Psychology test 3

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Sally is focused on cleaning her home, which she does for three to four hours per day. In particular, the fringe on her rugs must be straight on both sides in all five rooms. This takes considerable time and she often repeats this 10 to 12 times per day in addition to her ritualistic cleaning. Her experience is MOST symptomatic of _____ disorder


What makes someone abnormal? a) none of these answers by itself b) they do not conform to our values or norms c) they have a strange expression on their face-" they look weird" d) they are feeling "blue"


Which form of self- injury is NOT one that is nonsuicidal? a) taking an overdose of prescription medication b) cutting or burning ones skin c) self-administered tattooing d) pulling out ones hair


Why do your sensory systems adapt after prolongs exposure to a constant stimulus? a) so that we detect potentially important changes in what's going on b) so that we don't become distracted by irrelevant changes in the environment c) so that we will continue to respond to ongoing stimulation d) so that we don't become overstimulated by the environment.


Your 7-month-old niece is just learning to crawl. Your sister has agreed to have her participate in an experiment that incorporates a visual cliff. What is most likely being studied in this experiment? a) depth perception b) proximity c) attachment d) binocular cues


_____ coping is to addressing work problems with a colleague as _____ coping is to talk to your hairstylist about all of the problems at work. a) problem-focused; emotion-focused b) avoidant; emotion-focused c) emotion-focused; problem-focused d) problem-focused; avoidant


_____ is the term used to describe the process by which we perceive and respond to events appraised as threatening or challenging a) stress reaction b) psychosomatism c) daily hassels d) stressor


______ and ______ are tow of the 10 basic emotions studied by Izard a) Joy; sadness b) pride; love c) love; surprise d) pride; fear


_______ usually has an external source_____ is often internal a) stress; anxiety b) anxiety; stress c) helplessness; dear d) defense; flight


In North America, young adults are _____ as likely as their grandparents to have suffered from depression. a) twice b) three times c) five times d) half


In one study of over 650,000 adults, walking 150 minutes per week predicted living ______ more years. a) 5 b) 7 c) 3 d) 2


Infant rats deprived of their mothers' grooming touch produce_______ growth hormone and have a ______ metabolic rate. a) more; higher b) less; lower c) more; lower d) less; higher


What is the most common mental health issue that college students deal with? a) schizophrenia b) stress/anxiety/depression c) bipolar disorder d) OCD


When Sanjay recognizes line segments and areas of light and dark on his friend's face at an airport gate, he is demonstrating: a) sensation b) perception c) adaption d) priming


When people suffer from _____ disorder, they often feel intense fear that something horrible is about to happen. These feelings last minutes and include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness. a) bipolar b) panic c) dissociative identity d) psychotic


When psychologist refer to the visible part of the light spectrum, they mean: a) ultraviolet rays, gamma rays, and radio waves b) the narrow range of wave lengths c) the visual field, including peripheral vision d) red, orange, and yellow light waves


Which choice accurately lists the components of emotions as they are described in the textbook? a) expressive behaviors and feeling b) bodily arousal, expressive behaviors, feelings, and conscious experience c) bodily arousal and expressive behaviors d) conscious experience and feelings


Which description of the expression of joy is accurate? a) nose wrinkled, upper lip raised, tongue pushed outward b) mouth forming smile, cheeks lifted twinkle in eye c) brows raised, eyes widened, mouth rounded in oval shape d) brows level, drawn in and up, eyelids lifted, mouth corners retracted


in recent years, the study of happiness has taken on increased importance with the rise of_______ psychology. a) clinical b) positive c) humanistic d) cognitive


perceiving remote events is to perceiving future events as _____ is to ______. a) clairvoyance; telepathy b) clairvoyance; precognition c) precognition; clairvoyance d) psychokinesis; precognition


The police brought Elaine to the emergency room after she was seen running down the street in her underwear yelling that she has the power. Elaine was also spending large amounts of money across town and was rude and reckless over the last five days. In the emergency room, Elaine would not be quiet long enough for the nurse to ask her questions. Elaine is MOST likely suffering from _____ disorder.


The_______ is the point at which the optic nerve leaves the eye.


