WHAP Chapter 4: Religions

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Buddhism and Hinduism: Similarities

-Concept of Karma and Rebirth -Overcoming suffering through the negligence of material possessions and demands of the ego -Practice of Meditation -Release from cycle of rebirth and reincarnation


-Founded by Han Fei Origins: China during the Qin Dynasty ( Shihuangdi) 221-206 B.C.E. -Believed that the solution to China's disorder problem was a harsh set of laws and rules; generally believed that people were stupid and shorthanded meaning they needed instruction and discipline - Was soon discredited due to it's brutality after Qin dynasty and was superseded by Confucianism


Christian martyr (one who was killed for their beliefs) from Carthage. Educated and wealthy, she died being fed to leopards.

Daoism and Confucianism: Differences

Confucian: emphasized importance of education and earnest striving for moral improvement and good government. Daoist: ridiculed these efforts and claimed they were artificial and useless and generally made things worse. Confucian: focused on human relationships Daoist: Focused on individualistic and spontaneous behavior; realm of nature




Viewed as World's first university -Dedicated to Buddhist teachings -Said to have been visited by the Buddha himself


Virtues or Duty

Jesus of Nazereth

- Small rural town worker from lower class family -Founder of Christianity

Jesus and Buddha:Similarites

-Both considered wise and religious teachers -Never had an intention of founding a religion -Never claimed divine status -Challenged conventional values of their time an urged renunciation of wealth, emphasized importance of love and compassion, and preached basis of a moral life.

Ban Zhao

-Female writer in early China( wrote Lesson for Women) to depict the role of women in early China -Works called for greater attention to educate young girls not because of their equality to boys, but rather how they can better prepare to serve their husband -Education for boys was typically geared towards how to control one's wife.


-Founded by Confucius (aka Kong Fuzi) Origins: China Works: The Analects -Believed that solution to China's disorder problem was through moral leadership -Advocated for unequal relationships and superiors: Rulers to Subjects; Father to Son; Husband to Wife; Older brother- younger brother; friend to friend(known as the 5 relationships) - If those superior behaved and ruled with benevolence and we passionate, harmony would prevail -concept of ren: human-heartednesss, benevolence, goodness, and nobility of the heart.


-Founder: Laozi Origins: China - Works: Daodejing (The Way and it's Power) -Followed the concept of Dao- the way of nature( essentially governs all natural phenomena) -Belief that people should withdraw from the world of politics and social world and live with nature/ self sufficient communities with limited government intervention -Focused on individuaist and spontaneous behavior - Seen as complementing not competing with Confucian ideas(depicted through the ying-yang symbol) despite having many differences and similiarites -provided ideologies for peasant uprisings such as the Yellow Turban Rebellion -Unity in opposites, nothing is purely black nor white

Jesus and Buddha: Differences

-Jesus spoke on more political and social issues than that of the Buddha; talked about the poor and commoners -Jesus was from a rural town and working class family -Jesus followed a single deity from his Jewish roots and miracles he performed reflected God's power -Jesus public life was short- only about 3 years -Buddha was wealthy and from a ruling class family -Buddha ignored the supernatural, there were no miracles. --Taught a path of self-effort to end suffering -Buddha's public life lasted over 40 years

Mahayana Buddhism

-Means "Greater Vehicle" -Buddha became a god and seen as a diety -Transformed Buddhism into a proper religion of salvation -Elaborate descriptions of Supernatural beings; Heaven adn Hell -Bodhisattva- those who postponed entry to nirvana to help others reach it/ those suffering

Theravada Buddhism

-More philosophical than religious, early form of Buddhism -Buddha was seen more as an incredibly wise teacher rather a deity -Set of practices rather than beliefs -gods played little role yet existence was not denied -Monks and Nuns withdrew from society to seek Nirvana

