W.C. Part 2 ME

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As the First Intifada came to an end in ___, the ____of the PLO agreed to finally _____ ___'s ___ to ___, and end _____. This began a period of _____ (the ______)) between the two sides, with a goal of establishing an ______ in the W_____,G____, and E_____ Hamas ____ peace talks and ____ a series of ____ against ____ and _____ In 1994, an _____ (the _____) was signed between Israel and the ___ (Hamas continued to ___ everything). It set up a timeline for ___, with a goal of completing a "_____" by 2000 or so. The _____ was created and put in charge of larger and larger parts of the _____ as the two sides continued to ____their goal. There were a number of ____ to ____e before a final peace treaty could be reached.

1988, exiled leaders , recognize Israel's right to exist and promised to end attacks against them, peace talks (the "Oslo Process", independent Palestinian State in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and (possibly) East Jerusalem. rejected. launched a series of suicide bombings against Israeli military and civilian targets. interim agreement ("The Oslo Accords"), PLO, reject, peace, Two State Solution, Palestinian Authority, future state, work toward , difficult obstacles to overcom

Yemen: Protests also broke out in January, 2011 against President ______ of _____, who took power when he ____ the country in ____ The protests were led by the small segment of Yemeni society that is ____ and ______e. The rest of the country hardly ____ the protests, as the various regions had been ____ in their own ___,___,___, in the ______ plots, etc. for years, leaving Yemen ____ and ___ Saleh _____in November, 2011, but nothing _____d in the country - ___ continued, the Yemeni people were still the ___ in the Middle East, and the country was still a largely ____. In 2015, the _____(funded by_____) rose up in ____ against what little ______ _____d and took over the ____ and _____. This led ____and a number of its allies to ____ the conflict on the side of _____s. Saudi ___ have killed thousands of civilians (they don't really pay too much attention to where the bombs fall...) and ___ against major cities and _____ of major ports have created one of the most _______ of the 21st century. millions face ____ and likely ___.

Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen, unified the country in 1990 , educated and - in any other country - would be upwardly mobile, noticed, embroiled in their own separatist movements, civil wars, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula plots , impoverished and bloody. stepped down, really change, fighting, poorest, failed state, Shi'ite Houthi rebels (likely funded by Iran), rebellion, government existe, capitol and surrounding territory, Saudi Arabia , enter the conflict on the side of Yemen's Sunni leaders, air strikes, sieges, blockades, acute humanitarian crises of the 21st Century - famine, starvation

The Syrian Civil War (2011-Today) President ______ the leader of ___ since his father's death in 2000,1 faced an uprising of his own in March, 2011, when protesters took to the ____ in the city of ____ and were immediately ____ by _____. Protests against the ____ of the ____n in Deraa spread to other cities, followed by more _____ by the ____. By the end of 2011, Syria had descended into ____ Unlike in ____, no ._____ was passed to pave the way for ____ ____ ____n - ___ and ____ promised to ___ anything that was _____ and the West was hesitant to ____ itself another ____r, especially one in a country as ____ as Syria, which is home to ___,___,___,___

Bashar al-Assad,Syria , took to the streets in the city of Deraa, attacked, security forces, brutality of the crackdown, violent reprisals by the government, civil war. , libya, uN. resolution, outside military intervention, Russia and China, veto, proposed, involve itself in another Arab war, diverse, Sunni Arabs, Kurds, Alawites (an offshoot of Shi'ism and the religion of the regime), Christians, etc.

Egypt: Tunisia's popular uprising inspired similar protests in ___ in late January, 2011 against its _____which had been led by President _____ since ___. After eighteen days of largely _______, (____e), Mubarak was ______ out of _____ on behalf of the _____ by opposing ____ within the ____ The Egyptian military moved swiftly to ____ the first ____and _____ in egyptian history. both of which were ____ by the _____ and its leading candidate, ____i. Morsi's presidency was ____however, as he concentrated more on _____r than addressing the key ____ and _____ that had sparked the ____ in the first place. Egyptians once again ____ to the ___ in ____ and Morsi was ____ from ___ in a ____whose leader, _____, took ___ of the ____ and won a _____(from which the ___ was barred from contesting g). Once in power, al-Sisi had ____ and hundreds of ______ ____ - most will likely die in prison. Unfortunately, Egypt is essentially ______ back _____ - under the control of a ____n, who has outlawed most ____ and rolled back _____

Egypt, military regime, Hosni Mubarak since the early 1980's, peaceful protests (punctuated by violent reprisals by the regime, which killed an estimated 900 people) , forced out of power, Egyptian people by opposing elements within the military. organize the first free and fair parliamentary and presidential elections in Egyptian history, dominated, Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamad Morsi, consolidating power, social and economic concerns, revolution took to the streets in the summer of 2014, forced from office in a military coup , Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, control of the country, subsequent election (from which the Muslim Brotherhood was barred from contesting, Morsi and hundreds of other Muslim Brotherhood members arrested, right back where it started, military strongman, opposition parties and rolled back political freedom.