A psychologist gets an e-mail referral from a prospective client whose name is Devon. Devon complains of stress, fatigue, and apathy. The psychologist asks if Devon is male or female. Why did the psychologist consider this important to know a) men are more likely to suffer form depression under these circumstances b) men are more likely to experience anger outbursts under these circumstances c) women are more likely to suffer from depression d) women are more likely to experience anxiety


A researcher subliminally flashes words that have either emotionally positive content (e.g., puppies, people embracing) or negative content (e.g., murder, accidents) immediately before showing them a picture of a house. Then, asked to rate the house in terms of attractiveness, the participants: a) show no difference in the ratings they gave to the houses b) give the houses that were viewed following negative content higher ratings c) give the houses that were viewed following positive content higher ratings d) give the houses with more windows higher ratings


A woman, alone in a house, ignores the creaking sounds she hears and experiences no stress. ANother woman might hear the same sounds, suspect an intruder, and thus become alarmed. These different reactions illustrate the importance of: a) the general adaptation syndrome b) spontaneous remission c) stress apraisial d) biofeedback


According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, which sequence is the correct order of events when a car drives directly toward someone and that person experiences emotions? a) see an oncoming car; heart pounds and at the same time, the arousal is cognitively labeled; experience fear b) see an oncoming car; hear pounds; experience fear c) see an oncoming car; hear pounds and at the same time, fear is experienced d) see an oncoming car; experience fear


Aidan is sweating and nauseous. His heart is racing, and he feels as if he might die. Aidan is suffering from _____ disorder. a) psychotic b) dissociative identity c) panic d) bipolar


Although fear can have negative consequences, it can also be adaptive. Which of the following is an example of an adaptive fear response? a) people's close friends will abandon them. b) marriage will be stifling c) leads one to flee from danger d) sexual intercourse will lead to pregnancy


An investigation of the effects of relaxation techniques and aerobic exercise on depression revealed that: a) relaxation and exercise had equivalent effects on depression b) relaxation had a greater impact on depression than did exercise c) exercise had a greater impact on depression than did relaxation d) neither relaxation nor exercise had an effect on depression


Anna is reading her psychology textbook. The activation of receptors in her retina is called____________. Her interpretation of the stimuli as particular words is called________. a) perception; senstation b) perception; transduction c) sensation; perception d) transduction; sensation


Cheryl's father-in-law had a serious heart attack several weeks ago. She is concerned because he lives alone. After his heart attack, which acquisition would increase his odds of surivial? a) a more reliable automobile b) a new computer c) a dog d) a bicycle helment


Chris has the habit of taking his work-related anger out on his wife by yelling at her when she asks if something is wrong. Which of the following is the BEST advice one could give Chris to stop this habit? a) instead of yelling at her, go to the gym and hit a punching bag while thinking of her b) stop at a bar and have a couple of drinks before going home c) Take a walk in the park and think about pleasant memories d) Ruminate about work problems in the car before arriving home


Damon, who is among the 8 percent of males with colorblindness, suffers from the most common form of colorblindness. Which statement BEST Illustrates Damon's experience of color? a) the blue sky and green grass appear to be the same color b) a pound of butter looks to be the same color as the blue dish on which it is resting. c) red apples on a tree seem to be the same color as the surrounding green leaves d) everything looks black, gray, or white


Eeyore, a character in the Winnie the Pooh series by E. E. Milne, speaks slowly, has a pessimistic view, and often does not wish to participate in social activities. These behaviors suggest that the character suffers from _____ disorder. a) generalized anxiety b) attention-deficit/hyperactivity c) major depressive d) bipolar


Eight-year-old Jamaiah is generally cranky and touchy. She is prone to tantrums. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), Jamaiah might be diagnosed with _____ disorder. a) bipolar b) attention-deficit/ hyperactive c) disruptive mood dysregulation d) developmental bipolar


Elsa is a 50-year-old teacher who is openly gay. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Elsa's homosexuality: a) does not put her at a greater risk for mental health problems b) is classified as an illness c) is not classified as an illness d) is not addressed by the APA


After breaking up with her boyfriend, Laura alleviated her stress by avoiding contact with her ex-boyfriend and by planning recreational activities with her best girlfriend. Laura's behavior BEST illustrates _____-focused coping.


Modern brain scanning techniques reveal that some people with chronic schizophrenia have abnormal activity in the _____ lobes.


Stimulus _____ occurs when a person who is attacked by a fierce dog later develops a fear of all dogs.


_______ refers to the process of organizing and interpreting sensations


Having a mildly depressed mood for at least two years is characteristic of _____ disorder.

persistent depressive

The way in which you quickly group the individual letter in this test item into separate words BEST illustrates the Gestalt principle of______.


Studying the relationships between the physical characteristics of stimuli (for example intensity) and the subjective experience of them involves the field known as________.


