WIC Information Everyone Should Know

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What kind of request can be made if a person feels their have been unfairly denied participation in the WIC program?

a fair hearing

If a client does not have address proof in their name, they must bring a signed and dated note/letter from the person they are living with address proof in that person's name in all instances except...

a minor (under 18 years). They must still have address proof in the parent/guardian's name for which they are living, but a note/letter is not required

Where can you find referral information to provide to clients? Where are some examples of referrals you can give to a client?

-211texas.org and Aunt Bertha -ECI, Texas Workforce, Martha's Kitchen, Head Start, shelters, parenting skills, ect.

What is an infant mid-point review and when should it be documented?

-A routine well-baby check up done by PCP. It is an unclothed screening that includes a vision and hearing screening, general immunizations and some type of safety information or age development information for your child -between 4 months - 8 months

What is a well child check-up and what is routinely done at the visit?

-A well child check-up is a comprehensive physical exam for preventative health care of an apparently well child or adolescent. It is not an office visit of when the child is ill or injured and needs to be treated -height and weight -unclothed physical screening for infants -immunizations -hearing and vision -written/verbal information about normal development for your child's age

What six items are reviewed during the nutrition assessment of a Mid-Certification Assessment for a child?

-anthropometrics -blood work -brief update of health and dietary assessment -immunization screening -nutrition education -referrals to other health and social services

How often do you update your time study? How do you determine how much time is allotted for each category?

-daily -based on job title and daily activities

What kind of referrals can WIC give? What kind of referral is given to clients without prenatal care?

-lack of prenatal care, low iron, family planning services -high risk for determined nutritionally of breastfeeding -verbal referrals anywhere -WITHOUT prenatal care: high risk referral

Where is the state agency manual kept? What types of policies are in this manual?

-on the DSHS website -our state level policies that are the same for every WIC clinic (food delivery policies, certification policies, civil rights policies)

When can you include persons temporarily absent as part of the household size?

-other members still consider the economic unit to be the principal residence of the absent member -the absence does not exceed 6 months except in the case of school or military service -they are gone for school/training/employment/hospitalization/ institutionalization/military service -the absent member continues to exercise customary family responsibilities

How are the appropriate time lines for scheduling a client's appointment?

-pregnant/infants younger than 6 months/migrant households who are leaving within 30 days: 10 calendar days -all other applicants: 20 calendar days

At what age is the Child Abuse Screening, Documenting and Reporting LA Policy enforced?

-questions will prompt for minors 14 to under 17 years of age -any applicant under the age of 14 will automatically be reported

What and where is the Breastfeeding Referral Protocol for staff?

-referral list for staff only and can be kept with staff and not posted -our referrals packet

Where is the local agency manual kept? What types of policies are in this manual?

-site leaders office -policies on dress code, name badge, phone usage, referrals, staff development and evaluations, quality assurance and other LA policies required by SA

When was your last Customer Service and Civil Rights Training?

-staff receive annual training during an all staff meeting -new staff complete this within one month of being hired

What staff is responsible for making sure Child Abuse Screening, Documenting and Reporting is done? How does your LA note that this report needs to be done?

-the MIS will promt the user with an alert message to complete affirmative defense questions for minors 14 to under 17 years old -Staff shall ask the required questions and if YES to either question one or two, a report will automatically be emailed to DFPS when it is saved (as well as more questions will pop up)

How are WIC services provided to an applicant who is deaf or hard of hearing?

-the clients appointment is scheduled far in advance (keeping in mind the 10-20-day rule) when a staff who knows sign language can be present -use the hearing-impaired line called In-Sight

How will a client be notified they are no longer eligible for WIC? Which clients should receive these notifications and when? How many days notice is a client to be given?

-verbally and in writing (notification of ineligibility handout and the WIC-5) -exceeds income standards, stopped BF before 1 year, BF still but child turned 1, miscarriage more than 6 months ago, child turned 5, postpartum but baby is over 6 months -15 days notice

Pertaining to making appointments: What is the date of "first visit"? What documentation is done when a client either does not keep the scheduled appointment or cannot come within the appropriate time frame that is offered?

-when the person visits the LA during office hours to make an oral or written request for program benefits -documentation of offer is made on the record

Should we count the month of certification as the first month when calculating the Mid-Certification Assessment?

-yes, count the first month -a cert completed on July 14th with be eligible for a mid-cert anytime from October 1st through April 30th

Is there a limit on the number of proxies that a client can have come in while on the WIC program?


Are clients responsible for providing their own interpreters or sign language interpreters?

No, but they may choose to bring someone 16 years or older.

Is a completed Change of Custody form required by State Agency?

