Voyages of Columbus

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fast, light ship with maneuverable sails

Navigational inventions used by Columbus

magnetic compass, sextant, astrolabe


sturdier, slower ship with square sails

Columbus believed that he had landed here.

the East Indies

Columbus tried this new direction to get to Asia


Name 2 ways the Natives way of life was changed

1. forced to work on large farms growing sugar can and other crops for Spanish profits. 2. forced to follow Christian religion and give up their own beliefs.

Black pepper, cinnamon, saffron, curry, myrrh, frankincense

Expensive spices from Asia

What new food did people enjoy from America?

Corn, potatoes, tomatoes, cocoa, & beans

What did the Europeans bring to the Americas that was not good ?"

Diseases such as smallpox and measles to the American Indians.

How many voyages did Columbus make to the Americas?


What was the purpose of Columbus' 2nd expedition in 1493?

He took 17 ships with settlers, animals, supplies, whose purpose was to start a colony to make a profit for Spaiin.

What was Columbus searching for when he left Spain?

He was searching for a better way to reach the Indies(which were part of Asia rich in gold, spices, and other goods).

What animals did Europeans bring to the Western Hemisphere?

Horses, cattle, sheep & pigs

West Indies

Islands between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, extending from Florida in N. America to Venezuela in S. America.

Christopher Columbus

Italian born explorer who sailed to the Americas in 1492. He was the first European to establish lasting contact between Europe and the Americas.

King Ferdinand

KIng of Spain who agreed to finance Christopher Columbus' expedition to the Americas in 1492.

Columbian Exchange

Movement of people, animals, plants, diseases, and ways of life between the Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere following the voyages of Columbus.

What were the names of the 3 ships sailed by Columbus?

Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria

Genoa, Italy

Place where Columbus was born

Queen Isabella

Queen of Spain who agreed to finance Christopher Columbus's expedition to the Americas in 1492.

Motives for Columbus's voyages

Religion and Riches from spices, silk, etc.

Who were the native people discovered by Columbus whom he called "Indians?"


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