In a condition called_______, one sort of sensation, such as hearing sound, produces another, such as seeing color


Today, a man on television described his experience of _____, a condition in which the senses become joined. He explained that, when certain types of music are played, he often sees patterns of colors.


_____ proposed that, beginning in childhood, people repress intolerable impulses, ideas, and feelings, and that this submerged mental energy sometimes produces mystifying symptoms, such as anxiety.


Between 1930 and 1960, the number of dissociative identity disorder diagnoses in North America was _____per decade.


The diagnostic and statical manual of mental disorders, 5th edition was published in


Traffic jams, dropped calls, and deadlines are examples of a) daily hassles b) catastrophes c) significantlife changes d) personal stressors


"We can practically read each other's minds and feel each other's emotions," Tim exclaims in describing his relationship with his longtime partner. Tim is attributing the extrasensory perception ability of______ to the relationship a) telepathy b) precognition c) psychokinesis d) clairvoyance


After receiving approval to begin a long-awaited consulting project, Dr. Morris was much more inclined to contribute to the local giving campaign in town. This BEST illustrates: a) the feel-good, do good phenomenon. b) the two-factor theory c) the adaptation-level phenomenon d) catharsis


Andrea participated in an experiment in which she was asked to look at photos of happy times in her life; then she was asked to view photos of people attacking harmless animals. Her brain activity was recorded throughout the experiment. Results should show that: a) Andrea's brain would be active in different areas for the different types of photos b) Andrea would exhibit limited brain activity for the pleasant photos but significant activity for the aggressive photos. c) Andreas brain areas would be equally active for both types of photos d) Andrea would exhibit limited brain activity for the aggressive photos but significant activity for the pleasant photos


Andrew went into his backyard at night, in the dark, to get some firewood. He heard the sharp crack of a twig breaking in the darkness and froze in fear, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. Andrew's reaction is consistent with the_____ theory of emotion. a) Cannon-Bard b) James-Lange c) Schachter and Singer two factor d) Zajonc


Charles looks down while sitting at the top of the Ferris wheel. He immediately feels his heart start to pound and he simultaneously experiences fear. Which of the following theories BEST explains this emotional response? a) the james-lange theory b) the two-factor theory c) the cannon- Bard theory d) the schacter-singer theory


Donald is a 35-year-old man with schizophrenia. He has struggled with mental illness since childhood, when he had anxiety and impaired judgment. He began experiencing psychotic symptoms at age 19, which have been only partially controlled by medication. What is Donald's prognosis? a) his condition is likely to deteriorate over time b) his condition will improve c) he is likely to remain stable d) it is unclear


Donald takes 15 minute lunch breaks, goes to the bathroom only when he can no longer hold it anymore, has to have his cell phone with him at all times, checks his Blackberry the moment he wakes up, and puts in 14 hour days at the office. Donald is a: A. Type A personality. B. Type C personality. C. Type B personality. D. Type D personality.


Enrico is having trouble telling the difference between the sound of a tuba and the sound of a piccolo. Even though a piccolo produces much shorter, faster sound waves than does a tuba, he has trouble picking out the differences in the ______________ of these sounds a) pitch b) loudness c) amplitude d) hue.


Extreme mood swings are characteristics of...... a) bipolar disorder b) panic disorder c) schizophrenia d) phobias


For the past four weeks, Odessa has been feeling lethargic and worthless. Her friends are worried because she no longer shows interest in her normal social activities. It is MOST likely that Odessa is suffering from: a) major depressive disorder b) mania c) free-floating anxiety d) schizophrenia


Frank was seen laughing inappropriately in the library as if he were responding to internal stimuli. On the bus home, he was crying uncontrollably and suddenly became angered when a fellow passenger offered him a tissue. His excess of inappropriate behavior reflects the _____ symptoms of schizophrenia. a) positive b) negative c) reactive d) process


How does stress cause ilness? a) all answers are correct b) increases poor health behaviors c) reduces optimism d) decreases immunity


Jennifer was driving her car to school when it broke down. Which statement is true? a) Jennifers feelings of frustration are a stress reaction b) going to school is a stress response c) the car breaking down is a chronic stress d) Jennifer's driving is a stressor


Jess was in a serious car accident and is having trouble recognizing familiar faces. She MOST likely suffered damage to her________ lobe, just behind her right ear. a) temporal b) parietal c) oppcipital d) frontal


Kyle is extremely manipulative. He can look anyone in the eye and lie convincingly. His deceit often endangers the safety and well-being of those around him, but he is indifferent to their suffering as a result of his actions. His behavior BEST illustrates _____ disorder. a) antisocial personality b) dissociative c) major depressive d) bipolar


