WEEKS 5 & 6

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Mapping entities with multivalued attributes into relational database constructs

- double circle - multi valued attribute has another separate table with the primary key of the entity as the foreign key. - the column of the FK and the multi valued attribute form a composite primary key in this new relation

Primary key

column (or a set of columns) whose value is unique for each row. Each relation must have a primary key. The name of the primary key column is underlined in order to distinguish it from the other columns in the relation

Foreign key

column in a relation that refers to a primary key column in another (referred) relation. A mechanism that is used to depict relationships in the relational database model. For every occurrence of a foreign key, the relational schema contains a line pointing from the foreign key to the corresponding primary key

logical data warehouse modeling

creation of the data warehouse data model that is implementable by the DBMS software

Developing front end (BI) applications -

designing and creating applications for indirect use by the end-users. Front-end applications are included in most data warehousing systems and are often referred to as business intelligence (BI) applications. Front-end applications contain interfaces (such as forms and reports) accessible via a navigation mechanism (such as a menu)

Primary key constraint

each relation must have a primary key, which is a column (or a set of columns) whose value is unique for each row

Autonumber data type option

enables automatic generation of consecutive numeric data values in a column

Entity integrity constraint

in a relational table, no primary key column can have null (empty) values. A rule stating that no primary key column can be optional. Every RDBMS enforces this rule

operational data sources

include the databases and other data repositories which are used to support the organization's day-to-day operations. A data warehouse is created within an organization as a separate data store whose primary purpose is data analysis

Creation of relational schema straight from requirements

is not advisable requirements should be accompanied by the ER modeling and then followed by mapping the ER model into a subsequent relational schema

Relational database model

logical database model that represents a database as a collection of related tables. collection of related relations within which each relation has a unique name.


attribute / field

Mapping 1:1 relationships

1:1 relationships are mapped in the same way as 1:M relationships. One of the resulting relations will have a foreign key pointing to the primary key of another resulting relation. One of the mapped relations is chosen to have a foreign key referring to the primary key of the other mapped relation. In cases when there is no particular advantage in choosing which resulting relation will include a foreign key, the choice can be arbitrary. In other cases one choice can be more efficient than the other

Data mart

A data store based on the same principles as a data warehouse, but with a more limited scope

Retrieval of analytical information

A data warehouse is developed for the retrieval of analytical information, and it is not meant for direct data entry by the users. The only functionality available to the users of the data warehouse is retrieval. The data in the data warehouse is not subject to changes. The data in the data warehouse is referred to as non-volatile, static, or read-only

Detailed and/or summarized data

A data warehouse, depending on its purpose, may include detailed data or summary data or both. A data warehouse that contains the data at the finest level of detail is the most powerful

Data warehouse components

Source systems, Extraction-transformation-load (ETL) infrastructure, Data warehouse, Front-end applications

Creating ETL infrastructure

Creating necessary procedures and code for: Automatic extraction of relevant data from the operational data sources & Transformation of the extracted data, so that its quality is assured and its structure conforms to the structure of the modeled and implemented data warehouse. The seamless load of the transformed data into the data warehouse. Due to the amount of details that have to be considered, creating ETL infrastructure is often the most time and resource consuming part of the data warehouse development process

User defined constraints

Database constraints that are added by the database designer

Mapping derived attributes

Derived attributes are not mapped as a part of the relational schema. They are implemented as a part of the database front-end application

Granularity of the table

Describes what is depicted by one row in the table

Dependent data mart

Does not have its own source systems. The data comes from the data warehouse

relational schema

ER diagram. collection of relations.

Mapping entities with composite attributes into relations

Each component of a composite attribute is mapped as a column of a relation. The composite attribute itself does not appear in the mapped relation

Independent data mart

Stand-alone data mart, created in the same fashion as the data warehouse. Independent data mart has its own source systems and ETL infrastructure

Mapping multiple relationships between the same entities

Each relationship is mapped


relational table / table

Data warehouse use

the retrieval of the data in the data warehouse

Mapping entities with unique composite attributes into relations

An entity whose only unique attribute is a composite attribute is mapped as a relation with a composite primary key

Mapping associative entities

Associative entities are mapped into relational database constructs in the identical way as M:N relationships

Referential integrity constraint

In each row of a relation containing a foreign key, the value of the foreign key EITHER matches one of the values in the primary key column of the referred relation OR the value of the foreign key is null (empty). A rule that defines values that are valid for use in foreign keys. In a relational schema lines pointing from the foreign key to the corresponding primary key are referred to as referential integrity constraint lines

mapping entities into relations

Each regular entity becomes a relation Each regular attribute of a regular entity becomes a column of the newly created relation. If an entity has a single unique attribute, then that attribute becomes the primary key in the resulting mapped relation

Mapping M:N unary relationships

In addition to the relation representing the entity involved in a unary M:N relationship, another relation is created to represent the M:N relationship itself. This new relation has two foreign keys, both of them corresponding to the single primary key of the relation representing the entity involved in the unary M:N relationship. Each of the foreign keys is used as a part of the composite primary key of the new relation

Mapping M:N relationships

In addition to the two relations representing the two entities involved in the M:N relationship, another relation is created to represent the M:N relationship itself. This new relation has two foreign keys, corresponding to the primary keys of the two relations representing the two entities involved in the M:N relationship. The two foreign keys form the composite primary key of the new relation

Source systems

In the context of data warehousing, source systems are operational databases and other operational data repositories (in other words, any sets of data used for operational purposes) that provide analytically useful information for the data warehouse's subjects of analysis. Every operational data store that is used as a source system for the data warehouse has two purposes: 1. The original operational purpose 2. As a source system for the data warehouse. Source systems can include external data sources

Indirect and Direct use

Indirect use (Via the front end (BI) applications) & Direct use (Via the DBMS, Via the OLAP (BI) tools)

