WHAP: Period 4 Cram Packet Study Guide

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The increase in interactions between newly connected hemispheres and intensification of connections within hemispheres expanded the spread and reform of exisitng (__________) and created (________) belief systems and practices.

religions syncretic

Competition over trade routes, state (______), and local (_________) all provided significant challenges to state consolidation and expansion.

rivalries resistance

After the Mongol rule of Russia, many free peasants fell into great debt and were forced to become (______) on large estates.


Famous noble families such as the Medici's had grown wealthy as (_______) (occupations), since (________) (country) was perfectly located for receiving goods from the Middle East and Asia. This lucrative trade with the Islamic and (_______) cultures allowed wealthy Italians to become financial supporters or (________) of painters, sculptors, and scientists

merchants Italy Byzantine patrons

The new global circulation of goods was facilitated by royal chartered European (___________) companies that took (___________) fromo (_________) colonies in the (_________) to purchase (_________) goods for the (________) markets. Regional markets continued to flourish in Afro-Eurasia by using commercial practices and new transoceanic shipping services developed by European merchants.

monopoly silver Spanish Americas Asian Atlantic

The Scientific Revolution began as scientists used empirical techniques, such as (_________) to challenge accepting notions about the structure and composition of the universe. Copernicus paved the way in 1543 when he put forth his (_________) theory of the universe, which contradicted (_________) (institution) teachings of an earth-centered universe. Building on this revolutionary finding, as well as works of others, the Italian scientist, (_________), constructed his own telescope in 1609 and used it to develop new theories about the universe. He was put on trial before the (_________) and forced to read and sign a confession in which his ideas were false, because it angered Catholic and Protestant leaders.

observation heliocentric Church Galileo Inquisition

Traditional (________) agriculture increased and changed, (_______) expanded, and demand for (______) increased. These changes both fed and responded to growing global demand for (____________) and finished products

peasant plantations labor raw materials

The social result of the conquest of this new empire was a multicultural and ethnically mixed population. The (________) were the highest social class, coming directly from the Iberian Peninsula, and their descendants born in the New World were the (__________) . The mix of Europeans and Native Americans were the (_________) , and the mix of Europeans and Africans were the mulattoes. At the bottom of the social order were the Native Americans, Africans, and a mixed class of (__________) .

peninsulares creoles mestizos zambos

The single-most important development was the (________) by Johann Guttenberg, which led to more copies of the Bible and other literature, which increased literacy in Europe.

printing press

The Tokugawa (______) was established in 1600 after years of civil wars. The shogun increased power over the (________) (warlords), insisting that they spend every other year at the capital (________) (now Tokyo).

Shogunate daimyos Edo

India's history of predominantly decentralized regional (_________) was interrupted during this time by the establishment of the (__________) They were descendants of (_________) nomads.

kingdoms Mughal Empire Turkic

Finally, as European military and naval technology outpaced theirs, they were unable to effectively compete for dominance. This empire was one of several examples of (________)-based empires during the early modern period.


It the context of the new (_______) circulation of goods, there was an intensification of all existing (________) trade networks that brought (________) and (__________) disruption to the (____________) and (__________) in the trading regions of the disruption of the (_________) Ocean, (___________), (_________), and overland (_________)

global regional prosperity economic merchants governments Indian Mediterranean Sahara Eurasia

Imperial expansion relied on the increased use of (_________), (_______), and (________) trade to establish large empires in both hemispheres.

gunpowder cannons armed

(________) the Great, the leader of the empire, created a religion called the Divine Faith in which he combined elements of (_______) (religion) and (__________) (religion).

Akbar Islam Hinduism

The inclusion of the (______) (AP region) in the global trade network set off the global diffusion of plants, food, crops, animals, humans, and diseases known as the (______). The most devastating effect of this diffusion was the spread of (_______) (disease) to the Americas, to which the native people had no immunity. The (________) Empire lost 95% of its population within a century and in this weakened state, was controlled by its (________) Food crops and animals revolutionized the world such as (_________) (list one) from Europe to the Americas. From the Americas to Africa, Asia, and Europe food and animals exchanged were (__________) (list one).

Americas Columbian Exchange smallpox Aztec Spanish wheat maize

The forced migration of 15 million Africans to the (_________) (AP Region) is one of the most significant outcomes of both the Age of Exploration and the Columbian Exchange (________) (coercive labor system) existed in Africa since the ancient times by tribes taking prisoners from neighboring tribes.

Americas Slavery

This led to the creation of the (_________) slave trade. By 1650, nearly 300,000 slaves were forced to labor on (__________) and in gold and (__________) mines. The (__________) trade was compromised of a network of trade routes that connected the Americas with Europe and Africa. The network carried a variety of traded goods, and operated mostly to the benefit of European powers. Many Amerindians converted to (_______) but blended it with their own religious traditions.

Atlantic plantations silver triangular Christianity

The Portuguese explored the west coast of Africa in the 1500s, establishing trade relations with various tribes, and after the secured a piece of the New World in (__________) (country), brought slaves from Africa for their newly established (___________).

