what is the difference between a new and used car?
what is a certified pre-owned car?
(cpo) is a type of used car that includes an extended warranty, special financing, and additional benefits.
what is APR?
APR-(Annual Percentage Rate) describes the interest rate for a whole year.
what is a negotiation?
a discussion aimed at reaching an agrerement.
what is the difference between a new and used car?
a new car starts off with 0 miles and has no accident records or etc. a used car has 40,000 or more miles on it.
what is a loan?
a thing that is borrowed, esp. a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.
what is MSRP?
the MSRP is the price the manfacture suggets that the car dealer should change for that car.
what is the dealer invoice?
the amount the dealer pays for a car or truck.
what is dealer commision?
the commission you earn on the vehicles you sell will typically be a part of your total wages.
what is the difference between asking price of a car and the base price of a car?
the dealer invoice is the price the manfacturing bills the dealer for the vehicles.
what is the difference between leasing or buying a car?
when you buy, you pay for the entire cost of a vehicle. when you lease, you pay only a portion of a vehicles cost.