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Why was Otto I the most effective ruler of Medieval Germany?

- he allied with the Church- he limited the nobles power with support of bishops and abbots- he dominated the Church in Germany

How did Gregory I increase the political power of the pope?

- under him the papacy became secular or worldly- he used Church revenues to raise armies, repair roads, and help the poor- he negotiated peace treaties such as the Lombards


A community of monks

Richard the Lion-Hearted

English king, leader of the Third Crusade, agreed to a truce with Saladin

Who were the occupants of a castle?

Lord, Lady, their family, knights and other men-at-arms, and the servants

Which invading peoples caused the most turmoil in Europe during the 800s?

Muslims and Magyars

In what ways were the lives of a noblewoman and a peasant woman the same? different?

Same: Both controlled by men.Different: Noblewoman would have lived in luxury and peasant woman would've shared one room with family and animals.


The effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain, lasting from the 1100s until 1492.

Solemn vows of nuns and monks

Would not be rich Chastity (no marriage or sex) Obedience (will of God)

What obligations did a peasant have to the lord of the manor?

had to pay tithehad to pay taxes (for grain and marriage)


holy war

What exchange took place between the lords and vassals under feudalism?

in exchange for military protection, the lord would grant land or a fief to a vassal

What was the significance of the pope's declaring Charlemagne emperor?

it is significant because it signaled the joining of Germanic power, the Church and the heritage of the Roman Empire

What were three social classes of the feudal system

king, wealthy landowners (nobles and bishops), knights, peasants


mounted horsemen who pledged to defend their lords' lands in exchange for fiefs


of the middle ages; of or relating to a mysterious, grotesque, and desolate style of fiction


person receiving a fief

What role did women play under feudalism?

powerless and thought of as inferior to men

How did the goals of the Crusades change over the years?

religious goals gave way to personal and economic gain


tax paid to the church


the buying and selling of church offices


the lords estate


the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code.

What was Galasisus' two sword theory?

there is the sword of religious and the sword of politics and that each should yield the other in their realm


women who lived in convents and devoted their lives to prayer

What were the three main causes of the need to reform the church?

1. many village priests married and had families which was against the church2. Bishops sold positions in the church (simony)3. Using lay investiture, kings appointed church bishops reformers believed church alone appoint bishops


A Germanic people who settled in the Roman province of Gaul.


A Roman Catholic tribunal for investigating and prosecuting charges of heresy - especially the one active in Spain during the 1400s.


A body of officials who perform religious services, such as priests, ministers or rabbis.

lay investiture

A ceremony in which kings and nobles appointed church officials


A medieval poet and musician who traveled from place to place, entertaining people with songs of courtly love

Middle Ages

Also known as the medieval period, the time between the collapse of the Roman Empire in the fifth century AD and the beginning of the Renaissance in the fourteenth century.


Brought Christianity to the Franks United the Franks In charge of royal estates

Urban II

Called First Crusade in 1095; appealed to Christians to mount military assault to free the Holy Land from the Muslims.


Concerned with worldly rather than spiritual matters-power involved in politics

what are three ways that civilization in western europe declined after the roman empire fell?

Disruption of trade, downfall of cities, population shifts

Explain Fedualism

Dominant social system in Medieval Europe which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while peasants were obliged to live on their Lords land. It was a combination of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished during the 9th and 15th centuries. It was a way of structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labor Political system in which nobles were granted the use of land that legally belonged to the king. In return, the nobles agreed to give their loyalty and military service to the king.

Explain the manorial system.

Economic system of self-sustaining feudal manors Economic and Social system of Medieval Europe. All legal and Economic power belonged to the Lord of the Manor, who was supported economically from his land

Which Crusade was the only successful one?

First Crusade

How was the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV resolved?

Gregory made Henry stay in the snow for 3 days before he ended his excommunication and truly nothing was solved and Henry was humiliated but still felt accomplished

How did Otto the Great make the crown stronger than the German nobles?