Brazil plantations

Many enslaved Africans were converted to (_________) by the Europeans, but retained parts of their language and culture. A unique cultural synthesis occurred, as African music, dress, and mannerisms mixed with (_________) (nationality) and indigenous culture in the Americas.

Christianity Spanish

The new connections between the Eastern and Western hemispheres resulted in the (___________) Exchange


Perhaps the most significant event was the discovery of the Americas and the resultant (_________) Exchange of biological between the New and Old Worlds. New foods introduced to Europe from the Americas, had a huge impact on food production and population increases. In the Americas, entire landscapes were stripped to build (_________) that grew mostly cash crops. The introduction of (_________) (animal) to the Americas had a significant impact on some Amerindians as they left their farming to become nomads, following and hunting the plains' roaming buffalo herds. The most dramatic exchange was disease to which the natives of the Americas had not immunity, devastating their pollution. Climatically, the (_________) had a tremendous effect on movement, warfare, growing seasons, and crops due to the increasing and decreasing temperature changes. The idea that a nation's resources should be managed by the state, in places such as (_________) (choose one), began a continuity of future environmental management programs.

Columbian plantations horses Little Ice Age France

Rulers used a variety of methods to (___________) and consolidate their power.


The (_______) had brought Southern Europe into contact with Arab culture, and this stimulated an interest in other cultures and trade. Scholars were uncovering long-forgotten (________) and (_______) written works leading to an intellectual reorientation known as the (______) , or rebirth.

Crusades Roman Greek Renaissance

Europeans were expelled from Japan and foreign merchants were not allowed to trade in Japanese ports, only with the exception of the Chinese and the (________). (_______) (religion) made some important inroads in Japan by winning many converts, but the Japanese ended these missions and went as far as torturing and executing the missionaries who did not leave.

Dutch Christianity

The (_________) and (_______) (nationalities) quickly took Portugal's place as the dominant powers in exploration with their faster, cheaper, and more powerful ships. Additionally, they used (_______) companies, in which investors, rather than the crown or monarch of the country, funded expeditions.

English Dutch joint-stock

The (________) is known for its outpouring of intellectual and philosophical thought. Thinkers such as (_________) (choose one) put forth ideas about limited government and right for people. This new emphasis on free thought led to questioning/challenging of traditional authority in (_________) (think Persian categories) and society.

Enlightenment Locke government

As more slaves were brought to the coast, African societies changed. Many slaves were traded for (______), which increased conflict in Africa and contributed to an ongoing cycle for these products.


The capital city was renamed (____________) and the cathedral (_______) was converted to a mosque.

Istanbul Hagia Sophia

The (_____) emerged as a centralized state along the west coast of central Africa. In 1482, a small fleet of (______) (nationality) arrived and initiated commercial relations. They began a system of trade by exchanging (________) for (______). The kings converted to (_______), in an effort to improve commercial and diplomatic relations.

Kongo Portuguese slaves weapons Christianity

Perhaps the best example of a multifaceted man was (______), an artist, scientist, musician, architect, and engineer.

Leonardo da Vinci

The (______), a community of hunters, fisherman, and farmers from the land northeast of China, ousted the Ming dynasty and took over China. They later became known as the (_________). They made a conscious effort to mimic Chinese culture and included many aspects of Chinese government including the use of the (________) (philosophy) civil service exam system. Like the (_______), however, they wanted to preserve their own cultural identity so forbade marriage with (_________) as well as excluded them from learning the Manchurian language. They expanded territory into (________), Mongolia, (________), and Turkestan.

Manchu Qing dynasty Confucian Mongols Chinese Taiwan Tibet

Having power over kings and peasants, the most powerful institution of the day was the Catholic Church, which had grown large, wealthy, and corrupt. A German priest named (________) posted a list of issues the Church should address, known as the 95 Theses, which led to the (_______) Reformation.

Martin Luther Protestant

Although Portuguese conquistadors led the way in the conquest of the Americas, the Spanish were not far behind. New Spain, or current-day (___________) (country) and New Castile, or current-day (__________) was each governed by a (_________) who was responsible to the Spanish king.

Mexico Peru viceroy

The ocean journey from Africa to the new world was known as the (________), and consisted of four to six weeks trip below-deck in horrible conditions with a high death toll. For most African slaves, the end destinations were either Brazil or the sugar plantations in the (_________). The (______) trade that developed sent American products to Europe, from Europe manufactured goods were sent to Africa in exchange for slaves to the Americas.

Middle Passage Caribbean triangular

After hundreds of years under (________) tributary rule, Russia emerged as an empire of its own merit. Ivan the III, a grand prince of (__________) (city), established a strong central government ruled by an absolute monarch, the (_______) , who was also the head of the Russian (____________) After the reign of terror by Ivan the Terrible, the (_______) family came to power in 1613 ruling Russia for the next 300 years until the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Mongol Moscow czar Orthodox Church Romanov

The Indian Ocean continued to be a thriving trade route with non-European participants such as the (_______) (name one). As Europeans emerged into Indian Ocean trade, they received Asian goods such as (__________) (name one specific good).

