WIS2040 test 1 reading, Wis 2040 Topics 1-9, Exam 1 answers, Wildlife Issues, Exercise 2 WIS2040, Exam 1, Moulton Wis2040 lecture guide study questions

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for every $.75 contributed by the pittman robertson act, the state agency must contribute


The cost of removing 300 prairie dogs from the Lubbock site was ------.


According to the Miami Herald in 1996 people were killing ------ worth of frogs per night.


Recently trappers in Louisiana were earning about ------ per nutria pelt.


the ESA was passed in


the office of economic ornithology and mammalogy was established in


california condors vanished from the wild in CA in about


In ------, CITES banned international trade in ivory.


Large scale commercial fishing for Patagonian Toothfish began in the ------.


As noted in lecture, there are ------ main foraging types (not species!) of gulls.


according to guither, animal advocated fall into ___ general groups


according to moulton there are basically __ categories of wildlife issues


The US imports about ------ percent of all legally harvested Patagonian Toothfish.


By the late 1950s there roughly ------ nutria in the US.

20 million

In one study of British farmland birds researchers found that about ------ of all European birds are now a conservation concern.


There are possibly ------ species of bony fishes.


Swordfish USA (SUSA) claims there are roughly 17 million recreational fishers and ------ commercial swordfish boats in the North Atlantic.


In Wisconsin, authorities plan to kill ------ deer in a circle with a 10 mile radius around a spot where 18 deer tested positive for CWD.


The phylum chordate is subdivided into ------ subphyla.


There are basically ------ kinds of red tides.


According to SUSA about ------ pounds of Swordfish are consumed by the US public each year.

30 million

currently mourning doves are hunted legally in ___ states


according to the st petersburg times, by the summer of 2000, manatee protection plans had been filed by __ counties of the 13 that had been required


according to time magazine survey of 10,007 adults __% claimed to be vefetarians


A female snow goose can lose ------ of her body mass producing a single clutch.


The population of Black-tailed Prairie Dogs in Lubbock, Texas could be as high as ------.


In April 1996 a ranger in Big Cypress found that 67 boats of frog leg catches weighed ------ lbs.


in the year 2000, wild burros occurred in ___ western states


According to Seton, at the start of the twentieth century there were ------ prairie dogs on the Great Plains.

5 billion

By 1984 the Schaus Swallowtail Butterfly was reduced to a total of ------ individuals.


There are about ------ species of jawless vertebrates in the world today.


In a poll, ------ of Australians favored the killing of feral cats.


The FWC lists ------ species of invertebrates as being threatened, or endangered.


When first considered for listing under the ESA, the Black-tailed Prairie dog was assigned a priority number of ------.


Before 1997 the scallop season ran for ------ months in Florida.


Since European contact, the Black-tailed Prairie dog has lost about ------ of its original 100 million acres of habitat.


A hunter from Louisiana, who shot a radio-collared lynx in Colorado, was fined ------.


Among the vertebrates a prominent notochord is found in adult members of the class ------.


TFM may be replaced in the future by ------.


the situation where individuals in a group try to bluff those in another group into thinking they have superior numbers is called a

Beau Geste effect

Currently the market for US caught cannonball jellyfish exists especially in ------.


One concern regarding the harvest in Big Cypress NP was the amount of air boat damage to the habitat of Snail Kites and ------.

Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows

When lampreys reached the upper Great Lakes the ------ fishery collapsed.

Lake Trout

------ is one of the three most represented phyla of invertebrates listed by FCREPA.


Coral reefs are formed by species in the phylum ------.


------ are cells that trap tiny food particles as water flows through the body wall of sponges.

Collar cells

CWD was first seen in captive deer in ------.


------ is one of the species that benefited most from gull culling at Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge.

Common Terns

the theory of acquired characteristcs was first advanced by


The USFWS used ------ to kill gulls in Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge.


------ is the non-governmental organization that pushed for and participated in the re-introduction of gray wolves to Idaho and Yellowstone National Park.

Defenders of Wildlife

The Dusky Seaside Sparrow that went extinct in Florida was a victim of ------.