No, it is determined by the LA whether they choose to use the form or not. Our LA chooses to use this form for documentation. However, custody proof or a completed COC for must be completed prior to placing a lock on benefits

Should a Mid-Certification Assessment be reviewed for completion if the child turns five in less than six months from the certification month

No, this is not required from children turning five in less than six months from the most recent certification month

What does "NE Given" mean in TXIN?

Nutrition Education Code showing what type of nutritional information was given to the client. An NE code should be given at every appointment since all clients receive some type of nutrition education at each visit with the exception of those that may decline or refuse NE

What is adjunctive eligibility?

a term used to describe expedited income eligibility based on income screening done by Medicaid, SNAP, or TANF whose income guidlines match the limits WIC operates under

What should be offered anytime a client changes their address?

a voter registration card

What do you do if an infant does not have a health care provider or does not have an appointment for a well-child check or Texas Health Steps visit by seven months of age?

staff should complete the Midpoint Review Section of MIS like weight, length, and immunization status. Complete a VENA if any counseling happens. Let the parent know that this doesn't replace an actual well-check and make appropriate referrals

If a client requests WIC handouts or information in another language other than what is available in the clinic, such as braille, what should be done?

the staff person should contact the NE Coordinator who will determine resource availability, needs and will contact the SA NE liaison

If a client completes a registration card in the clinic, what must a staff person do?

they must review the card for completion in front of the applicant and have them fill in any areas that they might have missed

Can a child in college but not living in household currently be counted as part of the household?


Can a person get on WIC without income?


If you do not know a clients language and no one in the office seems to understand the language, what can be used?

Available Interpreters Referral List and Language Line

At what age can we ask if a client would like to complete the Opportunity to Register to Vote?

17 years 10 months

How many days does the staff/clinic have to mail off completed voter registration cards?

5 days

What is provisional eligibility?

A 30-day certification and up to 30 day benefit issuance for a participant who meets all criteria at certification but fails to bring one of the acceptable proofs of identification, residency and or income

Who is responsible for assigning and changing food packages?


What is a Peer Counselor and what do they do?

Encourage, promote and support women to breastfeed. They act as peers to the clients and rely on training and their own experiences of successfully bf

What form should be accessible at each income screening desk and shown to all new participants on the program from which they would self-identify?

Identifying Race& Ethnicity Categories

Should a date be entered into the computer system if an MPC is refused? If so, what date should be entered?

Yes, the date of refusal should be entered on the MPC refusal section on the participant page

What is the correct protocol to follow if a staff person needs to call the State Agency?

Inform the site leader and they will attempt to answer the question. If they can't, then they will call the WIC Admin office in Temple. If they can't answer either, you are able to call the SA.

What should be done at the end of every class completed by a participant? Which staff are responsible for doing this?

The staff teaching the class or the person issuing benefits for an online class has to ask an open-ended question that evaluates their understanding of the lesson.

Describe what WIC is and the services provided:

WIC is a supplemental Nutrition Program that provides nutrition education, supplemental foods, referrals and breastfeeding promotion and support

How can adjunctive eligibility be used to qualify persons in the household?

WIC policy CS: 08.0 states that the local agency shall accept as income eligible for the WIC program all applicants who present a form that indicates participation in any one of the three Gateway Programs (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF)

How does our agency document appointment changes?

We document in the TXIN system and on the LA Excel Schedule

Out of state transfer expiration dates...

We extend their certification expiration date to one full year from when they were certified with the exception of infants and moms on WIC

Pertaining to making appointments: When does the processing time frame begin?

When the person visits the LA during office hours to make an oral or written request for program benefits

Is viewing address proof on a client's cell phone or other electronic device acceptable proof?


Can a client refuse nutrition education?

Yes, a client who declines or cannot stay for NE contact should receive benefits as soon as possible

Can a client choose their own nutrition education class?

Yes, nutrition education should be offered according to client's category, risk concerns, interest, time considerations, preferred language and cultural needs

Can a client refuse a Mid-Certification?

Yes, staff enter the refusal in place of the assessment

Where is your list of available interpreters?

all staff receives an updated list annually to be kept with their referrals

How often do you receive civil rights training?


What are acceptable proofs of address?

any type of business mail, utility bill, letter with proof

What months should the Mid-Certification Assessment be preformed?

between the 4th and 10th months from the certification date

How are you supposed to document an appointment given after the certification expiration date?

document in the notes section on the family page as to why this appointment was given after the certification expiration date

What are acceptable proofs of ID?

drivers license, social security card, check stubs, immunizations records, birth certificates, passports, school/work ID

Where can you find the Breastfeeding Client Referral Handout and when is it given?

hanging in each office, waiting room, and given to all pregnant/breastfeeding moms at certification

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