Welding Principles and Applications 7th Chapter 2 Review Questions

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List five safety tips for safe extension cord use?

-Connect cord to tool into extension cord first -unplug extension cord from receptacle first -Extension cords should not come in contact with sharp objects & must be positioned appropriately -Check for loose or exposed wire & unusual heating -Use a knot to prevent accidental seperation

What fabric(s) are the best choice to wear as general work clothing in a welding shop?

-Dark color, thick, and tightly woven -100% wool -100% cotton

Name two types of respirators and describe how they work?

-Demand respirators are atmosphere-supplying respirators that admit breathing air to the face-piece only when a negative pressure is created inside the face-piece by inhalation -Positive pressure respirators are respirators in which the pressure inside the respiratory inlet covering exceeds the ambient air pressure outside the respirator

What special protective items can be worn to provide extra protection for a welders hands, arms, body, waist, legs, and feet?

-Hands- All leather, gauntlet-type gloves -Arms, body, chest- leather jackets & capes or full or half sleeves -Waist- Bib Aprons or full aprons -Legs, Feet- Leather Pants & spats

List 10 safety rules for the safe use of portable electric tools?

-Know the tool and ground when needed -Do not expose to water -Do not force a cutting tool to cut faster -Use the right tool for the right job -Wear eye and face protection -Secure your work with clamps -Disconnect from power source when not in use -Check to see keys or wrenches are removed -Avoid accidental starting -Be sure accessories and bits are attached securely

According to the Welding Safety Checklist in Figure 2-42, what are the factors necessary for a confined space hazard?

-Metal enclosure -Wetness -Restricted entry -Heavier than air gas -Welder inside or on workpiece

Name metal cutting machines used in the welding shop and what their advantages are?

-Shear, punches, cut-off machines, and band saws -Advantages are thermal cutting include little or no post-cutting cleanup, wide variety of metals can be cut, & the metal is not heated

Describe the ideal work shirt, pants, boots, and caps that should be worn in a welding shop?

-Shirts- long sleeved -Pants- must be long enough to cover the tops of the boots and must be without cuffs -Boots- must have high tops -Caps- should be thick

List and explain five ladder use safety rules?

-Tie ladder securely in place -Do not exceed the manufactures recommend maximum weight limit -Climb & descend the ladder cautiously - Never use ladders around live electrical wires -Wear well-fitted shoes or boots

List the four types of fire extinguishers and what type of material that is on fire they are used to extinguish?

-Type A fire Extinguisher- (green triangle)- combustible [solids wood, cloths, paper] -Type B fire Extinguisher- (red square) -combustible liquids [oils, paint, gas] Type C fire extinguisher- (blue circle)- combustible electrical's [fuse box, motors, welding machines] Type D extinguishers -(yellow star)- combustible metals [zinc, magnesium, titanium]

What types of information should be covered in a respirator training program?

-Welders are responsible for following the shops written respiratory protect policy -Proper respirator use -Maintenance schedules & respiratory selection -Regular program Evaluation

According to Table 2-1 what eye and/or face protection should be used for each of the following? 1. Acetylene Welding 2. Chipping 3. Electrical Arc Welding 4. Spot Welding

1. Welding Goggles (7,8,9) 2. Goggles, Spectacles, Chipping Goggles (1,2,4,5,6,7A,8A) 3. Welding Helmet (11, combination with 4,5,6 tinted lenses) 4. Goggles, Spectacles (Tinted lenses, for exposure add 10)

How close to the grinding stone face should the tool rest be adjusted?

1/16 in (2mm)

Under what conditions can natural ventilation be used?

10,000 cubic feet or more per welder or 16 feet and or higher ceilings

According to Table 2-2, what gauge wire size would be needed for a power tool that has a nameplate amperage of 9 and a cord length of 100ft?


Describe the three classification of burns?

1st degree- Surface of skin reddish, tender, & painful (no broken skin) 2nd degree- Surface of skin severely damaged, blisters & possible break in skin 3rd degree- Surface of skin & possibly tissue below skin appear white & charred

What emergency steps should be taken to treat burns?

1st degree- burn area under cold water or use cold water that compresses (No butter, No Grease) 2nd degree- burn area under cold water or use cold water that compresses. Any cold liquids you drink can be poured on burn (No ointments sprays, antiseptics, or home remedies) 3rd degree- Don't remove clothing. If victim on fire smother victim with blanket, rug, or jacket. Make sure victim is breathing. Cover with thick, sterile, non-fluffy dressings. Call ambulance. (No ice water or ice) (No ointments sprays, antiseptics, or home remedies)

How far away should highly combustible materials be from any welding or cutting?