Libya: Inspired by the initial success of the ____ uprising, the people of Libya ____ the streets of the countries two _____, ____ and ____ , in February, 2011 in protest against President ____i, who had been in power since leading a ____ against the ____ in 1969. Qaddafi, who had long since taken complete ___ over all ___r, including the ___, ____ against the people, plunging the country into ____ Soon after the fighting started, he publically ____ the ____ of ____ stating, "We are coming tonight. You will come out from inside. Prepare yourselves from tonight. We will find you in your closets...[opponents will be shown] "no mercy or compassion." When the fighting also threatened to sever _____ to ___e, the ____passed a ___ authorizing the use of ____ for the "___ of ___s" in Libya. The ____,____,____ used this resolution to justify providing ____ for ____s on the ground, and the _____y was eventually ___. Qaddafi himself was ____ by the ____and ___ on the spot in December, 2011. Unfortunately, Western ____ in _____was short-lived, and the competing ___ and _____s of the country, which could unite in ____ to ____but had little else in common, plunged the country into ____ that _____ _____. There is currently no _____ that rules of ____- it is a ____

Egyptian, stormed the streets of the country's two main cities, Tripoli and Benghazi, Muammar Qaddafi, coup against the monarchy, control over all levers of power, military, foughtback, civil war, threatened the opposition city of Benghazi oil supply lines to Europe, United Nations , resolution, force, protection of civilian, British, French, and Americans, air support for rebel fighter, Libyan military, defeated, captured, Libyan people , executed, interest in Libya , tribes and region, opposition to Qaddafi , continued fighting that continues today, functioning government that rules over all of Libya - it is essentially a failed state.

In 2007, ___ and the ____ fought each other for control over the _____ in a ____which ____ won. The Palestinian Arabs who live there are now stuck under _____and neither ___ or ____will let anyone escape. Every now and again Hamas will _______ from ____(via cheap missiles and / by sneaking across the border via tunnels and shooting up an army outpost or town) - when this happens, Israel responds by temporarily ____ and _____ and killing a ton of people, including ____ and ____ When they decide that Hamas has been punished enough, they'll ____, ____ the ____, and leave the ____ to ____ the ____ Both ____ and the leaders of the ____ in the West Bank and East Jerusalem still give lip-service to _____and a possible "_____-_______n," but no real ____ has been made in almost Twenty years. Israeli leaders have achieved ____ for the country without a ____ and have no real ____ in ____ it further. On the Palestinian Arab side, the leaders of the PLO have no ______ or any real ____ from the _____, and Hamas continues to _____ any attempts at peace. Everyone in the world - including a large majority of both ___ and ____s - would like to see the two sides in the conflict reach an agreement to _____ the _____ region and live ____ as neighbors. However, there are a number of ____ that have traditionally kept the two sides from reaching an agreement for a lasting peace.

Hamas, PLO, Gaza Strip in a civil war hamas, nasty authoritarian rule , Egypt nor Israel , attack Israel from Gaza , invading and bombing Gaza, civilians and Hamas fighters.withdraw, close the gate, and leave the Gazans to pick up thepieces. Israel and PLO, peace talks , Two-State Solutio, progress, security, peace agreement, interest in pursuing, bargaining power or any real support from the Palestinian Arab people, completely reject Israelis and Palestinian Arab, share the Palestine region and live peacefully, obstacles

___ has also gotten somewhat involved in the conflict - they worry that Assad's impending victory means that ____ and _____h (now battle hardened from years of fighting in Syria) will turn their sights on _______ next. Thus far, Israeli ____ have been few and far between, but ___ and ____ leaders have been sharpening their rhetoric over the last few months. As you have already learned, the Jewish people believe that the Palestine Region rightfully belongs to them - it was given by God to Abraham thousands of years ago as the "Promised Land" and is believed to be the birthright of all of his descendants. However, most Jews were kicked out of the region by the Romans in 70 CE. In the 600's, Arabs moved into the region, and made up a majority of its population for the next 1,300 years. In the 19th Century, however, the Zionist Movement began. Its goal was to move ____ back to the ____ and establish a ___. As Jews moved in, mostly from Europe (having purchased the land from Arab land-owners), Palestinian Arabs were _____ and ____

Israel, Iran and Hezbolla, Israeli territory next, airstrikes,Iranian and Israeli, Jews, Palestine Region and to establish a Jewish State there, forced off the land and displaced.

