Volume 3 Chapter 2

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The ECG shows you a regular rhythm at a rate of​ 40, no P waves are​ present, and the QRS complex width is 0.16 seconds. The​patient's blood pressure is​ 82/44. Which of the following would be most​ appropriate?

0.5 mg bolus of atropine sulfate

Looking at an ECG​ strip, you count 14 QRS complexes in two​ 3-second marks. Your estimate for the heart rate would​ be:


What is the standard speed for ECG paper to move across the stylus when printing out the​ patient's rhythm?

25​ mm/sec

When obtaining a 15 lead ECG on a​ patient, how many electrodes are placed on the​ patient's right​ thorax?


What is meant by aberrant​ conduction?

A single supraventricular beat conducted through the ventricles in a delayed manner

Which of the following blood values may be raised if the patient is suffering from congestive heart​ failure?


When acquiring a 12 lead ECG on a patient for a suspected ischemic​ episode, what lead tracing on the monitor is not interpreted for waveform​ changes?


The interval that begins at the QRS complex and ends at the apex of the T wave is which of the​ following?

Absolute refractory period

You are treating a patient with​ substernal, diffuse chest pain that radiates down his left arm. He is​ nauseated, has vomited​ twice, and his skin is​ pale, cool, and diaphoretic. His blood pressure is​ 118/60, pulse is​ 128, showing sinus tachycardia with 3 PVCs per​ minute, SpO2 on room air is 91 percent. Of the following​ choices, which is the best initial​ treatment?

Administer​ oxygen, titrated to attain a pulse oximetry above 94 percent

After​ 3-4 minutes of cardiac​ arrest, what physiological process continues in the​ heart?

Aerobic metabolism

During the assessment of a patient complaining of chest​ pain, when should the paramedic obtain the SAMPLE​ history?

After the primary assessment

Which of the following could cause a prolonged QT​ interval?

Antipsychotic medication administration

When looking at an​ ECG, the P wave is representative of​ what?

Atrial depolarization

Why should the paramedic transport an ROSC patient receiving induced therapeutic hypothermia protocol in the field to an ED that can maintain this​ therapy?

Because it has been shown that if the patient warms​ up, survival actually is worse than never starting ITH

A patient you are interviewing suddenly loses consciousness and no pulse is presentdash-ECG reveals ventricular fibrillation. What is your initial​ action?

Begin CPR​ immediately, and as soon as the defibrillation pads can be​ applied, charge the machine and defibrillate the patient

What procedure is utilized on a patient that has extensive myocardial disease​ and/or is not a candidate for percutaneous coronary interventions and has​ thrombocytopenia?


During your​ assessment, you have determined that the patient is likely suffering from deep venous thrombosis. Which of the following clinical signs is least likely to support this field​ impression?

Calf pain or tenderness

The ECG monitor shows the​ following: no​ rate, no​ rhythm, P waves that are regular in​ spacing, no QRS complexes. What would you call this​ rhythm?

Cardiac standstill

If your patient is suffering poor perfusion to the heart muscle that is drastically reducing the ability of the heart to pump​ blood, this can result in what kind of​ shock?


You are managing a patient with systemic​ hypotension, alterations in mental​ status, and poor peripheral perfusion. You have already assessed for and corrected disturbances pertaining to the heart​ rhythm, vascular​ volume, and vascular tone. What is the remaining reason for the​ hypotension?

Cardiogenic shock

Atropine works by antagonizing which of the​ following?

Cholinergic response

During what phase of a cardiac arrest event will the heart muscle become distressed due to a lack of oxygen in the myocardial​ cells?

Circulatory phase

Which of the following is not a cardiovascular cause of chest​ pain?


Successful defibrillation depends upon which of the​ following?

Decreased chest wall resistance to electricity

During the acquisition and interpretation of a 12 lead ECG on a patient with chest​ pain, you believe the patient may have left ventricular hypertrophy. What finding on the 12 lead may cause you to have that​ suspicion?

Deep S waves in V1 and V2 and tall R waves in V5 and V6

When evaluating an​ ECG, you note that in lead III the QRS complex duration is 0.16 seconds. What does this finding​ imply?

