Women's Health - Chapter 3 - Prep U

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The nurse is caring for a female client who is a victim of intimate partner violence (IPV). The client has experienced traumatic injury to the clitoris. Which statement will the nurse include when providing discharge education to this client?

"Damage to your clitoris may lead to decreased stimulation in future sexual experiences."

The nurse is teaching an adolescent client about fertility and the various phases of the menstrual cycle. The client has a 28-day menstrual cycle. Which statement is a priority for the nurse to include in the teaching?

"Day 14 of your menstrual cycle is normally when you will ovulate."

A 12-year-old girl expresses concern to the nurse because she has not begun her period yet. The nurse notes that the girl has grown 6 in (15 cm) in the past year and a half and is beginning to develop breast buds. Which response by the nurse is appropriate?

"It is normal for females to begin menstruating between the ages of 12 and 15."

The nurse is caring for a couple trying to conceive. The nurse learns the male client relaxes in the couple's home hot tub daily for 30 to 60 minutes and the female client uses the hot tub once a week for 5 to 10 minutes. What information is best for the nurse to include when providing education to the couple at this time?

"Men desiring to conceive should limit their time in a hot tub."

A woman experiencing menopausal symptoms asks the nurse about herbal remedies for managing her symptoms. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate?

"Most of the information about herbal therapies is based on reports by those who have used them, not scientific studies."

The nurse is providing teaching to an adolescent girl on the function of the female reproductive system. Which statement by the client best reflects understanding of the material presented?

"My menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days each month but varies sometimes, which is normal."

The nurse educates a client who is confused about her ovarian cycle. Which client statement would best validate her understanding of the education?

"Two hormones control my ovulation, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)."

During a prenatal visit, a pregnant woman tells the nurse, "I have had to buy some new bras because my breasts are getting bigger. I know this is supposed to happen, but what is going on in my body?" Which response by the nurse would be appropriate?

"Your hormones are causing the glands in your breasts to grow."

A female client asks the nurse to explain the purpose of the ovaries besides making eggs for pregnancy. The nurse would explain to the client that the ovaries serve what other purpose(s)? Select all that apply.

-Ovaries help in the regulation of menstrual cycles through hormonal release.. -Ovaries produce estrogen, which helps in the development of secondary sexual characteristics. -Progesterone produced in the ovaries is necessary for implantation of the fertilized egg and maintenance of the pregnancy

What is the intended purpose of the alkaline environment of prostatic fluids found in ejaculation? Select all that apply.

-Protection of sperm -Nourishment of sperm

A nurse is teaching a group of young adults about the sexual cycle. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies the five phases as they occur. Place the phases below in the correct order from first to last. All options must be used.

-desire -excitement -plateau -orgasm -resolution

A mother comes to the clinic nurse concerned about whether her adolescent daughter is sexually active. She requests a physical examination of the daughter's hymen. Which statement by the nurse accurately addresses this issue?

A torn hymen can result from heavy exertion or the use of tampons and is not a reliable method of determining virginity.

The nurse is reviewing the structure and function of various organs in the female reproductive system. Which information should the nurse include about the ovum in the review with the client?

All the ova a female will ever have are present at birth.

A client asks the nurse about cervical mucus changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. Which statement should the nurse expect to include in the client's teaching plan?

As ovulation approaches, cervical mucus is abundant and stretchable.

A nurse is conducting an orientation at a health clinic for newly hired nurses comparing normal and abnormal findings from a female physical assessment. The nurse determines the session is successful when they correctly point out which structure's secretions assist with sexual intercourse?

Bartholin glands

In the resolution phase of sexual response, which response would be most commonly noted in the male?

Erection is lost

The nurse is teaching a group of women about the hormone that makes the ovum within the ovaries mature each month. Which hormone is responsible for stimulating the ovum?

Follicle-stimulating hormone

A young male asks the nurse at the clinic about what he can do to maintain his sperm production. The nurse would instruct him to take which action?

It is recommended that men wear boxer-style underwear.

The nurse is reviewing the functions of the ovaries, uterus, clitoris, and vagina with a group of nursing students. What would be the best response by a nursing student about the function of the uterus?

It receives the fertilized ovum and provides housing and nourishment for a fetus.

As part of caring for childbearing families, the nurse must be able to educate families regarding which topic?

Knowledge of reproductive anatomy and physiology

The vagina is at risk for infection because of its location and because it opens to the outside of the body. What is a protective mechanism of the vagina to keep it from becoming infected?

Normal vaginal pH is acidic (4 to 5), which protects from infection.

Which of a client's cells are most likely to reproduce by meiosis?


The nurse is educating a pregnant woman who is planning to breast feed her newborn about the events associated with it. Which hormone would the nurse explain as being responsible for the let-down reflex?


With sexual stimulation the penis becomes erect. What is the physiologic cause of an erection?

Penile sinuses fill up with blood.

A young mother is expressing frustration of not being able to breastfeed her infant. A potential cause could be the lack of the hormone:


The nurse is caring for a client experiencing perimenopausal symptoms. The client states intercourse has become painful. Which nursing action is appropriate?

Recommend the client use lubrication during intercourse.

A newly married female is talking to the nurse about her desire to get pregnant soon. Which suggestion would the nurse make to assist this client?

Sexual intercourse should occur between Day 13 and 15 of her menstrual cycle.