Mimi works in a hospital psychiatric unit. She cares for a patient with schizophrenia who often stands motionless in a corner for several hours. This _____ usually ends abruptly and then the patient becomes quite agitated. a) catatonia b) delusion c) obsession d) disorganized thinking


Nina was almost hit by a bus. However, she is okay and her parasympathetic system is responding accordingly. It is: a) slowing her heart rate and activating her digestion b) contracting her pupils and increasing respiration c) slowing her heart rate and inhibiting her digestion d) contracting her pupils and increasing the secretion of stress hormones


Philippe Pinel suggest that mental illness was: a) a sickness of the mind b) the result of sinful behaviors c) created by a lack of religious conviction d) caused by demon possession


Racial and ethnic stereotypes can sometimes bias the way one sees other's behaviors. This BEST illustrates the impact of: a) perceptual set b) retinal disparity c) relative luminance d) interposition


Raquel was initially excited to make the cheerleading squad. However, her parents noticed that she stopped eating dinner with them, wanted to help make most meals, and had a list of good and bad foods. She began portioning the amount of food she ate and weighing food. Most concerning was the significant weight drop from a healthy 115 pounds to 90 pounds. This case demonstrates symptoms of: a) anorexia nervosa b) a phobia c) binge-eating disorder d) bulimia nervosa


Regarding sensation and perception, which statement is true? a) sensation involves the activation of sense receptors; perception involves interpretation b) sensation involves the interpretation of a stimulus, whereas perception does not c) sensation and perception are essentially synonyms d) perception generally precedes sensation in the processing of a stimulus.


Reinforcement is an important learning mechanism in ______ conditioning a) operant b) classical c) partial d) observational


Ricardo has been suffering from a lengthy battle with the flu. His ears are painfully plugged with fluid. One morning his right ear "pops" from all of the pressure and fluid comes out. He screams in pain because the eardrum has punctured. This will result in: a) conduction hearing loss b) vestibular problems c) sensory adaptation d) sensorineural hearing loss


Someone needs to be hired who is good at reading emotions from minor, quick changes in people's facial expressions. Which of the following personality types would be chosen? a) introverted b) histrionic c) schizotypal d) extraverted


The Moon illusion refers to our tendency to perceive the Moon as unusually a) larger when it is near the horizon b) bright when it is high in the sky c) large when it is high in the sky d) bright when it is near the horizon


The percentage of Americans who reported suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in 2015 was: a) 1.0 b) 2.5 c) 4.0 d) 6.5


The process of appraising an event as threatening is called: a) stress b) stressor c) a stress reaction d) daily hassle


The rapidly aroused sympathetic nervous system to a threat is called____. a) fight-or-flight b) tend-or-attack c) flee-or-free response d) flight or fright response


The sense of______ is called audition a) hearing b) balance c) smell d) taste


According to the Gestalt psychologists, we tend to fill in the gaps to create a complete, whole object this is called the principle of: a) proximity b) closure c) continuity d) similarity


Aerobic exercise _____ the body's production of serotonin and _____ its production of endorphins a) decreases; decreases b) increases; increases c) decreases; increases d) increases; decreases


Based on the textbook's discussion, _______ may help us better manage stress, whereas _______ may help us experience less stress in the first place a) aerobic exercise, meditation b) building social support; aerobic exercise c) being optimistic; meditation d) having a sense of control; finding meaning


Billy has an identical twin that was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Research suggests that the chances are _____ that Billy will also suffer from bipolar disorder at some point in his life a) 5 in 10 b) 7 in 10 c) 1 in 10 d) 9 in 10


False interpretation of a physical reality is called a) a disparity b) an illusion c) a hallucination d) a convergence


Field trials of new diagnostic categories in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) revealed that: a) clinicians were pleased with the results b) there is little consensus between clinicians on many disorders c) diagnostic categories clearly distinguish disorders d) there is great consensus on diagnosis


Fighting bacterial infections is to______ as attacking viruses is to______. a) macrophages; T lymphocytes b) b lymphocytes; T lymphocytes c) B lymphocytes; macrophages d) T lymphocytes; B lymphocytes


Gretta is 85 years old and having trouble with her hearing. She worked in a factory for many years, at a time before there were regulations safeguarding noise levels. The most likely reasons for her sensorineural hearing loss are normal aging and: A. a punctured eardrum. B. prolonged exposure to ear-splitting noise. C. damage to the basilar membrane. D. damage to the middle ear.


Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are to hair cells as_____ is to_______. a) inner ear; middle ear b) middle ear; inner ear c) cochlear implants; hearing aids d) sensorineural hearing loss; conduction deafness


Historically there have been a variety of models used to explain psychological disorders. The _____ model assumes that psychological disorders have physical causes that can be diagnosed and treated. a) psychoanalytic b) medical c) organic d) biopsychosocial


Immanuel Kant and John Locke would have been most likely to disagree about the extent to which perception is influenced by a) relative luminance b) experience c) retinal disparity d) accommodation


John has been having difficulties getting out of bed, is not interested in going out with friends, and hardly ever answers the phone. He has let a number of bills go unpaid, he is sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day, and he cannot concentrate at work. He has called in sick to work at least once each week. John is MOST likely suffering from _____ disorder. a) dissociative b) major depressive c) bipolar d) antisocial personality


Last week, Tate went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. Amazingly, he did not seem worried beforehand, and he showed no signs of autonomic nervous system arousal. In addition, Tate seems to lack a conscience for wrongdoing. It is possible that Tate would be diagnosed as having: a) dysthymia b) antisocial personality disorder c) schizophrenia d) dissociative disorder


Li Ping lived through China's Cultural Revolution. He narrowly escaped China with his life, leaving family and friends behind to immigrate to the United States. This experience is likely to affect Li Ping a) inconsistently b) severely c) moderately d) mildly


Macrophages are cells that: a) reduce stress on the heart b) identify, pursue and attack harmful invades in the body. c) do the same thing as lymphocytes d) attack only cancer cells


Mia is attracted to a man she is chatting with in a nightclub. What is probably happening to her eyes? a) her lenses are stiffening b) her pupils are dilating c) her irises are constricting d) her corneas are expanding


Morrie has had a cold for five days, and his nose is stuffy that he cannot smell anything. When he drinks his coffee, he finds that it is tasteless. What is the MOST likely reason for this? a) the coffee is too hot to taste b) to savor a taste, we need to breathe the aroma through our nose c) Morrie's cold has affect his taste buds d) a chemical reaction has occurred between the caffeine and the cold medicine


One sense influencing the perception of another is known as: a) perceptual adaptation b) sensory interaction c) embodied cognition d) synesthesia


One study looking at the brains of violent repeat offenders found that their brains had _____ percent _____ frontal lobe tissue than a normal brain. This helps explain why these people exhibit deficits in cognitive functions such as planning, organization, and inhibition. a) 25; less b) 11; less c) 25; more d) 11; more


People who suffer from generalized anxiety disorders are: a) mostly men b) mostly women c) more likely to be in a high socioeconomic status d) more likely to be over the age of 50


Poscha looked at an American flag in black, yellow, and green, but then saw it in white, red, and blue, when she looked away. What theory explains this? a) change blindness b) color opponent process theory c) binocular disparity d) adaptation


Randy is playing the piano. His left hand plays notes that are______ in ______ than does his right hand a) lower; amplitude b) lower; frequency c) higher; frequency d) higher amplitude


Research suggest that women are better than men at decoding the emotions of others. This partly explains why women have_____ than men. a) less emotional responsiveness to positive and negative situations b) more emotional responsiveness to positive and negative situations c) less difficulty emotionally responding to a tragedy experience by another d) less success explaining the emotions observed in others.


Samantha opens her eyes in the morning to see flowers by her bedside. At that point, her eyes are receiving light energy, which they change into neural messages for the brain to process. This conversion of one form of energy into another is called: a) perception b) transduction c) sensation d) adaptation


Sandy participated in a research project in college, and she was identified as being happier than average. During a follow-up study 20 years later, researchers found all of these EXCEPT: a) Sandy was less likely to have divorced than less happy peers b) Sandy was more likely to have met all of her life goals than less happy peers c) Sandy was likely to earn significantly more money than less happy peers d) Sandy was more likely to have married than less happy peers


Suppose each pixel on your TV screen or computer monitor codes the color of an image at that point in terms of red, blue, and green values. This closely resembles: a) color is processed in the brain b) color is represented in the retina c) both the trichromatic and opponent-process theories state color is processed d) opponent-process theory states that color is processed


Talia is 45 years old. She has started to notice that newspaper print is too small for her to read. Talia needs reading glasses because the lenses of her eyes are less able to _____. a) cones in her eyes have become ineffectual b) lens of her eyes is less able to accommodate c) rods of her eyes have become ineffectual d) pupils of her eyes are less able to dialate


