Who is? ♣ APWH Unit 6 Tradition and Encounters Part 7 (Ch33-35 ex 36-39)

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Who is *Oswald Spengler*?

A retired schoolteacher who published "The Decline of the West," proposed that all societies pass through a life cycle of growth and decay. (Yeah exactly like Biology)

Who is *Joseph Stalin*?

He was known as a Russian nationalist, the "man of steel," and promoted the idea of socialism in one's country.

Who is *Karl Barth*?

He was one of the most notable Christian theologians who published "Epistle to the Romans," in which attacked the liberal Christian theology (belief that human improvement as the realization of God's purpose).

Who is *Inukai Tsuyoshi*?

He was the Prime Minister of Japan who was assassinated by right-wing (preserve traditions) assassins that targeted business and political leaders.

Who is *Franklin Delano Roosevelt*?

He was the U.S. president after WWII, guaranteed minimum wages, social security, and provide reforms called the *"New Deal"*

Who is *Puyi*?

He was the Xuantong Emperor who was forced to renounce the throne (still a child), because of a revolution in 1911. He was the last emperor of the Qing Empire.

Who is *Winston Churchill*?

He was the first lord of the Admiralty, suggested that an Allied strike against the Ottomans could hurt the Germans.

Who is *Albert Einstein*?

He was the first to show that it no longer made sense to speak of space and time as absolutes, suggesting science reached its limits. (Hint: He was better known for E=mc²)

Who is *Shanfei*? (Start of Ch 35)

She was a daughter of the Chinese gentry, guided by *tradition and privileges.* Her father later died, and mother ripped her bandages off her feet. She then became an activist away from traditions: joining communist youth, gave up her fiancé for the man she loved.

Who is *Arnold J. Toynbee*?

He was a historian who wrote a 12 volume classic: "A Study of History" and was inspired by the shock of war in England (yeah...I think he was a nerd...he probably won the spelling-*bee*)

Who is *Mohandas K. Gandhi*?

He was a leader of Indian Nationalism who studied law in London, spent 25 years in South Africa, and became a political and spiritual leader called the Mahatma ("Great Soul").

Who is *Gertrude Stein*? (Start of Ch 34)

He was an American writer who noted "You are all a lost generation," the dilution that characterized the US and Europe after the Great War.

Who is *John Reed*?

He was an US journalist who described the November Revolution as "ten days that shook the world."

Who is *Muhammad Ali Jinnah?*

He was brilliant lawyer who was in charge of the*Muslim League,* warned that the unification of India was a treat to the Muslim faith and the Indian community and proposed *Pakistan*.

Who is *Dr. Sun Yatsen*?

A leading opponent or of the old regime who proclaimed a Chinese republic in 1912, briefly assumed the office of president.

Who is *Sigmund Freud*?

He advanced in physics were in the development of psychology, experimented with dreams and created the theory of psychoanalysis.

Who is *Adolf Hitler*?

He consolidated power as a dictator of Germany who created the Nazi party, and the start of Anti-Semitism.

Who is *Alfred von Schlieffen*?

He developed a strategy that later became the basis for German's plan to avoid war on two fronts.

Who is *Mao Zedong*?

He emerged as leader and the principal of the Chinese communist movement and came up with a Chinese form of Marxist-Leninism.

Who is *Benito Mussolini*?

He established the "Fasci Italiani di Combattimento" (Italian Combat Veteran League), resulted from the use of violence against socialists by fascist squads known as Black shirts.

Who is *Vladimir Iliac Lenin*?

He lead of the Bolsheviks and in 1917 convinced the Central committee of Bolshevik parts to organized armed workers, soldiers, and sailors to storm Winter Palace.

Who is *Ibn Ali Hussain*?

He led the major contributor towards the independence from the Ottoman state in 1916, creating a unified Arab nation.

Who is *Werner Heisenberg*?

He published "About the Quantum-Theoretical Reinterpretation of Kinetic and Mechanical Relationships," which established the "uncertainty principle."

Who is *Gavrilo Princip*?

He was 19 when he shot a revolver on 28 June 1914 which ignited the greatest war in human history up to that date. (Archduke Ferdinand & Sophia died)

Who is *Bertrand Russell*?

He was a British philosopher who observed that the average Englishman wanted war.

Who is *Charles Richet*?

He was a French Nobel-winning physician who insisted that removing women from the workforce would solve the problem of male unemployment and increase the nation's low birthrates.

Who is *Alain-Fournier*?

He was a French author and soldier who noted *"this war is fine and just and great."* (In the capitals of Europe people danced in the streets when war was declared)

Who is *Edgar Degas*?

He was a French impressionist who studied visual angles, asymmetrical compositions, and encouraged Europeans to take liberties in paintings.

Who is *Niokolai Berdiaev*?

He was a Russian orthodox thinker who summed up these sentiments: "Man's *historical* experience had been one of *steady failure* and there are no grounds for supposing it will be ever anything else."

Who is *John Steinbeck*?

He was a U.S. writer who captured the official heartlessness and rising political anger inspired by the Great Depression.

Who is *Woodrow Wilson*?

He was a chief advocate of national self-determination, an American president, father of the League of Nations, and the author of the "Fourteenth Points."

Who is *Kaiser Wilhelm II*?

He was the last German Emperor and King of Prussia, ruling both the German Empire and Prussia (1888-1918).

Who is *Czar Nicholas II*?

He was the last emperor of Russia and ordered mobilization on 29 July 1914

Who is *Pablo Picasso*?

He was the leading proponent of cubism and displayed the influence of African art forms.

Who is * Vladimir Ilyich Lenin?*

He was the most influential Russian communist revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He pulled Russia out of the war, influenced a revolution in which he became a dictator of the working class, the Bolsheviks.

Who is *John Maynard Keynes*?

He was the most influential economist of the twentieth century. He wrote the solution of the Great Depression in his novel: "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money."

Who is *Paul von Hindenburg*?

He was the second German president who appointed Hitler chancellorship, in which Hitler promised an "empire that would endure a thousand years."

Who is *José Ortega y Gasset*?

He wrote the widely read essay "Revolt of Masses" which promoted anti-democracy and warn readers about the destruction of Western society.

Who is *Francis Ferdinand?* (Start of Ch 33)

His assassination on 28 June 1914 brought the tensions between the Austro-Hungarian empire and Serbia, leading to The Great War in 1914.

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