Hormonal regulation of reproductive functions in both the male and the female are complicated processes. In the male, where are the sex hormones produced?


A client is attempting to become pregnant and is using varied methods to identify ovulation. What assessment finding would most clearly suggest that the client is ovulating?

The client has clear, thin cervical mucus

Which statement best expresses the role of the corpus luteum?

The corpus luteum secretes progesterone to promote the preparation of the endometrium for implantation.

The nurse is caring for a couple trying to conceive their first child. The couple state they have been attempting to become pregnant for the past year. Which finding in the couple's history most concerns the nurse?

The female client has a history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

A client asks the nurse about how the testes function in reproduction. Which is the nurse's best reply?

The testes serve as the production center for sperm.

The nurse is reviewing the functions of the ovaries, uterus, clitoris, and vagina with a group of nursing students. What would be the correct response by a nursing student about the function of the ovaries?

They produce female gametes or ova and secrete female sex hormones.

The nurse is explaining about the function of the mons pubis to a client. Which explanation describes the function of the mons pubis?

To protect the pelvic bones during sexual intercourse

The nurse is explaining the phases of the uterine cycle to a client. What action during the proliferative phase of the uterine cycle should the nurse include in the teaching session with the client?

While the ovarian follicles are producing increased amounts of estrogen, the endometrium prepares for possible fertilization with pronounced growth.

The nurse at a health fair is teaching about the various changes of puberty. Which sequence of events will be best for the nurse to present when illustrating pubertal changes in females?

breast budding, appearance of pubic hair, menarche

A nurse is caring for an adolescent girl experiencing menstruation for the first time. What are the changes that occur in the body at this stage that the nurse should share with the adolescent girl?

breast development

A group of nursing students are comparing male and female reproductive organs. The instructor determines the class is successful when the students correctly deduce the male glans penis is complementary to which female structure?


It is important that a nurse recognizes there are cultural differences that will have an influence on the care of the client. Some cultures practice female circumcision, which involves the removal of the:


A nurse is conducting an in-service education program about the female reproductive cycle for a group of nurses working at a women's health clinic. When describing the phases of the endometrial cycle, the nurse would explain that the proliferative phase of the endometrial cycle corresponds to which phase in the ovarian cycle?


The mother of a 10-year-old female brings the girl to the clinic for a routine health visit. During the visit, the mother asks the nurse, "I'm wondering, can you tell me when my daughter might have her first period?" When responding to the mother, the nurse would integrate understanding of which factor as being most important in determining the age at which menstruation would occur?


An anatomy professor is teaching a class of pre-nursing students about the female reproductive system. One student asks, "Where is the opening to the vagina?" The best answer the professor can give is:

in what is called the vestibule, which is located between the labia minora.

A nurse caring for a 43-year-old client explains to the client that ovarian functions gradually decrease around this age. What is the implication of decreased ovarian function?

inability to become pregnant

The nurse is reviewing the role of the mammary glands in the reproductive process with a birth class. What should the nurse tell the class is the name of the ducts in the mammary glands that form a small reservoir for milk?


The school nurse is teaching a group of adolescent females about the menstrual cycle. The nurse determines the session is successful when the group correctly chooses which phase as part of the ovarian cycle?


A nurse is obtaining a health history from a female client who reports that she started menstruating at age 11 years. The nurse would document this as:

menarche, age 11.

A 47-year-old woman is being seen at the local clinic reporting irregular menstrual cycles. The nurse would explain to the client that the irregularity is most likely due to:


A client is trying to have a baby and wants to know the best time to have intercourse to increase the chances of pregnancy. Which time for intercourse is ideal to help her chances of conceiving?

one or two days before ovulation

After teaching a group of women about reproduction and the structures involved, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which female reproductive structure as comparable to the male testes?


The nurse is answering questions from a newborn's parents concerning a circumcision. Which structure will the nurse point out is removed during the procedure?


Which hormone is called the hormone of pregnancy because it reduces uterine contractions during pregnancy?


A nurse is teaching a sex education class and is discussing sexual response. She describes a 30-minute period during which external and internal genital organs return to an unaroused state. What is this phase of sexual response known as?


A woman has been assessing her basal body temperature for 4 months. Upon reviewing her temperature history log, the nurse notes no change in her daily temperatures. Which should the nurse expect the health care provider to prescribe first?

serum progesterone level

An adult client currently has low levels of estrogen and progesterone. At this point in the menstrual cycle, the client will likely:

shed her uterine lining.

The school nurse is teaching a health education class on the male reproductive system. The nurse determines the class is successful when the students correctly point out which structure produces sperm?


A nurse is conducting a health class for a group of adolescents about male and female reproduction. When describing the testes, the nurse would explain that these organs are important for manufacturing which hormone?


A school nurse is talking to an adolescent who asks about why she has monthly menstrual cycles. The best explanation that the nurse can offer regarding the menstrual phase is to tell her that:

the uterine lining is being shed due to lowering of hormone levels.

When reviewing normal menstruation with an early adolescent, the nurse would teach that during the second half of a typical menstrual cycle, the endometrium of the uterus becomes:

thick and purple-hued, due to progesterone stimulation.

A nurse is teaching a group of women at the local health clinic about reproduction. After describing the various internal structures involved, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which structure as connecting the external structures with the cervix?


A group of student nurses are comparing the various events which take place during the sexual arousal of both males and females. The students are able to correctly point out which event is one of the underlying physiologic responses after the session?


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