He formed an alliance with the Church that limited the nobles power

Explain the importance of Charlemagne

He unified Western Europe into the largest Empire since Rome. He spread Christianity by defeating Muslims in the south and east. Crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope. Encourage learning, starting using lower case letters, spacing between words, modern punctuation

What were some of the matters covered by Canon law

It covered matters such as marriage and religious practices.

How was the code chivalry like the idea of romantic love?

Knighthood and chivalry, acquired aim mystique that combined aristocratic qualities, Christian virtues, and courtly love of women.

What were two inventions from Asia that changed the technology of warfare in western Europe?

Leather saddles and stirrups changed the technology of warfare in Western Europe.The saddle kept the warrior firmly in place and the stirrups enables him to ride and handle heavier weapons. Who were the

What was the most important achievement of Pope Gregory I

Made papacy a secular power l, used church funds to raise armies, repair roads and help the po

What were some of the themes of medieval literature?

Many stories idealized castle life. They glorified knighthood and chivalry, tournaments and real battles. Songs and poems about a knights undying love for a lady were also very popular. Epic Poetry recounted a hero's deeds and adventures. Example THE SONG OF ROLAND

What was the outcome of the Battle of Tours?

Martel defeated the Muslims in Spain in 732 (if the Muslims would have won, western Europe could have become part of the Muslim Empire)

What groups invaded Europe in the 800s?

Muslims, Magyars, and Vikings

What role did monasteries play during this time of Chaos?

The became Europe's best educated communities. Monks opened schools, maintained libraries, and copied books.

canon law

The body of laws governing the religious practices of a Christian church

Describe the role of the church in medieval society

The church played a very important role in medieval society. Possessing religious and moral authority, she promoted the idea of the divine origin of royal power and encouraged people to be humble and submissive. Church parish was one of the most important forms of organization of social intercourse of people. Most people in medieval Europe believed in God and an afterlife, the idea that the soul lives on after the body's death. The Church taught that people gained salvation, or entry into heaven and eternal life, by following the Church's teachings and living a moral life.

What were three roots of medieval culture in western europe?

The classical heritage of Rome, the customs of various Germanic tribes and the belief of the Roman Catholic Church were the three roots of medieval culture in Western Europe.


The leader of the Muslims in the third crusade and captured Jerusalem in 1187.

What duties did the lord of a manor and his serfs owe one another?

The lord provided the serfs with housing, farmland, and protection from bandits and in return the serfs tended the lord's lands, cared for his animals, and performed other tasks to maintain the estate What were the

Explain the political impact of Christianity

The shared beliefs in the teachings of the church bonded and unified people together. The church was a stable force during an era of constant warfar and political turmoil. it provided Christians with as sense of security and of belonging to a religious community.

How important of a role did knights play in the feudal system?

They helped protect cities or towns and had a civil duty to serve their King.

Explain the status of peasants within the feudal system

Under feudalism, peasants lived in a state of serfdom, a condition that essentially turned them into rural slaves. The rigid and cruel medieval system of law and order that accompanied feudalism succeeded as a tool for social control and largely prevented peasant resistance or rebellion. Serfs and Peasants raised and produced almost everything that they or their lord needed for daily life. They lived in crowded cottages close to their neighbors. Work and more work.

Carolingian Dynasty

a Frankish dynasty founded by Charlemagne's father that ruled from 751 to 987


a mock battle in which knights would compete against one another to display their fighting skills


a peasant bound to the lord's land

What were the stages in becoming a knight?

began as a page at 7, a squire at 14 and a knight at 21


land the lord exchanged for military protection


landowner that granted land in exchange for military protection

Explain the status of monarchs within the feudal system

medieval monarchs were also feudal lords. They were expected to keep order and to provide protection for their vassals. Most medieval monarchs believed in the divine right of kings, the idea that God had given them the right to rule. In reality, the power of monarchs varied greatly.


men who lived in monasteries


sacred rituals/practices of the church

What were common subjects of troubadours' songs?

the joys and sorrows of romantic love

Why did lay investiture cause a struggle between kings and popes?

they disagreed over who had the power to appoint church officials

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