The cliche of the individual with extrasensory perceptual abilities bending a spoon with his hand or her mind illustrates the more specific phenomenon of: a) precognition b) psychokinesis c) telepathy d) clairvoyance


The interpretation of sensory information is called______. a) gestalt psychology b) perception c) senstation d) adaptation


The reason we see a door as a rectangle, regardless of the angle, is due to ..... a) convergence b) shape constancy c) retinal disparity d) size constancy


The three stages of the body's physiological reaction to stress are called.... a) plateau stage b) general adaptation syndrome c) standard stress response cycle d) conflict resolution


Twenty-year-old Brianna lives in a small town. She has always been extremely shy, but lately she has been feeling intensely afraid that others are scrutinizing her. She avoids speaking in class, she no longer goes to parties, and she starts trembling whenever she is in a public place. Brianna seems to be suffering from _____ disorder. a) obsessive-compulsive b) social anxiety c) major depressive d) generalized anxiety


What is an obsession a) it is something that frightens you b) it is an idea you can not stop thinking about c) it is a repetitive behavior d) it is an object that you want to posses


Four people are seen in a psychiatric clinic for treatment with newly acquired mental illness. Their respective diagnoses are obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, phobic disorder, and schizophrenia. The person suffering from _____ is MOST likely to be an adolescent a) OCD b) bipolar disorder c) phobic disorder d) schizophrenia


George see the sound of a trumpet as a pointed, triangular shape. George's experience BEST exemplifies a condition called: a) a perceptual set b) embodied cognition c) synesthesia d) sensory interaction


George, a gay man who is not open about his sexual orientation in his work environment due to fear of discrimination, is likely to: a) decide to not worry about the stigma and come out b) have better mental health than a heterosexual individual c) be at greater risk for mental health problems due to social stigma d) be classifies as having an illness


If one were to give advice about how to become happy and remain happy, which piece of advice might be offered based on psychological research? a) Real, long lasting happiness comes from financial success b) do not worry about personal contacts because close friends will not make one happy in the long run c) give priority to close relationships and see work and leisure activities that are found to be engaging d) focus on oneself and do not worry about those in need.


Irwin live through hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. throughout the duration of life- changing event, Irwin experience intense distress. Such a response to catastrophes is: a) dependent on the type of catastrophe b) atypical c) typical d) highly variable


Jennah's friend's father has just passed away. She doesn't just say she is sorry for the loss, but rather she tells her friend that she truly feels the pain that she is going through. Jennah really understands her grief and both of them are crying together as she can actually feel the loss in her heart as well. This is an example of: a) apathy b) rationality c) empathy d) sympathy


Mac is driving his 12 year old car. He notices a sound coming from the engine, which involves_______ processing. He immediately starts thinking that the sound is similar to the sound his car made the last time he had it repaired, which involves_______ processing. a) transduction; sensation b) perception; transduction c) sensation; perception d) perception; sensation


Michael is extremely fearful of germs. He sleeps in a special chamber at night, wears gloves, and will only eat food that he can unwrap. His symptoms are MOST characteristic of _____ disorder. a) antisocial personality b) dissociative c) OCD d) generalized anxiety


People have a tendency to judge stimuli relative to those previously experienced. For example, if a man's current income level increases, he feels an initial surge of pleasure. However, as he adapts to that income level, he comes to consider it normal. He then requires something better to feel another surge of happiness. This is known as: a) subjective well-being b) the feel-good, do-good phenomenon c) the adaptation-level phenomenon d) relative deprivation


Perceptions can be influenced, _____, by expectations, context, emotions, and motivation. a) through perception b) through sensation c) top-down d) bottom-up


Phantom limb sensations and other experiences of amputees show that the brain can produce pain in the absence of: a) electrical stimulation b) nerve damage c) normal sensory input d) central nervous system activity


Qwan often finds himself anxious in social situations. He avoids eye contact with others and regularly dismisses his fears of blushing uncontrollably as shyness. If Qwan were Japanese, he might be suffering from: a) bulimia nervosa b) susto c) taijin-kyofusho d) depression


Roughly speaking, just over _____ percent of 4- to 17-year-olds are diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. a) 20 b) 15 c) 10 d) 5


Sensory adaption can be defined as: a) the unconscious activation of associations that are linked with memories b) the influence of stimuli below conscious awareness c) diminished sensitivity as a result of repeated stimulation d) the influences of knowledge, motivation and emotion on perception.