Israeli Settlements and Borders The borders of ___,___,___p were set at the end of the 1948 ___-____ ___r. The _____ and ____) became Jordanian territory, while the _____belonged to Egypt. The populations of the West Bank & the Gaza Strip were almost solely _____, and were not granted either ___ or _____. In the 1967 Six Days War, Israel captured boththe _____,_____ The ______ "occupied" the territories, which meant that the land, and its _____b inhabitants, fell under ____ but did not become part of _____ or ____ Since 1967, however, Israel has moved a growing number of its citizens into _____ in the ______. These were originally meant to be ______ (an early warning system against an Arab attack), but over the years the Settlements have become ____ for nearly ______s and are serviced by a _____ built across the ____ ____ that can only be used by _____.

Israel, the West Bank, & Gaza Strip, Arab-Israeli War, West Bank (along with East Jerusalem, Gaza Strip , Palestinian Arab, Jordanian or Egyptian citizenship. West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Israeli Defense Force (IDF), Palestinian Ara, IDF control, Israel (or Israeli citizens).Jewish "Settlements" in the West Bank, temporary military outposts, permanent neighborhoods for nearly 300,000 Israeli.road network built across the West Bank, Israeli citizens

Thousands of people on both sides have been killed by the other side over the years. Palestinian Arab militants have long attacked _____ through ____,___,____s. The IDF - whose primary mission is to ______ - has always responded to such attacks with ____ and ____, often killing innocent civilians while targeting ___,____ and ____Getting everyone to put aside ____ of _____ and calls for revenge is never easy. Most assessments focus on the role of "jihadist" ideology and "radicalization" in motivating these recruits. These tend to simplify and reduce the complex factors that affect the European Muslim communities, internally and externally. I have repeatedly and publicly condemned the heinous acts of ISIS, but, in order to defeat terrorism, it is imperative we understand the underlying factors motivating European Muslims who support it. The European Muslims setting off to fight usually belong to the second or third generation of immigrant communities from the Middle East or South Asia. These generations can be vulnerable because they are at the point of losing the culture of their ancestors and yet are not fully absorbed or accepted in the country in which they live, despite being citizens.

Israeli civilians, suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and cross-border raid, to keep Israelis safe, modern weapons and brutal force, militant leaders, fighters, and weapons stashes. decades of violence

Meanwhile, in neighboring Iraq, President ___ completed a long-planned ____ of ______in 2011, but did so without an ____ on any ______presence In our absence, the Shi'ite Arab Prime Minister, ____, broke most of the _____ he had made (under____) with the ___community and began to _____ them out of the ___ and ____, while also ____ a number of ______ In the midst of this crackdown, Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which had been_____ through the ____ effort of the ____/____ in ___ and the ______, came roaring back to life as the _______ in order to provide support for the increasingly ______. They were able to recruit widely from around the world by claiming to be (finally) ____ up an _____, and thus taking the fight directly to ____'s "_____"- and ____ one _____ after another.

Obama, withdrawal of the American military, agreement on any long-term U.S. military presence. Nouri al-Maliki, power-sharing agreements, U.S. pressure, Sunni Arab, squeeze, army and politics, reversing, economic agreements. defeated, cooperative effort of the different ethnic / religious groups in Iraq and the U.S. military, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), marginalized Sunni Arab population, setting up an Arab theocracy,Islamism's "Near Enemies" , winning, battlefield victory

The Arab Monarchies: The _____ monarchy in ____ faced an uprising led by its largely _____ starting in February, 2011. Protesters occupied the __ in the capital city of ___, demanding greater ____ and an end to ____ against the ____. The monarchy looked ready to ___ into heir ____ by the start of March, but after an "____" to meet with the ______ of _____ _____a, Bahraini King _____ instead ordered his _____(backed by ___ troops & guns) to put ____ the ____. Dozens were killed, thousands were arrested, and the uprising was ____ The other monarchies in the region also faced ____ (some larger than others), but either had the ____ from ____ to ____their subjects or - in the case of ___and____ - the ability to further ___ already partially-_____ in order to placate the people enough to get them to _____ without ____. Thus, outside of ___, no monarchies in the region faced any ____from their people.

