEGETATIVE (a) (thuộc thực vật). relating to plants, and particularly to the way they grow or make new plants. VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION, PROPAGATION (sự nhân giống cây). A VEGETATIVE STATE (trạng thái thực vật): an condition in which SO cannot think or move because their bran has been damaged. "We don't know if he will talk. He might be in a vegetative state." (a2, vô vị). "a dull vegetative lifestyle"

intensive (v1) (tập trung, chuyên sâu): involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time. 'a one-week intensive course in English'. 'a day of intensive negotiations'. INTENSIVE FARMING, INTENSIVE AGRICULTURE (thâm canh): farming which produces a lot of food from a small area of land. ENERGY-INTENSIVE, KNOWLEGDE-INTENSIVE ETC: involving or needing a lot of energy, knowledge etc. 'a knowledge-intensive industry'. (công nghiệp tri thức, CN tập trung trí thức) Intensive describes things that are extreme, highly dramatic, or just plain thorough. An intensive chemistry course meets six days a week for five hours a day. If you're in intensive care, you're getting close medical scrutiny, 24/7. (tập trung, chuyên sâu) 'intensive study' (nghiên cứu chuyên sâu) sensitive (nhạy cảm)

venomous (có nọc độc, tiết ra nọc độc), enormous An animal that is venomous produces poison. Also, people act in a venomous way when they are cruel, evil, or deliberately harmful. Both senses of venomous have to do with poison. The first meaning is literal: if a venomous snake bites you, you could die. Venomous animals are extremely dangerous, and their bite requires immediate medical attention. For people, being venomous is a little different. Spreading lies is venomous. Stealing someone's significant other is venomous. Anytime someone is being destructive on purpose, it's venomous. For people, venomous means something close to villainous — being venomous is like spreading metaphorical poison.

gum, gum disease (bệnh nướu răng) (n1) (nướu): your gums are the two areas of firm pink flesh at the top and bottom of your mouth, in which your teeth are fixed. 'lower gum' (nướu dưới) 'upper gum' (nướu trên) (2) chewing gum. (n3) (BrE) (chất kết dính, chất keo) a type of glue used to stick light things such as paper together. defence, defense, defence mechanism (ce, BrE) (se, AmE) (cơ chế phòng thủ, cơ chế tự vệ): the act of protecting ST or SO from attack DEFENCE OF 'In Britain, the defence of the country has historically been left to the navy'. 'a firm commitment to the defense of human rights'. DEFENCE AGAINST 'The immune system is the body's defence against infection'.

veterinarian, vet (AmE) (BrE): someone who is trained to give medical care and treatment to sick animals.

astringent (əs'trindʒənt) (a1) (thuộc chất làm se lỗ chân lông) an astringent liquid is able to make your skin less oily or stop a wound from bleeding. (chảy máu) (blood, bleed, bli:d) (a2): criticizing someone very severely. -> astringent remarks (chỉ trích nặng nề). (a3) (có vị axit mạnh): having a sharp acid taste. astringent (n) (toner, chất làm se lỗ chân lông). You know that vinegar-like liquid teens put on their faces in order to tighten their pores and dry up their pimples ('pimpl, mụn nhọt)? That's astringent. An astringent personality, on the other hand, is perceived (đc hiểu) as bitter and perhaps even a bit toxic. (toner có 2 loại) 1. astringent (loại làm se lỗ chân lông, có alcohol) 2. freshener ('fre∫nə) (loại làm mát da, không có alcohol) 'air-freshener' (chất làm thơm phòng) 'There is a pimple on your chin'. (cằm).

vinegar ('vinigə) (n1) (giấm, nghĩa bóng, tính chanh chua, đánh đá, khó chịu). 'a vinegar tongue' (miệng lưỡi chua như giấm). 'a vinegar face' (bộ mặt khó chịu) vinegary ('vinigəri)(a) (vị giấm): tasting of vinegar.

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