The sensory experience of bending one's knees or raising one's arms BEST illustrates the sense of: a) audition b) olfaction c) kinesthesia d) gustation


The sympathetic nervous system is to______ the parasympathetic nervous system is to_______ a) pupil enlargement; pupil dilation b) calming; arousal c) arousal; calming d) secretion of stress hormones; increase in epinephrine


Thirty-five-year-old Lucy needs to have her blood taken. She is so distraught by this that she must mentally prepare herself for it as well as take a short-acting sedative. Lucy seems to be suffering from: a) bipolar disorder b) generalized anxiety disorder c) a phobia d) OCD


Those who have______ locus of control believe that chance or outside forces control their fate. a) outside b) inside c) external d) internal


Two transportation Security Administration officers are scanning bags at the airport. One of the officers lets a bag go through, but the other officer yells, "Wait didn't you see that?" Why one officer saw a weapon and the other did not is BEST explained by: a) differences in processing subliminal simulation b) differences in absolute threshold c) signal detection theory d) the effects of priming


What of the following is true about the latest DSM? a) "neurosis" is no longer a category b) Mental retardation is now "Intellectual disability" c) all answers are correct d) hoarding disorder was added


When two friends talk over lunch, the amplitude of their conversation is about________ decibels a) 110 b) 85 c) 60 d) 20


Which cells in the eye are responsible for our experience of color a) ganglion cells b) rod cells c) cone cells d) bipolar cells


Which correlation is most likely closest to the one a researcher might find between the number of hassles survey respondents report experience during a given period and the number of sick days they say they have used? a) 0.80 b) -0.40 c) 0.30 d) -1.00


Which statement is true regarding trends in Americans' buying power and happiness since 1950? a) both buying power and happiness have changed little in the United States since 1950 b) Both buying power and happiness have increased since 1950 c) buying power has increased since 1950, but happiness has remained constant d) buying power has decreased since 1950, but happiness has remained constant.


While at work, Tim, who is suffering from a hearing loss, experiences a ringing sensation in the ears known as a) conduction hearing loss b) umami c) tinnitus d) audition


Why are children often repelled by the taste of novel meat dishes and bitter vegetables a) they are sweeter b) they are lower in umami c) novel or bitter foods were considered potentially toxic by our ancestors d) they are higher in monosodium glutamate


With respect to schizophrenia, catatonia is to hallucination as _____ symptom is to _____ symptom. a) primary; secondary b) secondary; primary c) negative; positive d) positive; negative


attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed _______ times more often in boys than in girls a) 5 b) 3 c) 2 d) 4


Receptor cells for the vestibular sense send messages to the ______ in the brain


"He is as slow as molasses" might be a good way to describe the energy level for people suffering from _____ disorder. a) generalized anxiety b) bipolar c) panic d) major depressive


A current authoritative scheme for classifying psychological disorders is found in the: a) learning perspective b) biopsychosocial approach c) medical model d) diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition


About one-_______ of American college students report an apparent mental health problem a) fourth b) half c) fifth d) third


Alone in her house, Shanita hears a noise in the middle of the night. She tells a friend that her heart started to pound and she jumped out of bed trembling. if an emotional response is made up of physiological arousal expressive behavior, and conscious experience, which element is missing from Shanitia's description of the event? a) her eyes dilate. b) she hides under the covers c) her breathing increases d) she feels fear


Alone in the woods, Chris hears a noise. He thinks he sees a bear coming towards him. Chris's heart starts pounding and then, a moment later, he realizes how frightened he is. This sequence of events is BEST explained by which theory of emotion? a) two-factor b) cannon-bard c) schacher singer d) james-lange


Based on the textbook's discussion, which disorder may have the LEAST diagnostic validity? a) bipolar disorder b) persistent depressive disorder c) major depressive disorder d) seasonal affective disorder


Carlos was just touched on his cheek, which is a(n)_______. in order for Carlos to know if he was kissed or slapped, Carlos needs a(n)________. a) organization; interpretation b) touch; sound c) perception; sensation d) senstation; perception


Darius has met some new students who just arrived from china. He asks them if they are excited to be in the U.S. and they respond that they are excited to be here, but he cannot detect this excitement from their facial expressions. If Darius wanted to look for signs of excitement, research has suggested he should look for emotion by attending to their: a) entire faces b) mouths c) noses d) eyes


Diane is constantly concerned about things at work, even when she is at home. She is constantly worried about her home life, even when she is at work. Diane has free-floating worry that makes her tense, irritable, impairs her concentration, and leaves her with many sleepless nights. Diane MOST likely suffers from _____ disorder. a) bipolar b) persistent depressive c) obsessive-compulsive d) generalized anxiety