35 feet or more away from any welding

What causes most electric shock in the welding industry?

Accidental contact with bare or poorly insulated conductors

Name two advantages of recycling scrap metal?

Are good for the environment and generate revenue for the for your welding shop

In what two ways can ultraviolet light burn the eyes?

Can injure either the white of the eye or the retina(back of eye)

What types of injuries can occur to the ears during welding?

Causes of pain and loss of hearing, hot sparks can drop in open ear causing burns

What types of protection are available to protect the ears during welding?

Earmuffs and earplugs

What is the name of the eye burn that can occur in a fraction of a second?

Flash Burn

What is the key to preventing accidents in a welding shop?

Following the safety rules, regulations and the procedures for the welding process.

What is GFCI?

Ground-Fault Circuit Interpreter- fast acting circuit breakers that shut of the power to an electrical circuit when detected of a small imbalance in circuits electrical flow

Who is ultimately responsible for the welder's safety?

I am

What should be done with a leaking cylinder if the leak cannot be stopped?

It be moved to a vacant lot or an open area, then pressure should be slowly releases after posting warning sign (Identified and reported to supplier)

Describe an acceptable storage area for a cylinder of fuel gas?

Located away from halls, stairways, & exits, and away from heat, radiators, furnaces and welding sparks. Stored separately by 20 ft or by a wall 5 ft high with at least 1/2 hour burning rate. (an area that unauthorized people cannot tamper)

List the things that should be inspected on a ladder?

Look for loose or damaged steps, rungs, rails, braces & safety feet. Check hardware is tight (hinges, locks, nuts, bolts, screws, & rivets). If Wood ladder check for Rot, wood decay & crack

Why is it important that acetylene cylinders not be stored horizontally?

May draw acetone out of the cylinder which lowers the flame temperature & can damage regulator or torch valve settings

Why must a mushroomed chisel or hammer be reground?

May result in chips flying off and causing injury

Who must be provided with material safety data sheets (MSDS's)?

Must be provided to anyone with the product or working in the area where products are in use

What can happen if too much power is being carried by a cable?

Over heat and break down the insulation rapidly

What can be done on the job site to reduce the danger of reflected light?

Painted in flat black colored or black paint if not weld curtains

List the materials that can give off dangerous fumes during welding and require forced ventilation?

Paints, coating, or plating or metals

List two types of grinders used by welders?

Pedestal Grinder & portable Grinder

Why is it important to seek medical treatment for eye burns?

Possible loss of eyesight and risk of infection

Why must equipment be turned off and unplugged before working on the electrical terminals?

Prevent electrocution

Why is it important to keep a welding area clean?

Prevent tripping and from injury

How must high-pressure gas cylinders be stored so they cannot accidentally be knocked over?

Secured with chain or other device and with a valve protection cap

When must forced ventilation be used?

Small shops or shops with large number of welders & or welding metals that give off dangerous fumes

Why must metal that has been used before be cleaned prior to welding?

Some contain lead-based painting

Why is it unsafe to carry butane lighters or matches in your pockets while welding?

They may catch fire or explode (1/4 stick of dynamite)

Why must eye protection be worn at all times in the welding shop?

To avoid debris and light reflection and excessive exposure to arc light

Which type of light is the most likely to cause burns? Why?

Ultraviolet causes 1 & 2 degree burns to eye or skin if welder is close to arc with higher current & quicker burn

List the three types of light that may be present during welding?

Ultraviolet, Infrared, & Visible

Describe how a person should safely lift a heavy object?

Weight of object should be distributed evenly between both hands, & your legs should be used to lift, not your back.

What is hot work?

When performing welding outside of shop

When is a fire watch needed?

When someone sounds the fire alarm and uses the fire extinguishers

Why is it important to have a planned maintenance program for tools and equipment?

Will aid in detecting potential problems such as leaking coolant, looses wires, poor grounds, frayed insulation, or split hoses (prevents breaking of equipment and injury)

What should you do if you have to leave a piece of hot metal unattended?

Write the word "Hot"

Why is it important to not weld when everything is wet?

You can get an electric shock & or eletricuted

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