Sacred Works of Hinduism

-Vedas- "wisdom" or "knowledge"; most ancient oral tradition(1500-500 B.C.E) earliest work of Hinduism- collection of poems, hymns, prayers, and rituals complied by Brahmins (priest) -Upanishads- works of religious teachings- sought to probe inner meaning of sacrifices prescribed in the Vedas. -Mahabharata and Ramayana- epic poems which helped revive Hinduism and make the path of liberation more inclusive -Bhagavad Gita- story of Arjuna, the warrior, and his charioteer, Lord Krishna

Daoism and Confucianism: Similarities

-Viewed family life as central to Chinese society

Buddhism and Hinduism: Differences

Buddhism: -rejected religious authority of Brahmins -ridiculed sacrifices and rituals as irrelevant to relieving ones suffering -NOT interested in abstract speculation or creation of the world which the Buddha claimed did not lead to peace or direct knowledge of Nirvana

Greek Rationalism

Emphasis on argument, logic, and relentless questioning -Founder: Socrates teacher of Plato -Socrates never wrote anything down but his lessons were recorded by his students Plato: The Republics Aristotle: Student of Plato and teacher to Alexander the Great (SPA(A))


Founder: Siddhartha Gautama(the Buddha, Skyamuri, Sage of Sakya People) -Prince in northern Indian state who left his home on a journey and became enlightened after seeing what the world truly was like Four sights: Old Age, Sickness, Death, and Begging Monk) Origins: India, yet decreased and spread to China instead -Dukkha- suffering and sorrow was essential and universal feature of human life -suffering stemmed from attachment to materialistic things for individual fulfillment and ego; cure was to live modestly to reach nirvana(enlightenment). Four Noble Truths: -suffering is universal -craving for transitory things is the root of suffering -Nirvana is the end of suffering and reincarnation - One must follow the Noble Eightfolds Path to reach Nirvana


Founder: The Hebrews -Belief in Yahweh - Relationship between Yahweh was a covenant/ contract (Ten Commandments) -Called themselves Jews, those who were devoted would be chosen by Yahweh as an elite "chosen" people. -Yahweh seen as loft, pure,and holy transcendent deity far above the world of nature -Communication to Yahweh through prayer, unlike earlier religions. -Transformed Yahweh into a God of justice and compassion for the poor from a war god


Founder: Zathazura Origins: Persia, Achaemenid dynasty -First seen monotheistic religion with the concept of good and evil seen (Ahumra Mazda [God] and Angra Mainyu[Devil]). -Notion of last judgement and eternal salvation/ concept of Heaven -Good always defeats evil -Arrival of a savior -Elements of this religion are seen and have influenced later religions such as Judaism which influenced Christianity and Islam.

Death of Buddha and Jesus

Jesus: -Became divine in the eyes of his followers -Became world religion -Spread gradually throughout Roman Empire to the lower class people then to rulers in order to control people. -Christianity became official religion in Roman Empire and Polytheism was banned by Theodosius -Developed a hierarchy in organization (bishops, priests etc.) Buddha: -Transformed into a God -Supported by some Indian rulers but never promoted faith over faith in India -Followers clashed over interpretations of teaching (Theravada and Mahayana)

Church of the East

Located in Syria(earlierst recorded Christian Church Buildings) and Persia Distinctive from Eastern Orthodox Church based in Constantinople which was Latin -Theological debate between church of the East and other forms of Christianity. -Emergence of the pope or dominant leader was accepted and expressed in the Western Churches yet resisted by those in the East -Basically different from Christian practices in the West

Saint Paul

Main reason for the spread of Christianity through his travels and message to gentiles(Non Jewish) that they could practice the religion and message of Jesus without following their laws.


No specific founder -Origins: India -Earliest work: Vedas -the name "Hinduism" derived from Greek and Persian visitors who referred to India as "Hindustan" -belief in the concept that one's atman must become one with Brahman, through Moksha, by living life of good Karma and performing ones Dharma so that through Samsara, they will be liberated.(concepts explained in quizlet)


One's actions which essentially will determine how they move on the caste system


Reincarnation/ Rebirth


the Individual Soul


the World Soul, The Final and Ultimate Reality

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