Faced with overlapping, unrealistic deadlines at work, Ivan recruits his friends to perform some of the routine clerical tasks associated with the projects. Ivan is engaged in _____ coping. a) secondary b) emotion-focused c) primary d) problem focused


IN a psychophysical experiment, observers first view an adapting stimulus in which small dots on a computer screen all move steadily toward the right. They then view a test stimulus in which they have to determine whether a patch of dots is stationary or moving. According to the textbook, the adapting stimulus probably will: a) decrease the observers' absolute threshold for motion detection. b) increase the observers' sensitivity to the motion stimulus c) have little or no effect on observers' absolute threshold for motion detection d) increase the observers; absolute threshold for motion detection


If people hold smiles too______, they may be detected as feigned. a) wide b) briefly c) tightly d) long


In the MOST common form of colorblindness a) blue and yellow cannot be distinguished b) everything is seen in black and white c) blue and green cannot be distinguished d) red and green cannot be distinguished


James is threading a needle under a bright light bulb. During this task, James' vision is driven mainly by the _____ in his_____. a) rods; cornea b) rods; fovea c) cones; corena d) cones; fovea


Jan, who is on a strict diet, often finds herself cheating when she is tired or stressed. This is because her _____ varies over time. a) level of relaxation b) social support c) coping skill d) self control


Janice opens her eyes in the morning to see a photograph by her bedside. At that point, her eyes are receiving light energy, which they change into neural messages for the brain to process. This conversion of one form of energy into another is called: a) adaptation b) priming c) perception d) transduction


Michelle and Paul attended the funeral of a mutual friend. When others asked them how their friend's fiance was taking the loss, who is MOST likely to give a more detailed and accurate account of the fiance's emotional state? a) neither b) both c) Paul d) Michelle


Reeghan was diagnosed with high cholesterol which led to a heart attack at the age of 52. According to research, which of these factors increases her likelihood of having further heart problems a) Type B personality b) low blood pressure c) depression d) optimism


Research on people's response to retirement has indicated that CEOs generally adjust very well to retirement, while blue-collar workers fare less well. This disparity is due to the retirees': a) level of exercise b) post-retirement activities c) frustration d) perceive control


Sensory adaptation helps people: a) keep their nerve cells firing b) learn new things c) adjust to different light levels d) concentrate on more important things


Since 1950, Americans' happiness has remained constant, even through their buying power has: a) decreased b) increased slightly c) doubled d) tripled


Studies show that physically abused children are much quicker at spotting the facial signals for the emotion of ________ than are nonabused children. a) sadness b) happiness c) disgust d) anger


The tend-and-befriend model, describing a social response to stress, is especially true for______. a) males b) african americans c) asians d) females


What is a phobia a) it is a repetitive behavior b) it is an idea you cant stop thinking about c) it is an object that you want to possess d) it is something that frightens you to an extreme degree


When close objects tend to be grouped together, we are refering to which gestalt perceptual grouping rule? a) similarity b) closure c) attention d) proximity


With respect to the trichromatic and the opponent-process theories of color perception, which of the following statements is most accurate? a) opponent-process theory has largely been discredited b) opponent-process theory describes color processing early in the visual system; trichromatic c) trichromatic theory has largely been discredited d) trichromatic theory describes color processing early in the visual system; opponent-process theory describes color processing later on in visual system


You are a building contractor surveying the progress on a home that is being built. From one angle, it appears that the home is completely framed. However, when you move to the right, you see the gaps. This illustrates the principle of a) proximity b) disparity c) interposition d) closure


_____ overactivity may underlie schizophrenic patients' overreactions to irrelevant external and internal stimuli. a) Gamma-aminobutyric acid b) norepinephrine c) serotonin d) dopamine


Railroad tracks appear to converge in the distance. This provides a cue for depth perception known as

linear perspective

At one time, disordered people were simply warehoused in asylums. Asylums have been replaced with psychiatric hospitals, where attempts are made to diagnose and cure people suffering from psychological disorders. This BEST illustrates one of the beneficial consequences of the _____ model.


Helena believes that people with psychological disorders are suffering from diseases that have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and sometimes even cured. Helena believes in the _____ model of psychological disorders.


You read about an accident at a railroad crossing and wonder about the cause. Perhaps the car's driver overestimated the distance of the train because the parallel tracks simulate the ______ depth cue of linear perspective


Perceptual sets are the result of ______________, which we form to organize and interpret unfamiliar information.


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