Sunni Arab, Bahrain, Shi'ite population, Pearl Roundabout, Manama, political freedom and an end to discrimination against Shi'ites, give into their demands, invitation, King of Saudi Arabi, Hamad al-Khalifa , security forces, Saudi, down the rebellion, put down. protests, excess cash from oil exports,payoff, Morocco & Jordan, open, constitutional systems, constitutional systems, Bahrain, real threats

ISIS first took advantage of the Syrian civil war to set up a ____ of ____ in the city of ____ in northern __ and then captured a broad swath of territory in fighting against the ____,____,____. Then, in the summer of 2014, ISIS staged a successful ___ of _____, advancing through __territory with_____ (and more than a little cooperation...) and then _____ing the _____ _____ ____ in battles for a number of____ including____'s "_____ ____" of ____. At the peak of their advance, ISIS was only a few dozen miles ___ of the _____ cpaital of ____. As the summer of 2014 wore on, ISIS began to systematically target ___'s ____ ____ including ___,___,___. As the casualties mounted, Western powers - including the U.S., who had largely ____ on the ____ in ____, began to target ____ from the ___ and ___and ____ local troops on the __. Arab leaders from around the region also _____ the _____ of ____., and many agreed to stop ____ and instead join the ______against them. The ____ in ____ saw the most success against ISIS, while moderate ____rebels in Syria struggled to gain any ____ (at one point, we spent an estimated 500 million to create an "army" of fewer than ten fighters). Iran also provided increasing support to both the ___ and ____i governments, and helped to fund and organize _____ to fight against ____ and in support of the _____ The U.S. and its ____ allies (the ____ and ____s) also quietly armed and funded ____who were fighting against the ____ and its ____, and by the summer of 2015 it looked like Assad may be ____ to make ___ and ____

base of operations in the city of Raqqa, Syria, Assad regime, Syrian Kurds, and moderate Sunni Arab rebels, invasion of Iraq, Sunni territory, little resistance, defeating the poorly trained Iraqi army, major cities, including Iraq's "second city" of Mosul, outside of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. Iraq's minority groups, Kurds,Christians, and Yazidis, stood on the sidelines in Syria, ISIS, air, trained and armed, ground, feared the spread of ISIS, funding ISIS, U.S. coalition , Kurds in Iraq , Sunni Arab, ground, Syrian and Iraq, Shi'ite militias, ISIS, Assad regime. Sunni, Arabs and Turks, moderate rebels , Assad regime and its allies, beforced to make peace and step down from power.

In 2000, however, talks _____ and the ____ failed. The Palestinian Arabs responded by _____ again in the ____a," which was much more ___ than the first one back in 1987 - this time, over 1,000 Israelis were killed in ___ and other___ while over 3,000 Palestinian Arabs were killed in ______ ______ reprisals. By the time the fighting ended, neither side really wanted to _____ anymore. Israel gained a _____ between ____ and ____ through ____ by installing _____s throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in order to control ______ and then finally by ____ing them off _____ by building____ (aka big giant walls) around both territories. Israel _____ all of its troops from the _____ in _____ and left Gazans ____ and on their own, while the West Bank remains split between _____ control, a diminishing number of _____comtrolled areas, and an increasing number of ______.

broke down, Oslo Process, rising up again in the "Second Intifad, violent, suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks,Israeli military reprisals, talk to the other decisive upper hand between 2000 and 2005, military attacks,military checkpoint, Palestinian Arab movement,sealing them off completely by building security barriers withdrew, Gaza Strip in 2005, isolated, Israeli military control, a diminishing number of) Palestinian Arab-controlled areas, and in increasing number of Israeli settlements.

Tunisia: In December, 2010, a 26-year old "informal" fruit and vegetable peddler in Tunisia had his cart ____ by the police and was ____n when he resisted. These were the same police to whom he had long ______ in lieu of _____After they refused to return the cart - his only means of earning a living and supporting his family - Mohammed Bouazizi ____ himself on ____ in front of ___ His public self-immolation (and subsequent death from his injuries in January 2011) triggered ______ ____ across ____ led by other young people who had long since given up on the _______ of _____ and _____by Tunisia's _______ named _____Unlike Iran in 2009, protesters refused to -----, and Ben Ali was forced to _____ and ____on January 14, 2011. Tunisia has since had a series of ______, and seems well on its way to a (hopefully) _______ future, though ____ development has continued to be ____.

confiscated, badly beaten, paid bribes in lieu of purchasing a license from the government. set himself on fire in front of the police station in protest.mass protests across Tunisia,broken promises of economic development and political reform , military dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. be dispersed, forced to step down and flee the country , successful democratic elections, bright political future, although economic development has continued to be slow.