Delayed conduction through the ventricular conduction system

You observe an irregular rhythm on the ECG with a rate of 66 to​ 80, a normal PR​ interval, and a regular P wave for every QRS complex. The rate seems to vary with the​ patient's ventilations. What is your initial​ action?

Do nothing but observe the patient and transport

Which of the following patients would likely have the highest risk for developing cardiovascular​ disease?

Elderly male who​ smokes, is​ obese, and lives a sedentary lifestyle

Evidence of myocardial injury on a 12 lead ECG will produce an ST segment as which of the​ following?

Elevated above the​ baseline, equal to or greater than 1 mm

This mechanism is the result behind ectopic foci automatically​ depolarizing, producing ectopic​ (abnormal) beats on the ECG.

Enhanced automaticity

You are managing a patient found in cardiac arrest. Bystander CPR was initiated and the patient was shocked once with an AED. You have determined that the patient is still pulseless and apneic. While one partner is intubating and another is inserting an IO needle into the proximal​ tibia, what medication should you prepare for administration first via IV​ push?


A significant finding in the SAMPLE history that will contraindicate the administration of sublingual nitroglycerine to a patient experiencing myocardial chest pain is which of the​ following?

Erectile dysfunction medication use within 24 hours

During your treatment of a patient with cardiac type chest​ pain, you have provided​ oxygen, IV​ access, nitroglycerin​ x3, and morphine x1. The patient is now pain free and the 12 lead ECG changes have resolved. At a​ minimum, how often should you repeat your reassessment phase during​ transport?

Every 15 minutes

Which of the following factors that contributes to CVD is not the result of lifestyle​ choices?

Family genetics

Which of the following is a nonmodifiable risk factor for developing cardiovascular​ disease?

Family history

Which of the following is a complication of fibrinolytic reperfusion​ therapy?

Fatal hemorrhage

You are called for a​ 59-year-old female with chest pain. Her only medical history she tells you is that she was in the hospital once for an allergic reaction to Novocaine after dental surgery. Pulse is 90 and​ irregular, ventilations​ 20, blood pressure is​ 130/80. She takes no medications and her ECG shows sinus rhythm with​ numerous, multifocal PVCs. What is the most appropriate​ action?

High flow oxygen therapy

Which of the following is a modifiable risk factor for developing cardiovascular​ disease?


Which of the following risk factors has NOT been proven to increase the risk of cardiovascular​ disease?


In which of the following arrest situations should the paramedic withhold​ resuscitation?

If the arrested patient displays dependent lividity

During your assessment of a patient with​ CHF, what position should he be in prior to the paramedic evaluating for the presence or absence of​ JVD?

In a​ sitting-up position of about 45 degrees

You have just regained pulses on a cardiac arrest patient. As of right​ now, the heart rate is​ 38/min with sinus bradycardia showing on the monitor with multifocal​ PVCs, the patient is being ventilated at​ 10/min with oxygen via ET​ tube, and the palpable blood pressure is​ 68/palpation. Given these​ findings, what should the paramedic focus the next interventions​ on?

Increasing the heart rate

A term for describing permanently damaged myocardial tissue that will not heal and may cause the appearance of a pathological Q wave on a 12 lead ECG is which of the​ following?


The ECG shows a rhythm with​ regularly-irregular groups of QRS complexes. There are more P waves than QRSs and the PR intervals become progressively longer until a P wave is not followed by a QRS complex. Which of the following would you​ suspect?

Ischemia at the AV junction

Which of the following lead patterns showing evidence of myocardial ischemia in a patient with chest pain would be indicative of obtaining right precordial​ leads?

Leads​ II, III, and AVF

What​ area(s) of the heart​ is/are directly observed by the precordial leads on a 12 lead​ ECG?

Left ventricle and septum

A patient with a​ long-standing history of systemic hypertension would most likely produce which of the following waveforms on a 12 lead​ ECG?

Left ventricular hypertrophy

Where is lead V5 placed on a​ patient's chest?