Red Tides toxins are produced by ------.


------ is the non-governmental organization that claims increased numbers of snow geese are destroying arctic vegetation.

Ducks Unlimited

The fisher re-introductions were funded in part by ------.


The ------ Gull is a common scavenging species of the Gulf Coast of Florida.


------refers to the developmental change from juvenile to adult.


Re-introductions of Canada Lynx in Colorado all took place on ------ land.

National Forest

The "Give Swordfish a Break" campaign was run by Sea Web and ------

Natural Resources Defense Council.

the largest number of wild horses occurs in the state of


Sea urchins belong to the phylum ------.


Most of the kangaroo meat commercially harvested in Australia is exported to ------ countries.


Piping plovers in Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge were mostly preyed on by ------ gulls.

Great Black-backed

Icthyostega fossils are known from what is now ------.


BTO researchers found that the ------ had increased to higher numbers than ever reported throughout history.

Grey Heron

Phostoxin reacts with ------------------ in the atmosphere to become activated.


When the USFWS increased the bag limit on snow geese, the ------ sued them to stop the increase.


------: All lampreys are parasitic.


------: All ranchers in the US oppose wolf re-introductions.


------: In 1999, the USFWS ruled that there was sufficient evidence to warrant an emergency listing for the Black-tailed Prairie Dog.


------: Lampreys are chiefly catadromous.


------: Mountain Lions have never been know to kill humans.


------: Piping Plovers are restricted to the east coast of the United States.


------: Plants are not listed by CITES.


------: The Black-tailed Prairie dog is protected by state law in several states.


------: The Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow spends the winter in Cuba.


------: The Patagonian Toothfish is officially listed as endangered.


------: The Schaus Swallowtail Butterfly once occurred statewide in Florida.


------: The four chordate characteristics are all visible in the adults of all chordate species.


an agency under the department of interior


The ------ is the organization that has vehemently opposed Lynx re-introductions to Colorado.

Farm Bureau

------ use slime production as a defense mechanism.


------ is the phylum of marine, acorn worms.


The Schaus Swallowtail butterfly was nearly wiped out in 1992 because of ------.

Hurricane Andrew

Pacific Ocean tuna were considered "Dolphin Safe" after ------ criteria were established.


------ is the group that manages Atlantic Swordfish.


Most of the species listed by CITES are categorized in Appendix ------.


------: Black Skimmers benefited from gull control at Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge.


------: Red tides are not always characterized by a change in the water color.


Moulton was able to buy some dried seahorses at a market in ------.

Tarpon Springs

Today sponges are commercially harvested in Florida only out of ------.

Tarpon Springs

Fishers (Martes pennati) have recently been re-introduced to the state of ------.


------ species of kangaroo are only harvested on Flinders Island and Tasmania.


a ban on commercial netting of fish within 3 miles of the atlantic coast and... was the result of

a constitutional amendment

About 150 nutria were able to escape from "escape proof" cages in Louisiana in 1940 following ------.

a hurricane

The Ostracoderms may have used the bone in their skin for ------.

a mineral reservoir

in 1985-86 the division called animal damage control was transferred to the us department of


issues involving species of wildlife that have become pests are generally under the department of


the US forest service is an agency under the department of


the original biological survey was done under the department of


______ is a hallmark of propaganda

all of these

in practice, _____ may determine wildlife management practices

all of these

according to the pets in america project ______ of american households had at least one pet

an estimated 61%

The parasitic sea lamprey is characterized by having ------.

an oral disk

Fish that live in marine environments and ascend creeks and streams to breed are called ------.


the animal rights group that is leading the fight against using compound 1080

animal protection institute

according to moulton, the wildlife management view basically follows that of the

animal reformists

the waterfowl belong to the taxonomic order


the humane society for the US is


In deuterostomes the ------ froms from the blastopore.


habitat may be defined in terms of

any of these

Grass Carp were introduced to the US to control ------.