During World War I, the British created two ______s with the two groups - Arabs believe that the ____promised them ____, while the Jews believe the _____did the same for them. When the war ended, Britain ended up ______, which ____ both sides. Between the 1920's and 1940's, more and more Jews began to move to Palestine in order to escape _____ in Europe. This displaced more and more Palestinian Arabs, who eventually became very angry and ____ a ____ against the _____s and against ____. Jews and Arabs began to fight each other and both fought against the British. Unable to control the situation, Britain restricted ____ inton_____ e, thus sentencing countless people who could no longer escape Europe to almost certain death in the Nazi Holocaust. When World War II ended, the British gave Palestine to the _____ which decided to ____ the region into ___- one fore____one for____s. In May, 1948, the plan went into ____. The Jews _____and the modern state of Israel was founded. The Palestinian Arabs, on the other hand, ______ and hoped that an Arab ____of____would wipe it out and result in an ____ that incorporated _____ of -----e. When ____ won the war, the Palestinian Arabs were left without their own country - some became ____, many left and became ____ in ____countries, and countless others remained in the _____ (under ___ rule) or the ____ and ____ (under ____ rule)

conflicting agreement, McMahon-Hussein Agreement , Palestine, Balfour Declaration , keeping Palestine for itself, which angered both sides, increased persecution, launched a violent revolt against the Jews, British rule, restricted Jewish immigration into Palestine, United Nations,split the region into two states - one for the Jews and one for the Arab, effect, accepted it ,rejected partition, invasion of Israel , Arab State that incorporated all of Palestine, Israel, Israeli citizens, refugees in neighboring , Gaza Strip (under Egyptian rule) or the West Bank and East Jerusalem (under Jordanian rule).

A ___ was reached in the summer of 2015, in which Iran agreed to ____ its ____ for ten years in exchange for a gradual ___ of ____s. Instead of concentrating on ____ the _____ however, Rouhani and the ___ used the breathing room supplied by ____to become increasingly ____ in the _____ and other conflicts in the region that pit ___ - backed by ___ - against ____, who are often backed in part by its chief rival, ____ In the winter of 2017-18, the Iranian people returned to the ____ to ____ against their _____ (and a growing number of women against the ___,___,___ placed on them by the regime). Protests once again _____ in the short-run, but if the ____ continues to ___, expect more anger to boil over.

deal, put its nuclear program on hold, roll-back of sanction, rebuilding the domestic economy,Ayatollahs,sanctions relief ,entangled in the Syrian civil war, Shi'ites, Iran, Sunnis, Saudi Arabia.streets to protest against their continued economic hardships, social, religious, and economic restrictions, fizzled out, economy, lag

In the absence of ____' involvement, various countries and organizations across the region ---- to either ____ or ____ ____. ___,___,___,___ backed Assad - the first three due to the regime's _____(and the ____ location of ____ for smuggling ___ from ___ to ____ in ____ and _____ in the west bank and gaza strip), while the Russians believed that Assad's leadership was ____ to their ____s: maintaining a ____(their only one in the Mediterranean) on Syria's coast and the ____ of billions of dollars in ------with the ____. Putin also seems to have ambitions in the _____(likely as a ___).), but he hasn't shown any great ability to organize anything quite yet. Assad's opponents ran the gamut of ____,____,_____s: Syrian Sunni Arabs demanding _____ (led by the _____y and backed by many _____ and ____y), regional Sunni extremists hoping to turn ____ into a ____ (backed - quietly - by some of the _____ and _____ that backed the ____), and Kurdish fighters, who hoped to _____ thheir _____ from the chaos between the ___and had longer-term dreams of carving out their _____ to create a ___ for the regions _____

ethnity, religious , politics Western powers, jumped in, help or oppose Assad, Iraq, Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia, Shi'ite / Alawite heritage (and the strategic location of Syria for smuggling weapons from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip), vital, national interest, naval base , survival, arms contracts , regime, wider Middle East (likely to act as a foil to the U.S, democracy, Free Syrian Arm, arab states and turkey, turn Syria into an Islamist theocracy, same Arab states and Turkey that backed the Free Syrian Army, protect their communities, Arabs , carving out their own territory to create a homeland for the region's Kurds.

Jerusalem The city of Jerusalem contains important ____ for ___,____ and _____all of which are located within about five minutes of each other in the "____" of Jerusalem, which is located in the eastern half of the city. When the ____ drew up its original partition plan, they hoped to turn Jerusalem into an ____, which would be run by the ___. and remain ___ to everyone. In the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, ____ captured the ____ of the city and ____ capture the ____ half.In the 1967 Six Days War, Israel ____ the ____ and "___" it, making Jerusalem a ______ and officially a part of ____. Today, Israel considers Jerusalem to be its ____. Palestinian Arabs make up a ____ of people who live in ____ (none of whom were granted ____p in 1967), and they want that part of the city to be the ____ of a ____ Israel considers this demand to be ____, and will not give up half the city to the ____, especially when the "Arab half" contains the ________ , including ____ and ____ For many years after the 1967 war, there was an ____, but relatively steady ____ between Arabs and Israelis - Muslims would worship on top of the _____(the _____ to islam)while Jewish worshipers would ____ at the ____. However, this truce has been ____ in the past, and is currently being ___ to its____

holy sites for Judaism, Christianity, & Islam, Old City, United Nations, international city, U.N, open, Israel captured the western half of the city and Jordan captured the eastern half. captured the eastern half, annexed, unified city and officially a part of Israel. capital, majority of people who live in East Jerusalem, Israeli citizenship, capital of a Palestinian State, unacceptable, Arabs, major Jewish religious sites, including the Western Wall and Temple Mount. uneasy, truce, the old Temple Mount (the "Noble Sanctuary" to Islam), pray at the Western Wall, broken, stretched to its limits.