Left​ thorax, fifth intercostal​ space, anterior axillary line

The majority of​ out-of-hospital deaths attributed to coronary artery disease are due to what sudden​ event?

Lethal cardiac rhythm disturbance

The ECG shows a regular rhythm at a rate of​ 30, QRS is 0.18​ seconds, and no P waves are present. Which of the following treatments is NOT​ appropriate?


Which of the following is a cause for artifact appearing on the​ ECG?

Loose​ electrodes/wires

Synchronized cardioversion delivers energy during which part of the cardiac​ cycle?

On the peak of an R wave

Which of the following risk factors are thought to increase the risk of cardiovascular​ disease?

Poor diet

Which of the following statements regarding a patient with ROSC is most​ accurate?

Postarrest care is almost as important as prearrest care.

The total duration of ventricular depolarization is known as​ the:

QT interval.

What is the therapeutic endpoint for reducing the blood pressure in a patient with a hypertensive emergency with a severely elevated blood pressure and evidence of​ end-organ dysfunction?

Reduce MAP by no more than 25 percent initially

What mechanism of abnormal impulse formation is responsible for sustaining rapid rhythms such as paroxysmal supraventricular​tachycardia?


During the management of a patient in PEA cardiac​ arrest, you have already intubated and ventilated the​ patient, you are performing ongoing​ compressions, and you have administered four doses of epinephrine and a fluid bolus. Prior to termination of the​ arrest, you elect to give 1​ mEq/kg of sodium bicarbonate.​ However, the IV was just pulled out accidentally by your partner prior to the bicarbonate administration. What should you do​ next?

Reestablish the IV or initiate an IO

Which of the following can be obtained from a​ single-lead ECG​ tracing?

Regularity of heartbeat

During the assessment of a 12 lead ECG on a patient with chest​ pain, what type of waveform change is the paramedic assessing for that indicates possible​ damage?

ST segment elevation

Your patient experiencing an MI has ST segment elevation in V1 and​ V2, with ST depression and T wave inversion in V5 and V6. Given​ this, what should be your first suspicion as to the ventricular wall​ injured?

Septal wall

What pacemaker site in the heart serves as the primary​ pacemaker?

Sinoatrial node

A phasic variation of the​ R-R interval that is related to the respiratory cycle and changes in intrathoracic pressure produces which of the following rhythms on the​ ECG?

Sinus arrhythmia

Your​ 19-year-old patient admits to drinking a six pack of Red​ Bull, two Monster​ drinks, and six Cokes in order to pull an​ all-nighter. Which of the following rhythms are you most likely to see on an​ ECG?

Sinus tachycardia with multiple PACs

If a patient with an acute coronary syndrome presents to​ EMS, and the ALS providers are able to resolve all pain through the use of nitrates and​ narcotics, why should this patient still be taken to a hospital capable of percutaneous coronary​ interventions?

So that the cause of the MI can be more permanently resolved within a very narrow and​ time-sensitive window of opportunity

What is the physiological action of​ dopamine?

Stimulates alpha and beta receptors

Your patient responds only to your voice. He is​ diaphoretic, pale, and​ cool, blood pressure is​ 80/50, ventilations​ 28, and pulse is 34. The ECG monitor shows a rhythm that has​ regular, but independent atrial and ventricular rhythms with no consistent PR interval and a QRS width of 0.14 seconds. Select the most appropriate treatment.

Supine​ position, IV,​ oxygen, externally pace at a rate greater than 60

You respond to a call for a male patient experiencing chest pain. He has an altered level of​ consciousness, blood pressure of​ 80/60, carotid pulse of​ 200, cold, diaphoretic​ skin, and the ECG shows ventricular tachycardia. What is your best treatment option for​ him?

Synchronized cardioversion

Cardiac arrest beyond what time period exceeds the metabolic phase of​ death?

Ten minutes

During the management of a patient found in cardiac arrest without a known​ downtime, which of the following factors should not be considered as either inclusionary or exclusionary criteria for terminating​ efforts?

The downtime before EMS arrival

You are transporting a patient with ECG changes and a clinical presentation consistent with an acute coronary event. Assuming that all of the following receiving facilities are roughly the same distance from your​ location, which receiving facility would you transport​ to?