aquatic weeds

recently monocrotophos was implicated in the poisoning deaths of swainsons hawks in


in 1996, six CA condors were released in the state of


the state with the largest number of wild burros


in 1970, some boy scouts found 2 dozen dead ________ that were killed by exposure to thallium

bald and gold eagles

in order for the public to effectively restore wildlife issues they must first

be concerned about the law

_____was a popular english passtime that was outlawed in 1582

bear baiting

Sea horses commonly live over ------.

beds of sea grass

___ are just a state of mind


one proposed way to kill nonindigenous mute swans is to pour ___ on the eggs


under the reign of william the conqueror, the penalty for killing one of the king's deer was


an example of a SE US game bird that due to the effects of fire ants and habitat loss, is declining

bobwhite quail

Sea Horses are actually ------.

bony fish

A study of 24 species of ------ birds in Britain conducted by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) found that although many species were declining a few species were increasing.


dr julie savidge concluded that ____ was the cause of declines of forest bird populations in Guam

brown-tree snake predation

the original office of economic ornithology and mammalogy was later renamed the

bureau of biological survey

the usfws was formed by combining the bureau of biological study with the

bureau of fisheries

the whole motivation for protecting wild horses and burros when the state of _____ suggested that hunters should shoot horses and burros for sport


once the net ban was imposed in florida, lawton shiles threatened to enforce it by

calling out the national guard

Petitioners originally sought an "emergency" ------ categorization for the Black-tailed Prairie Dog in 1994.

candidate 2

Black-footed ferrets are vulnerable to ------ as well as sylvatic plague.

canine distemper

in 2002 both houses of the US congress had bills before them that would ban

canned hunts

The individuals used in re-introductions of the black-footed ferret came from ------.

captive breeding

when the use of greater sandhill cranes as surrogate mothers failed as a conservation method for whooping cranes, scientists turned to

captive breeding

Sharks are now commonly harvested for their ------, which is said to function as a cancer preventative.


Amphioxus is a typical member of the subphylum ------.


bear farms, where bears are kept for their bile, occur widely in


in the summer of 2002 there were several forest fires in ___, which could not have been the result of US forest service practices


presidnet ___ called for a ban on all recreational snowmobiling in all national parks


Cannonball jellyfish belong to the Phylum ------.


In the vertebrates the gills are internal and ------.

connected to the digestive tube

White line disease is found in certain ------ in Florida.


compound 1080 was a deadly poison used primarily for killing


in order to protect mule deer on kaibab plateau, 30 wolves and more than 700 mountain lions were killed and __________

deer hunting was banned

according to _____ the majority of people in the US favor the reintroduction of the grey wolf to yellowstone

defenders of wildlife

one native species that has been negatively impacted by wild burros is the

desert pigeon

The main problem caused by Nutria in Louisiana is that they ------.

destroy wetland and farmland vegetation

Most non-phylogenetic wildlife classification schemes are based on ------.

distribution and abundance

australians use the "Judas" technique to manage populations of


All chordates have ------.

dorsal hollow nerve cord

one reason that propaganda is so effective is that it is

easy to believe

In Louisiana, authorities recently hoped to persuade the public to ------.

eat nutria meat

The MFC left the recreational scallop season open for 2 months because of ------.

economic pressure

Some species of ------ are catadromous species.


Bleaching of coral reefs can be caused by ------.

environmental stress

when population sizes are not changing, they are at


the mute swam population in massachusetts is derived from individuals introduced from


as defined by moulton, wildlife management practices are always intentional (T/F


beliefs can be transformed into facts if enough people believe them (T/F)


in most issues the majority of people have strong opinions (T/F)


it is not really important who decides what is actually scientific and what is actually pseudoscientific (T/F)


pittman torbertson money is only used legally for game species (T/F)


public input is very important in LDCs (T/F)


wildlife issues or other env issues should be resolved based on public opinion (T/F)


Researches believe that the declines seen in British farmland birds are due to ------.

farming practices

the pro-boating group in florida is made-up exclusively of boat owners (T/F)


Typically, invertebrates use their gills for ------.


an animal shelter worker in michigan was fired for

feeding puppies to a snake

the Pittman-Robertson act levied a 10% tax on

firearms and ammunition

scientists are presently re-introducing whooping cranes to


When the US government closed more than 132,000 square miles to commercial swordfishing in the Atlantic, the sponsors of the 'Give Swordfish a Break' ------.

formally ended the campaign

In 1996, public outcry led to a ban on the harvest of ------ in Big Cypress National Preserve.