The Palestinian Arabs claim that the Settlements are an _____ by Israel, and every time a new settlement is built, Palestinian Arab families ___ their ___ and ___. They demand that ALL Israeli citizens ____ the ___ ____ and move back across the ______, known as ____ To compound matters, Israel has built a "_____" - a 20 foot tall concrete wall in many places - around and through the ____. In many places, the barrier is located to the east of major settlements, effectively putting them on the "Israeli" side of the barrier. Palestinian Arabs claim that the barrier is meant to ____ a new _____ to a ____l, while the Israelis counter that it is necessary to keep ____ out of israel. The Gaza Strip is a different story. Israel does not allow _____ in ____a, and the _____ its borders (there's a wall around it, too), but only enters the territory if a ____ is ordered. Palestinian Arabs are essentially _____ in ____, and are responsible for their own ___ and ____y. Life is very difficult for ___ - both __and __ have ___ in place, which are meant to keep ____ out and ____ in but often block ___,___,__,___ as well.

illegal land grab, lose their homes and farms, vacate the West Bank, back across the 1967 border, known as the "Green Line." security barrier, West Bank, create a new border to a larger Israe, keep Hamas suicide bombers out of Israel. Jewish Settlements in Gaza, military patrols, military attack, trapped in Gaza, well-being and securit, Gazans, Israel ,Egypt. blockades, weapons out and terrorists in,food, water, medicine, and building supplies as well.

Iran's nuclear ambitions led to the imposition of ______. These, combined with ____'s mismanagement of _____cost him ___ at home. In the 2009 presidential elections, popular support likely swung back to the ____ wing of _____s, but Ahmadinejad, backed by the ___, announced a comfortable ___ in ____s, claiming that nearly ____% of the vote had ___. The Iranian people, savvy users of social media, began to _____ against the ____- first asking for a recount and, when that was refused, demanding ____ change. At the height of the protests (known as the "_____"), over ____ Iranians were ____ in the streets of ____and countless others were _____ in ____ all over the ____ Unfortunately, the government ____ the ____ through the use of ____ and ____ presence, and the movement ____. Ahmadinejad was now free to ____ his _____, but did so in an ______ ______, as U.S. sanctions on ____'s_______rapidly became crushing _____ as we convinced more and more countries to help us ______ the _____ According to the Council on Foreign Relations: "International sanctions have taken a severe toll on the _____ In April 2015, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew estimated that Iran's economy was 15 to 20 percent ____ than it would have been had sanctions not been ratcheted up in 2012 and cost $160 billion in lost ___ revenue alone. In addition, more than $100 billion in Iranian assets is held in restricted accounts outside the country." Thus, in the long-run the hardliners ____ ____ ____t, and the Iranian people overwhelmingly voted for _____i in 2013 (and the Ayatollahs let the votes count this time!). Rouhani is an _____ and immediately signaled a willingness to ____ with ____ about ____.

increasingly harsh economic sanctions, Ahmadinejad's mismanagement of the economy,support,moderate wing of Iranian politics, Ayatollahs, victory in election,65,gone his way,protest against the election results , regime,Green Revolution,100,000, protesting in the streets of Tehran , doing the same in cities all across the country. regained the upper hand, armed gangs and a heavy police, ultimately failed. serve out his second term,increasingly desperate economic situation, Iran's nuclear program , global sanctions,isolate the regime.Iranian economy. smaller, oil, lost popular support, Hassan Rouhan, unabashed moderate,talk with the U.S. about halting Iran's nuclear program.