Mapping 1:1 unary relationships

Mapped in the same way as 1:M unary relationships

Mapping entities with candidate keys (multiple unique attributes) into relations

One of the candidate keys is chosen by the database designer as the primary key during the mapping process. Other candidate keys are mapped as non-primary key columns

Mapping entities with optional attributes into relations

Optional attribute of an entity is mapped as an optional column

Steps in the development of a DW

Requirements collection, definition, and visualization - results in the requirements specifying the desired capabilities and functionalities of the future data warehouse. The requirements are based on the analytical needs that can be met by the data in the internal data source systems and available external data sources. The requirements are collected through interviewing various stakeholders of the data warehouse. In addition to interviews, additional methods for eliciting requirements from the stakeholders can be used

Mapping ternary relationships

Ternary relationships are used as many-to-many-to-many relationships. A new relation is created with foreign keys from the participating entities forming a composite primary key of the new relation - in a new table, 3 FKs of the 3 table's PKs

Requirements collection, definition, and visualization

The collected requirements should be clearly defined and stated in a written document, and then visualized as a conceptual data model


The data warehouse integrates the analytically useful data from the various operational databases (and possibly other sources). Integration refers to this process of bringing the data from multiple data sources into a singular data warehouse.

Structured repository

The data warehouse is a database containing analytically useful information. Any database is a structured repository with its structure represented in its metadata

Data Warehouse

The data warehouse is sometimes referred to as the target system, to indicate the fact that it is a destination for the data from the source systems. A typical data warehouse periodically retrieves selected analytically useful data from the operational data sources

Implicit constraints

The implicit relational database model rules that a relational database must satisfy in order to be valid. Each relation in a relational schema must have a different name. Each row must be unique, Domain constraint, In each row, each value in each column must be single valued, The order of columns is irrelevant, The order of rows is irrelevant, Primary key constraint, Entity integrity constraint, Referential integrity constraint

ETL infrastructure

The infrastructure that facilitates the retrieval of data from operational databases into the data warehouses. Extracting analytically useful data from the operational data sources. Transforming such data so that it conforms to the structure of the subject-oriented target data warehouse model (while ensuring the quality of the transformed data). Loading the transformed and quality assured data into the target data warehouse

Mapping 1:M unary relationships

The relation mapped from an entity involved in a 1:M unary relationship contains a foreign key that corresponds to its own primary key - its own PK is an FK in the same table. (ClientID (PK) is referred by ClientID (FK))

Mapping 1:M relationships

The relation mapped from the entity on the M side of the 1:M relationship has a foreign key that corresponds to the primary key of the relation mapped from the 1 side of the 1:M relationship.

Enterprise wide

The term enterprise-wide refers to the fact that the data warehouse provides an organization-wide view of the analytically useful information it contains


The term historical refers to the larger time horizon in the data warehouse than in the operational databases

Subject oriented

The term subject-oriented refers to the fundamental difference in the purpose of an operational database system and a data warehouse. An operational database system is developed in order to support a specific business operation. A data warehouse is developed to analyze specific business subject areas

Time variant

The term time variant refers to the fact that a data warehouse contains slices or snapshots of data from different periods of time across its time horizon. With the data slices, the user can create reports for various periods of time within the time horizon

Mapping unary relationships

Unary relationships in ER diagrams are mapped in the same way as binary relationships

Data warehouse frontend (BI) applications-

Used to provide access to the data warehouse for users who are engaging in indirect use

Business Rules

User defined constraints that specify restrictions on databases that are not a part of the standard notation for creating ER diagrams

Mapping weak entities

Weak entities are mapped in a same way as regular entities with one addition. The resulting relation has a composite primary key that is composed of the partial identifier and the foreign key corresponding to the primary key of the owner entity

in order for a table to be relational

Within one table, each column must have a unique name. Within one table, each row must be unique. All values in each column must be from the same (predefined) domain. Within each row, each value in each column must be single valued (one value from a predefined domain, within each row in each column).

Composite primary key

a primary key that is composed of multiple columns. Column names of a composite primary key are underlined, because combined together they form the primary key

Domain constraint

all values in each column must be from the same predefined domain

Data warehouse administration and maintenance

performing activities that support the data warehouse end user, including dealing with technical issues, such as: Providing security for the information contained in the data warehouse & Ensuring sufficient hard-drive space for the data warehouse content. Implementing the backup and recovery procedures

Designer created primary key

primary key column, not called for by the original requirements, added to a table by the database designer. Often used in conjunction with the autonumber data type option

Data warehouse deployment

releasing the data warehouse and its front-end (BI) applications for use by the end users

Relational database constraints

rules that a relational database has to satisfy in order to be valid

Data warehouse

separate analytical database. The performance of operational day-to-day tasks involving data use can be severely diminished if such tasks have to compete for computing resources with analytical queries. It is often impossible to structure a database which can be used in an efficient manner for both operational and analytical purposes. The data warehouse is a structured repository of integrated, subject-oriented, enterprise-wide, historical, and time-variant data. The purpose of the data warehouse is the retrieval of analytical information. A data warehouse can store detailed and/or summarized data.


table in a relational database. A table containing rows and columns . The main construct in the relational database model. Every relation is a table, not every table is a relation. Order of columns is irrelevant. Order of rows is irrelevant.

Analytical information

the information collected and used in support of analytical tasks. Analytical information is based on operational (transactional) information

Operational information (transactional information)

the information collected and used in support of day to day operational needs in businesses and other organizations


tuple / record

Creating the data warehouse

using a DBMS to implement the data warehouse data model as an actual data warehouse. Typically, data warehouses are implemented using a relational DBMS (RDBMS) software

Relational schema

visual depiction of the relational database model

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