Varmint hunters shoot prairie dogs chiefly for ------.


beavers and muskrats are classified as


propaganda is used in order to

gain support from the masses

Embyonic genes switch on during the ------ phase of development.


when campaigning for a certain cause it is important to win whenever possible in order to

generate positive propaganda

Jaws evolved from the ------.

gill arches

______ was not one of the explanations advanced by jenkins to explain declines of guam's forest birds

global warming

The Schaus Swallowtail butterfly may avoid extinction in the wild because of a partnership between conservation scientists and a ------ association.


in south america swainsons hawks were killed after they ingested ____ poisoned by monocrotophos


____ were sea birds related to puffins

great auks

black skimmers are closely related to the

gulls and terns

Cannonball jellyfish are a good species for commercial harvest because they ------.

have high reproductive rates

Moulton believes that few invertebrate species are federally listed in Florida because invertebrates ------.

have not been studied extensively

The blastula is a ------.

hollow ball of cells

Voters in Oregon banned the hunting of mountain lions with ------.


CARA was passed by the _____ in the summer of 2001

house of representatives

the greek auk was a seabird that was exterminated in part by

human harvest of their eggs

historically wildlife managers have focused on making ___ happy


historically, most of the revenue generated for wildlife management has come from


When exposed to air, phostoxin reacts to form ------.

hydrogen phosphide

public land grazers in the western states are no longer as powerful as they once were, because of

increased public awareness

Only species in the class ------ can be exempt of provisions in the Endangered Species Act.


BLM is an angency under the US department of


issues involving rare and endangered species generally fall under the US department of


in order to nest successfully, kirthland's warblers require ______ trees with dense understory

jack pine

USFWS scientists wanted to kill certain gulls at the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge in Massachusetts because the gulls were ------.

killing federally listed Piping Plovers

the ____ act was the law that ultimately stopped the trade in wading bird feathers from fl by banning interstate commerce in wildlife products taken illegally


Scientists once thought (incorrectly) that Amphioxus was a larval ------ that underwent paedomorphosis.


Natives on the Yukon River harvest nemeryaq which are actually ------.


TFM is a chemical once used to control ------.


When the Welland canal was deepened ------ invaded Lake Erie.


some of the california condors released in the 1990s were later killed by

lead poisoning

when two sides differ greatly in how much power they have, issues are resolved with

little compromise

Swordfish are harvested commercially using ------.

long lines

The Patagonian Toothfish is harvested using ------.

long lines

Atlantic Swordfish feed chiefly on squid and ------ as adults.


____ was the first state to have paid game wardens


Canada Lynx feed principally on ------.

Snowshoe Hares

Once thought to be extinct, a population of Black-footed Ferrets was found in ------ in 1964.

South Dakota

The largest population of re-introduced black-footed ferrets (164 individuals) is in ------.

South Dakota

People in Kentucky developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease like symptoms after eating ------ brains.


Prairie dogs are especially vulnerable to ------.

Sylvatic Plague

------: At the 2002 CITES meeting, the US agreed with the motion to allow a one time sale of ivory stockpiled in five African nations.


------: Before 1996, frog gigging for consumption by a person's family was legal in Big Cypress National Preserve.


the 1994 FL DEP became concerned about the high number of deaths of


Modern hagfishes are found only in ------ environments.


the national audubon society of today is an offshoot of the

massachusetts audubon society

wildlife management practices that favor one species

may harm another

A true coelom is a secondary body cavity that is surrounded by ------.

mesoderm and mesoderm

the secretary of interior bruce babbitt told people in NM that _____ were "here to stay" even though someone had shot some of the introduced individuals

mexican wolves

kirtland's warbler currently nests almost exclusively in the state of


the state where a tax on soft drink cans was used to fund non-game wildlife research


The solid ball of cells formed through cleavage is called a ------.