Between 1949 and 1967, some Palestinian Arabs formed _____(quest known is ____) in order to attack Israel. These attacks made life in Israel difficult, but did not _____ any ____. In the 1967 Six Days War, ____ defeated ___,___,___and captured the ___,___,_____, thus placing millions of Palestinian Arabs under _____. Between 1967 and 1982, the PLO and other militant groups ____ to _____ but again to little effect. In 1982, Israel ____ and _____ the _____ to ____. In 1987, a new militant group - ____ - was formed to ____ against ____. That same year, the Palestinian Arabs ____ up in ___ against_____ - this event was known as the ______a. ____ violently _____n the rebellion.

militant groups (the Palestinian Liberation Organization, or PLO, was the best-known), win back any territory, Israel defeated Egypt, Jordan, and Syria , Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, and the West BankIsraeli military occupation, continued to attack Israel, captured and exiled the PLO leadership to Tunisia, Hamas-form in response to plo traders and bc of exile-fight against Israel, rose up in rebellion against Israel's military occupation, First Intifad, Israel, put dow

Iran spent the 1980's and much of the 1990's in ____ and ____ - the ____ of the early 1980's had ____ any hope of ____ with the ____., and twenty years of ____ _____ ____ following the ____ of the 1970's ____ the ______'s _____. The people, who had ____ against the ____ hoping to find ___, had instead unwittingly____ his brutal ____ for the strict _________ leadership of the _____. However, after the death of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989, his replacement, ______built the government into a kind of ______ - _______had the final say on _____-______ of the country and had ____ over all _____who could ____ for ____ but the people were free to pick a _____ and members of the _____t (from that pre-approved slate of candidates). In the 1990's, this led to the election of ______, who tentatively ____ the country ______,____,___ leading many to believe that better days may lie ahead. However, when President Bush, in the aftermath of _____, named Iran as a member of his "_____" - nations that had rogue ______ and ____ to ____(this list also included ___ and ____) - and then invaded ___ (with less than subtle hints that, if things went well there, Iran might soon be next), the sentiment of the Iranian people swung rapidly to the _____, _____ wing of ____s, and they elected _____ an _____hardliner, as President in 2005. Ahmadinejad used _____, and the _____ wave of ____ sentiment in the region to become a _____in the Middle East, touring the world and sharing the country's new ______with ______ and _____ _____s. He also restarted a long-dormant push for _____ (we suspected ___), which sent a wave of panic through ____ and ____i societies.

political and economic isolation, hostage crisis, severed, improved ties with the U.S, record low oil prices,, windfall, strained the Islamic Republic's budget, risen up against the Shah,freedom, traded his brutal regime, strict Shi'ite Islamist leadership of the Ayatollahs. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , hybrid system, unelected religious leaders, long-term strategy of the country, veto power, political candidates, run for office, president, Iranian parliament, moderate, reformist leaders, opened up the country socially and (to a limited extent) politically, the 9/11 attacks, Axis of Evil, WMD programs/ambitions and ties to terrorist groups (iraq and nk), Iraq, nationalist, conservative wing of Iranian politics, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, anti-Western, increasing oil prices, post-invasion, antiAmerican, major influence,'petro-windfall, anti-American leaders and Shi'ite militant groups, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, Western and Israeli

Unfortunately, ____ success against Assad - and likely the lack of _____on the ground - led to direct _____. In September, 2015, Putin sent ___ and began to provide ____ for ____ army in ___. Officially, Putin stated that he was there to help____ battle ____; however, Russian jets and cruise missiles were used to hit as many ______ s as they did ____. With Russian help, ______ the _____ hand and retook substantial ____ of ____ decimating ___ and ___ civilians. Between Assad and ISIS, the death toll in ___ and __ was devastating - hundreds of thousands were killed and it is estimated that about one half of the ___ population has been ____. Millions fled the fighting and settled in ______s in ___,____,___. By 2015, those countries could no longer keep up with the ____ of _____e or ___ to provide ___,____,____s. This led many refugees to _____ the Middle East for ____ by hiring _____ to transport them across the ___ and ____Seas. Thousands ___ before they arrived (the boats used were often barely sea-worthy) and those who survived the voyage quickly overwhelmed the ____ of ____,___,___ and ____ Many refugees then headed north to try to reach ___,___,___ and even ____.Europeans ___ - they simply did not know what to do with_____ (who were largely Muslim and undocumented - two things Europe doesn't deal well with). Many countries began to ____ their ____ and put strict ___ on ___, while others tried to remain open but quickly reversed course when the flow proved to be ___ and too _____r. Eventually, a deal was worked out with ___, through which it received _____in exchange for not_____ This has largely stopped the ___ of ____, but the legacy of the refugee crisis has helped to ____ the ____ or left and right _____, who have found support from many in _____ by _____

rebel, American troops , Russian intervention, troops, air support, Assad's, Syria, Assad battle ISIS, moderate rebel stronghold, ISIS positions, Assad regained the upper hand, amounts of territoryrebel fighters,Syrian Syria, Iraq, Syrian, displaced, refugee camps, Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon, flow of people, afford, housing, food, and medical supplies, leave, Europe, human smugglers, Mediterranean and Aegean , drowned, resources of Greece, the Balkan states, and Italy. Austria, Germany, Scandinavia, and even as far as the U.K. , panicked, this many refugees, close their borders and put strict limits on newcomers, too expensive and too politically unpopular, Turkey, large amounts cash in exchange for not allowing any more people to cross into Europe.flow of people, fuel the rise of right and left-wing populist parties, Europe by opposing immigration.

