Wally English 9B Vocab

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(wk 6) milieu

(n) surroundings, especially of a social or culture nature

(wk 5) girth

(n) the measure around anything; circumference; (adj) having a circular shape

(wk 5) evade

(v) to escape from by trickery or cleverness

(wk 6) reminisce

(v) to recall pas experiences, events, etc

(wk 3) chronology

arrangement of events in time

(wk 6) controversey

disagreement, typically when prolonged, public, and heated.

(wk 1) overzealous

excessively enthusiastic

(wk 2) extrapolate

extend; predict on the basis of known data

(wk 2) nepotism

favoritism to relatives

(wk 4) dauntless


(wk 1) misgiving

feeling of doubt

(wk 6) incontrovertible


(wk 3) usurp

to seize and hold a position by force or without right

(wk 4) divergent

variant, moving apart

(wk 2) intravenous

within a vein

(wk 3) posterior

(adj) situated behind or at the rear of; hinder

(wk 4) aghast

(adj) struck with overwhelming shock or amazement; filled with sudden fright or horror

(wk 1) esoteric

(adj) understood or meant for only the select few that have special knowledge or interest

(wk 1) altruistic

(adj) unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the well-being of others; great lengths of generosity

(wk 5) malignant

(adj.) deadly, extremely harmful, evil; spiteful, malicious

(wk 4) candor

honesty, frankness

(wk 5) discord

lack of agreement or harmony

(wk 3) anachronism

something out of place in time

(wk 5) prelude

(n.) an introduction; that which comes before or leads off

(wk 4) impunity

freedom from punishment

(wk 5) benevolent

kindly, charitable

(wk 5) malevolent

spiteful, showing ill will

(wk 6) depreciate

to decrease in value

(wk 6) engender

to produce, cause, or bring about

(wk 6) deviate

to turn aside from a course; to stray

(wk 3) virulent

(adj) actively poisonous

(wk 3) posthumous

(adj) arising, occurring, or continuing after one's death

(wk 4) incessant

(adj) continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending

(wk 3) incredulous

(adj) disinclined or indisposed to believe; skeptical

(wk 1) egregious

(adj) extraordinary in some bad way; flagrant

(wk 2) gratuitous

(adj) given to someone for free; voluntary

(wk 3) tenacious

(adj) holding fast; keeping a firm hold of

(wk 3) taciturn

(adj) inclined to silence; reluctant to join a conversation

(wk 4) impertinent

(adj) intrusive actions; rude; uncivil

(wk 2) intramural

(adj) involving only students at the same school or college

(wk 3) tedious

(adj) marked by monotony; long and tiresome

(wk 4) irrelevant

(adj) not applicable

(wk 2) extraneous

(adj) not belonging to a thing; external; foreign

(wk 4) aloof

(adj) not friendly or forthcoming; distant

(wk 3) antediluvian

(adj) of or belonging to the period before the flood; very very old or old-fashioned or out of date

(wk 6) histrionic

(adj) overly dramatic in behavior or speech

(wk 6) dulcet

(adj) pleasant to the ear; melodious; soothing; sweet taste or smell

(wk 3) amenable

(adj) ready or willing to answer; open to influence, persuasion, or advice

(wk 6) arduous

(adj) requiring great exertion; laborious; difficult

(wk 1) eclectic

(adj) selecting or choosing from various sources

(wk 4) austere

(adj) severe in manner or appearance; strict; uncompromising

(wk 1) animosity

(n) a feeling of strong dislike or ill will

(wk 2) misnomer

(n) a misapplied or inappropriate name or designation

(wk 1) affinity

(n) a natural liking or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc.

(wk 4) connoisseur

(n) a person who is especially competent to pass critical judgements in a fine art

(wk 1) foreboding

(n) a prediction that doom or danger is near

(wk 1) enigma

(n) a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation

(wk 1) oversight

(n) an omission or error due to carelessness

(wk 1) forebear

(n) ancestors; forefathers

(wk 5) propulsive

(n) being caused to drive or cause to move

(wk 2) audacity

(n) boldness or daring, especially with no confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety

(wk 5) ambiance

(n) the mood, character, quality, tone, atmosphere, etc.

(wk 5) lassitude

(n) weariness of body or mind from strain; lack of energy

(wk 6) contraband

(n.) illegal traffic, smuggled goods; (adj.) illegal, prohibited

(wk 5) impede

(v) obstruct; cause delay or interruption

(wk 4) encroach

(v) to advance beyond proper, established, or usual limits

(wk 4) intervene

(v) to come between disputing people, groups, etc; to occur between two things

(wk 1) misconstrue

(v) to misunderstand the meaning of; take in a wrong sense.

(wk 4) lament

(v) to mourn; feel or express sorrow

(wk 3) galvanize

(v) to stimulate by or as if by an electric current

(wk 5) incite

(v) to stir, encourage or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action

(wk 2) emulate

(v) to try to be equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass

(wk 5) efface

(v) to wipe out; to do away with

(wk 5) discrepancy

a difference; a lack of agreement

(wk 2) conundrum

a difficult problem

(wk 5) benefactor

a good person who offers help or donates money

(wk 6) queue

a line of people or vehicles

(wk 2) interlude

a period of time between two events

(wk 3) antecedent

a thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another

(wk 1) foresight

ability to foresee future happenings; prudence in providing for the future

(wk 2) fortuitous

accidental, occurring by a happy chance

(wk 6) illusive

deceiving; based on illusion; causing illusion; deceptive

(wk 2) morose

having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable

(wk 2) dubious

hesitating or doubting

(wk 2) disingenuous


(wk 4) incongruous

not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something

(wk 6) decadent

overly luxurious and lacking moral discipline; excessive

(wk 4) erudite

scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic

(wk 6) degenerate

to break down; to deteriorate

(wk 3) sychronize

to cause to happen at the same time

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