A frog gig is basically a ------.

multi-pronged spear

The ------ is a once commercially important native North American furbearer that weighs about 2 lbs.


in the 1990s snow mobiling was banned by denali national park by the

national park service

in the early part of the 20th century, wildlifers released numerous nonindigenous species for hunting because

native game species were so reduced by market hunters

A pseudocoelom is characteristic of the ------.


"Egging", means the removal of eggs from snow goose nests will likely be ineffective in managing snow geese because ------.

nests are far from any people

following passage of the clean water act in the early 1970s, several species of water birds have returned to

new york harbor

the use of poisons for predator control was banned on all federal lands by president


Members of the Phylum Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) have ------ secondary body cavity.


in arguing issues, any statements that are made must be

none of these

The Schaus Swallowtail butterfly survived because a few individuals were ------.

none of these (not protected by the NPS, naturally large, or had mated with an introduced species)

the majority of vertebrate species in FL and CO are properly classified as ____ species


In August 2004, based on new information, the USFWS ruled that the Black-tailed Prairie Dog should ------.

not be listed

_____ is the first step in the scientific method


california condor reintroductions were carried out by a partnership between the USFWS and the

peregrine fund

All chordates have ------.

pharyngeal gill slits

Officials in Lubbock plan to use ------ to kill prairie dogs.


the net ban campaign relied heavily on the use of

photographs of dead wildlife

The frog most sought after in Big Cypress National Preserve was the ------ frog.


the so-called federal aid-in-wildlife restoration act of 1937 is also known as the

pittman-robertson act

The ------ were the first jawed vertebrates.


Priority numbers for listing species under the ESA are based on ------.

population size

A favorite food of fishers in some areas is ------.


of the following _____ is not considered a component of habitat according to the traditional wildlife definition of habitat

potential competitors

The range of Black-footed Ferret historically coincided more or less with the range of ------.

prairie dogs

in the late 19th century, the office of econ ornithology and mammalogy spent most of its effort on

predator control

The Ostracoderms may have used their bony skin for ------.


Red tides are caused by a species from the kingdom ------.


The blastopore becomes the mouth in the development of ------.


the wild free roaming horse and burro act was passed to protect horses and burros on

public rangelands

To protect Lake Michigan from possible invasion by Asian carp, fishery managers ------.

put up an electrical barrier

each year wild horses and burros are removed from the wild and

put up for adoption

which of the following would not be considered a wildlife management practice?


the most vigorous supporters of the net ban campaign in FL

recreational fisheries

the so-called ____ in Guither's vernacular support animal welfare


When ------ are low, some organisms that cause red tides revert to sexual reproduction.


In order for jaws to function properly an animal must be able to overcome ------, pitch, and yaw.


The fishing technique used to catch Patagonian Toothfish is said to have resulted in the deaths of numerous ------.

sea birds

The state of Louisiana constructed ------ plants to process nutria for human consumption.


recently the nps banned ___ in denali national park


Scallops began to disappear in the region of the Gulf of Mexico ------.

south of the Suwanee river

Agriculturalists in Britain blamed the declines in some species on predation by ------.

sparrow hawks

_____ is an example of a non-game wading bird

the green-backed heron

_____ is not a method used by states for funding non-game wildlife research and conservation

the penny a pound crop tax

in general, when it comes to resolving issues, ____ is the most powerful force in america

the public

management efforts on the kaibab plateau were aimed mostly at pleasing

the public

game species may become non-game species when

they become rare

hand puppets are used to feed baby whooping crane chicks so

they do not become imprinted on humans

In 1999 petitioners listed ------ threats to the Black-tailed Prairie Dog.


Any swordfish that are caught that are not large enough by established standards are ------.

thrown overboard

Nutria were originally introduced ------.

to establish a fur industry

according to professor moulton, humans can successfully manage wildlife (T/F)


bear baiting is still practiced in pakistan and india (T/F)


pittman-robertson money is never used legally for habitat management (T/F)


propaganda does not necessarily involve the use of lies (T/F)


sometime the absence of human intervention can be considered a wildlife management process (T/F)


the waterfowl management act passed in 1913 was later repealed (T/F)


the wisconsin department of natural resources wants to kill introduced mute swans as they are thought to threaten

trumpeter swans

In 1990, the US banned imports of ------ from Mexico because of dolphin mortality.


