Week 6
Which of the following are guidelines for safe and effective PRE?
-Complete all lifts through the full range of motion. -Exercise that build muscle fitness of all muscle groups should be included. -Beginners should emphasize lighter weights.
Shortening of muscle
-Concentric contractions -lifting into a curl position
Soup cans
-Free weights -can be done at home -inexpensive -requires a relatively small amount of equipment -jugs of water -dumbbells -takes longer to work out if you only have one set of weights -potentially dangerous if you don't know proper form -some specific movements require the use of a spotter
Easy to use
-Resistance training machines -safe -easy and fast to use -form is not an issue -costly to own -may have to go to a fitness center -one size does not fit all
Which of the following are advantages of isotonic exercises?
-They challenge muscles through the full range of motion. -They can effectively mimic movements used in sports. -They enhance dynamic coordination.
Lengthening of muscle
-eccentric contractions -returning from a curl position -generally cause more muscle soreness than concentric contractions -lower the weights slowly for safety and muscle fitness (lower at least 2-5 times slower than it was lifted) -muscle fitness is gained during this phase
Holding a weight with a straight arm
-isometrics -can build both muscular strength and endurance -uses a small amount of space -Doesn't need a lot of equipment -Does require good motivation -Best for the apparently healhty
Dynamic exercise
-isotonics -movement at the joint -can involve either the lengthening or shortening of the muscle that is doing the work
The body adapts to resistance exercise in which of the following ways?
-with metabolic improvements -with structural improvements
Absolute isotonic strength
1 RM
Relative isotonic strength
1 RM / body weight
For each pound of muscle gained, a person can burn approximately _________ more calories per day.
35 to 50
To provide appropriate time for recovery, the ACSM recommends ________ hours of rest between muscle-fitness exercises.
The first set of PRE produces approximately ________ percent of the available gain.
A maximum performance for strength (e.g., number of pounds lifted one time), muscular endurance (e.g., number of times a specific weight can be lifted), or power (e.g., maximum distance in putting the the shot)
Absolute muscle fitness
Which of the following is TRUE of creatine?
All of these answers are correct. -It helps to maintain force production and delay fatigue. -The body produces it naturally from protein. -It improves performance primarily in athletes who are already highly trained.
Isotonic muscle contractions in which the muscle gets shorter as it contracts, such as when a joint is bent and two body parts move closer together
Concentric contractions
Detailed external appearance of a muscle
A muscle's ability to exert force that results in movement
Dynamic strength
Isometric strength
Dynamometer -grip strength
Most dramatic increases in strength occur during young adulthood.
Muscle fitness exercise builds unattractive bulky muscles in most women.
Slow-twitch fibers increase in size faster than other fibers with overload.
What is an advantage of circuit resistance training?
It builds cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance.
Which of the following statements about power is accurate?
It is now considered an important health-related fitness component.
Which of the following statements about resistance training is accurate?
Machine weights have advantages over free weights for high-performance strength training.
Adjusted for body weight
Relative strength -the amount of weight lifted relative to the body weight -weight lifted / body weight
Which of the following is true of machine weights?
There is less chance of injury than with free weights.
Fast-twitch fibers are important for anaerobic exercise.
Heredity largely determines the kind of muscle fibers you have.
Most men are stronger than most women.
Strength begins to decline after the late 30s.
Which fiber is most adaptable, depending on the type of training performed?
Type IIa
Which of the following statements about good muscle fitness is accurate?
With each pound of muscle gained, a person can burn 35 to 50 more calories per day.
Which of the following is the correct definition for sarcopenia?
age-related decline in muscle mass made worse by physical inactivity
Muscle group that contracts to cause movement during an isotonic exercise
agonist muscles
If a set of agonist muscles becomes stronger than the corresponding set of ______ muscles, the risk for injury increases.
Muscle group on the opposite side of the limb from the muscle group being contracted
antagonist muscles
Practicing self-________ can help you determine your muscle fitness strengths and weaknesses.
A competition in which participants are judged on the size and definition of their muscles is known as
Muscle power is considered a health-related component of fitness in part because of its connection to
bone health and other health factors.
Which of the following are important parts of isotonic exercises?
concentric contractions eccentric contractions
Which of the following can most improve posture and reduce the risk of back problems?
core muscle fitness
Isotonic muscular endurance
curl up -calisthenics -pushup -crunch
According to the principle of ______ returns, the first set of a progressive resistance training program yields more of the available gain than subsequent sets.
A muscle's ability to contract and relax repeatedly
dynamic muscular endurance
The lowering phase of a lift is often called
Isotonic muscle contractions in which the muscle gets longer as it contracts—that is, when a weight is gradually lowered and the contracting muscle gets longer as it gives up tension
eccentric contractions
For isotonic and isometric exercises, 1 repetition maximum (1RM) is a measure of muscular
Plyometics are most useful in developing
explosive strength.
In order to build large muscles, people do progressive resistance exercises designed to build ________ -twitch fibers.
Plyometric exercises begin with an active pre-stretch phase follow by a
fast, powerful contraction.
Increase in the size of muscles as a result of strength training; increase in bulk
The additional gain resulting from 3 days of muscle fitness training per week ________ the gain from just 2 days of training per week.
is relatively small compared with
Exercises that are performed on machines to keep the velocity of movement through the full range of motion are called
Type of muscle contraction in which the muscle remains the same length
Type of muscle contraction in which the muscle changes length, either shortening (concentrically) or lengthening (eccentrically)
long jump -vertical jump -explosive lifting
Which of the following is the best definition of a 1RM?
maximum amount of weight that can be lifted one time
The appropriate amount of resistance in your PRE program is based on a percentage of the
maximum amount of weight you can lift at one time.
In the early stages of a new training program, the main muscle adaptations are a result of
motor learning.
Muscular endurance, power, and strength
muscle fitness
Resistance exercise primarily enhances strength through
muscle hypertrophy of fast-twitch fibers.
A defining feature of isotonic exercises is that
muscle shortening and lengthening causes movement.
Ability to repeat
muscular endurance -ability to perform repeated muscular contractions -repeat a performance many times without fatigue
Which of the following are components of muscle fitness?
muscular endurance strength power
One benefit of isokinetic exercise is that it
offers equal resistance at all joint angles.
In order to determine the appropriate workload during muscle fitness training, the principle of ________ should be applied.
Which of the following principles is the basis for progressive resistance exercise?
Strength times speed
power -football -shotput -discus -explosive strength
In order to prevent injury while lifting,
progress slowly.
Physical activity done with the intent of improving muscle fitness.
progressive resistance exercise (PRE)
Muscular performance (strength, endurance, or power) adjusted for body size
relative muscle fitness
Which of the following are examples of plyometric exercises?
repetitive hopping medicine ball throws jumping rope
An age-related decline in muscle mass that is exacerbated with declines in physical activity
What self-management skill will most help those trying to develop muscle fitness to determine what weight to lift or how many repetitions they should do?
What are the three types of muscle tissue?
skeletal cardiac smooth
Which of the following types of muscle tissue can be controlled voluntarily?
skeletal muscle tissue
The FIT formula for each type of isotonic PRE most depends on the
specific program goal.
Isometric muscular endurance
static arm support
Ability to exert force
strength -ability to lift a heavy force
Muscle power is the combination of
strength and speed.
In powerlifting competitions, participants compete in which of the following lifts?
the bench press the dead lift the squat
Which of the following describes 1RM?
the maximum amount of resistance the person can move one time
Free weights are
the most commonly used equipment for resistance exercise.
In the double progressive system of muscle fitness training, which of the following are periodically adjusted?
the number of repetitions the resistance