Muslims pepper

Europeans needed to find a direct route to the Indian Ocean trade in order to cut out the Muslim middleman, especially following the (_________) Empires' conquest of the Byzantine Empire and the capture of (_________) (city) in 1453. The acquisition of technology from (_________) and the Muslim world helped the Europeans expand their seagoing capabilities with such things as the (_________) (name one). The early leader in exploration was (_________) (country), which established (_________) plantations on the islands in the (_________) Ocean off the coast of Africa. They used (_________) (achievement) for ocean voyages during the Age of European discovery. An important European explorer was (_________) (name one). These explorers helped European nations establish (_________) empires during the early modern period.

Ottoman Constantinople China sternpost rudder Portugal sugar Atlantic caravels Dias maritime

As the Mongols' power declined in the Middle East, the (_______) replaced them as the dominant influence in the region, through military might and (________) (achievement). An elite fighting force of slave troops made up of Christian boys called (__________) led the military powerhouse. In 1453, they captured (________) (city) and ended the long life of the Byzantine Empire. Under the leadership of (_________), such as Mehmed and Suleyman, a tightly centralized (_________) monarchy (type of rule) ruled the land.

Ottomans gunpowder janissaries Constantinople sultans absolute

Architecture often blended (________) and Hindu traditions by using Islamic domes, arches, and (_________) (architecture feature) along with traditional ornamentation. The most famous example of this architecture is the (_________) , which the emperor Shah Jahan built as a tomb for his late wife.

Persian minarets Taj Mahal

(_________) the Great was fascinated with Western technology and instituted a policy of forced and rapid (_______) . He was not interested in representative government, but instead reformed the (________) with professional soldiers and began to construct a (_________) to protect Russia's interests on the seas. His best symbol for "everything western" is the construction of the capital city [St.Petersburg].

Peter westernization military navy

(________), the most abundant American precious metal, was responsible for stimulating a truly global trade network. The two areas rich in this precious metal were (________) (AP region/country) and the (________) (city) mines in the Andes. The principle drive behind the Spanish economy to control the trade of this precious metal was the economic theory of (________), which was economic nationalism for the purpose of building a wealthy, powerful state to achieve a favorable balance of trade. (________) (person) coined this term to describe a system in which nation-states enrich themselves by restraining imports and encouraging exports. This idea contributed to rise of capitalism in later periods.

Silver Mexico Potosi mercantilism Adam Smith

In the 1400s, the West African state of (________) emerged to take power over the weakened Mali Empire. Its leader, (_____________), consolidated his empire by appointing governors to oversee the provinces, building a large (_______), and creating imperial navy to patrol the Niger River. The lucrative (________) (trade route) trade flowed through the city of (__________) which brought salt, textiles, and metal in exchange for (______) and (____________). All the emperors were (________) (religious group) who supported mosques, schools, and the Islamic university at Timbuktu (city).

Songhay Sunni Ali army trans-Saharan Gao gold slaves Muslim

Women wielded a lot of political power as members of the (_____); they were very close to the leaders and often of slave origin.


Remarkable new ransoceanic (__________________) occured in the period

maritime reconnaissance

As merchants' profits increased and governments collected mroe taxes, funding for the visual and performing (_____), even for popular (________), increased along with an expansion of (_______).

arts audiences literacy

Aurangzeb seized the throne with a neglectful and corrupt (_____) (type of government) and pushed to extend (_______) (religious group) control to the whole of India and rid India of all (_________) influences which led to many revolts.

bureaucracy Muslim Hindu

European technological developments in (_________) and (_________) built on previous knowledge developed in the classical, (____________), and Asian worlds, and included the production of new (________), (___________) in ship designs, and an improved understanding of global (________) and (__________) patterns-- all of which made (________) travel and trade possible.

cartography navigation Islamic tools innovation wind currents transoceanic

Plantation societies were located in the most tropical regions of the Americas, cultivating (_______) crops such as (_________) (list one).

cash tobacco

The early Spanish settlers brought with them the (_________) system (coercive labor system); which gave the Spanish the right to demand labor in the mines and fields of native people. On the (_________) , the native laborers were often abused. Many communities, however, were required to send groups of laborers to work on the state projects such as in (________) where an Inca tradition of rotating labor, called the (___________) (coercive labor) system was updated and utilized in the silver mines.

encomienda haciendas Peru mita

The (________) system (coerced labor system) was one in which Native Americans worked under brutal conditions. Harsh treatment, starvation, and disease resulted in a huge decline in the Amerindian or native (________), resulting in Spain to solve the labor shortage problem by importing enslaved (_______).

encomienda population Africans

As new social and political elites changed, they also restructured new (___________), racial, and (________) hierarchies.

ethnic gender

Another influential product of this time period was (________). The cultivation and production of this product required both intensive labor and specialized skills. Since disease had wiped out so many native peoples in the Americas, slaves from (_______) (continent) became the main source of coercive labor.

sugar Africa

Beginning in the 14th century, there was a decrease in mean (_________), often referred to as the (____________), around the world that lasted until the 19th century, contributing to changes in agricultural practices and the contraction of settlement in parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

temperature Little Ice Age

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