There are actually ------ species of Patagonian Toothfish.


the main problem with the various mechanisms for funding non game wildlife research that are in place today is that they are


The ------ are chordates that are sessile as adults and/but have a free-swimming larva.


The sea squirts belong to the subphylum ------.


the soviet geneticist who argues against the idea that wheat could be made cold tolerant simply by exposing randomly chosen plants to cold temps with no regard for natural cold tolerance


One problem with harvesting sharks commercially is that they are ------.


a western state in the lower 48 that has no wild horses


the passage of the clean water act in the early 1970s led to the return of the mummichog in ny harbor, which benefited certain

water birds

punt guns were commonly used for commercially harvesting


Fishers are members of the ------ family.


the _______, enacted in 1913, focused on migratory waterfowl management

weeks-mclean act

rhode island was the first state to close the hunting season on

white-tailed deer

the use of surrogate mothers was an unsuccessful management practice used in the recovery of the

whooping crane

CA was the first state to have a

wildlife commission

the FWC was originally formed by the

wildlife unification amendment

some citizens of the state of ___ sued to halt the season of mourning doves in 2001


which of the following groups has a name that is itself propaganda?

wise use

americans supported the reintroduction of ___ to yellowston


management practices that aided brown-headed cowbirds are associated with the decline of

wood thrush

in the early 1900s, many people in the US supported the extermination of wolves in_____ national park


the first national park in the US


burros were introduced to the US in the

17th century

Sponges once were, but no longer are, commercially harvested out of ------.

Key West

Many sea horses are harvested by fishers from ------.

the Philippines

In 1997, ------ decided to lift the ban on imports of Mexican tuna.

the US Senate

the kirtland's warblers winter in

the bahamas

a brood parasite that attacks the nests of kirtlands waiter

the brown-headed cowbird

in the late 1800s wading birds in FL were being killed for

the fashion industry

wild horses presently occur in ___ western states


science is presumably based on how much fact?


There are an estimated ------ feral cats in Australia.

12 million

Roughly ------ nations have signed the CITES agreement.


According to Sea Web as many as 1.1 million pounds of marlin were discarded by the swordfish industry between 1995-1996.


A total of ------ nutria was processed in 1996-1997 for human consumption in Louisiana.


Lobsters and shrimp are species in the phylum ------.


Nutria were introduced to the US from ------.


ring-necked pheasants were introduced to the US from


In the film The Perfect Storm, the crew was fishing for ------.

Atlantic Swordfish

wild horses and burros are managed by the


The ------ Prairie Dog inhabits the short grass prairie zone of the Great Planes.


------ are extremely dangerous species found in the region of tropical Australia.

Box Jellyfish

According to Viva!, ------ is the nation that imports the greatest amount of kangaroo meat.


in 2002, ____ reversed the decision to ban recreational snow mobiling in national parks


The Patagonian Toothfish is managed by a group of 24 nations that make up the ------.


------ is an example of a wildlife classification scheme based on an international agreement.


International trade in endangered species is monitored by ------.


According to MPM many wildlifers, if given a choice would study ------.


according to moulton, perhaps the best definition of a habitat was advanced by

Caughley and Sinclair

------ is a cellular structure that is typical only of species in the kingdom Fungi.

Cell wall of chitin

Although Japan supported the one time sale of ivory, the sale was opposed by ------.


Sea Horses are especially popular in markets in traditional medicine in ------.


CWD has been known to infect ------ as well as deer.


The common carp is native to ------.


------ species of kangaroo are harvested commercially on the mainland of Australia.


in 1994, the ___ imposed a moratorium on hunting black bears in fl


most of the so-called upland game birds belong to the order


The currently accepted theory among biologists on the evolution of the vertebrates is based on ------hyphothesis.


