Wk 3 Ch 14

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Laverne joined Biz Mart's philanthropic branch of the company, which offers education and business training to low-income districts. As a ______ leader, Laverne started a new program of collecting gently worn men's and women's business attire to bring to the communities her company was serving.


What do leaders within an organization do to make it effective?

They motivate their employees to achieve organizational goals.

The early leadership research that focused on identifying the personal characteristics that differentiated effective leaders from ineffective leaders was the ______ model of leadership.


Which of the following type of leader is most likely to ask for employee and customer feedback to determine what is working and what is not within the organization?

A transformational leader Reason: Transactional leaders are not focused on feedback from customers and subordinates.

Which of the following are cultural factors that contribute to differences in leadership styles? (Choose all that apply.)

Collectivism/individualism Time horizon

What is it called when leaders' behaviors encourage and support their employees so that they are able to grow, develop, and excel on the job?

Development consideration

What is the process whereby employees at all levels are given decision-making authority in which they are responsible for their own outcomes, improving quality, and cutting costs?


A charismatic "larger-than-life" leader often takes a company down a slippery slope due to risky decisions.


Under relationship-oriented leadership, jobs rarely get done.

False Reason: While a major concern of relationship-oriented leaders is the quality of the relationships that they build with their employees, work does get done under their leadership.

Prominent contingency models of leadership include the: (Choose all that apply.)

Fiedler's contingency model. path-goal theory. leader substitutes model.

What happens when managers use intellectual stimulation to engage their employees?

It empowers their employees to take personal responsibility for helping to solve problems

Which of the following is most likely true of Fiedler's contingency model?

It explores how a manager's leadership style needs to be matched to that person's leadership situation for maximum effectiveness.

Winston wanted to assign projects to his staff in such a way as to encourage low performers to improve and progress. He told his workers that those who reached their current goals would then be assigned to work on the new, dynamic project; but those who didn't meet their goals would close out the year finishing up leftover, boring work. In which type of leadership was Winston engaging?


Legitimate, coercive, reward, expert, and referent are the five sources of managerial ______.


What is one of the five sources of managerial power?


Someone whose main purpose is to work for the benefit of others is a ______ leader.


Ileana, a manager in the IT department of a home security firm, would hold weekly meetings with her staff. She would start the meetings, "Come on guys. I want the good and the bad, or the bad and the good. We're in this together." In showing consideration, what qualities was Ileana showing her staff?

She was showing trust, respect, and that she cared about her staff.

Marie, the group leader, has a negative attitude. According to a study, which of the following will likely characterize the members of her group?

They are likely to have negative attitudes. They will exert more effort.

Research suggests that men and women in leadership positions in organizations tend to exhibit different leadership styles. Which of the following correctly characterize women's leadership styles?

Women do not engage in more consideration than men Women tend to be more participative, involving employees in decision making

As a transformational leader, Ann consistently supports and encourages her employees. When they are struggling with a particular skill set, she takes time and company resources to help them develop and grow. Ann is engaging in ______ consideration with her employees.


When leaders exhibit positive moods, group members ______.

experience positive moods

When leaders engage in ______ stimulation, they are helping make those they are leading to be aware of problems and view them in ways that are, consistent with the visions of their leaders.


Myriam is able to exert influence over her subordinates to help the group effectively achieve its goals. Myriam is a ______.


A manager's ______ power is based on where they are positioned in the organizational hierarchy.


Annabella is the manager of a greeting card store. By nature of her position, she has _____ power.


Research suggest that women who have leadership positions in organizations do not engage in ___ than men, and men who have leadership positions in organizations do not engage in ___ structure than women.

more consideration; more initiating

When a leadership substitute model is in place, this means that ______.

organizational members can perform at a high level without a manager leading them

According to House's ______ theory, leaders should (1) identify the outcomes that their subordinates desire, (2) reward subordinates for high performance and meeting objectives, and (3) clarify the paths that subordinates can take that lead to the attainment of work goals.


A contingency model in which leaders motivate subordinates by identifying their desired outcomes and rewarding them for high performance is ______.

path-goal theory

The specific ways in which a manager chooses to influence other people is referred to as ______.

personal leadership style

Managers' personal leadership styles shape how they influence their employees as well as how they approach ______.

planning and other principal tasks of managing

Janice's manager goes out of her way to develop a good relationship with the employees and is concerned with being liked by everyone on her staff. According to Fred E. Fiedler's theory, Janice's manager is ______.


When a situation or context acts in place of the influence of a leader and makes leadership unnecessary, this is referred to as a leadership ______.


Attitudes toward both ______ and ______ contribute to cross-cultural differences in leadership styles.

time horizon; collectivism/individualism

The trait of leadership focused on personal characteristics or ___ that cause effective leadership.


Daniella's preferred way of motivating her subordinates is to reward them for high performance while reprimanding them for poor performance. Daniella is a ______ leader, using a more task-oriented approach.


Simone works to make sure her employees understand how valuable their performance is to achieving the goals of the organization, and also that she is aware of their needs for personal growth, development, and accomplishment. Simone is exhibiting ______ leadership.


In the terms used by the Ohio State researchers, ______ behavior indicates that managers trust, respect, and care about their subordinates.


Fred Fiedler's model, Robert House's path-goal theory, and the leader substitutes model are all ______ models of leadership.


What is an example of management empowering their employees?

Turning decision-making responsibilities over to the managers' employees

Leaders who are enthusiastic, self-confident, and able to communicate their vision to subordinates are ______ leaders.


Fiedler's model explores how a manager's leadership style needs to fit the situation to increase effectiveness, while the path-goal theory focuses on how managers should motivate employees. The leadership substitutes model shows managers how they can free up time to focus on other things by promoting leadership substitutes. The three ______ models are complementary, as each adds a dimension to the theory versus contradicting it.

contingency Reason: No, behavioral management is part of the evolution of management theory. It is the study of how managers should personally behave to motivate employees and encourage them to perform at high levels and be committed to achieving organizational goals.

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