The hospital with PCI capability

Which of the following best describes​ afterload?

The resistance against which the ventricle must contract

If a patient has a PR interval that is 7 mm​ (7 small​ boxes) in​ duration, what can be said about the overall​ ECG?

There is a conduction delay in the AV node.

In order for a paramedic to honor an advance directive presented to him at the side of a patient that has just​ arrested, whose signature MUST appear on the written​ document?

The​ patient's physician

Your patient is an​ 85-year-old male who is experiencing a septal wall AMI. Which of the following rhythms would you expect to see on the​ ECG?

Third degree heart block

You see ST segment elevation in leads​ II, III, and aVf. Why do you switch the precordial leads to the right side of the chest and take another 12​ lead?

To rule in or rule out a right ventricular AMI

Which of the following would be a reason to continue a cardiac​ resuscitation?

Transient return of a pulse

Which troponin isoform value is most specific for cardiac​ injury?

Troponin I

Which of the following ECG leads would best indicate the presence of a right ventricular myocardial​ infarction?


Which of the following vascular disorders would probably require the least amount of prehospital intervention by the​ paramedic?

Varicose veins

When looking at an​ ECG, the QRS complex is representative of​ what?

Ventricular depolarization

Which of the following rhythms has an indication for defibrillation as part of its​ treatment?

Ventricular fibrillation

Which of the following best describes the identification of left atrial enlargement on the 12 lead​ ECG?

Widened P wave of 2.5 mm

Your patient states​ "I...can't...breathe...it feels...like...I...am...suffocating!" Physical examination reveals​ cyanosis, diaphoresis, and bilateral rales in the lung bases. Patient has​ 2+ pitting edema bilaterally to the ankles as well as mild ascites. A productive cough is noted with​ pink-tinged sputum and​ pulses/movement are present in all four extremities. Which of the following conditions is most likely for this​ patient?

Worsening left heart failure

When the administration of epinephrine increases the heart​ rate, this is called a positive​ ________ effect.


A degenerative disease of connective tissue often associated with hypertension and aging is known​ as:

cystic medial necrosis.

The two major components of the cardiovascular system are​ the:

heart and peripheral blood vessels.

The three types of ECG leads are​ bipolar, augmented, and


The right semilunar​ valve, or pulmonic​ valve, connects the right ventricle to​ the:

pulmonary artery.

When the sinus node fails to discharge for a brief​ period, resulting in short periods of cardiac standstill that persists until pacemaker cells lower in the conduction system​ discharge, this is​ called:

sinus arrest.

When a coronary artery is blocked completely and the result is damage to the full thickness of the​ myocardium, this is known as a​______infarction.


Which of the following descriptors of pain is common in a patient suffering from chest pain secondary to a heart​ attack?


When implementing therapeutic hypothermia in an ROSC​ patient, what is the target temperature that is​ desired?

​32-34 degrees Celsius

Each​ year, approximately how many Americans die from complications due to heart​ disease?


According to current​ estimates, how many Americans have some form of cardiovascular​ disease?

​>60 million

Your patient is a​ 63-year-old male complaining of chest​ pain, stating his pain is an​ "8" on the​ 1-10 scale. His skin is cool and​ diaphoretic; he is confused and has a productive cough with​ pink-tinged sputum. ECG shows sinus tachycardia at a rate of 110 and his blood pressure is​ 74/40, ventilations are 24. What is the most appropriate pharmacological​ intervention?

​Dopamine, titrated to maintain blood pressure

The rhythm on your ECG shows a rate of​ 74, PR interval of 0.28​ seconds, QTC interval of 0.35​ seconds, and QRS width of 0.08 seconds. What is your best course of​ action?

​Observe, address, and treat any other chief complaints

The blood flow through a blood vessel is directly proportional to the fourth power of the​ vessel's radius. This is the definition​ of:

​Poiseuille's law.

Signs and symptoms of isolated right ventricular failure include which of the​ following?

​Tachycardia, JVD, hepatic congestion

The two superior chambers of the heart are the and they .

​atria, pump blood to the ventricles

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