------ is the nation that joined Kenya and fought against permanently lifting the ban on ivory trade.


------ was the non-African nation that wanted the ivory trade to be reinstated.


Which of the following is the correct sequence in going from smaller groups to larger? ------.

Life > Domain > Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genus > Species

economically well developed nations are called


during the campaign for the net ban, the supporters of the ban accused the ___ of nonfeasance


the wildlife unification amendment merged the gfc with the


Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is similar to ------ seen in England.

Mad Cow Disease

The ------ act of 1972 was enacted to protect dolphins from mortality due to fishing.

Marine Mammal Protection

Management of snow geese legally falls under the ------ Act of 1918.

Migratory Bird Treaty

Cougars have recently been found in South Dakota and ------.


Scallops are members of the phylum ------.


In the 1970s Bighead and Silver Carp were introduced to the US to control ------.

Mollusks and algae

Species in the kingdom ------ are characterized by having prokaryotic cells.


The California Wildlife Protection Act (Proposition 117) banned hunting of ------.

Mountain Lions

the Predator Defense Institute attacked the ------ state wildlife agency over its methods for studying mountain lion population size.


The Placoderms are thought to have evolved from the ------.


the animal rights group that opposes any use of animals by humans


According to Swordfish USA about 2/3 of the swordfish consumed in the US comes from the ------ Ocean.


------ were an adaptation that enabled the jaws to work efficiently.

Paired fins

Flatworms belong to the phylum ------.


The invertebrate phylum ------ has no species listed by the FWC.


CWD is caused by ------.


Wisconsin deer may have been infected with CWD by eating ------.

Protein pellets

Creating stepping-stone habitat is a technique used by Dr. Tom Emmel to aid the ------.

Schaus Swallowtail Butterfly

Which of the following is the correct sequence in groing from larger groups to smaller? ------.

See below

the main product that forms from the bile of bears is


Wide scale poisioning of prairie dogs was undertaken between 1920 and 1970 by the agency now known as ------.

USDA Wildlife Services

in 1996 congress passed the NBS under the


The ------ Prairie Dog is listed as endangered.


------ Is the animal rights advocacy group that led the campaign to ban the sale of kangaroo meat in UK grocery stores.


In 1981, a population of Black-footed Ferrets was found near Meeteese in ------.


The ------ is an introduced species in North America that belongs to the phylum Mollusca.

Zebra Mussel

------ is one of the African nations that argued for lifting the ban on ivory trade.


______ in the pacific northwest is needed to protect populations of northern spotted owls

old growth forest

kirtlands warblers build there nests

on the ground

Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows typically nest in ------.

one meter tall saw grass

te first ring-necked pheasant introductions to the US were made to the state of


The ------ were the first vertebrates.


The _____ may have used the bone in their skin for a mineral reservoir.


Asian Carp may actually leap into boats because ------.

outboard motors frighten them

When re-introduced wolves kill livestock where they are re-introduced, the livestock owner is ------.

paid fair market value for the loss

market hunters once sold ______ for a dime a dozen in new york meat markets

passenger pigeons

species in the _____ group are not considered game birds


Intracellular digestion by amoebocytes is typical of ------.


The structurally simplest animals we discussed are the ------.


game species are those that are hunted for


the bison were saved by a coalition of nature lovers and

sport hunters

After the scallops declined, the state (through the MFC) banned commercial harvest of scallops ------.


the most widely used type of non-toxic shotgun shell shot according to the alaska department of fish and game


The US government recently closed more than 132,000 square miles of the Atlantic to commercial swordfishing because these areas are ------.

swordfish nursery areas

following the passage of the net ban amendment in FL, some commercial fishers tried to use ___ to catch fish


CARA has been advanced as a superior method for funding the intiative called

teaming with wildlife

the poison used in colorado to kill bears


boating rights advocates in fl claim that increased manatee deaths must mean

that there are plenty of manatees so it doesnt matter

___ formed as an offshoot of an anti-hunting group in england

the ALF

the NBS was renamed ____ in 1996

the BRD

The Schaus Swallowtail butterfly is found only in ------.

the Florida Keys

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