Where Things Stand Today: Fighting against The U.S., Europe, Russia, Iran, most of the rest of the Arab World, the Assad regime, dozens of Syrian rebel groups, the Kurds, and the Turks proved to be ______ for ____in _____and ____, and those monsters have now ---- just about ____ of their ____y, including their former _______s of ____ and ____ They have been effectively wiped out in ___ and ____ With ____ and ____ help, the Assad regime is well on its way to ____ the _____.They are doing terrible things together to the _____ on the ground and from the air (including a U.S.- estimated _______ on ____), and no one is ____ anything to ____. It's only a matter of time until they ___ - the only question that remains is how many people ____before they've finished mopping everything up. The Kurds in ___ and ____, flush with lots of ___,___,___, have emerged as a ______and were a huge help in ______This has panicked ___, who has a large _____ in the southeastern corner of the country and worries that all of the ___ are going to gang up and ___ their own ____e, potentially taking parts of ___,___,__with it. In response, Turkey has _____ northern _____, and is pounding the ___ with the help of ___,___,___The U.S. is _____ but hasn't wanted to get too ___ - Turkey is part of NATO and we really don't want to trigger a _______ with _____a. Unfortunately, we really have no choice but to _____ the Kurds at this point.

too much for ISIS in Iraq , Syria, lost, all of their territor, strongholds of Mosul and Raqqa, Syria and Iraq.Russian and Iranian, winning the Syrian civil war, poor Syrian people, fifty chemical weapons attacks on mostly civilian targets, doing anything to stop them, win, will die Syria and Iraq, guns, money, and U.S. training, formidablefighting machine, defeating ISIS. Turkey, Kurdish minority, Kurds, demand their own state, Turkey, Syria, and Iraq , invaded northern Syria, Kurds, Assad, the Iranians, and the Russians. NOT HAPPY, involved, superpower war with Russia, abandon

The Israeli government considers the "Right of Return" to be absolutely ____ - most of the refugees' homes _____, and moving millions of Palestinian Arabs into Israel & granting them citizenship would ____ the country's _____, _____ the whole ____ for ____ The "Five Percent Problem" & The "Cycle of Violence" Large majorities on both sides would like to put their ____ aside, make a _____" and create two ____ in the ______n. However, both sides have _____ that _______ and are willing to do whatever it takes - including violence - to keep a _____ from _____. Peace talks in the 1990's led to the ______ of an _____by an extremist ____, and ___ and other _______ groupss have often responded to peace talks with ____ against ____ In both cases, the "_____" want all of the _____n for their respective people. Extremist Israelis believe that A ""_____" including ____, and _____, better matches the ____ of the _____ ____ of _____, while extremist Palestinian Arabs have never _____ ___'s ____ to ___t, and continue to demand all of Palestine for the ____.

unacceptable, no longer exist, erase the country's Jewish majority, negating its whole reason for being. their differences aside, make a peace agreement, and create two countries in the Palestine Region, vocal minorities that oppose peace, peace deal from happening, assassination of an Israeli Prime Minister , Israeli, Hamas and other Palestinian Arab terrorist group, suicide bombings against Israel. five percent", Palestine Region, Greater Israel" - including the West Bank and Gaza Strip - better matches the borders of the Biblical Kingdom of Israel, accepted Israel's right to exist, Arabs

Water As in much of the wider Middle East, water is a _____e resource in the ___ Region. Right now, Israel _____s the _____ in the area and sells a portion of that water to the _____. a peace deal would require a new ______t that would allow both sides to feel _____ in their ability to ____ their ___.. Palestinian Arab Refugees and the "Right of Return" After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, about 400,000 Palestinian Arabs _____or were ____of their homes that were located in what was now ___. They moved into _____ in ___,___,___,__. Their descendants, who now number in the millions, still ____ in those ____, and have never been ____ of the aforementioned countries. ____ leaders have always maintained that the refugees have a "____ of _____n," meaning that they - and their children and grandchildren - should be able to _____ to their ____ in what is now ____and gain _______

very scarce, Palestine, controls the primary water sources, Palestinian Arabs, water-sharing agreemen, confident in their ability to meet their needs voluntarily left , forced out , israel , refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, & Egypt, live in those refugee camps, made citizens, Palestinian Arab, Right of Return, move back to their old homes in what is now Israel & gain Israeli citizenship.

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